A Home for the White Bunny 🐰
In a quiet corner, soft and bright, 🤩
Lives a little bunny, pure as light. ⭐
With fur like snow and eyes so blue, ❄️
He dreams of a family, loving and true. 🏠
He hops in his cage, with a hopeful heart, 💕
Wishing for a place where love can start. 🤞
With twitching nose and gentle sighs, ✨
He longs for a friend, beneath the skies. ☁️
Oh, little bunny, so sweet and small, 🍬
You deserve a home, a warm place to sprawl. 🏠
With cuddles and carrots, and soft, cozy beds, 🥕
A life full of joy, where love never ends. 💚
So if you’re out there, with room to spare, ⁉️
Consider this bunny with love to share. 🐇
For in his soft heart, there’s a world to explore, 🌎
A loyal companion, forever to adore. 💖
Poem by Kim, AARCS foster parent, in support of Benny the adoptable bunny. 🫶