An update from Cariboo Bengals ! I have had several messages this past month for information on litters or available kittens.
I had plans last fall to show Odessa which fell through due to work and home commitments.
My aim in breeding cats was to breed to Bengal Standards and enter a few shows for a few years showing kittens I raised, should litters produce show quality kittens. Not all kittens are show quality and are still beautiful pets.
With a population increase in the Cariboo, it leaves us with longer than normal wait times for vet appointments and that can cause delays in re homing kittens at the best ages .
Litters are a lot of work and time involved, also cost involved in feeding , supplies, vet appointments for adults and kittens . I really enjoyed the kittens and the time I spent with them and the new people I met and who now own my kittens.
Taking all this into consideration I have decided to not breed again.
I would still love to have updates on any kittens I raised here, and can be reached through Gillian Gypsy on facebook.