A video of 21 year old Dusty
Maggie in her new back yard
Dusty is doing great since he was adopted last December. He likes to sleep by the front door on a bedspread with a blanket over him. He barks at the cats but they ignore him and he likes looking out the window and barking at the squirrels. Kate and John love having him as part of their family. He’s quite active and he walks pretty good for a 20-year old!
Buddy arriving in New Brunswick. It was FREEZING!!!
It’s been six months since Freddie came to ElderDog. During that time, he’s made great progress. He allows us to put his braces on without crying in the hopes someone would stop us from torturing him. He’s walking for longer periods of time outside and he still gets excited when he sees a squirrel or a cat. We finally found a diet that works for him. He has even decided taking the pills is not all that bad so long as the treat goes along with it. Every night, he’ll lie on his therapy pad. The laser treatments must be very soothing because he falls asleep and snores!
Winter is a bit of a challenge for him. He can’t wear his braces outside which means he can’t walk too far. Plastic bags and baby socks protect his paws from the salt and cold. He loves to bury his face in the snow and he trips over the smallest pile. His stroller (also known as Freddie’s Chariot) has been replaced with a sled and he gladly lets us pull him around with his tail dragging in the snow. The neighbours get a kick out of it watching this little guy ride around looking like he owns the world. He certainly owns our hearts.
Chito is 16 years old today. Even though he’s mostly blind and deaf and a bit stiff, he still enjoys life. Ryan makes sure he has lots of toys to play with but his favourite is his blue dinosaur. Happy Birthday Chito!
It's been a year this month since Chito travelled from Fredericton, NB to London, ON. Ryan, his companion, says:
"First I want to thank ElderDog for introducing me to this little man. Chito has been a bright light at the end of a dark tunnel for me he has brought so much love and joy into my life. He and so many other senior dogs are worth all the love and happiness in the world. As for Chito, when I first got him he was 15 going on 16 this year he will be 17. He loves to sleep his days away for the most part but also enjoys the comfort of just falling asleep in my lap. His soft squeaky toys are his favorite he gets so worked up over them, he still does like walks but has slowed down on how far he is willing to walk (which is understandable with his age). He loves other dogs a lot. He is on a raw food diet now where he has put on some more weight and is doing fantastic on it (he always knows when it's food time), Overall he's doing extremely well.
Alfie vs. the salami sandwich
Someone *really* wants a sandwich.
Wonderful news: Misty, the 14 year old Cairn Terrier, has found her forever home. She is deaf and blind in one eye (with not-so-good vision in the other), but look at this little girl go!! (A million thanks to her new family, and especially new doggie brother Duncan for finding room in his heart for a sister)