Keystone Dog Training

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Keystone Dog Training Our clients learn what motives their dogs, how to listen and be heard by their dogs, and how to teac Train a dog you can trust, and who can trust you.

Our programs focus on allowing you to enjoy time with your dog. Whether chilling at home, visiting friends and family, or sharing adventures together.



There are many reasons why dogs don’t come back when you want them to. A dog’s genetics play a big role in this when an environment is far more stimulating and exciting and listening and coming back to you disappear into the background as genetic instinct takes over.

An exciting scent or seeing something to chase can all override a response to you.

Genetics aside, a common reason why dogs don’t come back when called is because it’s not a positive experience for them.

I often cringe when I watch owners trying to get their dogs to come to them when they call.
They call and call and get increasingly angry and frustrated as their dog keeps ignoring them.

When their dog eventually does come back, or has been chased and "captured” by their owner, they get screamed at, yanked about, smacked or punished in some way for taking so long and not listening. Why would a dog want to return to someone who does this to them!

Make coming back to you worth it by always making it a rewarding experience.

Have a little patience if it takes longer than you would like, let your dog finish what they’re doing before calling them, practice in different locations and environments and never reprimand or punish them for coming back.

There is never a guarantee of a perfect recall each and every time, but making it rewarding will greatly improve the rate of success.

Our new website is up. Check it out‼️

Our new website is up.
Check it out‼️

At Keystone Training we coach dog owners one-on-one and provide a customized training plan to suit you and your dogs needs.

Fireworks are Saturday night in Vermilion.

Fireworks are Saturday night in Vermilion.

A reminder to make sure pets are secure during the fireworks on Saturday night. It saddens us when we see posts of lost pets that ran away due to the loud noises.


I get this question all the time from parents:

"My dog growls at my kids. How do I stop this?"

Instead of asking how to stop the growl, ask how to STOP THE REASON the dog is growling in the first place.

For example, If your kids are too close, ask them to back up and invite the dog to them instead.

Parenting kids and dogs at the same time is hard.

Reach out if you are overwhelmed as a parent or as a dog pro without lots of kid experience. You are not alone - I can help.


Treats don't need to be expensive or unhealthy. One batch of Tuna Fudge (1 can tuna, 2 eggs, 1.5-2 cups flour, bake at 375f for 15-20 minutes) got me 235 treats. That's 235 opportunities to reward behaviours I want to see more of.
Refrigerate or freeze.




Bottom line: Try to notice the whispers, so your dog doesn’t have to shout!


There we said it…

A “friendly” dog respects the space of others, listens to corrections or avoidance behaviors from other dogs, plays equally, and doesn’t jump up on dogs or humans to say hello.

If your dog rushes other dogs and people, doesn’t listen when they’re asked to go away, pursues a dog when they retreat, jumps on, mounts, or herds others…

They are being rude. Leash them.


A crazy, foreign concept 🤯

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Service dogs.
Probably one of the most unpopular topics for any pet dog trainer.
I cannot begin to count the amount of service dog training requests I receive.
“Can your online courses train my dog to be a service dog?”
“I need to make my dog a service dog so he can ride on the bus with me” (Yes, someone seriously asked me this)
“Do you certify service dogs?”
No - no - no - and more no.
Service dog training is completely different from pet dog training.
If your dog is trained to walk nicely on a leash and sit and stay, they are a pet dog.
If your dog comes up to you and nuzzles you when you are sad - they are still a pet dog.
If you want your dog to accompany you into stores or fly in-cabin on planes … they’re still only a pet dog and these privileges are not for them.
Service dogs are task-trained.
They are specifically taught to work for people with disabilities.
A dog that solely provides comfort is not a service dog.
I see a lot of people acquiring dogs, labeling them as “my service dog” and *then* going about training them.
This is not how that works.
You cannot just select a dog, put a service dog harness on them and figure the rest out as you go.
We regularly receive requests from dog owners who tell us that their “service dog” pulled them over on leash or nips at visitors.
That their service dog relentlessly chases wildlife on walks or has intense anxiety in social settings.
One time I got a request from a lady who told me that she got a dog from the shelter to be her son’s service dog, but that “service dog” was now biting the son and could I please fix it.
I’m sorry - none of those dogs are not service dogs then. And they likely won’t be service dogs in the future either.
Please be honest about the dog you own.
Unless you worked diligently to train them as a service animal with specific tasks, they are a pet.
A beloved, (hopefully) well-behaved, wonderful pet.
But not a working dog, and you should not demand the privileges that are reserved for true service dogs and their disabled handlers.
Staying clear with this distinction protects the actual service dogs and their owners 🙂

Website is currently under construction.

Website is currently under construction.


🌟Trainer Tip Tuesday!
Dogs don't need to be friendly with other dogs to be able to live comfortably. They just need to be able to be calm around them on walks, etc.🐕‍🦺

If you want your dog to get along with other dogs, the best way to teach and maintain that is to have play dates with other friendly, appropriate dogs. Start when your dog is young and maintain a few close friends.

Just like we aren't friends with every person, your dog doesn't need to be friends with every dog.☺️

The best way for the average dog to be comfortable around people, is to have anyone who wants to pet your dog call your dog to them. If your dog goes, they can say hi. If your dog chooses not to, that's okay too.

There's a lot to say on this topic. I just want to get pet parents thinking about expectations surrounding how "friendly" our dogs need to be. Expecting them to greet every person and every dog can cause poor leash manners and even reactivity.


Great graphic and even better advice.



Prong collars are not ethical, kind or nice to put on dogs. There is absolutely nothing that can be taught using a prong collar that can't be taught using ethical dog training. Don't let anyone ever convince you that any dog ever needs a prong collar on. Dogs deserve our kindness and understanding, not people who want to stick metal spikes on their beautiful tender necks and throats.


No one would look at this picture and think it was cute. No one would look at this picture and say “omg look how much the baby loves the stove! Look how good the stove is being to the baby! Get a picture!!” And if the baby got burned by the stove, no one would blame the stove. It was, after all, just being a stove.

Yet, this is what I see when I see pictures of babies or children crawling on or towards dogs, leaning on them, grabbing them, and invading their space. I don’t find it cute or charming, I find it dangerous. No matter how tolerant a dog appears to be, sometimes that tolerance runs out, or the child tries to do the same thing to another dog with less tolerance and the worst happens. I’m often on the receiving end of the panicked, distressed and terrified phone calls after these events, and it’s heartbreaking to say the least.

As soon as babies start to get mobile we start talking to them about safety with things like hot stoves, outlets, busy roads, fireplaces. We use safety measures like gates or covers and always supervise. We need to be doing the exact same thing with our dogs.

Dogs only have their body language to tell us they are uncomfortable, and often times the beginning signs are incredibly subtle. Ignoring these, or worse punishing them, can lead to a dog feeling they have no other option than to bite or snap. Even worse, when we don’t teach our children respect and boundaries around dogs, we set them up to potentially get hurt. And when that happens, it’s not because of bad parenting, it’s truly because of a lack of education and understanding.

The other thing I hear often is “well if he didn’t like it he would move” and that’s not always true. Dogs sometimes don’t know they can or should move. We need to teach them that coping skill and reward and respect them for that choice.

Dogs and children living happily together is possible. Bonds can still be formed even if there are boundaries and your child can have an amazing relationship with your dog even without kissing them or hugging them. Management, active supervision and structure are all keys so success to everyone can live under the same roof happily, and more importantly, safely.

- Helen St. Pierre, No Monkey Business Dog Training


Dog trainers that use aversive training methods, including Augusto DeOliveira, also known as "The Dog Daddy," have caught the attention of concerned animal welfare groups, trainers, veterinary behaviorists, and pet owners. The American College of Veterinary Behaviorists (ACVB) recently issued a stat...


You may have seen this "belly wrap" strategy as a "hack" to stop pulling. However, I don't recommend this method, especially as a training technique.
This wrap relies on discomfort/pain of the leash, squeezing the soft, unprotected area of your dog's belly to slow them down. It doesn't do anything to enhance your training relationship or connection on leash walks (some dogs may even react with aggression at the sensation).
If you're struggling with leash pulling and need some relief, I can help! There are many ways to make walking and exercising your dog more pleasant that rely on creating good associations instead of icky ones.


Heads up pet pals!
Sharing from a Vet. Not sure where they found the info or if orally invested is the issue vs. eye drops.


A microchip is only as good as the information in the MICROCHIP COMPANY'S database! Please call the company now to ensur...

A microchip is only as good as the information in the MICROCHIP COMPANY'S database!

Please call the company now to ensure that they have up to date information so that in an emergency, they can get you reunited. It is always a good idea to call the vet and ensure your info is up to date there too!


The microchip is also proof of ownership so please ensure that any change of status such as rehoming, divorce, etc gets updated.

Check the Chip Day is celebrated annually on August 15. It's that time of the year when awareness is raised regarding the importance of microchipping, which greatly helps in reuniting missing pets with their owners.


Dogs don’t bite if a growl will suffice

Not all growling is a sign that a dog’s unhappy. Some growls may be part of a particular play style, seeking attention, from frustration or other reasons.

They may all sound a little different and may be unique to that particular dog.

This post is not about different types of growls, but about reactive, aggressive or early warning growls.

When a dog growls, especially when it’s directed at us, our natural human response is to feel offended and maybe even angry.

Surely dogs need to learn not to growl, growling is bad, it’s not acceptable, a problem that needs to be stopped or punished so a dog learns that it’s wrong, disrespectful and unacceptable, right?

This couldn’t be further from the truth! A dog that growls has just provided us with very valuable information. In their way, they have just told us how they feel without resorting to a bite.

Dogs use growling in an attempt to avoid having to resort to biting, not to initiate it. They could just as easily not have even bothered to growl and gone straight to a bite.

A dog that growls is trying to communicate how they feel. Ignoring or punishing it only suppresses this communication. Punishment increases the level of a dog's discomfort and creates more stress.

A dog that bites without the warning of a growl is a far more serious problem than a dog that growls but doesn’t bite.

Look for any other early warning signals that may precede a growl. Learn to recognise body language. Take note of what makes your dog feel uncomfortable and create distance or give them space.

Be grateful for the gift of a growl – the growl is an early warning signal that we need to respect, understand & acknowledge.



Today I'm going to talk about what a lot of my clients wish they knew before they burned through money and multiple trainers trying to fix aggression between dogs in their home.

Red flags when hiring a trainer for intrahousehold dog aggression:

-You are being asked to physically correct or reprimand your dog.
-You are being told to use a choke, prong, or e-collar.
-They promise you they can fix this in ______ weeks, guaranteed.
-Your trainer frames this as something that can be solved simply with more obedience.
-Your dog is guarding resources and you're told to hand feed your dog, place your hand in their bowl while they're eating, take their bowl while they're eating, reach for and take their items just to show him that you can etc.
-You’re told your dog is being dominant and needs a firmer hand or leadership.
- The plan for your dogs does not have a management plan to help you live safely with them while you work.
- You are told to let the dogs work it out.
-You are told to do things to place your dogs in a pecking order type pack structure.
- Your trainer is known for basic-advanced obedience training and not behavior work.

Now, you don't have to work with me (though I'd love to have you!). But you do need to run from those red flags, and FAST. Before they take your money and leave you with a problem that's worse than where you started. Want to learn about the way your case actually needs to be handled? Schedule a free assessment and find out how I can help. I might not be your first trainer for this issue, but I'm confident I can be your last.

ID: Text on the image reads, "Red Flags when you're hiring a training to solve aggression between your dogs." The image shows two dogs facing each other with teeth bared and mouths open. The Wise Mind Canine Logo is on the image.


Early detection of problem behaviours enables owners to seek proper advice. Working on behaviour problems in the beginning stages helps increase the chances of success. Owners can learn to better manage their dogs behaviour while strengthening their bond with their pet through positive training.


The BIG problem with teaching a puppy or dog "paw" or "shake".

Teaching your dog to put it's paw on you may to seems like fun, it seems like it is one of the first things people teach dogs or puppies. However it can become a major issue in many ways.

🐾 You are teaching your puppy or dog put their paws on you for either food rewards or praise. Your dog may use their paws on you in other ways, expecting the same, when in fact your dog is pawing for attention.

, 🐾 Your puppy (especially when learning new skills) will often and CONTINUALLY offer or ADD in paw, as it is the first thing many
learn . Much of the training after is now muddled and unclear as
PAW has been so imbedded and is a favourite "trick". Stopping this
offering of PAW before every other "command" or "cue" can be

🐾 People use their hands to show affection, so it is easy to
interpret a dog using their paws as cute and affectionate. But it is not. Dogs that continually paw are often demanding attention, and often receive a negative way. This creates confusion. Dogs do not use their paws for affection.

There is nothing wrong with teaching PAW or SHAKE, but it can be problematic when it is either the first thing they learn, or have it asked from them over and over again. Perhaps wait until your puppy or dog has a good fundamental skill set so there is no confusion.

Pawing for attention and using paws on people can be difficult to stop for some dogs. Children especially can be hurt by paws.

Save the "Paw" for a little later, it will make training a LOT easier.


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 20:00
Thursday 10:00 - 20:00
Friday 10:00 - 20:00
Saturday 10:00 - 20:00




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Our Story

Serving Vermilion, Lloydminster, Wainwright, Vegreville, and surrounding areas. Private sessions are customized and done in the privacy of your own home. All training is done using positive reinforcement methods that are force-free and scientifically based. Basic Obedience Teaching and strengthening commands such as sit, down, stay, etc. Loose leash walking. Manners and Behavior Teaching your dog to be calm inside your home and in public Fear and Aggression