I found a cat wheel on Temu for cheap! I wanted to see if the cats would use it before one day investing in a really good one….well Kiki LOVES it! She might end up breaking this one lol
Amanda here is your Rebel. I can’t tag you!!
I highly recommend these raised pet beds from Amazon! The puppies love it, it withstands a whole litter, it’s washable and they come in different sizes.
This is the small. And I also have the medium for my 14 year old Pei who is 55lbs
The puppies toys and collars came in today and I think they are loving them!
Puppies first day outside
The babies got to go outside today! They were loving exploring and bugging their momma 😂
3 weeks old
They are moving now! This week it’s time to change their whelping pen to start potty training
The kittens are 3 weeks old today. We still have one available from this litter
The puppies eyes are starting to open today, and they are starting to get up on their feet and move more. 2 weeks old! Let the chaos begin!!
Today was Loop day. The piglets even came out to try out some bananas and cantaloupe
The kittens eyes opened this weekend and they are starting to move around and play more 🥰
Kiri and her piglets! Born June 22nd…11 of them in total!