A day in the city for us small town folk!
We let our dogs jump on us, in fact we encourage and love it, I let Sunny bite my feet, I let her bark at the scary kid, I let her be a dog who does dog things. She doesn't have to have rules or 'be a good dog'. She can just be who she is and we will grow together.
She can pull on the leash, she sleeps in bed with us, she can eat first, she can make mistakes, she can be safe with me, she can trust me, she can feel my presence: a mindful regard admiring who she is, not who I think she should be.
I feel patient, calm, grounded, connected and safe with her. That's a relationship. Not do as I say and we will get along great.
Please, let dogs be dogs!
First month with new puppy and what I'm focusing on.
When I was asked if I wanted to put her with the sheep, I was like, "in the pen, with the sheep, like loose with the sheep"?? I had no idea she would do this. Was an incredible moment to see genetics take over. No human interference, all her, all her ancestry. Go Sunny!
A little bit about our first 24 hours with a new puppy.
Hunting is natural for dogs but wouldn't be nice if we had control of the chase? And, if we can do that through force free methods by playing games?!
Come for a walk with us. It's an early morning and we've just started our walk. The bunnies and birds are just waking up and Phyllis is showing us her rock star level of voluntary check ins. Her brain is wired to bounce back to me and she's even getting through the bunny 'gauntlet' a brush full of bunnies!!!
Side note: isn't the relationship between Phyllis and Myrtle interesting??! Do you notice they are completely independent of what the other is doing?
#gamesbaseddogtraining #predationsubstitutetraining
Play the Sit game!
Back to basics. If sit isn't much joy for your dog. Try The Sit game. Make it fun, a choice, and release frequently.
* dog has choice to play - no calling to, pressure.
* short and successful. Even basic stuff should be rewarding.
* vary rewards. Hopping into a hunt for the treat can increase the fun.
* luring into sit ensures legs are tucked under avoiding a 'sloppy sit'.
Go for connection over perfection. Dog training should be fun and a positive shared experience.
This is relationship. A fantastic demo by Su and Tofu, who are growing skills in Disengagement and giving into leash pressure.
So many dogs are micromanaged. Sure, Su would like Tofu to be paying attention to her. But, Tofu is at a rock concert full of distractions with dogs running and people hooting and hollering. She is distracted, but actually needs a moment to take in the situation without being forced out of it.
It isn't because she's stubborn. She's taking in the information, which is causing different emotions. Those emotions change her brain chemistry. There's a lot going on we aren't aware of.
That leash isn't for controlling it is for connecting.
When Tofu does engage with Su, she's welcomed to the party with praise and fun. In this way, Tofu's experiencing distractions in her environment can be none of her business.
Brilliant work. Su has put in the time. Her mechanics are perfect. The foot placed behind her, her hand palm up, and as soon as Tofu turns Su is ready and moves. So proud of these two!!
#saltspringislanddogs #dogtrainingsaltspring #kindredcanine