Freedom Dog Training & Behaviour

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  • Freedom Dog Training & Behaviour

Freedom Dog Training & Behaviour Freedom Dog offers dog training and behaviour consulting in the Edmonton area, including Spruce Grove, Parkland County, St Albert, Sturgeon County.

Freedom Dog has the experience and knowledge to help you with any dog related challenge you are facing. Consultations are designed to help you understand what your dog is trying to communicate, give them new skills to request what they need and you the knowledge to teach them. Day training options use our experience and network to help grow your dogs confidence and social skills in an organic way.

Our promise: All coaching will prioritize your dog’s emotional and physical welfare over training/obedience.

Big shout out to  and Elliot for being a helper today! His handsome mug deserves a spot on the timeline for being the be...

Big shout out to and Elliot for being a helper today! His handsome mug deserves a spot on the timeline for being the bestest boy.

FreedomDog FAQ.Are there fees to reschedule a session?No.  Actually, I encourage rescheduling if you need.  Some days wo...

FreedomDog FAQ.

Are there fees to reschedule a session?


Actually, I encourage rescheduling if you need. Some days won't be your best, the weather may be awful, your dog could be not feeling great. All valid reasons to postpone a session!

I want you to get the most out of your time with me, behaviour help is an investment and I don't want to waste anyone's time if that day isn't ideal.

I also sometimes have to cancel last minute because of health, road conditions, or my helper dogs input. I always give priority to reschedule my own cancelled sessions as early as possible at the clients convenience.

FreedomDog FAQ!"Do you have a fulltime job, or what do you do other than dog training?"Nothing, dog behaviour is my full...

FreedomDog FAQ!

"Do you have a fulltime job, or what do you do other than dog training?"

Nothing, dog behaviour is my full time job.

Dog has been my main gig since around 2015/16 after learning and working part time for a few years before that. I started FreedomDog in 2018 and transitioned to soley working under my own business in 2019.

I think sometimes people assume dog training is always a side hustle, passion job, hobby situation. For me, this is my full time career and profession.

(Throwback photo for attention, MadMax a cute minpin.)

I had such a rough day at work today. /sarcasmA ProActive session with a baby Doberman puppy who is the sweetest, adores...

I had such a rough day at work today. /sarcasm

A ProActive session with a baby Doberman puppy who is the sweetest, adores his family kiddos and is doing so good 🥰

Please send me all the baby puppies !!!!!

He fell asleep in my lap half way through our session and it was perfect.

* one day I know we will have another rescue Dobe, not yet. But it was so tempting to adopt one of these little angels.

I have been missing my old man a lot lately so I love when Facebook shares our memories. Especially today when I am thin...

I have been missing my old man a lot lately so I love when Facebook shares our memories. Especially today when I am thinking of and sending all my love to a friend who is saying goodbye to their heart dog.
This was 10 years ago when we bought him a giant Sectional so he always had space to stretch out beside us. He made so many changes on our lives - changed the car I drove, what I ate, where we lived, my career.. he made Ryan and I better humans.
We are so lucky to share our lives with such magical creatures as dogs, never take that for granted.
Over 5 years without him but he is still part of our lives in so many ways. The most stoic being I have ever known. Miss you buddy. 🧡

"No reputable dog trainer would recommend dog parks." A statement I saw in a dog group. Let's talk about it.Dog parks co...

"No reputable dog trainer would recommend dog parks." A statement I saw in a dog group. Let's talk about it.

Dog parks come with risks, absolutely. But as with everything in life it is important to look at the risk/reward for each specific person and dog.

1. This is an abelist statement. Some guardians are not able to walk, run, hike to meet their dogs exercise requirements. Offleash exercise allows a dog more freedom of movement and activity that is more accessible. (Not everyone can afford to go to private parks, or can drive to access them.)
2. Some dogs' social skills are well developed and they can navigate the rude adolescent dogs, puppies or selective dogs they come across. Jord and Kitsune were dog park regulars for years.
3. It can be a wonderful social opportunity for dogs who thrive with conspecifics and guardians who do not have dogs in their circle of family and friends.

There are definitely dogs who should NOT be at public offleash parks ALOT of them. That doesn't mean we should rule them out completely. And as a reputable dog professional I do sometimes recommend them for certain dogs, I will also help analyze and improve a dogs skills so they may be a candidate. This will fluctuate through out their lives.

If you are curious if your dog should be at dog parks or you want to learn more about interpreting the behaviour you see while there I am happy to help - book a consult and we can figure out what is best specifically for you and your dog.

Desmond was a tad more comfortable than I predicted 😆I love being one of the first calls a client makes when they add a ...

Desmond was a tad more comfortable than I predicted 😆

I love being one of the first calls a client makes when they add a new doggo to the family. Desmond was adopted as a nervous boy so booked a ProActive package to help make sure he gets off to the best start with his new family. picked a superstar family for this boy and he may be boarding with us soon (his older sister is Bijou a current boarding client!).

In 2016/2017 I did study in preparation to write an examination to become certified as a dog behaviour consultant but th...

In 2016/2017 I did study in preparation to write an examination to become certified as a dog behaviour consultant but then I was just too busy doing the consulting to ever follow through. This December on a whim and with some encouragement I decided to FINALLY dedicate the time and now I am northern Alberta's second CDBC (Certified Dog Behaviour Consultant)!

I do want to thank my refrences - you need endorsements from a veterinarian, peer and client who are familiar with you work and I had the best options to choose from. I am so thankful for all the connections I have made over the years.

There are a few organisation's that offer a certification in my field but I chose the IAABC because of the level of professionalism I have seen from other certificants. Also the application process seemed the most challenging and the exam the most thorough.

The exam consists of a large short/long answer section to test knowledge, several scenarios to measure consulting and assesment skills and three case studies to match specific prompts of behaviour challenges to confirm a well rounded case history.

Consulting on behaviour is not dog training, dog trainer has never really been an accurate label for me. It is a part of consulting and a skill that I use but working with behaviour cases involves so much more than just training or modifying behaviour and I am happy to finally have a certification for what I actually do.

I truly love my job and am excited to continue helping dogs with their guardians. Thank you for all of you support and for treating your dogs with understanding and kindness.

Just a happy face of a happy dog for those that may need a smile.

Just a happy face of a happy dog for those that may need a smile.

I am often entirely over whelmed by what it must be like as a dog guardian navigating hiring any dog professional. The i...

I am often entirely over whelmed by what it must be like as a dog guardian navigating hiring any dog professional. The industries are completely unregulated, the information available is contradictory and the costs can be astronomical despite a varied education and experience. Why, WHY, on top of that do you have to worry about folks using labels to mislead you or misrepresent themselves?

I respect professional boundaries in regards to my clients choices and other trainers styles, this isn't a post to debate the best approach. It is about how you as a dog guardian have an extra layer to sift through when hiring a professional and I want to give some extra info to support you.

Just because you align with a certain style of training, seeing those words on a webpage does not mean that professional aligns with you. It is important to ask specific questions. Unfortunately.

Welfare based. Anyone using this word should align with the Five Freedoms, but I have seen it used by trainers who use deprivation of food, activity and rest.

Positive Reinforcement. Specifically the word positive is on every webpage since it became popularized terminology for training that focuses on using reinforcement, motivation with food or toys. BUT it is used as a descriptor by many trainers who refuse to use food in training, demand obedience and only reinforce with praise.

Balanced training often gets thrown around as a "We use all forms of learning" but often in a pre interview or package they actually require the use of a electronic collar for their clients. That is compulsion based training.

And now I am seeing force free used so freely as a descriptor for anyone who does not use shock or prong collars. When the way I use force free and many of my clients expectations are something much different.

The good news is it means guardians are shifting the market of what they want, the bad news is buzzwords are used for marketing. Some of these professionals may even be in the process of learning or changing how they train themselves but...

I want you all to be aware that a LABEL is not enough information.

Fireworks may be prohibited here in the Edmonton area this New Years with the dry weather. But there will still be someo...

Fireworks may be prohibited here in the Edmonton area this New Years with the dry weather. But there will still be someone who sets the off anyway, so be prepared!
Check out this fantastic article about how to best mask triggering noises for your sound sensitive dog, and of course speak to your vet about possible event medications because dogs deserve any help suitable to avoid suffering.

Dogs who are scared of thunder and noise can benefit from masking, "canceling," with fans, noise machines, or certain types of music.

Encourage your dog to "DOG"So often we are stuck in our human world of expectations that we miss truly enjoying the amaz...

Encourage your dog to "DOG"

So often we are stuck in our human world of expectations that we miss truly enjoying the amazing creatures that we live with.

Your relationship with dogs should not always be based on them compromising to fit our world. Get in the dirt with them and see the world as they do!

A cool spot to dig - hell yah! Encourage them to really give 'er.

Something neat they scavenged on a walk (that is safe), praise them for having such good search skills.

Did they see a strange man walk up to the door and bark? "Thank you" Your natural instincts to alert are a great, who needs a doorbell?

Is it raining and muddy and they found a puddle? Who cares! You can clean up afterwards enjoy the moment now, have fun, laugh.

Do they want to sit on a hill and watch the world go by, sounds like a great day to me!

Dogs have so much to teach us, to offer us. If we let go of what they "should" do from our perspective and embrace who they are you may just see that we are the ones with the unnatural and "bad" behaviours.

(Recycled post from Sep 2021)

I felt like giving some random appreciation today for 2 of the greatest, most intelligent, thoughtful, wise, kind and br...

I felt like giving some random appreciation today for 2 of the greatest, most intelligent, thoughtful, wise, kind and breathtaking dogs ever.

Jordan is in an entire league of her own and has worked by my side for almost a decade. Not just being her peaceful calm self to exist as a helper but managing groups of dogs, helping dogs develop healthy play skills, raising puppies, protecting her friends, translating finer cues for me. I couldnt count how many time she was a dogs "this is the first time they have played/sniffed/greeted". She has been in some weird situations that I would never again choose to put her in but was always steady by my side regardless.
She always has a choice to work and opts in eagerly everytime, sometimes she tells me she is done and I honor her choice, sometimes she tells me no and I praise the heck out of her for using her own voice. I have more respect for her that I can express.

Kitsune might be one of the most intelligent dogs I'll ever know. She can learn anything and reads her environment like a pro. She has such trust in me and that is why I will always be the most protective of her. She has come so far and has taught me more about trauma than I wish anyone had to know. Even she has logged more consulting hours than your average trainer, although most of her time is spent ignoring the other dog and showing off tricks for treats to anyone with a treat pouch.

I wouldn't be who I am as a professional without these 2 and as they progress into their senior years we continue to go through changes to adjust their routines to best suit them and their health. That means being far more specific about how they help, with who, how often and spending far more time with friends and relaxing.

Some of my favourite sessions are showing folks the amazing wonder of long line / sniffy / decompression walks! Skokie a...

Some of my favourite sessions are showing folks the amazing wonder of long line / sniffy / decompression walks! Skokie and Timber had a blast tonight and we even stopped along the way for them to show off their urban parkor skills and just observe.

10/10 would walk again.

If you are only doing sidewalk loops on a 6 foot lead you are missing out on these relaxing adventures. Message me of you want to learn about long line safety, benefits, why to and how to.

And of course if you need a long line check out Ryans page

Who loves a hound!?We had some time at the end of Lilly's latest consult to talk about leash skills and long lines. She ...

Who loves a hound!?

We had some time at the end of Lilly's latest consult to talk about leash skills and long lines. She caught a scent towards the end and took me on an adventure!. It is truly an awesome thing to watch a hound on a trail.

It is really important to give a dog outlets to exercise their natural skills. Embrace their talents!

“Being a good dog trainer is not just a skill, it is a responsibility.”Having the ability to teach a dog a behaviour doe...

“Being a good dog trainer is not just a skill, it is a responsibility.”

Having the ability to teach a dog a behaviour does not negate the need to ask if it is necessary, kind or in their best interest. 

Every day I challenge my decisions.  

Did I fairly view the situation from the dog’s perspective? 
Are we meeting their needs? 
Do they actually enjoy this enrichment/trick/activity?
Are we requiring them to perform unnatural behaviours in the interest of control? 
Am I doing this to meet the humans preference alone?
Did they need more space, more time?

Training/teaching is powerful. Conditioning can change the way a living being feels. 

Dogs are our captives. We already limit their choices and ask them to compromise their freedoms. In return, we have a responsibility to weigh when it is fair to implement any modification to their being.

(This is a recycled post, and it will always be true. There is even more I could add. Should this be referred to a more equipped professional like a Vet Behaviourist? Have we done enough to rule out medical? Has all ego been removed? These are all questions I hope any proffessional reflects on often and seriously.)

Yes! Another car update - from not wanting to go near a vehicle to insisting on daily car rides?I got to do a session wi...

Yes! Another car update - from not wanting to go near a vehicle to insisting on daily car rides?

I got to do a session with these sisters as puppies a year ago with a focus on preventing any litter mate issues but we also touched on some fears and basic behaviours. I am so happy to see them still enjoying each other and that they have beyond conquered their fear of vehicles. Great work to Rosie & Ellie and their humans!

Raising two puppies at once can seem like it may be less work but it can come with increased risk for different behaviour problems and it is important to understand ahead of time how to set them up for success and reduce the chances of any social deficits.

Give these gorgeous girls some encouragement 👏👏

Time to celebrate with Winston's family!!!He is in the van!What a great end to a Reactive Package. We worked on leash sk...

Time to celebrate with Winston's family!!!

He is in the van!

What a great end to a Reactive Package. We worked on leash skills, socializing and confidence with people, enrichment, and some general training. But he also struggles with some separation/ confinement distress and anxiety surrounding the car due to a scary event. So we had started a customized training plan for the car (starting with distance and a different vehicle) and teamed up with a vet for a behaviour consult. He still has a way to go but they keep putting in the work and giving him the patience he needs so he succeeds at every step. All doors open, but in the "scary" van, and staying in to gobble steak!

I can wait to see his continued progress. They have laid an incredible foundation to build on.

If you and your dog struggle with behaviour challenges we still have space for a couple new Reactive Package clients this September. All sessions are completely customized - we don't follow an outline, it depends on where your dog is and what we need to do to raise their (and your) quality of life from the start.

How can summer almost be over!?We will be winding down our semi stay cation summer and getting back to regular hours in ...

How can summer almost be over!?

We will be winding down our semi stay cation summer and getting back to regular hours in September and will be accepting New Clients!!!

If you have a follow up to book please get in touch to schedule asap before I open my schedule up.

Enjoy your last mornings to sleep in as much as Lyric does 💤 (Yes, that is how she sleeps. She is a baby.)

Met little Stitch today to get ahead of some potential behaviour struggles. Echo (bulldog) was a puppy client and is now...

Met little Stitch today to get ahead of some potential behaviour struggles.

Echo (bulldog) was a puppy client and is now the most patient big brother. I am confident he will help this little pup grow in confidence.

If you want to be ProActive like Echo and Stitch's awesome human get in touch now!

One of my absolute favourite things to do is help dogs navigate new friendships and interpreting some more subtle body l...

One of my absolute favourite things to do is help dogs navigate new friendships and interpreting some more subtle body language cues for their humans.

These first 2 cuties have become the best friends and now their guardians are helping integrate an extended family dog for visits and stays during vacations. They have already made some great strides but checked in for an extra set of eyes.

If you have new dog joining your family or are merging households Id love to help.

Give me some positive reinforcement for remembering to take a picture of a pretty dog to share!Sweet Tasha has had some ...

Give me some positive reinforcement for remembering to take a picture of a pretty dog to share!

Sweet Tasha has had some big life changes and is struggling with adjusting but she was an absolute superstar today - picture is her hanging out in the scary house, she stayed inside the whole session!

My schedule is now open for the end of August into September if you are thinking of getting behaviour help for your dog this fall let me know.

Bandy 🧡What an absolute joy it was to board this sweet girl! Bandora was the first foster puppy that Jordan ever raised ...

Bandy 🧡
What an absolute joy it was to board this sweet girl! Bandora was the first foster puppy that Jordan ever raised 9 years ago. We have always stayed in touch and had playdates, dog park dates but this was her first time staying with us since she was a sassy baby puppy with no fear.
We had a great week making new friends, cuddles, a woo wooing at the running dogs and enjoying her unique personality!
is an absolute star !!
(*boarding not available to the public, only training clients on invite when space is available)

Another session with this handsome guy today! Winston's confidence has grown so much and he is such an angel. Just oozes...

Another session with this handsome guy today!

Winston's confidence has grown so much and he is such an angel. Just oozes happy and loves being told he is a good boy.

Also a photo of his Senior bro cause senior dogs are the best.

We have been busy enjoying summer, working in the garden, hanging out with boarding dogs, lounging on the hammock. Spend...

We have been busy enjoying summer, working in the garden, hanging out with boarding dogs, lounging on the hammock.
Spending time outside with my girls is going to be my priority for the next month but I might keep up with posting sone random thoughts and dog things over on Threads if you want to join me! .dog

My heart really belongs to rescue dogs! And helping them adjust to their new life and home is extremely rewarding.Bijou ...

My heart really belongs to rescue dogs! And helping them adjust to their new life and home is extremely rewarding.

Bijou is learning through a ProActive Package and her confidence is just blossoming. She has a great pair of humans and is truly living her best life. I am so glad to be part of her journey.

ProActive training isn't just for puppies, it can be great for any age of dog joining your family to help build a solid relationship from the start. No need for obedience cues, the focus is on leash walks, social skills, understanding, confidence, safety and trust.

Always a good reminder! Moving water can be dangerous, be aware - especially to clients who use Mill Creek ravine in Edm...

Always a good reminder! Moving water can be dangerous, be aware - especially to clients who use Mill Creek ravine in Edmonton this week.

Also, my general caution to any dog guardians: just because your dog enjoys splashing on the beach or river bank DOES NOT mean they know how to swim. Or can swim against a current, or swim for a long period of time.

Heavy rain in Alberta prompted officials in the capital city to issue a warning about the North Saskatchewan River Thursday afternoon.


We are so grateful for Companion Veterinary Clinic and especially Jessica Benoit for being a leading example of what veterinary care can be. Their training team is so skilled, especially with cooperative care and the whole staff are patient and considerate of giving dogs the space and time they need to opt into their own care.
Kitsune is so smart and loves training but generalizing her behaviours to a clinic environment with different handlers was a big challenge for my fearful girl. Seeing her go through an entire exam without any restraint, lots of breaks and even some demanding paws for treats was worth all the work.

Look at that happy loose leash walk!Adding in long line walks doesn't mean your dog will be less focused on you or pull ...

Look at that happy loose leash walk!

Adding in long line walks doesn't mean your dog will be less focused on you or pull more - the exact opposite! Allowing them Freedom and choice makes it easier for them to compromise and check in, walk in a heel when needed (crossing streets, walking in busier areas, vet clinics, classes etc).

Clicking Piper on a 12' for a walk in the open park space was a big factor in the difference between her pulling her humans shoulder out of socket trying to sniff from side to side, frustrated, not listening - to this lovely image. They already had great foundations for how to teach loose leash walking but it was just to much for a puppy Golden to learn all at once.

If you want to learn about long line safety, handling, etiquette, and how to turn that into loose leash skills on any length of leash book now before we are full for the summer!

Spent the morning at the emergency clinic with my mom and Caz. The patient slept in her own private room for most of vis...

Spent the morning at the emergency clinic with my mom and Caz. The patient slept in her own private room for most of visit, what a champ! I will now, however, be a day behind on emails and followups. Thanks for your patience and understanding for anyone who was rescheduled.

She needed some tests done to solve breathing concerns and they found a growth/tumor in her lung and kidney decline. Came home with new pain meds to make sure she is comfortable enough to enjoy her retirement lifestyle.

Caz was my folks addition when they became empty nesters, a feralish cat who showed up at the property, never claimed. They earned her trust slowly until one day she moved into the house and has enjoyed being absolutely pampered ever since. She is an absolute sweetheart and I am so happy she has more days of sunbathing in my dad's lap ahead of her. 🧡



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