That’s a Wrap! Mobile Veterinary Clinic in Fort Albany First Nation 🐾
In just 2.5 days, our team provided critical veterinary care to 121 dogs and cats from five remote northern First Nation communities! These clinics are essential for improving pet health, managing dog populations, and supporting our northern neighbours in creating safer and healthier communities.
Clinic Highlights:
✔️ 121 pets received wellness exams, vaccinations & parasite treatment
✔️ 50 dogs spayed/neutered | 9 cats spayed/neutered
✔️ Fort Albany First Nation invited neighbouring communities to take advantage of the clinic while we were there and we were lucky to see dedicated pet owners from Moose Factory, Moosonee, Kashechewan, & Attawapiskat travelling to receive care for their pets!
✔️ Distributed dog food, tie-outs, collars & leashes to support pet owners
A huge THANK YOU to our amazing volunteer veterinary team – Dr. Pauline Van Veen of North of 50 Mobile Veterinary Clinic who makes these clinics possible, Dr. Kelly Udelsman, Aly Elliott – RVT, Katrina Abram – RVT, Karly Devolin, Phoebe Richards, and Carolynn Michlowski.
We were also very lucky to have Katy Riley scheduling all the appointments for the clinic, Fort Albany bylaw officers – Tyler, Isaac, and Ocean – assisting as needed, and volunteers from both Fort Albany and here in Simcoe County jumping in to ensure this clinic was a huge success!
To each of you who volunteered your time - your dedication is truly life-changing, thank you!
Thanks are also very much due to Fort Albany First Nation community members, and Chief and Council, who repeatedly invite our team into the community, making us all feel welcome and appreciated. We are always excited to visit our friends in Fort Albany!
We hope you enjoyed seeing all the clinic updates this past weekend and we hope you’ll follow along as we continue to make lasting change for pets in need across our province. We are dedicated to addressing the root causes of pet homelessness and providing veterinary care for those who don’t otherwise have access is just one way we do that!