Do you have some spare time to help reunite lost dogs?
Winnipeg Lost Dog Alert (WLDA) was formed to help dog owners in Winnipeg and the surrounding areas get their dogs home safely. In the first 4 months of 2023 we posted over 750 dogs that were Missing, Found or Loose.
Without Admins we cannot do this vital work to help YOU get your dog’s home safely. We are already short of Admins and in the summertime we all need a break from covering the page which means that we will be stretched to our limits.
If this page has helped YOUR dog get home, would you consider ‘paying it forward’ by volunteering some of your time to help cover our page?
What makes WLDA different to any other missing dog page? Quite simply the answer is that we have an awesome team of Admins watching the page and doing everything they can to help you get your dogs home safely. Other pages let you post on their page; it relies on you to make sure all the info needed is there (how often are there posts that don’t have pictures or even the location of where the dog went missing?). The other pages rely on YOU watching for comments, sightings etc.
Not only does WLDA do the posts for you, which makes sure we have ALL the information needed when people are watching for your dog, we also watch for comments and messages. We relay important information as soon as we can. We offer advice based on our many years of experience.
Help us to help you. Volunteer with us. The more Admins we have available to cover the page, the less time each one must do.
Email [email protected] for more information.