Purple Cat is an online organization originating from Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada
My name is Jill Holland. When I retired early from teaching due to illness I decided to volunteer helping animals. I answered a kijiji ad posted by Carma...now Cats in Halifax. I soon began to realize the horrific extent of the homeless crisis for cats not only here but all over the world. Where the name Purple Cat
came from...
The Purple Cow by Gelett Burgess
I never saw a Purple Cow
I never hope to see one
But I can tell you anyhow
I'd rather see than be one. As a child I would read this Nursery Rhyme over and over and always feel sad and disturbed by its words and the illustration of the purple cow crying big, sad, cow tears. As an adult I am sad and disturbed over and over again of the pictures and stories of cats and dogs and other animals being mistreated, hurt and even killed by human beings. Our animals are crying out for help and so many people are able to ignore this terrible reality of growing homelessness and heartlessness. Purple Cat does not ignore the needy. We seek to change sad circumstances to happy healthy circumstances when, where and however we can...one cat at a time. We can make a difference.