Let’s Give a Cheer for Sniper & his mom Anneli, one of our Omega Alpha Sponsored Canine Team-members, on his recovery from his recent hip injury!
We hope you enjoy your agility retirement new lower impact canine games!
We’re proud to be part of his recovery supplement regime!
#omegaalphapets #naturalpethealth #canineathlete #caninerehab #canineinjuryrecovery
REPOST from @sniper_the_toller
Sniper Update:
After three weeks of very strict crate rest that was a challenge for both of us we got the go ahead to start rehab. Sniper is so happy that his rehab involves swimming especially when the pool is in our backyard. Three weeks of no swimming in scorching hot weather was a bummer! We have had to relearn pool entry as we can’t jump from the deck only entry from the ramp. We have compromised with a jump from the end of ramp when he’s already in the water.
Sniper is officially retired from agility and likely a couple of his other favorite “fast” activities but I will find other things to pursue with him.
A huge thanks to Dr. Alicia Glasier and Town Centre Veterinary Hospital for the excellent care as we navigated his hip injury.
Also super thankful for our Omega Alpha - Pets supplements that help aid in our speedy recovery. SinewPet for the win.
@towncentrevet @omega_alpha_pharma #dogswithautism #thejourneypivots #findingjoy #redzonetollers
Is you pet #PoweredByOmegaAlpha? REPOST from Christine NT Work hard, feed smart! Fueling the OA Sponsored Athlete ⭐️ #omegaalphapets #omegaalphaforthewin #omegaalphaathlete #Primrose #SeeTheOmegaAlphaDifference