I have had to adjust a few of my prices due to cost increase from my new supplier. I have held off as long as I can and have done my very best to keep the prices as low as possible and to only change the prices of a few critters. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
New prices effective immediately
Crickets 16 cents each
500 for $26
1000 for $36
Superworms 18 cents each
500 for $27
1000 for $37
Hornworms all sizes $1.50 each
Silkworm all sizes $1.25 each
Waxworms 24 cents each
100 for $16
Red wigglers $6.75 2 dozen
Dew worms $6.75 dozen
There will be an increase in rodent prices too, they will be posted soon.
I appreciate your continued business, thank you.