Take the Lead Dog Training

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Take the Lead Dog Training Take the Lead Dog Training
Humane & Effective
Catherine Adams I train dogs and coach guardians. I"m passionate about advocating for dogs and animals in general.

I am fascinated by dog behavior; how dogs interact with each other and how they communicate with us. Its happening all the time, you just need to know what it looks like and how to interpret the message. I particularly enjoy reactive behavior, teenagers that haven't been shown how to live in a human world and where puppy behavors were entertaining, as adult dogs, its not fun anymore...for the guar

dians. I believe success with animals is achieved through:
the surrender of the human ego,
the surrender of the human agenda,
the adoption of patience,
acceptance of what is in front of you,
goals but no expectations and
a pure desire to want to connect. You can be 'book' smart on dogs but nothing replaces experience; Hands on, one on one, experience. What I teach a dog is tailored to each dog. How I teach is the same: Positive & Humane methods with a dose of Patience. I encourage all my clients to do the same.


Someone asked me today how Louie was doing?

‘He’s great’ I replied with a smile.

This dog is the the brightest light in my life.
Everyday he makes me laugh. Everyday he wants to play the stalking game of chase me.
He surprises me on the off leash walk by spinning around to stare at me in play bow position, daring me to chase him.
He includes me in his moment of ‘joy’ and I oblige him. I always oblige when ‘fits’ of joy come to him.

Most things you do can be put on hold temporarily.

Play with your dog when they ‘ask’. No regrets! 🥰

*After ripping tp he needs a deep dreamy rem sleep.

Registration open for Classes coming up! ⬇Life Skills  August 26  Teaching your dog to settle on a mat is a valuable ski...

Registration open for Classes coming up! ⬇

Life Skills August 26
Teaching your dog to settle on a mat is a valuable skill and is useful in many scenarios including, working in the kitchen, preventing dogs from licking dishwasher as your trying to fill it, helping an anxious dog when guests visit or a dog that looooooves guests too much. The best part? The mat can be moved outside of the home and have the same affect!

Puppy Life Skills August 26
Teach your puppy/young dog how to greet people without loosing their marbles, (btw you can say NO to people 😉) through a structured greeting plan AND teach your dog how to go through doors and cross thresholds calmly. Its a safety thing!

Small classes and questions answered
Knowledgeable and certified trainer
Mondays in West Kelowna

If you have any questions please call

Yaaassss!  🥰🥰🥰

Yaaassss! 🥰🥰🥰

""Lots of anxiety still exists around the use of food in learning. “The dog will mug my hands” or treat bag, or pocket. ...

""Lots of anxiety still exists around the use of food in learning. “The dog will mug my hands” or treat bag, or pocket. Nope, not if you pay attention and use your Reward Predicting Stimulus with diligence.
"When can I stop giving treats?" When would you stop saying thank you: that dinner was delicious and I appreciate you cooking it for me.
The way you deliver the reward is more
important than the reward itself. ""~Kay Laurence

Twenty years ago I was an enthusiastic promoter of replacing the term REWARD with the more academic term REINFORCER. Sounded more convincing.

“Give your dog a reward” often meant a pat on the head. Yep, I was around before food was used commonly and effectively.

Lots of anxiety still exists around the use of food in learning. “The dog will mug my hands” or treat bag, or pocket. Nope, not if you pay attention and use your Reward Predicting Stimulus with diligence.
"When can I stop giving treats?" When would you stop saying thank you: that dinner was delicious and I appreciate you cooking it for me.

The way you deliver the reward is more
important than the reward itself.

Do you remember the extras for excellence? A bag of mixed food values (very lacking in evidence of value) and you selected the right treat to match your assessment of the dog’s effort. BIG question whether the dog made a connection between high value for high effort or whether it was just a ride on the wave of unpredictability.

After ploughing my way through the Wolfram Schultz material and delving into the neuroscience of reward systems I now regard the term reinforcer a backward step and simply functional.

Interaction with a dog should be so more than a function. The reward is at the heart of their learning, NOT the behaviour we have be sold on developing. When we focus on the behaviour we lose focus on the reward.

The science based reinforcer promotion was often dumbed down to make it simple and easy to apply. Today we are more devoted to the experience our dogs are having: desire and pleasure. We have learned that anticipation brings alive the drive to learn not the fabled consumption. Gone are the click-and-shove recipes and fast food stuffing.

I get the biggest reward seeing my dogs passionate about their learning. 💥



Every qualified practitioner has something to offer.  That includes knowledgeable dog trainers.   😉

Every qualified practitioner has something to offer. That includes knowledgeable dog trainers. 😉

Hot off the press! Excerpt from Dr. Haussler's blog entitled 𝐈𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐦 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐯𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞? Enjoy the whole blog at

"While the challenges of building a culture of multidisciplinary teamwork in the veterinary industry are real and multifaceted, the benefits far outweigh the difficulties.

By embracing a multidisciplinary approach to animal care, we can optimize resources, improve access to veterinary services, and ultimately enhance the health and well-being of animals everywhere.

By embracing collaboration, veterinary professionals can improve patient outcomes, and ultimately elevate the standard of veterinary medicine (...)

Through ongoing commitment, communication, and respect for diverse expertise, the veterinary industry can continue to evolve towards a future where every animal receives the comprehensive and compassionate care they deserve.

Veterinarians can benefit from the expertise and insights of professionals in other fields, leading to improved diagnostic accuracy and treatment outcomes.

Non-veterinarian animal health practitioners can expand their skills and knowledge through collaboration with veterinarians and other professionals, enhancing their own professional development.

Animal owners can benefit from a more holistic approach to care, gaining a better understanding of their animal's needs and how to support their overall well-being."

Learn more about the challenges and the benefits involved in this paradigm shift by reading the whole blog at https://vetcompendium.org/is-it-time-for-a-paradigm-shift-in-veterinary-healthcare/

American Association of Equine Therapists and Technicians
National Board of Certification for Animal Acupressure & Massage (NBCAAM)
RAAHP Canada

1 can sardines (in spring water & keep water)1 cup blueberries (or more)1 cup broth (your choice)Blend and freeze. A yum...

1 can sardines (in spring water & keep water)
1 cup blueberries (or more)
1 cup broth (your choice)
Blend and freeze.

A yummy, cold and healthy treat.

They’re worth it!🥰

Yoghurt face …with a little enrichment at the bottom. 🥰

Yoghurt face …with a little enrichment at the bottom. 🥰

March 3, 1978Diary started work today.  Diary just hosing down the runs of the dogs.  Fun, but sometimes I get a little ...

March 3, 1978
Diary started work today. Diary just hosing down the runs of the dogs. Fun, but sometimes I get a little lonley just standing their by myself.

March 13, 1978
Today, I was talking about my kennel business and what would be a good slogan. I haven't pick one yet but I will. Going great with my job.
*started a job at Foster's kennel on Lougheed Hwy - 13 yrs of age.



True in Canada and the U.S. I’m not sure about other countries.
Also, someone who currently has a pacemaker and is getting a new one can donate the old one.

A big shout out from me to those of you who are raising the dogs alone and not by choice!I SEE you in my classes and I S...

A big shout out from me to those of you who are raising the dogs alone and not by choice!

I SEE you in my classes and I SEE you in my private programs.

I know many of you didn't planned to do this big responsibility by yourself but things went south, or your partner has checked out or away and there you are, doing all the care and the training.

I know you're dedicated and you're doing the work necessary to honour the commitment you made when when the two of you made the choice to get a dog. Going it alone wasn't the plan and on top of the stress of it all, you have the dog to care for; Your dog that you refuse to let down and rehome because it's just not who you are.

It's exhausting and maybe hitting your pocket book, hard!
You may feel shame, guilt and lots of frustration but you keep on keeping on because you made the commitment and you love that dog.

Know this:
😊 change is slow, one day at a time
😊 you're doing a great job
😊 it will get easier

The payoff comes with each interaction and there is big, long term payoff. You'll look at the your efforts and be so happy you stuck to it. So will your dog.

Ok Peeps!  Classes are back and open for registration.Chill out and Leash walking - August 7 & 8 Life Skills and Puppy L...

Ok Peeps! Classes are back and open for registration.

Chill out and Leash walking - August 7 & 8
Life Skills and Puppy Life Skills - August 26

If you have any questions please call

Training shouldn't be complicated and expectations should be kept in check.  Keep it simple for the learner.

Training shouldn't be complicated and expectations should be kept in check. Keep it simple for the learner.

"I make him sit and try to get him to look at me".

🥵🙄  Didn’t get the memo

🥵🙄 Didn’t get the memo


Head up Friends!

Monday night classes starting up again on July 8Puppy Life Skills https://taketheleaddogtraining.ca/group-training-class...

Monday night classes starting up again on July 8

Puppy Life Skills https://taketheleaddogtraining.ca/group-training-classes/https-taketheleaddogtraining-ca-group-training-classes-https-taketheleay-training-class/

Life Skills https://taketheleaddogtraining.ca/group-training-classes/life-skills-dog-training-class/

Building self control, boundaries and new skills, benevolently
Small Group class for more 1-1 help and questions answered
Knowledgeable professional

The more you know, the better you can help yourself and your dog
Call me if you have questions 250.808.4122

It's possible to set boundaries, teach new skills, and tell your dog they cannot do something (that doesn't work for YOU...

It's possible to set boundaries, teach new skills, and tell your dog they cannot do something (that doesn't work for YOU), without hurting, scaring, or threatening your dog. Yes there are consequences and that is one way dogs learn. Aggression (big word that means lots of things to each of us) is unnecessary and speaks about the teacher who may be lacking in skills, knowledge, patience, or having personal issues.

Keep an open mind when you see some training methods on social media and look at the dog with an analytical mindset. What do you see is more important than the result. I used to tell people, back in the day, 'turn the sound off when you watch Caesar and watch the dog'. Music creates drama and emotion and can fool your brain into believing what the trainer is saying is actually what the dog is thinking. Always, ALWAYS watch your dog's body language and they'll tell you what is working and what isn't. That's how they are communicating to you.

Aggression can be a stern voice, stepping in to your dog thus pressuring them to comply, pushing and shoving, stringing up, pushing down, nasty spray collar...you get the picture. If it doesn't look good and/or feel good to you, it isn't good for the dog...the learner, who is trying to understand what you want them to do.

Remember...Dogs are the learner, You are the teacher. Teachers change to adapt to the learners NOT the other way around.

Uh huh! ✅✅✅

Uh huh! ✅✅✅

Most show signs of stress in hugs; many try to bite.

Oh I ❤️ all this!

Oh I ❤️ all this!


I create videos for clients - 1-1 and class - that helps them visualize the end goal. These are 2 Street Survival Skills I think everyone needs to practice but particularly, those of you with dogs that bark and lung at triggers, whatever they may be.

Practice allot and don't just practice when you see the trigger. Guest what will happen if you do? Yup! If you only practice when the trigger appears, your dog will learn that a trigger is present even if they didn't see it because you are turning away. The U turn or Back up will be the cue to the dog and you don't want that!

Be aware on your walks. Be prepared to turn and move away. You may find your dog deferring to you more often because that straight walk might turn into something else. 😉


Remember, Dogs are captive animals.  I preach giving them a choice because no one wants only one option.  The secret is ...

Remember, Dogs are captive animals.

I preach giving them a choice because no one wants only one option. The secret is to set up the environment to make the 'right' choice, which, in most cases, is the one YOU want or need.

Having an option as often as possible builds trust. No options/Force, erodes it.

Take the time to work on husbandry skills and work with a veterinarian and vet staff that practices Fear Free handling.
***Not all do***

Dogs should be active, willing participants when we ask them to do things they may not enjoy. When we respect what they want to do, they're more likely to comply.

Slow and steady.  Humans are a cruel bunch. It’s those with determination that will make the change. We won’t be deterre...

Slow and steady.

Humans are a cruel bunch. It’s those with determination that will make the change. We won’t be deterred…from speaking and fighting for all animals that cannot speak. 💪


We've heard about pending bans before. Let's hope the people who've worked so hard to bring this ban to fruition gets the follow through they deserve, sooner rather than later.

"Electronic shock collar for dogs and cats that are controlled using hand-held remote controls are to be banned in Ireland following a public consultation ordered by the Minister for Agriculture."


The truth is, if your dog doesn't' look happy,
they look upset, trying to get away, snarling at the handler (you or someone else), crouching, etc., it doesn't feel good; physically or emotionally.

Go to a class and watch the trainer.
Observe a 1-1 session.
Ask what their experience is.
Ask what do they do when the dog gets it right? What do they do when the dog gets it wrong?

Ask questions! If you don't like what you hear, hang up.
If you don't like what you see, take the leash and walk away. There is no need to string up a dog, force a dog to the ground, yank a dog up on the leash, or yank to the side..referred to as a 'correction'.

You are the teacher, your dog is the learner. The teacher is helping the learner learn and if they are struggling, the teacher changes what they are teaching to help the learner learn!

The abuse under the guise of dog training needs to stop.✋✋✋

I've been working a few cases lately where dogs have severe fear.  It's tough to see an animal that when going outside o...

I've been working a few cases lately where dogs have severe fear. It's tough to see an animal that when going outside out of their safe zone causes such challenging behaviour that scares others and risks their life nevermind how it minimizes their experiences in the world.

Animals need empathy, patience and compassion. Not egos, and aggression. One call I just had today told me a trainer wouldn't work with him until he could get the leash on the dog. Its a 2nd hand dog with a severe start to life so in my world, it's not about teaching new skills but building a safe space and trust. First and foremost! So they were not the right trainer for this dog.

Be careful on how you proceed with a fearful dog. They need to feel safe just like you and me. IF we don't feel safe, we can't learn.

If you want to rule your dog with threats and/or physical pain, you'll probably pay for it down the road. But then again, I need to remind myself that not everyone has empathy or compassion. Some people want what they want. The rest of us fortunate ones, know the privilege of having a captured animal in our home. It's not taken lightly and we strive to help the animal in our care have a good, safe, life and strive each day for them to be content.

With every interaction you have with your dog, you're either building trust or eroding it!


Received an update from Oddie’s guardian. Oddie worked in a couple of classes and a private program. He’s a Heinz 57 adolescent who struggles with self control. Very enthusiastic and playful but he needed some skills to help deal with those big emotions which made it challenging to leash walk him. He pulled like a train (I’m familiar with this 🙄).

What great progress and kudos to his guardians for their commitment to help him and stay the course through tough adolescence.

Proud of team Oddie! 💪

Changing behaviour takes time. Ethically I cannot say how long but it does change if you are committed to helping your dog. 😃


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00




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