Barn Hunt workshops (Okotoks AB)- Friday June 21 and Saturday June 22, 2024
Please contact me by e mail for more information [email protected] - please put WORKSHOPS in the subject line. Still working out the details but if you are interested let me know so I can keep you informed.
Working spots (4 per workshop) + auditing spots available. Each workshop will be ~2 1/2 -3 hours.
Possible workshop topics (final decision based on demand)
***Challenge Me: Course analysis and Challenges: (identify and practice different types of course challenges, understand scent movement on course and plan your handling approach to maximize success)
***Alert! How does your dog tell you he has located a rat?: recognize and strengthen your dog's alert, understand and solve false alerts, weak alerts, surveying and cataloguing.
***Tunnels: From Troublesome to Terrific: building confident and enthusiastic tunnel performance
***Essential Cues in Barn Hunt: what cues (and associated behaviours) do you need to optimize course navigation?
***Beginner workshop - for teams with no prior Barn Hunt experience. Introduction to quarry, how to get started and an introduction to the instinct and novice classes. (This workshop is 1.5 hours).