Wags to Wishes K9 Training

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Wags to Wishes K9 Training Dog training - Okotoks, AB. Positive reinforcement based training, without force or aversives, for a well trained dog and an eager training partner.

This page is about having fun with your dog and building a strong, positive relationship while you help your dog learn the behaviours you want. It promotes an scientifically proven, effective and safe approach to training that will create a dog that enjoys lifelong learning.. I graduated with distinction from the Karen Pryor Training Academy, one of the top positive reinforcement based training p

rograms. I am also a Silver Medal Certified Trick Dog Instructor I am active in a variety of canine performance sports including conformation, agility, rally obedience, obedience, scent detection, barn hunt and trick training. Several of my dogs have been Therapy Dogs working with children and adults. In my professional (non dog related life), I have been a teacher - from preschool through post graduate levels. Through my dog classes, I am able to engage in both my passion for dogs and effective, positive dog training and my passion for teaching at the same time

Barn Hunt workshops (Okotoks AB)- Friday June 21 and Saturday June 22, 2024Please contact me by e mail for more informat...

Barn Hunt workshops (Okotoks AB)- Friday June 21 and Saturday June 22, 2024
Please contact me by e mail for more information [email protected] - please put WORKSHOPS in the subject line. Still working out the details but if you are interested let me know so I can keep you informed.
Working spots (4 per workshop) + auditing spots available. Each workshop will be ~2 1/2 -3 hours.
Possible workshop topics (final decision based on demand)
***Challenge Me: Course analysis and Challenges: (identify and practice different types of course challenges, understand scent movement on course and plan your handling approach to maximize success)
***Alert! How does your dog tell you he has located a rat?: recognize and strengthen your dog's alert, understand and solve false alerts, weak alerts, surveying and cataloguing.
***Tunnels: From Troublesome to Terrific: building confident and enthusiastic tunnel performance
***Essential Cues in Barn Hunt: what cues (and associated behaviours) do you need to optimize course navigation?
***Beginner workshop - for teams with no prior Barn Hunt experience. Introduction to quarry, how to get started and an introduction to the instinct and novice classes. (This workshop is 1.5 hours).


I have last minute availability in the 3 pm Barn Hunt Foundations class (one spot). Class starts tomorrow.

I have an opening in a Tricks class starting April 16. Tuesdays at 11 am. Please e mail if you would like to join the cl...

I have an opening in a Tricks class starting April 16. Tuesdays at 11 am. Please e mail if you would like to join the class. [email protected]

Getting Barn Hunt classes organized for a start next Thursday (April 11). Foundations: 2 foundations classes are full. I...

Getting Barn Hunt classes organized for a start next Thursday (April 11).

Foundations: 2 foundations classes are full. If there are more people interested I can add a late afternoon (4:15 pm) class on Thursdays.

Level 2 class: Thursday evening - probably starting at 7:45. (For people competing in Senior / Master. If you are in open and feel that this is the better class for you, contact me.


Upcoming Barn Hunt Trials over the next few months for those of you who might be interested in trialing. (And yes, I am trying to get classes going - had things nearly dried out before this last snow and should have been able to start this week coming up ...except for the fact that I now have more drying out to do! Stay tuned. I will at least try to arrange a drop in opportunity before the first trial.)

April 19/20 - Lacombe (Prairie Dog Sports) (Sunday is full but still has openings on Friday and Saturday).

May 3-5 - Calgary (Cultured Canines) - I am judging this one. You can still enter if you come to my classes and drop ins.

May 17-20 - Lacombe (Prairie Dog Sports)

June 7-9 - Red Deer (Badger Barn Rats)

June 14-16 - Lacombe (Prairie Dog Sports)

June 14-16 - Regina (4 Limb Gym) - I am judging this one too and it's with RATS so if you are up for a road trip....

June 28-30 - Lloydminster (Cultured Canines) RATS!


No Show Handling this Friday


Show Handling tonight - time goes back to 7 pm. Last chance before Camrose!


Things that will not improve your dog’s behavior:

👎🏻 being a stronger alpha

👎🏻 Making your dog wait for you to go through doors first

👎🏻 Taking your dog’s stuff away to prove you can

👎🏻 Using collar corrections

👎🏻 Physically pushing and pulling on your dog to move them or get them into sits/downs

👎🏻 Messing with your dog while they eat

👎🏻 Thinking that your dog is spiteful or trying to “get back” at you

👎🏻 Forcing your dog off of furniture to prove its “yours”

👎🏻 Forcing your dog to deal with something even if they are afraid or growling

👎🏻 Looking at aggression as something that needs to be punished out

👎🏻 Forcing your dog onto their back to get them to “submit”

👎🏻 Forcing your dog to “face their fears” by forcing interactions with other dogs and people

👎🏻 Relying on equipment that causes discomfort or pain to control them

👎🏻 Responding to a dog behaving aggressively with more of your own aggression

👎🏻 Putting your dog on a “nothing in life is free” protocol

👎🏻 Not allowing your dog to sniff and use their nose

👎🏻 Take advice from every vet, groomer, breeder, and neighbor who have no formal training or study in behavior

👎🏻 Take advice blindly from the internet

Things that will improve your dog’s behavior:

🐕 First and foremost, learning how to speak their language and becoming fluent in dog body language

🐩 Committing to positive reinforcement training to proactively teach your dog the skills they need

🐕‍🦺 Eliminating corrections from your training

🐶 Noticing the things that trigger your dogs misbehaviors, then training a new response or managing your dog around them

🐕 Setting up the environment to benefit your dog

🐩 Allowing your dog to sniff and explore the world with their nose

🐕‍🦺 Daily enrichment activities and allowing your dog to be a dog

🐶 Being generous with affection and attention when your dog wants it

🐕 Listening to precursors to aggressive behavior such as growling, stiffening, and avoidance so that your dog doesn’t feel the need to escalate to biting

🐩 Hiring a qualified professional before you even bring your dog home so you know what to do from the start

These lists are obviously not complete, but if you’ve ever been told to do something in that first list, ignore that advice and find someone more qualified to help you out! In the meantime, aim to meet the goals in the second list to help your dog become the best dog they can be!


Show Handling Practice Tonight at 7:30 pm (Note time change). I have a few spots available - just in time to do some practice for Camrose.

Who is up for show handling practice this Friday at 7 pm? Please let me know if you plan to attend.  If you are new to m...

Who is up for show handling practice this Friday at 7 pm?
Please let me know if you plan to attend. If you are new to my practices, e mail me at [email protected] and I will send directions.

Still have three lovely boys waiting for homes...If you hear of anyone looking, please send them my way. So disappointin...

Still have three lovely boys waiting for homes...If you hear of anyone looking, please send them my way. So disappointing to have these boys waiting and waiting. So many times I have a home lined up and then people change their minds last minute. I get that life happens and circumstances change suddenly and sometimes people reassess finances and find that it is not the right time. I totally understand and never ever want someone to take a puppy if they are not sure but I am sad for these boys - they are happy here, getting training, joining my classes and learning how to interact with all kinds of dogs but they need their own homes!

If you have enjoyed your classes at Wags to Wishes K9 Training please consider giving me a review on Google:  https://g....

If you have enjoyed your classes at Wags to Wishes K9 Training please consider giving me a review on Google: https://g.page/r/CficB-t7r1CyEB0/review

Unfortunately someone left a 2 star review (simply because my field was not big enough for their purposes!) - rather sad as that has nothing to do with my training. I'd like to see a more fair representation of my business.

And if there was something that did not work for you, please don't be afraid to let me know - I want to improve my services and meet your needs! Constructive feedback is welcome.

Post a review to our profile on Google

Four boys, charming everyone at the vet for their last set of shots! Re*****on, Digby, Radar and Enzo.These boys are rea...

Four boys, charming everyone at the vet for their last set of shots! Re*****on, Digby, Radar and Enzo.

These boys are ready to go to homes and waiting.... Please pass it on! Their sister Gemmie went to Cranbrook yesterday to her new home and they are wondering why nobody wants to take them home.


Head's up everyone - the roads are said to be very bad out here so I am CANCELLING tonight's classes - be safe!

I have 5 lovely puppies ready to go to new homes. Health testing completed. Crate trained, litter trained (and partially...

I have 5 lovely puppies ready to go to new homes. Health testing completed. Crate trained, litter trained (and partially outdoor trained - this horrid cold snap is a challenge). These puppies are raised using puppy culture protocols. If you know of any good homes looking for puppies please send them my way.

Desperate to give your dog a warm place to run off some steam or do some indoor training?  My building is available for ...

Desperate to give your dog a warm place to run off some steam or do some indoor training? My building is available for hourly rent if you need some room to play or train during this cold snap. Special minus 20 rate: $20 per hour. Pre booking required. Contact me by e mail if you would like to rent. [email protected]

Have you got a small dog (Toy breed size) that needs some enrichment and an outlet for safe socialization?E mail me for ...

Have you got a small dog (Toy breed size) that needs some enrichment and an outlet for safe socialization?

E mail me for information about a Tiny Dog Play and Learn class. Low key, fun training and time for play and safe socialization. No age limit. Suitable for dogs and puppies up to 4.5 kg.

Happy 2024!January classes - Canine Life Skills resumes Monday at 8 pm for the last two sessions.New classes*Puppy Life ...

Happy 2024!
January classes -
Canine Life Skills resumes Monday at 8 pm for the last two sessions.
New classes
*Puppy Life Skills - Tuesday evening at 6:45 pm
*Canine Life Skills - Tuesday evening at 8 pm
Please let me know by e mail to [email protected] if you are interested in either of these two classes. (Reminder - Puppy Life Skills is for puppies 16 weeks or under at the first class)

Other classes - please let me know if you are interested in any of the following. I will pick the classes based on interest. Class will be on Monday nights.

* Tiny dog Play and Learn - for Toy breeds / small puppies. This class will provide and opportunity for small breed dogs socialize comfortably with other small dogs and learn some new behaviours and skills. This is not a true obedience class - the training will be more for fun.
* Introduction to scent detection
* Foundation skills for Rally Obedience

Reminder: Show Handling practice this evening at 7 pm.

Reminder: Show Handling practice this evening at 7 pm.

Hot off the Press!  I am now offering Separation Anxiety Training help. This training is done on line rather than in per...

Hot off the Press! I am now offering Separation Anxiety Training help. This training is done on line rather than in person. Contact me if you have a dog that is not happy being left home alone. Dogs can learn to be happy home alone.

Last chance for Puppy Life Skills and Canine Life Skills classes this year.Canine Life Skills starts TONIGHT (Nov 20) at...

Last chance for Puppy Life Skills and Canine Life Skills classes this year.
Canine Life Skills starts TONIGHT (Nov 20) at 7 pm.
Puppy Life Skills (for puppies under 16 weeks at enrollment or Toy breeds up to 20 weeks) starts TOMORROW (Nov 21) at 6:45 pm.

E mail [email protected] if you would like to join either of these classes.

Puppy Life Skills - Next class starts next week on Tuesday, 6:45 pm. If you have a puppy under 16 weeks of age (or a toy...

Puppy Life Skills - Next class starts next week on Tuesday, 6:45 pm. If you have a puppy under 16 weeks of age (or a toy breed under 20 weeks) this class is for you! This is not primarily an obedience or manners class although we do discuss common puppy behaviour challenges and do some limited 'training'. It is more about having fun with your puppy while you help them have positive novel experiences to build their confidence and resilience.

e mail [email protected] if you would like to join the class or want more information.

This is the last intake before the new year.


When you have a doctorate in pastry, a passion for the profession 😍


Going to Lethbridge and EKKOC shows?
Show Handling Practice - Friday at 7 pm this week.


'Socialising' The 'Reactive' Dog

There is a common misconception that 'reactive' dogs need socialising in order to 'get better'. Whilst this can be true of some dogs there are others who simply need to learn how to co exist around other dogs without feeling defensive.

Just the same as us humans some dogs are socially selective. Socialising comes in many forms. Some humans love visiting a nightclub. For others that would be their worst nightmare. Some love a natter in a quiet coffee shop whilst others would find that mind numbingly boring. Who are we to say which is right?

As an owner of a socially selective dog myself I know how daunting it can be heading out into the big wide world alone not knowing when the next 'don't worry he's friendly' encounter will happen. Yet I love taking my dogs out and visiting new places.

This is where on lead group walks come in. There is safety in numbers and also moral support to be had. The inclusion of some very confident and relaxed dogs are a bonus but 'reactive' dogs can walk together without conflict or concern if carefully introduced.

Sometimes owning a socially selective dog can be a lonely place. Other owners in the same position understand how you feel and can therefore make ideal on walking companions. You will be absolutely amazed how relaxed your dogs will be when they realise that they are not going to be expected to interact physically with each other.

'Socialising' does not always have to be off lead fun...you and your dogs can gain just as much from on lead 'no contact' walks together.

Whatever your dog's social preference, learning to walk on lead next to another dog without physically interacting is a life skill that all dogs should learn and accept.

Now we just have to persuade human owners to accept the same!

Here are some tips for building a relaxed and content group

🐾 Parallel - no head to heads

🐾 Distance - as big as necessary initially

🐾 An established 'watch me' cue to diffuse any offensive glances

🐾 A strong 'getaway' cue - the ability to change direction immediately

🐾 Accept your dog's limitations

🐾 Walking equipment which enables you to physically hold your dog

🐾 Plenty of high value food reinforcements

🐾 Choose location wisely. Ability to create distance and preferably an on lead rule such as National Trust properties for example

The happy little group in this picture includes 'reactive' dogs, adolescent idiots, entire males, entire females. These guys all started off walking miles apart and now they pretty much accept anyone into their group and can walk at parallel close quarters.

Fall classes* Puppy Life Skills (Tuesdays at 6:45 pm) starts October  10 - There will be a two week gap between class 2 ...

Fall classes
* Puppy Life Skills (Tuesdays at 6:45 pm) starts October 10 - There will be a two week gap between class 2 and 3 in this 4 week set. Enrollment is limited to puppies under 16 weeks at the time of enrollment. I have limited room available in this class - please contact me by e mail if interested.

* Canine Life Skills (Tuesdays at 8 pm) starts November 7th. This is a 6 session set. No age restrictions.

* There will be no more sessions of the Barn Hunt Foundations Class this fall but I will continue to offer private or semi private sessions on request and may have drop in sessions as long as the weather holds. Watch for information about drop in sessions here.

Questions? Want to sign up for a class? E mail me at : [email protected]
Keep an eye on your spam folder for replies as my e mails do seem to end up there quite often.




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Our Story

This page is about having fun with your dog and building a strong, positive relationship while you help your dog learn the behaviours you want. It promotes an scientifically proven, effective and safe approach to training that will create a dog that enjoys lifelong learning.. I graduated with distinction from the Karen Pryor Training Academy, one of the top positive reinforcement based training programs. I am also a Gold Medal Certified Trick Dog Instructor, Certified Stunt Dog Judge and Barn Hunt Judge as well as a Canine Good Neighbour Evaluator. I am active in a variety of canine performance sports including conformation, agility, rally obedience, obedience, scent detection, barn hunt and trick training. Several of my dogs have been Therapy Dogs working with children and adults. In my professional (non dog related life), I have been first and foremost and educator - from preschool through post graduate levels. Through my dog classes, I am able to engage in both my passion for dogs and effective, positive dog training and my passion for teaching.

There are many different approaches to dog training from correction based, to dominance or alpha based to positive reinforcement based. While most methods will work, I choose positive reinforcement based training because this approach is safe, fun and effective with none of the potential negative fall out that may occur when dogs are trained using correction or dominance based techniques. Above all, training should foster a stronger bond between you and your dog. You should go home from a class thrilled with the brilliance of your dog and energized to keep working at home. You and your dog should find joy in the process as well as satisfaction in accomplishing training goals.