Ulceraser’s forage-based all-natural proprietary blend provides daily support of the entire GI tract. Ulceraser is ideal for horses subject to the most common risk factors for digestive upset and ulcers, including training, traveling, competition, limited turnout or access to forage, large grain meals, use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, changes in weather, or other forms of stress. Signs your horse may have ulcers include irritability, resistance to leg, weight loss, poor appetite, girthiness, spookiness, anxiousness, frequent colic and colic-like symptoms, dull coat, and poor performance.
Pro tip: When purchasing Ulceraser, you have the option at checkout to add a “boost.” We’re frequently asked which boost to choose, so here is the scoop!
Sea Buckthorn Boost
Provides extra support for the glandular (lower) part of the stomach. Rich in anti-inflammatories, polyphenols, antioxidants, flavonoids, and carotenoids, including Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Omega 7, sea buckthorn nourishes mucosal membranes throughout the GI tract, is a prebiotic for hindgut digestion, and helps treat glandular ulcers.
Aloe Vera Boost
Provides extra support for the squamous (upper) part of the stomach. Rich in polyphenols, lecithin, calcium, Vitamin E and Vitamin C, aloe vera soothes mucous membranes, balances stomach pH, regulates healthy colonic bacteria, and helps treat non-glandular ulcers and inflammation.