********Attention teachers: if you are a teacher in Canada of Grade 5 to Grade 12 PLEASE consider registering for virtual events and resources for Marine Month coming up in October through Imagine Marine***********
Plead coming from : HR Manager in the Marine Industry
The Marine Industry absolutely needs youth of today to be informed early about the diverse range of career opportunities that will be available to them both onshore and offshore - and with terrific opportunities and compensation packages! There will be opportunities in both private industry and government.
Many students today still graduate from Grade 12 knowing little about the Marine / Marine Transportation Industry and all it has to offer. Twenty something years ago, I was a Grade 12 graduate that knew nothing about it.
After a few years of teaching and some random side gigs (and going back to school again to complete a post graduate program in HR Management ) I somehow landed myself employed at a company in the marine industry.
I have been employed with this vessel management and crewing company Canship Ugland Ltd for the better part of 14 years. This company manages a diverse fleet of vessels that operate locally, nationally and internationally. The company also supplies third party recruitment services to other companies in the industry. Like other organizations there are many departments: Safety, Operations / Technical team, Purchasing, IT, Accounting, and Human Resources. The onshore team support the offshore team working on the vessels. Also, many of the onshore team once were members of the offshore team...so you don't need to spend your life at sea if you choose not to!
The marine industry is an exciting industry and it needs more workers - the number of jobs are continung to grow, the number of marine workers in Canada set to retire in the next few years is very high and the training instuitions are seeing a reductions in enrollments for various programs.
In the early years of my employment, my mind was often blown when writing employment offers to new graduates of Nautical Science, Marine Engineering, Electrical Engineering Technology, Marine Cooking, Bridgewatch and Engine Room Assistant programs..the compensation rates offered immediately after graduation was so wild to me! The compensation structure as they accumulate years of service and move up through the ranks ( if applicable) well that is truly next level!
I can say with certainty that the opportunities are endless for anyone who chooses one of the above career paths (or any career within the industry for that matter).
Check it out, spread the word and if you want to contact me for more info please feel free to do so at [email protected]
BREAKING NEWS: Marine Month returns to Canadian classrooms this October!🌊
The Canadian Marine Careers Foundation and Canadian Geographic Education present the 2nd edition of this national initiative with our employer partners. Students in Grades 5-12 are invited to explore the dynamic world of maritime careers. It’s time for teachers to register for live virtual events, resources, and a chance to win a $500 prize: https://heyor.ca/xwvxWs
Check out the full press release: https://heyor.ca/KGtYja
British Columbia Coast Pilots | Canadian Coast Guard | Royal Canadian Navy | Port de Montréal | Marine Atlantic | CSL Group | Canadian Geographic Education