Update on Norman and some things explained in further detail.
This was Norman last night ❤️ hard to believe eh?
Here’s an update and video of me saying “um” approx 1000 times 😂
Norman’s first snowfall this year 🥺💛
Silly sheepdog!
Anyone else’s sheepdog lie in weird places/positions 😂? I almost didn’t notice him there.
I can’t believe he got up there all by himself. Strong silly boy coming back to me 🥰😭
Norman is standing absolutely beautifully and strong today for his laser therapy! He chose to stand for majority of it which was awesome to see him do. I am focusing on getting those back hocks to be less flat next. The laser helps with his inflammation, improves circulation, decreases nerve sensitivity and relaxes his muscles.. a perfect combo for sore hips, especially as he works hard to gain back his muscle.
He is also enjoying a frozen applesauce as incentive. He quite enjoys this incentive 😂
Good boy, Norman 💛
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