I love to share Norman, but one thing I’ll never share is the things we tell eachother when we are side by side looking out into this beautiful world together.
Why do sheepdogs do this? 😂😂😂
Norman has started barking for treats ever since ONE time he barked while he had to lay down with the catheter in and I jumped up and gave him a treat. He is WAY too smart for his own good 😂❤️
Who’s going to tell him that he’s getting a bath, brush and trim this week? Not me! 
I took this last night. He is so dang cute. We were supposed to be fasting 😂😬😬😬😬 I’m glad I took it, it’s making me laugh while I wait.
Bringing a New Years celebration to Norman on his blanket all together ❤️ he’s old enough for a little lick 🥳🤪 I challenge you to get down on the ground with your dogs if you can. Get down on their level. They want to be a part of what you’re doing and it means the world to them, I promise!
Finding some joy and laughter in the little things ❤️ like my new expensive leash? 😂🤪
Our big appointment is on Monday. My mum is coming here to be with me and Norman. Keep praying and sending out the positivity and HOPE!
I’ve shared this video before.. but as I sit and share stories with Norman reminiscing on our grand adventures- I always find myself back here.
This is Kicking Horse River. A moment that I won’t forget. Norman was sitting in the very cold rapids taking in his surroundings. I could tell that this felt so good on his body. We sat for about ten minutes as we chatted, me on the shore and him with the mountain river water flowing through his beautiful hair. It made me tear up in the moment. Do you ever find yourself in a moment and realize how special it really is? That’s what this was for us.
It’s funny. I find myself so comfortable sharing moments and connecting with Norman in my own way, I sometimes have to stop to reflect while looking in from the outside just how truly special this boy is. I know that he was loving life in this moment. I know that he was truly looking around at the greatness of the mountains surrounding us. He was feeling things. He was taking in the moment. I know that he felt what I felt when we were there together … just pure peace. I have no other way to describe it.
Dogs live in the moment. I like to think that I do too. Maybe that’s why I often struggle with looking back at memories and wondering- wait, where did all of this time go while I was busy living? And in some ways, that is a gift in itself… but there just isn’t really ever enough is there? If I could live this life a thousand times over with Norman, I would always choose him.
We have been here twice now, and I WILL get him back here. Life is so precious. I promise that while you’re busy looking forward to the next big thing, all of the amazing little things are happening and they’re going to be what you look back and smile about. 💛
Thank you gramma and grampa ❤️
Update on Norman and some things explained in further detail.