Greyhound Pets NL - GPNL

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Greyhound Pets NL - GPNL Greyhound Pets NL is a Canadian Registered Charity that finds loving homes for rescued Greyhounds To subscribe, visit

GPNL is pro-adopter and pro-greyhound, here to support rescued and retired racers in their adoptions and promote them as pets. All events & activities associated with Greyhound Pets NL will be posted on this page and/or sent out to our members via our email subscription list. Please contact [email protected] for all adoption inquiries. Or visit our website at for more information on our adoption process and available dogs.

📣GPNL are excited to announce our 3rd 2024 scheduled transport of Greyhounds from Australia, arriving in Newfoundland on...

📣GPNL are excited to announce our 3rd 2024 scheduled transport of Greyhounds from Australia, arriving in Newfoundland on September 27! Pics and bios will be posted soon.

Anyone wishing to adopt/foster can apply online at

We receive many adoption applications from homes with resident cats. We cannot confirm that our hounds are cat-safe, but...

We receive many adoption applications from homes with resident cats. We cannot confirm that our hounds are cat-safe, but based on their behaviour assessments, some appear to be cat-workable. This is a grey’t article if you are currently owned by a cat, and are interested in adopting a Greyhound. Please do your research, and be prepared to adhere to the training involved to attain a peaceful mixed-species home.

Dogs Vs Cats: Can Greyhounds Live In Mix Species Homes?

The short answer? Yes. When it works, it works. But when it doesn’t, it can be disastrous. Many greyhounds can live in mix species homes, but it isn’t a universal ability, and unraced (or ‘non-chasing’) greyhounds are wrongly assumed to be automatically suitable for these environments due to their lack of racing experience.

Greyhounds are an ancient breed that have lived alongside humans throughout history, cherished and utilised for their hunting abilities. Their appearance, speed, agility, and skills have remained almost completely unchanged throughout their expansive history. They have sat beside kings and queens and were once only allowed to be owned by nobility, but along the line as times changed, their ownership became more common to be used in agriculture to hunt and clear pests. Over time this transitioned into racing. A sport that lives on into modern day.

Despite being a breed known for their laid back, gentle, quirky, and often melodramatic nature, greyhounds have history of being used to chase and kill going back millennia. That prey drive, their response to sudden movement and fleeing animals, is a deeply ingrained instinct.

It is for this reason that in most cases, greyhounds are not appropriate to live with cats, or other small creatures, in the home environment. But there is a great deal that can.

Some have a higher prey drive than others, but it isn’t their racing success (or lack of) that should be considered when looking for a hound to join your feline family.

It is almost daily that you’ll see or hear someone suggest getting an unraced or ‘non-chasing’ greyhound as these are the most likely to be suitable for mixed species homes.

No. We don’t agree with this at all.

Just because a hound doesn’t chase a lure around a track, doesn’t mean they won’t chase the real thing. Some are too intelligent for the track, or they just don’t ‘get on’ with the track. Maybe their confidence has been knocked going round a bend and another hound has pushed them into the rails, or they jump over the middle rail and try to cut the corner.

Greyhounds retire off the track young for many reasons, and while they can often be dubbed ‘non-chasers’ in the racing sense, this rarely translates to being a ‘non-chaser’ in real life.

We have met a great many unraced litters, ‘non-chaser’ and ‘failed racers’ over the years, and very few of them could be trusted around small dogs, let alone cats. Some were massively reactive, one that jumps to mind wasn’t even good with other large breeds!

Ironically, we had numerous successful cat-dog introductions with hounds that retired from glitteringly successful racing careers.

It’s a hound’s personality and temperament that are important when deciding whether they are cat trainable…not their racing successes. But the cat’s personality, temperament and previous experience living with dogs is also crucial to the success of having a mix species household.

Cats are independent, territorial, and can be quite sensitive to changes in their environment. Their behaviour can vary significantly based on their individual personalities and experiences. They will quite often be wary, or defensive, when a new animal enters their space. This can also be exacerbated if the cat has had negative experiences with dogs in the past.

Introducing any new animal to the home, greyhound or otherwise, can result in anxiety and stress related behaviours in a cat such as hiding, aggression, inappropriate toileting, changes in eating habits or they may straight up just leave the house and never come back!

If the cat is flighty by nature, or hasn’t had experience living with a dog before, a greyhound is very unlikely to be a good fit. Regardless of how laid back and cat-trainable a greyhound is, if the cat is timid and easily stressed, and likely to dart around the house in a panic…that greyhounds is going to be triggered and they will chase.

If you have a cat, you need to think very carefully about their needs, preferences, and personality before considering getting a dog. If they are confident, curious, and likely to stand their ground in the presence of a hound (and possibly even bop them on the nose if over curious), then it is more likely to be successful.

It is also important to bear in mind that while some rehoming organisations with ‘cat test’ a greyhound, this is no guarantee as to the long-term success of introducing one into the home environment. It only suggests that a hound is ‘cat-trainable’, it does not define them as ‘cat friendly’.

If you can find a cat-trainable greyhound (they are rare at best!) and feel your cat will adapt well to having a canine sibling, go ahead and try…but be prepared to pull the plug if it causes either animal unnecessary distress.

To ensure the successful introductions, you need to create a safe and controlled environment for the introductions. You can’t just toss them into a room together and expect it to go well.

- Before introducing the cat and hound, do some scent swapping for them to familiarise. This can be done by swapping beds or blankets, or otherwise introducing items that belong to the hound and cat to the opposite. This allows become accustomed to each other's scent in a non-threatening manner.

- Initially, keep the hound and cat in separate areas. Don’t force the interaction until they are both ready. This is more for the cat than anything else, especially if the cat has not lived with a dog before.
This can be achieved using a baby gate, this allows scents to be taken in, and visuals, without a direct and forced interaction which will cause stress. Monitor their reactions closely. Look for signs of curiosity, fear, or aggression. Positive signs include relaxed body language and mutual curiosity. Negative signs include growling, hissing, or lunging.

This may not work for every greyhound, as they may become overstimulated and excited in seeing the cat, which may cause frustrations and an unsuccessful meeting when you allow them into the room. Care should be taken, and the situation assessed every step of the way. If the hound is very easily overstimulated in just seeing the cat, starts vocalising or becomes agitated, the introduction should be abandoned.

- It is essential that the hound is kept muzzled, and on a lead, when allowing them into the same room. Start with short, supervised meetings. Keep the interactions brief, and positive, for both the cat and hound by providing treats and praise.
Ensure the cat has a safe space that they can retreat to if threatened, so keep the baby gate up, so they can flee past it if needed.
By keeping the hound on the lead, if the cat does become scared, flighty or runs, and the hound becomes triggered, you can quickly intervene.

It is important to bear in mind that a successful integration of a greyhound, or any sighthound for that matter, and a cat, can take weeks or even months. Even the most cat-trainable hound may still get triggered, over interested, chase or harass the cat.

This is especially true in the garden, as your hound may become accustomed to having the cat indoors, but outdoors it is fair game! If the cat starts running down the garden, or up the fence, the hound may become triggered. It is also not uncommon for a hound to only be cat-friendly with the resident cat. They may still be reactive, or aggressive, toward unfamiliar cats on walks or that come into the garden.

Similarly, being cat friendly with the resident cat doesn't translate to being friendly with cats in friends or other family homes. Visiting another home, with a cat, should be done with care, and the hound should be muzzled and kept on lead.

All interactions should be closely monitored, and both animals should be assessed for signs of stress or aggression. The cat should always have access to a room that the dog doesn’t, by use of a baby gate. Try to avoid forcing interactions, allow them to approach each other at their own pace.

Once the greyhound and cat are comfortable with each other, it's important to establish and maintain boundaries to ensure their long-term coexistence. Make sure the cat has access to a separate area to eat and toilet without disturbance from the dog.

Be prepared to have the muzzle on your hound indoors, and in the garden, for an extended period. The time it takes for a hound to settle into it’s adopted home varies massively, but typically it can take 3+ weeks for them to really decompress, trust, learn and start to show their true personality.

As their confidence grows, their behaviour toward the cat may very well change. You should never 100% trust your hound around the cat in the initial weeks and months, and positive reinforcement training should be carried out in relation to the cat long-term.

They may start getting the zoomies, and may start exhibiting more play behaviour, than they did in the initial days, which can both startle and stress a cat, but also accidentally harm them. A hound may not be intentionally aggressive, but greyhounds are all leg and mouth when they play, and they may become overstimulated and triggered by the cat while in full play mode. Cats have been killed by the resident greyhound long past the settling in period, even accidentally.

You should always be prepared to intervene if at any point your hounds prey drive gets triggered, they play too roughly, or the cat is showing signs of stress.

Introducing a greyhound, or any dog, to a household with cats takes careful planning, patience, and a thorough understanding of both animals' behaviours and needs. Just because you want a dog, doesn’t mean your cat does.

You should only pursue adopting a hound if you are truly confident in your cat’s ability to adjust and cope with their presence, as you may very well find your cat leaving and never coming home. No animal is disposable, or less worthy of a forever home, the cat cannot just be dismissed in favour of the dog.
They are not a lower lifeform. We’ve seen people rehoming their cats, in preference to keep the dog, even when the cat was there first.

Just bear in mind that you need to do what’s best for everyone, and the success of a mix species home depends on your commitment to making things work, takin the necessary steps and addressing any challenges as they arise.

With the right approach, greyhounds and cats can not only coexist peacefully but also, in some instances, form strong, loving bonds.

Have you got a mix species home? How did you find the introductions? Was your hound a successful or failed racer? Drop a comment below!

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📣Group Walk AND Meet & Greet! 📣Meet at 7pm on Thursday, August 22 at the downtown pedestrian mall on Water St. We will m...

📣Group Walk AND Meet & Greet! 📣

Meet at 7pm on Thursday, August 22 at the downtown pedestrian mall on Water St. We will meet inside the barrier at the intersection of Water St and Prescott St (by the Alt Hotel).

If you are interested in adopting a greyhound or wanting to learn more about the breed please come out! We are happy to answer questions and have you meet our furry friends.

Hound owners, bring along the whole fam for a fun walk through downtown St. John’s.

Walk will take place weather permitting. In the case of inclement weather (including hot temperatures) a post will be made by 5pm informing of the cancellation.

UPDATE: Congrats to our winner Karen Melay! Please message to confirm your availability and any dietary restrictions.⭐️G...

UPDATE: Congrats to our winner Karen Melay! Please message to confirm your availability and any dietary restrictions.

Want to attend Spirit of Newfoundland’s Lovers, Lies and Libations: A Prohibition Tale in support of Greyhound Pets NL? Here’s your chance!

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Giveaway closes at 6:00pm on Sunday, August 18. Winner announced on August 18. Winners will be contacted by GPNL. Show takes place Wednesday, August 21 at Spirit of Newfoundland in St. John’s.

*ADOPTION PENDING* - Greyhound LYRA!3 year old LYRA arrived from Spain🇪🇸 in May, and has embraced and enjoyed her foster...


3 year old LYRA arrived from Spain🇪🇸 in May, and has embraced and enjoyed her foster home. She is now ready to adopt a family of her own!🩷

LYRA is just the sweetest, amazing little girl, who enjoys the companionship of other dogs, but especially her humans. She can easily live with or without another dog. She is oh so affectionate and an easy girl, and would be great for a first-time hound family. She listens well, is clean in the house, great on walks, just the perfect happy-go-lucky girl.

Anyone wishing to adopt LYRA can apply online at🚫🐈‍⬛

🎤Please join us for our 3rd annual private show presented by the folks at Spirit of Newfoundland in support of Greyhound...

🎤Please join us for our 3rd annual private show presented by the folks at Spirit of Newfoundland in support of Greyhound Pets NL!

Lovers & Lies during Prohibition? What could possibly go wrong with that?! This is a NEW show that opens in August, and it’s sure to be a fun evening filled with lots of laughs and great food!

Tickets are already half sold, so don’t be disappointed and contact Sarah Crawley to reserve your tickets! A tax receipt is available on request.

Greyhound Addison’s 1st day in Newfoundland, and he was somewhat bewildered (to be expected). After arriving at Repuplic...

Greyhound Addison’s 1st day in Newfoundland, and he was somewhat bewildered (to be expected). After arriving at Repuplic Pets earlier and meeting up with Greyhound George, all was right with the world! This boy is a total love bug, so kind and respectful, just amazing.❤️

Bienvenue! Welcome to Canada 🇨🇦Addison, Lali and Malaya! One more direct flight from Montreal for Jayson and Addison, an...

Bienvenue! Welcome to Canada 🇨🇦Addison, Lali and Malaya! One more direct flight from Montreal for Jayson and Addison, and they will arrive in Newfoundland in the early hours on Thursday.❤️

Jayson Byrne at 112 Carlota Galgos in Spain, readying Greyhound Addison for his travel to Canada on Wednesday! Addison i...

Jayson Byrne at 112 Carlota Galgos in Spain, readying Greyhound Addison for his travel to Canada on Wednesday! Addison is available for adoption, and applications can be found on our website at

✈️Today Jayson Byrne departs Canada 🇨🇦 and returns to 112 Carlota Galgos in Spain🇪🇸 to flight patron Addison, Malaya and...

✈️Today Jayson Byrne departs Canada 🇨🇦 and returns to 112 Carlota Galgos in Spain🇪🇸 to flight patron Addison, Malaya and Lali home to Canada on July 10. Malaya and Lali have excited families waiting to receive them through Carlota Galgos Rescue Canada, and Addison is available for adoption through GPNL. Safe travels Jayson and enjoy your stay at the finca. Stay tuned for updates!

LOVERS, LIES & LIBATIONS: A Prohibition Tale presented by Spirit of Newfoundland in support of Greyhound Pets NL! Join u...

LOVERS, LIES & LIBATIONS: A Prohibition Tale presented by Spirit of Newfoundland in support of Greyhound Pets NL! Join us on Wednesday, August 21 at 7pm for a night of dinner and entertainment. Contact Sarah Crawley for your tickets!

* A tax receipt for $45 is available. Please let Sarah know if you require one. Payments are made through EMT.

Lovers, Lies, and Libations: A Prohibition Tale is a historical and hysterical journey from the start of the island’s legislated temperance to its long-awaited and necessary end in 1924. The show is about a family of pub owners, the Doyles, who are forced to pivot and get creative when the temperance movement brings their business to a grinding halt. Through determination and desperation, they transform their beloved pub into Doyle’s Funeral Home; a clever front for their speakeasy hidden in the shadows. This tale is jam-packed with music, mystery, mayhem, and mistaken identities! See how Newfoundlanders fought their way through prohibition with humor, strength, cunning, and lots and lots of alcohol.

In addition to celebrating Canada Day, Memorial Day has been observed annually in Newfoundland, Canada since July 1, 191...

In addition to celebrating Canada Day, Memorial Day has been observed annually in Newfoundland, Canada since July 1, 1917, to honour the losses of approximately 700 soldiers of the 1st Newfoundland Regiment from the Dominion of Newfoundland at Beaumont-Hamel on the first day on the Somme during the First World War.

The Caribou statue in Bowring Park is a replica of the monument at the Beaumont-Hamel Newfoundland Memorial Park in France.

Lest we forget.

OK, here is the FIREWORKS talk, especially for new adopters. If you know when there are going to be fireworks, there are...

OK, here is the FIREWORKS talk, especially for new adopters. If you know when there are going to be fireworks, there are a couple of things you can do to prepare.

(1) Fireworks typically go off right after dark so turn on all the lights, turn up the TV or stereo as loud as you can stand it, and wait it out. Some dogs like bathtubs for security. Turn on any fans and sit with them until it's over.

(2) Whatever you do, do NOT put your hound out into the fenced yard if you have any idea that there will be fireworks. If they go off and traumatize your hound, he/she could jump the fence in fear; cower in fear which means they'll not want to go outside again; or they could go a little crazy and hurt themselves. Take them outside on a leash; go out with them NEVER tie them out, and make it as quick a trip out as possible. Ensure they have their house collars on at all times, with contact info.

(3) You could try some calming spray, calming treats, a thunder shirt (or other snug wrapping), or even drugs from your vet.

(4) Some people load up their hounds and go for a ride. Usually fireworks last maybe a half hour at the most (in smaller towns), so a nice ride in the country might work for you.

Just please know that you could very easily lose your hound during fireworks, or have an unexpected trip to the vet with an injury. Just be aware, be careful, and use your common sense. Many hounds may never have even heard fireworks before. This can be jarring and unsettling for them. Prepare now for what might be a very uncomfortable evening.

Have a safe Canada Day!🇨🇦

📢 Important Update! 🐾 In response to VSC's announcement, there will be a shared emergency on-call group for after-hours ...

📢 Important Update! 🐾

In response to VSC's announcement, there will be a shared emergency on-call group for after-hours emergencies from 7pm-8am daily, starting July 2 at 7pm. This group is a collaboration among Beachy Cove Animal Hospital, Avalon Animal Hospital, Sunrise Animal Hospital, Torbay Road Animal Hospital, Terra Nova Veterinary Clinic, Baccalieu Trail Animal Hospital, Topsail Road Veterinary Clinic, Paradise Animal Hospital, Kenmount Road Animal Hospital, CBS Animal Hospital, Memorial Animal Hospital, and St. John's Veterinary Hospital.

VSC will continue to handle emergencies during the day from 8am - 7pm.

After hours, please call your clinic and you will be forwarded to an Emergency line. You will then be directed to the clinic that is on-call. If you don't have a specific clinic, you can still call the line and say so and you will be directed to the hospital on-call.

Greyhound Meet & Greet happening TODAY from 11-7 pm at PetValu Ropewalk Lane! Drop by and meet the fastest dogs on the p...

Greyhound Meet & Greet happening TODAY from 11-7 pm at PetValu Ropewalk Lane! Drop by and meet the fastest dogs on the planet, and learn about our adoption program.

📣Today GPNL welcomed our second 2024 transport of 4 ex-racing Greyhounds from Australia, in collaboration with our partn...

📣Today GPNL welcomed our second 2024 transport of 4 ex-racing Greyhounds from Australia, in collaboration with our partner Racing2Rehome!🇦🇺+🇨🇦=❤️🐾

George, Damon, Blossom and Ukon, after much travel (Australia-Vancouver-Toronto-Moncton-Newfoundland), and appropriate rest periods (and fussing) in between at each stop, arrived in St. John’s to a warm welcome on a warm foggy morning. All are now settling and, well, doing what Greyhounds do well…napping after filling their bellies.

Heartfelt thanks to the phenomenal team at Racing 2 Rehome, not only for the work that they’re doing there, but their knowledge and professionalism throughout this journey with us.❤️

Thank you to Worldwide Animal Travel for your assistance in receiving our Greyhounds in Vancouver, and arranging their domestic travel across Canada.✈️

Thanks to CargoJet’s ground crews in Toronto, Moncton and St. John’s, who always go above and beyond for the comfort and care of our hounds.

Much love and support go out to our amazing adopters and foster homes, who open their hearts and homes to these amazing souls.❤️

Big shout out to RePuplic Pets for their assistance and support of our adoption program.❤️

Lastly, thank you to our supporters, because without you, none of this could be possible.🤗

Look who is getting ready to depart the chilly land down under...warm weather awaits Greyhounds Blossom, Damon, Ukon and...

Look who is getting ready to depart the chilly land down under...warm weather awaits Greyhounds Blossom, Damon, Ukon and George!

Look who is on their way! Greyhounds Damon, George, Blossom and Ukon are all checked in to depart Australia🇦🇺. Stay tune...

Look who is on their way! Greyhounds Damon, George, Blossom and Ukon are all checked in to depart Australia🇦🇺. Stay tuned for updates as they make their way home!🇨🇦

GPNL have rescued almost 30 China meat trade hounds in partnership with CHRI. Because of the CFIA ban in effect, we are ...

GPNL have rescued almost 30 China meat trade hounds in partnership with CHRI. Because of the CFIA ban in effect, we are currently unable to bring dogs from China to Canada. As the USA have now relaxed their ban, we are hopeful that Canada will follow suit soon.

Yulin Dog Festival is now happening in China.Thousands of dogs will be slaughtered over the next couple of weeks.

Some will be pets stolen,pets handed to the butchers.ex racing Greyhounds,ex breeding dogs,ex hunting dogs etc.

Some will be simply stabbed to death or hit over the head.Some of the not so lucky dogs will be boiled,skinned alive.Some of the videos I have seen over the years will haunt my soul forever.

If you aww ever lucky enough to adopt a dog from China you will understand how wonderful these dogs are and how beautiful they are.

90% of Candy’s Hound Rescue dogs are it’s a horrific trade that happens daily in parts of China.

Rest In Peace all the beautiful souls that will be slaughtered just so people can eat them 😢💔💔💔🐕

🩵Foster Homes Needed🩵 We are seeking a couple of foster (or forever) homes for our greyhounds arriving from Australia on...

🩵Foster Homes Needed🩵

We are seeking a couple of foster (or forever) homes for our greyhounds arriving from Australia on June 27th. Ukon (female, 3 years old) and George (male, 5 years old) are looking for somewhere to lay their heads while they wait for their forever home. Or maybe you could be their forever home! If you are interested in fostering or adopting either of those beautiful dogs, visit to apply 🩵

Spirit of Newfoundland and Greyhound Pets NL present The Prohibition Show. Join us for a night of good food and great en...

Spirit of Newfoundland and Greyhound Pets NL present The Prohibition Show. Join us for a night of good food and great entertainment at Theatre Gower. Tickets are $110 per person and tax receipts can be issued. Contact Sarah Crawley to secure your tickets now!

Happy Fathers Day to all you amazing dog dads! 🐶❤️🐾

Happy Fathers Day to all you amazing dog dads! 🐶❤️🐾

Did you know that Greyhounds and other sighthound breeds excel as Therapy Dogs?Not only do they make fantastic Therapy D...

Did you know that Greyhounds and other sighthound breeds excel as Therapy Dogs?
Not only do they make fantastic Therapy Dogs, it also shows what a lovely bunch of people these owners are, dedicating their time to bring so much joy and happiness to others.
Is your Greyhound or other sighthound breed now or ever a Therapy Dog? If so we would love to hear about it in the comments below!

*Foster Families Needed*We have 4 Greyhounds arriving from Australia on June 27!Fostering a Greyhound isn't just a gener...

*Foster Families Needed*
We have 4 Greyhounds arriving from Australia on June 27!
Fostering a Greyhound isn't just a generous act; it's a rewarding experience filled with joy, laughter, and unforgettable memories. It's an opportunity to make a significant impact in a dog's life. Plus, we make the process as easy as possible for you by providing everything needed to foster a Greyhound, including bedding, food, and covering all vet expenses.
This is also a perfect chance to see if a Greyhound is the right fit for your family, and if you happen to fall in love with your foster dog (as many do), you'll have the first option to adopt.
Please contact us if you are interested in fostering or want more info about our foster program.

Happening today, with all proceeds going to Greyhound Pets NL!Thank you Pet Valu for your support❤️

Happening today, with all proceeds going to Greyhound Pets NL!
Thank you Pet Valu for your support❤️

*Available for Adoption* – Greyhound DAMON (aka Aston Payroll)!DOB: January 15, 2021Approx. weight 75 lbs.DAMON will arr...

*Available for Adoption* – Greyhound DAMON (aka Aston Payroll)!
DOB: January 15, 2021
Approx. weight 75 lbs.
DAMON will arrive from Australia on June 27, 2024.
DAMON is affectionate and loves being in the company of people.
Anyone interested in adopting DAMON can apply online at



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