Did you know that you can train your dog to take medication, or participate in handling such as grooming or veterinary exams or procedures?
This can benefit the owner/dog relationship, and be particularly helpful if your dog is afraid, or reacts strongly if this type of handling is attempted.
Here's Recess Day Trainer Leroy training with Malli, they're working towards taking oral medication from a syringe.
#cooperativecare #cooperativecaretraining #husbandrytraining #bhbtrecess
If you ask your dog to sit or lie down, do they do it on the spot, or do they walk over to you? Most dogs would walk over, that's pretty standard as dogs tend to be very context specific!
With the warmer weather, the Recess Day Training dogs have been wanting less play and more training. I try to keep the training physically active, so here's Ella distance work. Her default previously has been to walk over and sit or lie down right at feet.
#dogtrainingatadistance #generalizingbehaviors #playandtrain #bhbtrecess
Sunny days are great for grooming outdoors!
Here's day trainer Leroy and Trainer Malli getting some loose floof out (and using Cooperative Care to do it!) on a recent Recess visit.
#bhbtrecess #playandtrain #cooperativecare #husbandrytraining #chinrest
Day Trainer Dubu shows off his progress working on a hold (holding an object, which could be incorporated into a retrieve later)
He gets bonus adorable points just for existing!
#dogdaytraining #trainandplay #bhbtrecess #bhbtdaytraining
Management: changes to the environment, how you handle your dog, or the places you do or don't take your dog, that prevent the rehearsal of unwanted behaviour.
This is a client's clever built-in gate (repurposed)for their kitchen. It's attractive, not too bulky, and if you're a little handy like they are, you can even set it up on your own.
Pet gates don't have to be bulky or unattractive!
#managementfordogs #managementindogtraining
#positivereinforcementtraining #cpdtkacertified
Cooperative care is training, and a training process, with the goal of having the dog (or cat, parrot, lion, rhinoceros, polar bear, or even crocodile!) understand the handling or proceedure they are involved in, and choose to participate.
These are just a few of Day Trainer Leroy's cooperative care skills: mouth handling/teeth brushing, voluntary muzzling, feet handling/hair trimming, brushing of the body and detangling longer areas... did I miss any?!
Leroy cooperates and "opts in" by placing his chin on the towel (on the chair) and holding it in place, or by moving his face into the muzzle. If he lifts his chin, changes position, or otherwise becomes uncomfortable, we stop, however if he can cooperate he knows yummy snacks abound!
Training Leroy in cooperative care allows his people to be able to examine him, keep his coat brushed, feet trimmed, etc, in a manner that is low stress for all (humans and dogs) involved. This also preserves and strengthens their relationship and trust.
Please note that the muzzle is "for practice", and all skills were trained at a level where Leroy was comfortable and the muzzle was not needed.
#cooperativecaretraining #coopertivecare #voluntaryhusbandry #bhbtdaytraining #dogdaytraining #trainhumane #muzzleupproject
Long Term day trainer Ella and I have been working on this fun little piece of training... stay tuned for the completion of the "back up the stairs" skill!
Ella's confidence, willingness to guess, and focus have improved so much in day training. It's been a treat to watch her grow.
And I think she really enjoys day training, too.
#bhbtrecess #dogdaytraining #trainandplay #inhomevisits #inhomevisitsforpets
Dubu vs the vacuum: a story, before and after
Dubu's family signed him up for our regular "Train and Play" visits, our latest project has been working on his feelings about vacuuming.
His progress has been really super 😁 and our next step will be trasferring everything over to his people.
Please note that I don't typically take 'before' videos for behaviour work, because I don't wish to cause the dogs I work with any undo worry. Given the specifics of this Dubu and this particular project, I felt it would not cause an undo amount of stress to snap a short before video.
Boomer & Person are learning to be ok around dogs at an appropriate distance . This clip is from their first session earlier this week.
During our session with decoy stuffy 'Spike'(under the arrow), Boomer's person had this feedback:
💜"this is fun!"💜
Despite the sometimes serious nature of reactivity, my goal as a trainer for all training, and for behavioural issues as well, IS for it to be fun (for 🐶 s and humans alike), at the very least for it to be relaxing.
#trainhumane #reactivedogsaregooddogstoo
Here's mini Bull Terrier, Judy, working on her big feelings!
It doesn't look like much but ... as with most evidence and reward based behaviour modification, that's actually the point! Judy recently developed a strong reaction to the squeak sound of the opening door. She has some big feelings about a few aspects of life(often sound or noise related), but made really great improvements on this, even within this one session.
#evidencebaseddogtraining #controlunleashed #counterconditioning #adolescentdog #reactivedogsaregooddogstoo
Dubu's mouth handling is moving toward less clearly offered behaviour (him moving entirely toward a stationary trainer), toward more generalized positive association with mouth handling. Hopefully this allows for people who aren't familiar with the training plan to examine him, and for Dubu to feel better about it!
Note: You will see Dubu pull away and then push back in, while the trainer reduces their expectation in the next repetition. It is important that we not expect too much, too soon, and because Dubu knows he can opt out (pull away), this actually helps him feel more comfortable(and is good information for the trainer, ooops, too much!), which is visible here; the really neat part is when Dubu regroups and tries again!
ID: person sitting cross legged on the floor, handling a red and white Corgi's mouth in a reward based dog training session. The dog is learning to have his mouth opened and examined.
#cooperativecarefordogs #consentfordogs #mouthexam #dogmouthexam #teef #evidencebaseddogtraining
Dubu's owner mentioned that Dubu had concerns with his mouth being handled. When I checked it out, I found that this was indeed true. He moved so quickly that I couldn't actually touch his mouth!
We have only just begun to work on this through Recess visits, but I'm already impressed with his response!
#bhbtrecess #cooperativecare #caninemouthcare #sayahhh