There are 451 Pet Stores & Pet Services listed in Winnipeg on this website. Your Sponsored Listing guarantees that your business appears at the top of the page.
This means potential customers are far more likely to click on your business listing over your competitors – meaning greater chances of securing new sales and valuable leads.
This product is so powerful that we limit availability to just two companies in Winnipeg, so make sure you sign up today to ensure you don't miss out.
Current remaining number of featured placement slots in Winnipeg: 2
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Start typing the name of your business or select from the list below and click "Continue".
4 Mutts Bake Shop
4K Aquatics
4U Farms
A Dog's Reflection
A Fine Dog
A Pawsitive Image: Photography - Design - Training
Academy Road Spay & Neuter Clinic
Adorable Dogs and Puppies for adoption in Manitoba.
Aesops Veterinary Care
Almost Urban Vegetables
Alpine Animal Hospital
Amanda's Canine Obedience Training
American bulldog puppies for sale
Anderson Animal Hospital and Wellness Center
Angelina’s Custom Miniatures
Animal Actors of Manitoba
Animal Hospital of Manitoba
Antler World Dog Products
Antlers Etc Taxidermy Studio
Arrowwood Animal Hospital
Assiniboine Park & Zoo
Auntie Erin the Pet Nanny
Austria Grooming
BNI Accelerators - Manitoba, Canada
Bad 2 the Bone Grooming
Ballistic Pythons
Bamff's homemade dog biscuits
Bark Busters Winnipeg
Bark Lodge
Bark and Meow Mobile Vet
Bark, Bed & Board
Barking Peanuts
Barks n' Bubbles Pet Spa Inc.
Barnett Bernards
Beauty and Beasts
Bella's Bow-Tique
Best West Pet Foods
BigDog kennels Winnipeg
Birchwood Animal Hospital
Bird Shop & Aquariums
Bits N’ Cobs
Blue Bird Creative
Blue Petal Small Dog Grooming
Bob & Dixie Co
Bods Paws and More
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba (BTPRSM)
Brenda Leipsic Dog Parkers
Brenda’s Odd Jobs and Pet Care Services
Bridgwater Veterinary Hospital and Wellness Centre
Brittany Tilley Art
Bronny's Barkery
Bruce Brothers Pet Services
Buddy Matthews
Bug Problems
Bunn Creek Bees
CLW Creates
Caiti's Critters Animal Sanctuary
Cambridge Meadow Farms
Camp Canine Dog Daycare Centre
Canine Club Inc.
Canine Connection Alliance
Cat Scratch Fever
Cathedral Aviary
Cbudzak Photography
Centennial Animal Hospital
Centennial Grooming
Central Bark East St Paul
Central Bark Winnipeg
Charleswood Dog Park Club
Charleswood Veterinary Clinic
CityCats Guiding Service
Classy Canines Grooming
Classy Clips Inc
Cole’s Critters Care and Transport
Comb & Collar Grooming
Comfy Paws Paradise
Concrete Blonde Aquatics
Conformation Handling Class with Sheena Rafferty
Corbett's K-9 Cuts
Corpell's Water
Corydon Animal Hospital
Craig Street Cats
Craig Street Cats Annual Winter Craft Show
Crazy Cat Lady Cat Sitting-Need Temporary TLC for your feline friend?
Creative K9
Crescentwood Small Dog Play Group
Crestview Veterinary Hospital
Cuddle Pet Care
Cute little paws
D'Arcy's A.R.C. (Animal Rescue Centre)
DCT Pythons
Dakota Veterinary Hospital
Dapper Dogs
Dark Horse Tack Care
Dawgy Stylez by Jess
Desiderius Farms
Diamond Edge Dog Salon
Dog Behavior Obedience Trainer
Dog Dock on the Bay
Dog Grooming By Barb
Dog Nerd
Doggie Delights Dog Treats
Doggie Duds
Dogs and Puppies for Adoption and Rehoming In Manitoba
Dogs and Puppies for Rehoming in Winnipeg MB, Canada
Duke’s Dashing Designs
EPYC Tails
East St. Paul Animal Hospital
Eastridge Farm
El Gato Catios
Elisabeth’s Dogs
Endless Pawsibilities
Envious Exotics
Erika D'Merchowl
Eye in the Sky - Pet Detectives
Fancy Cat
Feed The Furbabies Canada
Fetch Canine
Fia’s Gecko’s
Fido & Friends Pet Care
Fields Doggy PlayCare
Flip Flood
Fluffle Bunny Rescue
For The Love of Filters
Fort Garry Veterinary Hospital
Free Pet Food Delivery
Freedom Paws Pet Rescue
Fresh Forage
Front Porch Aviaries
Fur & Feathers Grooming Salon
Fuzzball Pet Daycare
Gatehouse Dog Rescue
Gecks n pods
Global Pet Foods - Winnipeg St. Vital
Golden Pet Home
GoodPuppy Dog Training
Grand Oak Meadows Stables
Granite Acres Poultry
Grant Park Animal Hospital
Green House pets for rehoming
Grooming By Chantel
Grooming By Rebecca
Grooming by Brennly
Grooming by Karla
Grooming by Kaylyn
Guenter Zoo
Guppy Galore
Guy Robertson Performance Horses
H&Z Care Services
Happy Pill Co.
Happy Trails Ranch
Have Paws Will Travel Pet Sitting/Dog Walking
Head to Tail Pet Rehabilitation
Henderson Animal Hospital
Hi-Flyers Agility Training
Hip Pooch
Hopeful Dog Training
Horse and Co.
Husky Howllow Dog Grooming At Shih Tzus Forever Grooming Services
I Dream of Fishies
In The Moment With Horses Inc.
In the Days of Otis
Into the Blue
J&L Mobile Claws
JD's Pets Meats & Treats
JJ's Jaunts etc.
Jeffrey McFarlane
Jenny Sunday
Jenn’s pet care service
Jetta's Geckos
Jigsew Co.
K9 Storm Inc
K9s kitties and kritters petsitting
KEEPhoto - Photography for Pets and their Humans
KP's Cuts For Mutts Grooming Co.
Kathy&MSN Teacup Puppies
Kenaston Veterinary Hospital
Kgaing Lay Pet Shop
Kim's Pet Sitting
Kinder Canine Coaching & Behaviour Consultant
Kindred Komfort
King John Promotions
King's Park Dog Association
LAme des champs
LEASH WPG Locating Elusive and Skittish Hounds
La Diva Equestrian Center
Laurie K's Dog Vacay
Laurie's Grooming
Lead Me Pet Co
Leo & Co
Lewis & Clark Collar Co.
Lia's Eye Photography
Lil Squishy's Grooming
Lil' Paws Grooming
Linden Ridge Animal Hospital
Lint Remover On The Go
Little Critter Sitter
Little Lucy’s Customized
Little Rascals Cozies
Living Well Farm
Louise - Weezy Jones
Luna and Navi -cat moments
MBK Manitoba Bully Kennels
MVMA - Manitoba Veterinary Professionals
Machray Animal Hospital
Manitoba Great Pyrenees Rescue
Manitoba Mutts Dog Rescue Inc.
Manitoba Pomsky
Maplewood Farms by Equine First
Mayday Lifestyle Solutions
Mazenod Dog Park Club
McLeod Veterinary Hospital
McPhillips Animal Hospital
Meadow Green Stables
Meadowood Veterinary Hospital
Melody's Dog Sitting Services
Mile Dogs
Miranda's Active Paws Winnipeg
Miss J.La's Fur Babies Cat Cafe and Adoption Centre
Miss Kleos Pet Treats
Misty River Ranch
Mobius Reptiles
Molly's Pet Boutique
Momo Dog Grooming
Monsieur Wiggles
Moose Weimaraners
Murdock Stables
MutKut Dog Grooming
My Fostering Addiction & Adorable Adoptables
Nascency Productions
Nestor’s Aquariums & Pets
North Forest Mushrooms
Northern Light Chihuahua’s
Northland Taxidermy Winnipeg
Oliver Professional Dog and Cat Grooming Spa
Onyx & Audrey’s
Oodles of Doodles: Cocoa’s Miniature Goldendoodle Pups
Over The Top Bulldogs
Patricia Hutchison in home Pet Grooming
Pawadise Pet Care
Pawdicures By Cheryl
Pawer Treats
Paws & Whiskers World
Paws + Claws
Paws Unleashed Winnipeg Ltd.
Pawsitive Animal Hospital
Pawz 4 Applause Training
Pembina Veterinary Hospital
Perfect Paws
Pet Affection
Pet Planet Park City Commons
Pet Sitter - Cat Family
Pet Sitting By Elizabeth S.
Pet Trax Pet Sitting and Dog Training
Pet Valu
Pet Valu Charleswood and Tuxedo
Pet Valu Marion
Pet Valu Osborne
Pet Valu Reenders
Pet Valu Southdale
Pet Valu Transcona
PetCare Passion
PetLove Venture
PetLovers World
PetMobile WPG
Petals West
Peter's Kennels, Crates, and More
Pets 101
Pigeon Wrapping Factory
Pink Pawz
Planted Allies
Plessis Veterinary Hospital
Pliant Pack Positive Dog Training
Pomsky puppies for adoption
Poop Scoop Property Maintenance Services
Prairie Ly Mobile Veterinary Care
Prairie Pet Services
Prairie Raw Wpg & Surrounding
PrairieDog Grooming Studios
Precious Pet
Pretty Puppy
Pride & groom
Prim & Proper Grooming
Pristine Pups
Punk'n & Pals
Pupper Pantry
Puppies for sale In Manitoba
Qisma German Shepherds
Quill & Tail
Quin Dog Care
R & R Apparel
Ragdoll Canada
Rave 4 Raw pet nutrition
RedLight PET
Renegade Pythons
Rescue Siamese
Reserve Animals 911
Revel's Disc Emporium
Rio’s Treats
River City Mushrooms
Rivers Animal Hospital
Roblin Animal Hospital- My Vet
Roblin Animal Hospital/ Red River Spay & Neuter
Rottweilers of Central Canada
Royally Boarded LLC
Safe Heart’s Pure Dog Treats
Sage Creek Animal Hospital
Sagehill Stables
Santana Kennels
Scoopy Doo Canine Waste Removal Inc.
Scruffs & Mugs
Seasons Veterinary Clinic
Seneca Kennels
Seven Oaks Veterinary Hospital
Shake Your Tail Feather Grooming
Shawndee Airedale & Russell Terriers
Shayla McLenaghan
Sherbrook Animal Hospital
Shereen's Weird & Wonderful Dog Sweaters
Sherry Shears Pet Grooming
Sherwood Charms Pet Boutique
Shiny Nose Grooming
Silver Heights Veterinary Hospital
Six Pines
Six Ten Am Pet Services
Skip the Scratches
Smack Pet Food
Social Enterprise Centre Winnipeg
Sondra’s Pawsitive Pet Sitting
Sophisticuts Dog Grooming By Noelle
Southglen Veterinary Hospital
Speak Doggish
Spirit of Hope Rescue
Spoiled Rotten Bulldogs - English bulldog breeder
St Andrews Stables
St. Norbert Animal Hospital
St. Vital Veterinary Hospital
Stitched Memories by Kristen
Street Treats Winnipeg - your neighborhood dog snack shack
Sunhunde Miniature Long Haired Dachshunds
Sunset Veterinary Care
Surplus Direct
TJ's Exotics
Taming Cerberus
Techna Vet Industries Inc.
Tess's Dog Training
Thamnophis Canada
The Articulate Owl : Translation & Language Services
The Barefoot Farrier
The Belly Rub Club
The Brood Ball Pythons
The Bulldog Empire
The Cat Mom
The Chop Stop
The Corner Paws
The Dog Circle
The Dog Loft Inc.
The Fort Garry Horse
The Green Dog Pet Grooming
The Heart of Horsemanship
The Kucas Family Farm - Winnipeg Manitoba
The Little Dog House Small Dog Center
The Neon Dragon
The Pawsh Dog - Bridgwater
The Prairie Pooch
The Preferred Perch
The Princess Pooch
The Sleepy Koala
The aFISHionados
Thrive Pet Food Market
Tir na Nog Animal Rescue
TopLine Dog
Traci's Kitty Resort and Chateau
True North Chow Chows
Tuxedo Animal Hospital
Urban Canine Winnipeg
Urban Canine Wpg
Urban Knights and Ladies Peace Patrol
Urban Tails - Where Happy Pets Shop
Vada's Club K9
Volker's Aquarium Supplies
W W Stables
WHS Pet Shop
Walkies Pet Sitting
Weatie's Treaties
Westminster Spaw All Breed Dog Grooming / Laundromutts by Emily
Westwood Veterinary Hospital
White Wolf Pet Grooming
Who's A Good Dog Winnipeg
Whyte Ridge Veterinary Hospital
WhyteWillow Cattery
Wild Woods Canine Retreat
Winnipeg Bulldog Meetup Group
Winnipeg Custom Pet Furniture
Winnipeg Humane Society
Winnipeg Lost Dog Alert Inc.
Winnipeg Pet Rescue Shelter
Winnipeg Reptiles
Winnipeg Ring Group
Winnipeg Westie Walk
Wisteriadolls ragdoll cattery
Woofs 'n Wags
Woofs 'n Wags Donald
Wooftopia Dog Training & Recreation Centre
Working Equitation Manitoba
Zion English Goldens
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