Anima-Strath Switzerland

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Anima-Strath Switzerland Natürliches Aufbau- & Futterergänzungsmittel.
🌱100% natürlich
🇨🇭Schweizer Produkt
6️1 Vitalstoffe was founded in 1961 by Fred Pestalozzi.

Die Firma Bio-Strath AG wurde 1961 durch Fred Pestalozzi gegründet und wird heute in zweiter Generation von David Pestalozzi geleitet. Zusammen mit 20 weiteren Angestellten wird nachhaltig und solide an der Weiterführung dieser 53- jährigen Schweizer Erfolgsgeschichte nach folgenden Grundsätzen gearbeitet:

* Naturbelassenheit der Inhaltsstoffe erhalten
* Keine Beigabe von künstlich erzeugten Subs

* Natürliche Haltbarkeit ohne Konservierungsmittel

Bio-Strath Ltd. Today the company is in second generation and lead by David Pestalozzi. Together with 20 employees the 53 year old Swiss success story continues in a solid and sustainable manner according to the following principles.

* Maintain naturalness of the incredients.
* No addition of artificial substances.
* Natural storage life without preservatives.

La société Bio-Strath AG, fondée en 1961 par Fred Pestalozzi, est dirigée aujourd'hui par le fils du fondateur, David Pestalozzi. Entouré d'une équipe de 20 collaborateurs, il travaille à perpétuer le succès de cette entreprise suisse de 53 ans en restant attaché aux pricipes suivants:

* préserver le caractère naturel des substances actives
* proscrire l'ajout de substances artificielles
* assurer une conservation naturelle sans agents conservateurs


L'azienda Bio-Strath AG è stato fondato da Fred Pestalozzi nel 1961, oggi guidata dalla seconda generazione della famiglia e precisamente da David Pestalozzi, figlio del fondatore. Insieme a 20 dipendenti continua a portare avanti in maniera consapevole e sostenibile, la storia di successi tracciata in Svizzera nel corso di 53 anni tenendo fede ai seguenti principi:

* mantenimento della naturalezza dei principi attivi
* nessuna aggiunta di sostanze artificiali
* naturale durata del prodotto senza aggiunta di conservanti


Lots of exercise and fresh air are known to be the best health care for your dog in autumn. The right dog toy can come along for the ride. As a sensible activity, it provides variety in the familiar territory and challenges your pet not only physically but also mentally.

Deinen Hund solltest du regelmässig bürsten. Je länger die Haare, desto öfter solltest du das tun, um Verfilzungen vorzu...

Deinen Hund solltest du regelmässig bürsten. Je länger die Haare, desto öfter solltest du das tun, um Verfilzungen vorzubeugen. Kurzhaarige Hunde müssen relativ selten gebürstet werden. Langhaarige Hunde sollten sogar täglich gebürstet werden. Und extrem langhaarige Hunde kannst du über die heissen Sommermonate sogar scheren. Viele sind dankbar über einen «Kurzhaarschnitt»!


Regular dental check-ups are important because cats often suffer from bad breath, gingivitis and tartar. It's important to check your cat's teeth regularly and occasionally offer dry food or snacks to clean them, if you only feed wet food. Once tartar has formed, it can only be removed by a vet.


Claw sharpening is part of a cat's grooming routine. And so that house cats can also perform this ritual without destroying the furniture, you should always provide a scratching post. If your cat's claws have become too long, it's best to have them trimmed by a vet. Trimming the claws doesn't hurt the cat, but you should get your cat used to having his paws touched so that he feels comfortable at the vet.


Even though cats themselves have tongues that are best suited for grooming, they swallow a lot of hair, which can cause hairballs to form. These can lead to constipation, vomiting and diarrhoea. Regular brushing is therefore a must and you should do this from the beginning as a feel-good programme. And in times of coat change, you should support it with additional combing sessions.


Many rodents such as chinchillas, hamsters and others maintain their fine fur by rolling around on sandy ground. Because this need is very important to your animal, you should make sure that you provide it with the most ideal surface possible. Of course, it is perfect if you can simulate a kind of bathing sand - the porous, absorbent surface of the sand grain grooms effectively and gently, and this natural product also contains no foreign substances, which is why it is much less dusty.


For birds, a bird bath is an ideal opportunity to cool down on hot summer days and clean their feathers at the same time. In summer as well as in winter, you should change the water as often as possible - preferably even daily - so that not too many germs form in the stagnant water and your feathered friends do not suffer any damage to their health. And in winter, when temperatures are freezing, you should keep the water free of ice so that the birds can drink.

This hygiene measure is not very popular with dogs because their ears are very sensitive. Check your dog's ears approx. ...

This hygiene measure is not very popular with dogs because their ears are very sensitive. Check your dog's ears approx. once a week for cleanliness and also for possible mite infestation. Dogs with droopy ears need the most care because they have no ventilation and bacteria and fungi can grow more quickly. If necessary, clean the ears with a soft, lint-free cotton cloth or pad. Please do not use cotton swabs!


Nature has endowed cats with a very rough tongue, with which the animals can take over a large part of their grooming themselves. The extensive grooming of our velvet paws is almost meditative. It is important to get your cat used to additional grooming measures from your side at an early stage and then enjoy these special moments of togetherness. Have fun!

Dogs do not wear shoes. In summer, the pads dry out quickly and need to be cared for accordingly. In hot weather, it's b...

Dogs do not wear shoes. In summer, the pads dry out quickly and need to be cared for accordingly. In hot weather, it's better to go into the cool forest and use the morning and evening hours. Also avoid your dog spending too much time on hot asphalt.

In general, your dog should not be bathed more often than is actually necessary. Reasons for a bath can be, for example,...

In general, your dog should not be bathed more often than is actually necessary. Reasons for a bath can be, for example, if your dog doesn't smell good or is very dirty. But always use a mild dog shampoo. And make sure that no water gets into your pet's eyes or ears when bathing. If you want to dry your dog's coat after the bath, always turn the hair dryer to the lowest temperature - this is very important!


Grooming a dog is not only important for hygiene and health, but also for the relationship between you and your pet. Ideally, you should be able to touch and examine your four-legged friend's ears, eyes, fur, claws and teeth without any problems. The motto is: early practice makes perfect! If your dog is already used to regular grooming when it is a puppy, growling or even biting should be taboo.
# dogcoat


If you want to protect young birds from your cat, you can, for example, make sure that your pet does not roam too far - for this it is important to have her neutered. A neutered cat usually stays closer to the house and the circle of bird breeding sites in its territory becomes more manageable. Also important: make your garden bird-proof!


Summer time unfortunately also means tick time. But are ticks actually dangerous for cats? Unfortunately, yes, because infected ticks can transmit serious diseases. So if you want to protect your cat from the annoying ticks, find out now about the most common options - for example, a special cat collar against ticks.


They tussle, race across the room, rear up and then pounce on their sibling in one fell swoop: the joy of playing seems to be in the cats' cradle. This not only looks cute, but is a true school of life for them. So, support her and play with her - there are no limits to your play ideas!


Spring attracts people and dogs to go for walks outdoors. Many wild animals also awaken from their winter sleep at this time and give birth to their young from the beginning of April to the end of July. So it is especially important now that walkers, hikers and dog owners show consideration. In order for the young animals to develop without any problems, they need a lot of peace and quiet during this so-called "hatching and weaning season".


Unfortunately, older dogs often suffer from osteoarthritis, a slower metabolism and poorer blood circulation. At the same time, their vitamin and mineral requirements increase with age, which they need to maintain their defences. It is important for you to know the following: If your senior dog has a higher need for vitamins, minerals and amino acids, then you can support him by feeding him the right nutrients. As a food supplement, we would of course like to recommend our Anima-Strath - it contains everything your beloved four-legged friend needs in old age.


Many older dogs suffer from overweight - something that doesn't have to be! It is important that you, as the owner, adjust your dog's diet to avoid putting on fat. Feed smaller amounts - but more often during the day. And give him our Anima-Strath as well!


Is your dog six years old or older? He is usually much more relaxed than he used to be, but also more prone to discomfort and illness. However, you can support your beloved four-legged friend as he grows older:
1. make sure your dog gets age-appropriate exercise, 2. make sure his diet is appropriate for his age, 3. use a high-quality supplementary food such as our fine, tried-and-tested Anima-Strath!


No matter if you have visitors, if there are children around or if the hoover is noisy: what is natural for us humans is often strange and scary for velvet paws. In such situations, therefore, consciously pay attention to your cat's body language. Of course, you can't stop inviting guests or cleaning your flat, but you should definitely try to put yourself in your cat's place - and let him feel it. For example, before you start vacuuming a room where your cat is staying, take him to another room - this way you avoid direct confrontation with the hoover and build your cat's confidence at the same time. And before he lies down on his favorite blanket in this room, he might get a little Anima-Strath - which is also good for him!


Winter is also a challenging time for cats, who wear fur all the time. Did you know that outdoor cats can freeze to death at night, especially during sudden, unexpected cold spells? So make sure your pet stays indoors at night and doesn't spend too much time outdoors during the day on very cold days. If you feed outside, make sure that food and water are not frozen. Even in winter, cats can become dehydrated. Older cats and those with arthritis also require special attention, as the cold can have an extreme effect on inflamed joints. Make sure your cat has a place to sleep that is protected from draughts, and provide mobility-impaired cats with a staircase or ramp to reach their favorite spots, including the feeding area with their beloved Anima Strath.


For many dogs, sniffing and smelling is the most exciting activity of all. You can use this enthusiasm to keep your dog busy in winter. In the absence of your dog, drag a strong-smelling treat across the floor and leave it at the end of the scent trail as a reward. You don't have to touch the ground, as the air will retain the scent as it slowly settles on the ground. To increase the difficulty, you can also hide the treats under a cup at the end of the trail. Your pet has to use his nose and is also challenged mentally. By the way, this game can be ideally combined with training and even developed into a tracking game. This not only strengthens your dog's sense of smell, but also his ability to concentrate. Of course you can also incorporate our Anima-Strath...


If you have a small dog, or in the case of a larger dog, have enough space in your flat or house, indoor agility is a great solution - especially in bad winter weather. You can easily turn your living room into an exciting course or the hallway into a tricky fitness trail. You don't have to buy the obstacles yourself, you can easily find them from household items. Water bottles become a slalom, books with a shelf on top become a jumping obstacle and a hula hoop becomes a jumping ring. Be especially careful that the dog doesn't slip or bump into anything. And if he needs a lot of power for your challenges, he is also grateful for the Anima-Strath - but you know that!


If you don't have so much time to spend with your dog in the winter, you can give him a job. Let him bring you your clothes, empty a laundry basket, fetch the newspaper and so on. Your four-legged friend will love to do these tasks and will feel important and needed. For example, you can teach your dog to put things in a basket on command. This way he can clean up his toys himself or put dirty laundry in the laundry basket. This game is especially suitable for dogs that like to fetch or carry things around. It keeps your dog busy and gives you a little help around the house. And if you always add a little Anima-Strath to his food, he'll be even happier!


You always set yourself a lot of good resolutions at the turn of the year, but just can't manage to keep them? Everything will be different in 2023! If you set good resolutions not only for yourself, but also for your four-legged friend, it will be much easier for you to keep them (you always have your four-legged personal trainer by your side, so to speak...). So, here are a few simple New Year's resolutions for you and your dog: 1. get more exercise. 2. eat less snacks in between meals. 3. social contacts are important - cultivate them. 4. practice mindfulness again and again. 5. take enough time for yourself and your pet. 6. discipline, please! 7. be grateful for everything you experience with your dog. 8. continue to rely on our tried and tested Anima-Strath. Got it? Well then: Happy New Year!


Small animals such as guinea pigs and rabbits should be used to being kept outside. However, it is essential that they have the chance to develop a protective winter coat. For the winter time, it is also necessary that you winterise their well-equipped enclosure. The enclosure must offer your animals protection from the cold and be windproof. Suitable insulation material for the floor and walls is very helpful here. An appropriate diet is also very important for small animals. They need concentrated feed - and our Anima-Strath is also good for them because it strengthens them and makes them even more "winter-fit"!


There is no question that cats should be allowed out all year round. This makes the transition to the cold weather easier for them. Their fur will become thicker and they will be better able to cope with the cold. In winter, however, it is definitely advisable to offer your cat an additional shelter - this can be a cosy place in the shed or garage, furnished with lots of blankets or thick blankets. And you can insulate the walls so that the room stays warm and windproof. You should also offer your little tiger our tried and tested Anima-Strath - it will help him get through the winter even better!


Besides the ears and the tail, the paws are among the parts of the body most susceptible to frostbite. For all breeds it is equally important to keep the paw pads supple to avoid painful cracks. Greasy creams are very helpful. It is also important to keep the fur on the paws and between the toes short. This will prevent painful lumps of ice from forming there. And wash your dog's paws thoroughly after every walk - this removes salt, grit and sand from the paws and also gives your dog the chance to spoil his stomach by licking his paws. Speaking of stomach: don't forget our Anima-Strath, right?


Now that the cold season is upon us, it is important to get your dog "winterised". Short-haired breeds such as Dobermans, greyhounds and Chihuahuas, as well as old dogs, are particularly sensitive to the cold. Even though it is often ridiculed, when you take them outside, they should wear a suitable and comfortable garment. A warm jumper or jacket that covers the entire back is a good idea. However, the garment must not hinder the animal's movements or negatively influence its body language. Never wrong, too: our tried and tested Anima-Strath - it simply does your pet so much good!


Ho, ho, ho! Christmas is just around the corner! Are you still looking for a suitable gift for your pet? Whether cat, dog, hamster or guinea pig - we have just the right gift idea for your pets! If you enjoy giving presents at Christmas time, you can give your dog or cat a little joy: Sure, it can be a new toy - after all, your four-legged friends are also happy about a present under the Christmas tree and will certainly show you their gratitude! But of course it could also be our fine Anima-Strath - it's healthy and good for every animal! Whatever you give - Merry Christmas to you and your darling!

Weihnachtsgeschenk gesucht? 🎁 Bestelle jetzt auf und erhalte einen gratis Wurfball zu deiner Bestellung....

Weihnachtsgeschenk gesucht? 🎁 Bestelle jetzt auf und erhalte einen gratis Wurfball zu deiner Bestellung.

Ob im Schnee, Regen oder Sonnenschein - bei Spaziergängen mit Ari darf der Wurfball nicht fehlen. ❄️🌧☀️


This is the time of year when we see our hedgehogs most often, because they are particularly active now. Not only do they go in search of food to build up their winter fat, but they are also looking for a suitable place to sleep for the winter - both are very important for them! For healthy, strong hedgehogs, survival in the wild is no problem. Only sick, excessively vermin-infested or emaciated animals need our help. And only if it is already extremely cold in autumn can you offer a hedgehog a winter home. Make sure you also give him some of our Anima-Strath - it's really good for him!


Many rabbits and guinea pigs spend the winter in an outdoor enclosure - which is fine for healthy animals. But this is only possible if the animals have been able to slowly get used to the cold. In concrete terms: they must be able to adjust slowly to the temperature fluctuations so that they acquire a warming coat of fur in good time. You also have to make sure that the stable is nice and dry, well insulated and weatherproof. The drinking water or wet food - ideally including some Anima-Strath - must not freeze and the animals must have enough opportunities to move around to keep warm. Finally, the weather sides to the north or north-west are rather unsuitable for quarters on the balcony, because it can easily become damp and draughty there. Everything clear?

An exciting question that reached us recently: Does climate change actually affect animal behaviour in winter? "Not dire...

An exciting question that reached us recently: Does climate change actually affect animal behaviour in winter? "Not directly and not dramatically," says animal physiologist Gerhard Heldmaier from the University of Marburg. Animal physiologists are interested in the life processes in animals, in their organs, their cells and their tissue. Contrary to what is usually assumed, says Professor Heldmaier, winter is a difficult season for animals not because of the cold, but because there is little food to be found. What does that mean for you? That you pay special attention to feeding your pet during the cold season - and in the best case also mix some Anima-Strath into his food!


Sun is good for you!
Have you ever heard of vitamin D? No? Well, when sunlight hits the skin, the body starts to produce vitamin D. This is good and very important for our immune system. This is good and very important for our immune system. Therefore, now that autumn has arrived, go out into the fresh air and get as much sunlight as possible. By the way, this also makes sense when many big, grey clouds block out the direct sun - vitamin formation is stimulated anyway. Of course, we also recommend our Strath supplement with vitamin D - in the cold season, this supplement is just the right thing for you!


In autumn, your dog's immune system is particularly challenged after an adventurous day outdoors, with less sun and cooler temperatures making him more susceptible to illness. So keep a close eye on his health! Just like humans, they can get seasonal infections, such as kennel cough, which is similar to our flu. Joint pain and arthritis also move in again at this time of year. Older animals in particular suffer from these ailments, so it's all the more important that you keep him warm and don't let him get wet. Try a little coat or booties if your dog is a little older and weakening. And, of course, always mix some of our tried and tested Anima-Strath into the food!

Unfortunately, glycol residues from car antifreeze can be life-threatening for your dog or cat in the colder months. Bec...

Unfortunately, glycol residues from car antifreeze can be life-threatening for your dog or cat in the colder months. Because glycol tastes sweet, it is important that you always keep a close eye on your pet. And please remember to rinse and dry the floor immediately if you spill any antifreeze yourself - so that no animal can accidentally ingest it. Outdoors, especially in car parks and garages, you must make sure that your dog or cat does not lick anything out of puddles. For once, the problem with glycol has nothing to do with our Anima-Strath - but we still want to point out the danger!


Recently we were asked how much play a cat needs. Well, we are not really experts in cat animation, but we would answer the following: "Several small play sessions a day are certainly ideal. Depending on your cat's activity rhythm, each play session should last about 15 minutes. Longer breaks between the play sessions are also important so that your cat can rest sufficiently and process the experience well. And finally, we recommend our tried and tested Anima-Strath - it's good for every animal!


Cats love to play because it's fun for them! Kittens can play for hours at a time. The little ones have seemingly inexhaustible energy, chasing balls and strings, jumping vertically in the air and shooting across the house - as if they were trying to get into the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest cat in the world! And even when your cat is fully grown, it will still enjoy playing with you - it's a great way to sharpen its senses and instincts. Plus, playing together will help your cat and you bond! So, play with your cat and make sure it stays fit thanks to our Anima-Strath!



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