The Global Alliance for Animals and People

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The Global Alliance for Animals and People The GAAP is here to create better lives for animals, people, and the environment in Latin America.

The Global Alliance for Animals and People (the GAAP) is formed by people and partners across the globe that recognize the importance of maintaining support to people and their animals in Latin America. The GAAP envisions a Latin America where people live in harmony with animals and the environment; where people recognize the cultural, emotional and economic value that they provide us with, so that they manage them in ways that maintain their states of health, sustainability and functionality.

¿Alguna vez has pensado en los problemas que esto puede causar… no solo para los propios perros y gatos, sino también pa...

¿Alguna vez has pensado en los problemas que esto puede causar… no solo para los propios perros y gatos, sino también para otros animales y personas?

Lamentablemente, los perros y gatos que deambulan libremente (con y sin dueño) generan múltiples problemas, incluyendo la depredación de fauna silvestre y otros animales domésticos como ovejas, cabras, caballos y ganado. Además, contribuyen a la transmisión de enfermedades a animales como zorros, gatos silvestres, mamíferos marinos e incluso a los humanos.

Por eso, en The GAAP trabajamos para educar a las nuevas generaciones sobre la importancia del cuidado responsable de perros y gatos. Creemos que los futuros tutores de animales pueden marcar la diferencia a largo plazo a través de experiencias de aprendizaje significativas dentro del aula, gracias a nuestro programa educativo Mascotas Saludables.

Descubre más sobre nuestro programa educativo aquí:
🔗 Healthy Pets Education Project


Did you know that in Chile, it is estimated that there are over 4 million dogs and cats that roam the streets without supervision?

Have you ever considered what kinds of problems this can cause…not only for the dogs and cats themselves but for other animals and people as well?

Sadly, free-roaming dogs and cats (with and without owners) cause a host of problems including predation of all kinds of wildlife and other domestic animals like sheep, goats, horses, and cattle, plus transmission of diseases to animals such as foxes, wild cats, marine mammals, and even humans.

This is why, at The GAAP, we work hard to educate the next generation about how to provide responsible care for their cats and dogs. We believe that the next generation of pet owners can improve responsible pet care in the long-term thanks to engaging learning experiences integrated into the classroom through our Healthy Pets education program.

Check out our Healthy Pets education project here:

🌿 Exploring the Valdivian Forest: Kids as Researchers!📸🐾  Through our Nature Connection program, supported by Lush Chari...

🌿 Exploring the Valdivian Forest: Kids as Researchers!📸🐾

Through our Nature Connection program, supported by Lush Charity Pot, 8th graders from Los Pellines became wildlife researchers in the Valdivian Forest! Using camera traps, they explored habitats and captured images of local wildlife, taking pride in sharing their exciting findings with the group.

Yet, their discoveries revealed a concern: domestic dogs and cats outnumber native species like the kodkod and monito del monte in the forest. Pets roaming freely invade vital habitats, threatening native wildlife through attacks and disease spread, forcing them to retreat.

We can all help by keeping our pets safely contained, protecting the biodiversity of the Valdivian Forest. Together, we can create a safe space for all animals! 🌎💚

🌿 ¡Explorando el Bosque Valdiviano: Niños como Investigadores! 📸🐾

A través de nuestro programa de Conexión con la Naturaleza, apoyado por Lush Charity Pot, estudiantes de 8º básico de Los Pellines se convirtieron en investigadores de la vida silvestre en el Bosque Valdiviano. Con cámaras trampa, exploraron hábitats y capturaron imágenes de la fauna local, compartiendo con orgullo sus emocionantes hallazgos con el grupo.

Sin embargo, sus descubrimientos revelaron una preocupación: los perros y gatos domésticos superan en número a las especies nativas como el güiña y el monito del monte en el bosque. Las mascotas que deambulan libremente invaden hábitats vitales, amenazando a la fauna nativa con ataques y la propagación de enfermedades, obligándolas a retirarse.

Podemos ayudar manteniendo a nuestras mascotas bajo control de manera segura, protegiendo la biodiversidad del Bosque Valdiviano. ¡Juntos podemos crear un espacio seguro para todos los animales! 🌎💚

🌟 Compassion in Action: Stories from the Eabametoong First Nation community 🌿🐾At our last spay/neuter and preventive car...

🌟 Compassion in Action: Stories from the Eabametoong First Nation community 🌿🐾

At our last spay/neuter and preventive care campaign in the Eabametoong First Nation community, one local woman was initially hesitant to participate. We recognize all the complex issues that surround our team’s presence in a First Nation community, and we try to respect each person’s experiences and perspectives, while also helping as many animals as possible. After considering the services we were offering, the woman eventually decided to bring her two Shih Tzus to the campaign for veterinary care. One was groomed and vaccinated, and the other was neutered. She later expressed gratitude for the experience, recognizing the necessity of these services and hoping others in the community would follow suit to make the most of these opportunities to receive care for their companion animals.

These moments remind us of the vital role compassionate care and community collaboration play in creating healthier futures for animals and their families.

🌟 Compasión en acción: Historias de la comunidad de la Primera Nación Eabametoong 🌿🐾
En nuestra última campaña de esterilización, castración y atención preventiva en la comunidad de la Primera Nación Eabametoong, una mujer local inicialmente se mostró reacia a participar. Reconocemos la complejidad de las cuestiones que rodean la presencia de nuestro equipo en una comunidad de la Primera Nación, y tratamos de respetar las experiencias y perspectivas de cada persona, mientras ayudamos al mayor número posible de animales.
Después de reflexionar sobre los servicios que estábamos ofreciendo, la mujer finalmente decidió llevar a sus dos Shih Tzus a la campaña para recibir atención veterinaria. Uno de ellos fue vacunado y arreglado, mientras que el otro fue esterilizado. Posteriormente, expresó su gratitud por la experiencia, reconociendo la importancia de estos servicios y esperando que otros en la comunidad también aprovechen estas oportunidades para cuidar a sus animales de compañía.

Estos momentos nos recuerdan el papel vital que desempeñan el cuidado compasivo y la colaboración comunitaria para crear futuros más saludables para los animales y sus familias. 🐾

🎆✨ Happy New Year from The GAAP! 🐾💚🌍As we say goodbye to 2024, we want to thank you for every effort, big and small, you...

🎆✨ Happy New Year from The GAAP! 🐾💚🌍
As we say goodbye to 2024, we want to thank you for every effort, big and small, you made for animals, people, and the environment. Together, we’ve made meaningful strides toward a healthier, more sustainable future.

Here are just a few highlights of the impacts you made possible over the past year:

🐾 Provided 1,700+ animal care appointments in Valdivia, Chile and 550+ veterinary telemedicine cases in the remote Mayan village of Todos Santos, totaling over 1327 vaccines administered and nearly 100 animals spayed/neutered between the two countries.

🌿 Connected foster kids with nature through immersive workshops focused on utilizing the five senses to observe birds in the Valdivian Forest and surrounding wetlands, and taught 8th graders from a local school to collect and analyze data from camera traps to learn about wildlife and domestic animal interactions!

📈 Exponentially grew our Healthy Pets education program, thanks in large part to support from the Edgard & Cooper Foundation:
- - 👩‍🏫 We implemented our “teach the teacher” training program in 3 regions across Chile, preparing 48 educators to deliver our Healthy Pets curriculum to their own students, veterinary clinic clients, and community members.
- - ✏️ So far we’ve had a total of over 1,150 new participations in our Healthy Pets curriculum, a set of 12 workshops that cover a variety of topics designed to empower the learners to make concrete changes that ultimately create a long-term change in the way people take care of their dogs and cats!

🐦 Made significant contributions to global research efforts on migratory birds and participated in describing the ecology and biology of a Chilean bird for a worldwide bird encyclopedia, Birds of the World.

➡️ This new year, join us in keeping these programs alive! Let's continue making a lasting difference. ✔️Give today at: Any amount can make a real difference, and every action matters when it comes to working together to protect animals and our planet!

Cheers to you, the amazing community of supporters who make this all possible! 🥂 May 2025 bring you love, hope, and new opportunities to grow and care for our world. Thank you for being part of creating a brighter future!!

🎉 Happy New Year to all! 🐾💫

Compassion in Action: Stories from the Eabametoong First Nation community 🌿🐾During our last vet services campaign in the...

Compassion in Action: Stories from the Eabametoong First Nation community 🌿🐾

During our last vet services campaign in the Eabametoong First Nation community, a man brought his dog for a checkup due to an infection that had been ongoing for some time, but because of the remote location of the community, there had not previously been any veterinary service available. Our team carefully examined the dog and noted that the infection was quite severe. They provided a treatment option, but followed up again prior to the final day of the campaign. Sadly, the treatment wasn’t effective and the dog’s condition had worsened. Given that our team was there, the caretaker had an option to choose a peaceful farewell through euthanasia. Throughout the procedure, the caretaker stayed by his companion’s side, thanking him for years of love and protection and finding closure in this difficult moment.

While this isn’t a typical “happy ending”, we can see the value of offering vet services to communities that are often underserved. Even essential services like euthanasia are often not an option in remote areas, and many times there is no peaceful ending for animals who are suffering. This is just one reason we find value in these opportunities to collaborate and bring vet care to animals in need.


Compasión en Acción: Historias de la comunidad de Eabametoong First Nation 🌿🐾
Durante nuestra última campaña de servicios veterinarios en la comunidad de Eabametoong First Nation, un hombre llevó a su perro para un chequeo debido a una infección que había persistido por algún tiempo. Debido a la ubicación remota de la comunidad, no había habido servicios veterinarios disponibles anteriormente.
Nuestro equipo examinó cuidadosamente al perro y notó que la infección era bastante grave. Se ofreció una opción de tratamiento, pero se hizo un seguimiento antes del último día de la campaña. Lamentablemente, el tratamiento no fue efectivo y la condición del perro empeoró.
Dado que nuestro equipo estaba presente, el cuidador tuvo la opción de darle una despedida pacífica a través de la eutanasia. Durante el procedimiento, permaneció junto a su compañero, agradeciéndole por años de amor y protección, y encontrando consuelo en este momento difícil.

Aunque no es un "final feliz" típico, este caso resalta el valor de ofrecer servicios veterinarios a comunidades que a menudo están desatendidas. Incluso servicios esenciales como la eutanasia suelen no ser una opción en áreas remotas, lo que significa que muchos animales que sufren no tienen un final pacífico.
Estas oportunidades de colaboración y atención veterinaria son fundamentales para ayudar a los animales necesitados. 🐾

🎄✨ Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from The GAAP! 🐾💚🌍Today, we want to take a moment to thank you for being part of t...

🎄✨ Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from The GAAP! 🐾💚🌍

Today, we want to take a moment to thank you for being part of this community that shares a common dream: a world where animals, people, and the environment live in balance and harmony.

This holiday season, let’s celebrate together:
🌱 Caring for our planet,
🐶🐱 Loving and protecting our animal companions, and
💙 Strengthening the bonds that unite us as a community.
Every action we take for others—be it people, pets, or our shared environment—brings us all closer to a healthier, more sustainable future. Thank you for walking this path with us!

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you a holiday season filled with love, hope, and shared moments with those you care about most, humans and animals alike.
🎅🔯 Happy holidays to all! 🐾💫


🎄✨ ¡Felices fiestas de parte de The GAAP! 🐾💚🌍
Hoy queremos tomarnos un momento para agradecerles por ser parte de esta comunidad que comparte un sueño común: un mundo donde los animales, las personas y el ambiente vivan en equilibrio y armonía.

Esta Navidad, celebremos juntos:
🌱 Cuidando de nuestro planeta,
🐶🐱 Amando y protegiendo a nuestros compañeros animales, y
💙 Fortaleciendo los lazos que nos unen como comunidad.
Cada acción que tomamos por los demás —ya sean personas, mascotas o nuestro entorno— nos acerca a un futuro más sano y sostenible. ¡Gracias por acompañarnos en este camino!

De todo corazón, les deseamos una Navidad llena de amor, esperanza y momentos compartidos con quienes más quieren, humanos y animales por igual.
🎅 ¡Felices fiestas para todos a cada uno de ustedes! 🐾💫

🐾 Impulsando la Educación en Tenencia Responsable de Mascotas 🌟Con orgullo anunciamos que nuestro programa educativo Mas...

🐾 Impulsando la Educación en Tenencia Responsable de Mascotas 🌟

Con orgullo anunciamos que nuestro programa educativo Mascotas Saludables ha completado exitosamente las capacitaciones "Enseñar al Profesor" en tres regiones de Chile. Esta iniciativa busca formar una red sólida de educadores capaces de transmitir nuestro plan de estudios, ampliando el alcance del mensaje sobre tenencia responsable de mascotas a nivel nacional.

Gracias a este esfuerzo, profesores, veterinarios y líderes comunitarios capacitados ahora lideran talleres de Mascotas Saludables en sus propias comunidades. Se espera que esta red en expansión logre involucrar a aproximadamente 2,700 personas en los próximos meses. Esto representa una oportunidad invaluable para que jóvenes y dueños de mascotas en todo Chile aprendan sobre el cuidado responsable de perros y gatos, generando impactos positivos tanto en la salud de los animales como en los ecosistemas y comunidades que compartimos.

La educación es la herramienta más poderosa para fomentar un futuro más responsable y saludable para nuestras mascotas y comunidades. Agradecemos sinceramente el apoyo de , y de nuestros generosos donantes, cuya colaboración hace posible este cambio significativo y duradero.

🐾 Building a Network of Responsible Pet Ownership Educators! 🌟

Our Healthy Pets education program recently completed “Teach the Teacher” trainings in 3 regions across Chile with the goal of creating a community of educators who are equipped and supported to share our Healthy Pets curriculum, ultimately spreading the message of responsible pet ownership to a much broader audience around the country.

Now, the teachers, veterinarians, and community leaders who participated in the training sessions are facilitating their own Healthy Pets workshops with students, clients, and communities. We expect approximately 2,700 new participations in our Healthy Pets curriculum over the coming months as a result of this growing and expanding network of educators! That means thousands of young people and pet owners across Chile will learn about responsibly caring for their cats and dogs and how their actions can have far-reaching impacts, not only on their pets’ health, but also on the health of habitats and communities.

Education is the key to building a responsible and healthy future for our pets and communities. We’re extremely grateful to the support of , , and our committed donors who make this lasting change possible!

🐾 Caring for Pets, Protecting Patagonia 🌿In Puerto Aysén, at the heart of Patagonia, our Healthy Pets program leaders sa...

🐾 Caring for Pets, Protecting Patagonia 🌿

In Puerto Aysén, at the heart of Patagonia, our Healthy Pets program leaders saw many dogs and cats in very poor condition. This incredible place, rich in biodiversity, faces a significant challenge: companion animals left to roam freely can have devastating effects on wildlife, increasing attacks and the spread of diseases.

Thanks to the support of and in collaboration with our partners at , our Healthy Pets program has had the privilege of working alongside dedicated members of the Puerto Aysén community to educate kids about responsible pet ownership and their role in improving the health and welfare of animals, which is a critical step to restoring the balance of this amazing ecosystem.
Responsibility begins with each of us! 💙


🐾 Cuidando a las Mascotas, Protegiendo la Patagonia 🌿

En Puerto Aysén, en el corazón de la Patagonia, los líderes de nuestro programa Mascotas Saludables vieron a muchos perros y gatos en condiciones muy precarias. Este lugar increíble, rico en biodiversidad, enfrenta un gran desafío: los animales de compañía que deambulan libremente pueden tener efectos devastadores en la fauna silvestre, aumentando los ataques y la propagación de enfermedades.

Gracias al apoyo de y en colaboración con nuestros aliados de , nuestro programa Mascotas Saludables ha tenido el privilegio de trabajar junto a miembros comprometidos de la comunidad de Puerto Aysén para educar a los niños sobre la tenencia responsable de mascotas y su papel en la mejora de la salud y el bienestar de los animales, un paso crítico para restaurar el equilibrio de este asombroso ecosistema.

¡La responsabilidad comienza con cada uno de nosotros! 💙

🌍 Colaboración por un Futuro más Saludable 🌱🐾Enfrentar desafíos como las enfermedades zoonóticas, la resistencia antimic...

🌍 Colaboración por un Futuro más Saludable 🌱🐾

Enfrentar desafíos como las enfermedades zoonóticas, la resistencia antimicrobiana y la seguridad alimentaria requiere un elemento clave: el trabajo en equipo. 🧑‍⚕️👩‍🔬👨‍🌾

Los expertos en salud humana, animal y ambiental deben trabajar juntos para construir un futuro más saludable para todos los seres vivos en nuestro planeta. Abordar estos problemas complejos desde una sola área de especialización es simplemente insuficiente. Para crear soluciones duraderas a estos problemas interconectados y multidimensionales, un enfoque interdisciplinario es esencial.

Y, por supuesto, tú también eres una parte importante de este esfuerzo para construir un futuro más saludable y sostenible. Actúa hoy y forma parte de la iniciativa global y colaborativa de Una Salud.

Juntos, podemos crear conscientemente un futuro más saludable para los animales, el planeta y para nosotros mismos.

✔️ ¡Haz una diferencia positiva y duradera hoy! Ninguna contribución es demasiado pequeña; cada esfuerzo cuenta: 🌟🌟


🌍 Collaboration for a Healthier Future 🌱🐾

Tackling challenges like zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and food safety requires one key element: teamwork. 🧑‍⚕️👩‍🔬👨‍🌾

Experts in human, animal, and environmental health must work together to build a healthier future for all living beings on our planet. Approaching these complex issues from just one area of expertise is simply insufficient. To create lasting solutions for these intersecting, multidimensional problems, an interdisciplinary approach s is key.

And of course you are also an important part of this effort to build a healthier and more sustainable future. Take action today to be part of the collaborative, global One Health initiative. Together, we can consciously create a healthier future for animals, the planet, and one another..

✔️Make a positive, lasting difference today! No amount is too small - every bit matters: 🌟🌟

🌟 This  , Make a Lasting Impact 🌟At The GAAP, we are on a mission to create a more compassionate world—one that protects...

🌟 This , Make a Lasting Impact 🌟

At The GAAP, we are on a mission to create a more compassionate world—one that protects animals, supports communities, and connects people with nature. 🐾🌎

With your support, we’ve been able to:
💚 Train a new community of educators who are spreading the word and growing our reach, teaching more and more kids about responsible pet care.
💚 Help young people connect with nature and grow as stewards of the environment through involving them in researching domestic and wild animal conflict in the Valdivian Forest.
💚 Bring life-saving veterinary care to underserved communities, such as the remote Mayan village of Todos Santos, Guatemala.

Your donation today can help us reach even more children, animals, and families in need. Any amount can make a lasting difference! ❤️

💡 Consider becoming a monthly donor! Monthly donations provide us with reliable resources to continue this vital work year-round.

Together, we can ensure a brighter future for our planet and all who call it home. Will you join us?

👉 Donate today at

Thank you for making a difference!

Invasores: Mascotas en el medio ambiente¿Sabías que cada especie, animal o vegetal, puede clasificarse de acuerdo a su o...

Invasores: Mascotas en el medio ambiente

¿Sabías que cada especie, animal o vegetal, puede clasificarse de acuerdo a su origen geográfico?

Nativa: Ser vivo propio del lugar donde se encuentra. Siempre ha estado allí, existe de manera natural, por lo que cumple un rol importante en ese ecosistema.
Ejemplo: El Chuncho
Endémica: Ser vivo que, además de ser nativo, no vive en ninguna otra parte del mundo. Puede ser endémico incluso de una localidad o región.
Ejemplo: Ranita de Darwin
Exótico o Introducida: Ser vivo presente en un lugar donde NO es nativo. Es llevado por acción humana, por diversas razones, hasta un territorio nuevo.
Ejemplo: Jabalí
Invasora: Ser vivo presente en un lugar donde NO es nativo y que causa problemas en el ecosistema al que fue llevado.
Ejemplo: Chaqueta amarilla

Desde GAAP consideramos que el poder identificar las especies que habitan nuestro ambiente, es uno de los aportes fundamentales para poder concientizar el estado de salud de los lugares que habitamos
¡Se parte y comparte esta información!

Invaders: Pets in Naturethe Environment
Did you know that each species, whether animal or plant, can be classified according to its geographical origin?
Native: A living being that is naturally found in the location where it resides. It has always been there and exists naturally, playing an important role in that ecosystem.
>>Example: The Chuncho Owl
Endemic: A living being that, in addition to being native, does not exist anywhere else in the world. It can even be endemic to a specific locality or region or habitat.
>>Example: Darwin’s Frog
Exotic or Introduced: A living being found in a location where it is NOT native. It has been brought by human action, for various reasons, to a new territory.
>>Example: Wild Boar
Invasive: A living being found in a place where it is NOT native and causes problems in the ecosystem it was introduced to.
>>Example: Yellow Jacket
At The GAAP, we believe that being able to identify the species that inhabit our environment is one of the fundamental ways to raise awareness about the health status of the places we inhabit.
Join our effortsBe a part and share this information!

📅 Día de Una Salud - 3 de noviembre de 2024 🌍¡Este 3 de noviembre, te invitamos a celebrar el Día de Una Salud! Un día e...

📅 Día de Una Salud - 3 de noviembre de 2024 🌍

¡Este 3 de noviembre, te invitamos a celebrar el Día de Una Salud! Un día en el que reconocemos la profunda conexión entre la salud humana, animal y ambiental. Al cuidar uno, ¡cuidamos a todos! 🐾🌱👩‍⚕️

La colaboración entre expertos en salud humana, animal y ambiental permite abordar desafíos como enfermedades zoonóticas, resistencia antimicrobiana y seguridad alimentaria, para mejorar la salud de todos los seres vivos en nuestro entorno compartido.¡Tu compromiso marca la diferencia!
¡Por favor, dona hoy aquí!


📅 One Health Day - November 3, 2024 🌍

This November 3rd, we invite you to celebrate One Health Day, a day to recognize the inextricable connection between human, animal, and environmental health. By caring for one, we care for all! 🐾🌱👩‍⚕️

Join this global initiative, be an active participant, and get involved consciously. We are all part of the solution to tackle challenges like zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and food safety. Your commitment makes a difference! Show your support today at

Environmental Enrichment: Improve Your Pet’s Quality of Life 🐱🐶Environmental enrichment helps enhance the physical, ment...

Environmental Enrichment: Improve Your Pet’s Quality of Life 🐱🐶
Environmental enrichment helps enhance the physical, mental, social, and cognitive well-being of pets by allowing them to express natural behaviors. Here are five types of enrichment you can try:

1️⃣ Physical: Modify their space, adding complexity for running and playing.
2️⃣ Sensory: Stimulate their senses with smell, visual, or sound exercises.
3️⃣ Cognitive: Use games and mental challenges, like interactive food bowls.
4️⃣ Social: Encourage play with other pets or interaction with other animals.
5️⃣ Nutritional: Vary their food and the way it's offered.


Reduces stress 🧘
Increases physical activity 🏃
Prevents unwanted behaviors 🚫
Builds a healthy, loving bond ❤️

Add enrichment to your pet's routine and watch their happiness grow! 💚This is just one example of the kind of information we share with students through our Healthy Pets education program to help strengthen their bond with their pets and encourage increased empathy toward animals in general. This program is made possible thanks to the support of the Edgard & Cooper Foundation, Fundación Kreen, and the William and Charlotte Parks Foundation for Animal Welfare.
Enriquecimiento Ambiental: Mejora la Calidad de Vida de tu Mascota 🐱🐶

El enriquecimiento ambiental ayuda a mejorar el bienestar físico, mental, social y cognitivo de los animales en casa, permitiendo que expresen sus comportamientos naturales. Aquí te dejamos cinco tipos de enriquecimiento que puedes aplicar:

1️⃣ Físico: Modifica el espacio, agregando complejidad para que puedan correr y jugar.
2️⃣ Sensorial: Estimula sus sentidos con ejercicios de olfato, visuales o auditivos.
3️⃣ Cognitivo: Usa juegos y desafíos mentales, como platos interactivos de comida.
4️⃣ Social: Facilita el juego entre mascotas y la interacción con otros animales.
5️⃣ Nutricional: Varía su alimentación y la forma en que reciben la comida.


Reduce el estrés 🧘
Aumenta la actividad física 🏃
Previene conductas indeseables 🚫
Fomenta un vínculo sano y amoroso ❤️

Incorpora enriquecimiento en el día a día de tu mascota y ¡mejora su bienestar!

Our amazing GAAP Canada 🇨🇦 team was back in action recently in northern Canada, partnering with Matawa Pets & People and...

Our amazing GAAP Canada 🇨🇦 team was back in action recently in northern Canada, partnering with Matawa Pets & People and several other nonprofit organizations to deliver a spay/neuter and vaccination campaign October 16th-20th. In just those few days, the team was able to assist **176 animals!** Some highlights from the event include:
🐾 97 spay/neuter surgeries completed
🧑‍⚕️ 79 wellness exams done
💉 348 vaccines administered!
❣️ 600 lbs of dog food, supplies, and toys donated to the community!

In addition, the event also connected 40 street dogs with adoption agencies to help find them homes!

The true impact of these efforts and the opportunity for continued collaboration is summed up nicely by Chief Sol Atlookan of the Eabametoong First Nation, quoted on the Matawa First Nations Management website as saying,

“We commend pet owners in Eabametoong First Nation who took the opportunity to participate in the recent Spay/Neuter & Vaccine Clinic. Together, we are doing our part to bring our animal population down and to ensure their health, safety and wellbeing—and by extension, ours. We are grateful for the partners and allies who came together, and we will work to make this kind of clinic a regular annual event in our community. There are negative consequences to not being near veterinary services, animal supplies and resources, and our community will not continue to be ignored.”

💫 Thank you to all the groups who came together to make this wonderful effort possible and to the EFN community for welcoming us!

Check out the wonderful work our GAAP Canada team is doing in collaboration with Matawa Pets & People!

Check out the wonderful work our GAAP Canada team is doing in collaboration with Matawa Pets & People!

EABAMET LAKE – Chief Solomon Atlookan says he’s always had a dog in his life.

Nowadays, that special canine is his daughter’s chocolate lab, named Domi after a retired NHL player.

But veterinary services have historically been hard to come by in their home community, 300 kilometres northeast of Thunder Bay.

And so the Eabametoong First Nation chief was happy to see the Matawa Animal Services pilot project come to his Ojibwe community.

From Oct. 16 to Oct. 20, 176 animals were seen by a veterinarian, 97 were spayed or neutered, 79 had wellness exams and 348 got vaccinated.

In addition, 40 dogs were transferred to adoption agencies – an important measure as the First Nation tries to control its animal population, according to Matawa.

A community “meet and greet” with the veterinary team kicked off the multi-day outreach, and more than 250 kilograms of donated dog food, supplies and toys were distributed.

The animal services mission was funded by Indigenous Services Canada and enjoyed the support of many partners and allies, including Dr. Patty Lechten and her team from the Global Alliance for Animals and People, North Star Air, Northern Reach Network, Bark Bus, Almaguin Pet Rescues, All Heart Pet Rescue, Rescue 1, Mattie’s Place, Southern Connection, Tails of the North, New Collar Collective, Gone Rogue Rescue and Hopeful Tails.

“We commend pet owners in Eabametoong First Nation who took the opportunity to participate in the recent spay, neuter and vaccine clinic,” said Atlookan.

“Together, we are doing our part to bring our animal population down and to ensure their health, safety and well-being—and by extension, ours,” he added.

“We are grateful for the partners and allies who came together, and we will work to make this kind of clinic a regular annual event in our community.”

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Mike Stimpson, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
About the Author: Mike Stimpson, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter



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