This is my male Emperor scorpion (Pandinus imperator) Achilles, enjoying a super worm for dinner! 🦂
Thinking of selling this one if the right offer comes in. PM For more information
#scorpion #arachnid #reptiliatus #pandinusimperator #pandinus #animal #pet #emperorscorpion #achilles #reptile #reptiles #reels #viral #instagram #venom #venomous #scorpionsoffacebook #petsoffacebook #pets #animals #repost
Little babies Of Opistophthalmus glabifrons crawling on their mothers back and will be there ride there for 10 to 20 days until their exoskeleton gets stiff and hard
Opistophthalmus pallipes available
Pm for more info
emperor scorpion for sale
feeding my female Emperor scorpion
available for sale if interested pm me
Emperor scorpion
female Emperor scorpion available for sale
has venom for cure of cancer
Pm me if interested
Asian Forest Scorpion
Asian Forest Scorpion available
Guaranteed delivery of scorpion to the spot.
If you are interested, please send a message
Emperor scorpion available
Guaranteed delivery of scorpion to the spot.
If you are interested, please send a message
#Scorpions #asainforestscorpion #scorpionsband #Scorpions #scorpionseason #scorpion #tarantula #heterometrus #mating #heterometruslongimanus #scorpionkeepers
Hay guys l wanted all 20 of them on my hand but only 4 would cooperate, the rest thought the idea was lame. Heterometrus laoticus, laos forest scorpions, subadults, They are very communal and have been observed to best together in cavities and under logs with around 20+ individuals under one roof even. Cannibalism would occur if there were any juveniles in the mix that the adults may mistakenly pick up as food. Edit: yes they are venomous but! To humans it is comparable to a bad bee sting, they rely on their powerful claws for defense. However if you are allergic to bees, you’d best not mess with them. they are available.
Guaranteed delivery of scorpion to the spot.
If you are interested, please send a message
Pandinus Imperator
Pandinus imperator i7~i8
#scorpio #scorpion #scorpiops #scorpius #scorpions #pandinusimperator #pandinus #heterometrus #imperatorscorpion #imperator #asianforestscorpion #asianforestscorpions #emperorscorpion
Emperor scorpion
Emperor scorpions, P imperator available.
Guaranteed delivery of scorpion to the spot.
If you are interested, please send a message
#arachnida #scorpiones #scorpionidae #scorpioninae #pandinus #pandinusimperator #emperorscorpion #scorpion #arachnid #venom#scorpion for sale
Pandinus imperator (Emperor Scorpion). The largest in my collection, this beast measures 6.5 inches telson to chelicerae. He currently lives in the bioactive terrarium used as the background for many of my posts! His huge pedipalps are his most utilized tool and often employs it to dispatch prey and defend himself. He rarely uses his stinger as the venom is incredibly weak (like a bee sting) but saves it as a last line of defense! Overall, a gentle giant that is widely misunderstood. #arachnida #scorpiones #scorpionidae #scorpioninae #pandinus #pandinusimperator #emperorscorpion #scorpion #arachnid #venom#scorpion for sale
Pandinus imperator
Home sweet home 🏡😍
pandinus imperator
Pandinus imperator available
If you are interested, please send a message
pandinus dictator
pandinus dictator available and Guaranteed delivery of scorpion to the spot.
If you are interested, please send a message
These scorpions are big powerful animals that often dont need to use their sting, they just crush their prey and chomp them up into little pieces.
emperor scorpion
I put our pandinus imperator (emperor scorpions) into their new home and they were settled until these two decided to swap homes !!!... obviously the grass is always greener on the other side !!! We have a limited number of these sub adults/ adults left to sell on the website, they are still a bit of a rarity at the moment.