Bird mites are tiny, blood-sucking parasites that irritate and weaken birds. We want to show you what it looks like.
In the picture, a Yellow-throated toucan was found and brought to the Sanctuary for some locals. We gave it a medical checkup, and it had many tiny mites on its feathers.
#birdmites #mites #acaros #acarosenaves #toucan #yellowthroatedtoucan #tucanpicocastaño
If you are a bird lover, you will find different species on our trails. Bring your camera 📷 and enjoy nature! 💚
#birdphotography #birdlovers #birdwatchers #birdwatching #birdsofcostarica #avesdecostarica #disfrutalanaturaleza #fotografiadeaves
#spidermonkey #monosaraña #monosdecostarica #monocolorado #enriquecimientoambiental #environmentalenrichment
Nos interesa enseñar la importancia que cada animal tiene en el bosque y los perezosos 🦥 no son la excepción. Gracias a @vortexcostarica por el excelente equipo que nos permitió adquirir para poder mostrar estos animales en su hábitat natural.
“Aprender, servir y compartir en armonía con la Naturaleza” 💚
#WildlifeConservation #AnimalProtection #SlothSanctuary #CostaRicaWildlife #NatureConservation #WildlifeEducation #VolunteerPrograms #WildlifeTours #EnvironmentalEducation #NatureLovers #WildlifeRescue #SustainableLiving #EcoTourism #WildlifeSanctuary #ConservationEfforts
Thanks to @nayararesorts collaborators for giving us a hand on maintenance activities here at the Sanctuary 🙃
“Learn, serve, and share in harmony with Nature.”
#VolunteerPrograms #SocialResponsibility #GroupVolunteering #CommunityService #GiveBack #VolunteerOpportunities #CSR #CommunityEngagement #SupportYourCommunity
For your safety, please drive slowly, and for them too! 💔😭
Together, we can do better things for the wildlife! 🙏💚
“At #SkyAdventures we truly care about the well-being of #wildlife. As part of our conservation efforts, we helped a yellow-eared #toucan that had been injured in an accident. 🌿.✨ #Nature #CostaRica #sustainability
Not all the emergencies we attend have a happy ending 😔
Costa Rica is home to approximately 948 bird species, according to the latest records compiled by the Asociación Ornitológica de Costa Rica as of July 2023. This count includes resident, migratory, endemic, and rare species.
#birdsofcostarica #colorfulbirds #avesdecostarica
The adult wood stork is a large bird that stands 83 to 115 cm (33–45 in). We saw these near Proyecto Asis 🙃