Proyecto Asis Costa Rica Wildlife Sanctuary

Proyecto Asis Costa Rica Wildlife Sanctuary Ecological Organization that has been offering Volunteer programs since 1994. It serves as a Wildlife Educational And Volunteer Center.

Proyecto Asis is an organization dedicated to wildlife protection, environmental education and conservation, and fostering positive cultural exchanges through education and service. Proyecto Asis strives to give the animals the care and respect that they deserve. It is also committed to providing quality Spanish classes through the Spanish institute, where the student is engaged and immersed in Sp

anish and Costa Rican culture. Lastly, the volunteer center offers a variety of opportunities for the local communities and foreign participants to work together in order to increase environmental conservation awareness through communication and community service.


Costa Rica celebrates Guanacaste Day (Annexation of Nicoya).

Guanacaste Day is celebrated annually in Costa Rica on July 25. The holiday commemorates Costa Rica’s annexation of Nicoya from Nicaragua in 1824.



Esta historia nos llena el corazón de mucha alegría 🐒💚 ¡Es un sueño hecho realidad poder ver a un mono araña usando un paso aéreo de fauna sobre carretera!

How cool when animals let us know they came to visit! Any idea who was here? 🤔

How cool when animals let us know they came to visit! Any idea who was here? 🤔


You know how much we insist about not feeding wild animals in their habitat. Because everything they need, they can find it in the forest!

On this occasion, Daniel wants to share this message with you 💚🦝 as part of the campaign and its recommendations.


“Volunteer. Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can” -Arthur Ashe


¡Porque la Fauna Silvestre merece movilizarse segura! 💚

Thanks to our coworkers  and  for always doing their best to tell our visitors our message about Conservation. We all ca...

Thanks to our coworkers and for always doing their best to tell our visitors our message about Conservation. We all can help to provide better conditions for wildlife in our habitat; that’s why we genuinely believe in educating 💚

Many thanks to for being part of our service and learning experience ☺️

Repost from

Spend a day with us! Here we took the best tour we’ve ever had with , who taught us that many of our preconceived notions about care, conservation, and protection are incorrect - and definitely not available on Google! Carlos deserves his own post, coming soon, but for now enjoy some shots of this pair as they learn about feeding spider monkeys and the actual work involved in successfully releasing these beautiful animals back to their home: the wild. Proyecto Asís is here doing the real work every day; we’re just thankful we have had the opportunity to spend some time in the trenches with them “to learn, to serve, and to share in harmony with nature.” - Proyecto Asís


We have a new member of our Staff: Daniel 👦🏻 🤩
He is working on his vacation with Mom (Adriana, our Marketing Manager) because he wants to save money to buy his crayons 🖍️


La atención médica veterinaria pronta y oportuna, esperemos ayude a que este perezoso de dos dedos (Choloepus hoffmanni) regrese pronto a su hogar, el bosque 🌳💚


Necesitamos una respuesta pronta del MAG (Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería de Costa Rica), ante esta horrible situación de la “hormiga loca” y el ataque que hace a la fauna silvestre de nuestro país.


We care about you! 💚🙏

We care about you! 💚🙏


⚠️ Important!!!


Summer break 2024! 😎Welcome back, volunteers!

“Learn, serve, and share in harmony with Nature! 💚


Cool fact 😎🐊


⚠️Contenido sensible⚠️

Así de mal se ve el ataque de la “hormiga loca” en perezosos de dos dedos (Choloepus hoffmanni). Lastima tremendamente las mucosas de los animales.

¡Por favor estar alerta a esta situación y enviarnos sus denuncias!


“Aprender, servir y compartir en armonía con la Naturaleza” 💚🫶


Motivemos a los más pequeñitos a ser el cambio que queremos ver en el mundo 💚🙌🏻


“No podemos cambiar el mundo 🌍 pero sí podemos cambiar el pedacito de mundo en el que vivimos” 💚🫶


This wonderful video we found it on the following IG account He has extraordinary content of Costarican wildlife.

You can observe how spider monkeys help each other in the forest 🌳💚🙉


Queremos agradecer la visita el día de hoy a los estudiantes del Módulo de Gestión de Vida Silvestre, de la carrera de Gestión de Recursos Naturales de la UCR, Sede San Ramón.

“Aprender, servir y compartir en armonía con la Naturaleza” 💚


Miren esta mamá silvestre que encontró como refugio el lugar donde tenemos instalado uno de nuestros equipos 🥰

Nos sorprendimos porque este nido lo hizo en menos de 24hrs 😱

¿Podés distinguir qué animal es?

When you have a wild visitor at home 🏠, it is important to know that it is probably hidden from the rain and will soon b...

When you have a wild visitor at home 🏠, it is important to know that it is probably hidden from the rain and will soon be gone.

We are here to help you with recommendations in case you need them 💚🫶


La Fortuna

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 08:00 - 12:00
Martes 08:00 - 12:00
Miércoles 08:00 - 12:00
Jueves 08:00 - 12:00
Viernes 08:00 - 12:00
Sábado 08:00 - 12:00




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