I T 'S T H E L I T T L E T H I N G S
In a world where you feel you can not change anything, change your perspective.
Animals are unfortunately the last on the list of receiving help. We live in a society where so much destruction surrounds us, where confusion runs rampant and fear sets in.
With all of this sadness and negativity, the ones who feel it the most are the animals.
The ones we, as humans, domesticated and vowed to care for.
They should not get overlooked.
It is our goal and dream to change this. They are in fact the easiest ones to help as they require so little to have a fulfilling life. None of us has the means to change the world, but we have the resources to change theirs.
One can help without making a grandiose gesture. In our technological age, the simplest like, share or donation reaches beyond borders and can lead to potential greatness.
In the last few months our family has grown rapidly. We were not prepared for the influx of all our new babies, but we are even less prepared to ignore them and simply walk away.
Your support, kindness and generosity has helped us immensely in getting through each day and ensuring these animals get the care that they need and deserve.
We are now on our final push and have extended our fundraiser to the 30th of June. We have reached 93% of our goal.
7% to go....which in my mind is a lucky number, so I have hope that we will reach it.
Take a moment to get to know the ones you are helping. They all have a face, a name, a personality and a story.
Please help us share their stories with the rest of the world.
Your continuous support in our cause is so much bigger than you realise.
Please help us with our last push!
To find out more about our animals, visit our Instagram page.
You can also learn more about what we do on our fundraising page in the comments below. Any donations are deeply appreciated.
We thank you!
Yours in Heart,
OASIS ARES - Animal Rescue & Emergency Services Team