TRNC Pet Travel

TRNC Pet Travel A dedicated pet relocation service for pets coming into or out of North Cyprus.

Belle left the hot hot heat of TRNC this week and flew to Heathrow.Her travel plans had been set back several times due ...

Belle left the hot hot heat of TRNC this week and flew to Heathrow.
Her travel plans had been set back several times due to house sale/purchase issues. Her owners, Dawn & Mick, didn't want to move Belle until everything in the UK waa ready for het.
Dawn left the TRNC first so as to finalise the house UK. Mick stayed behind with Belle.
At last Belle waa able to fly to the UK. She left here in the morning and Mick flew in the afternoon.
Happy UK Days Belle x

Suki recently travelled to Spain. We had prepare her export paperwork in both Spanish & English as Spain insists that th...

Suki recently travelled to Spain. We had prepare her export paperwork in both Spanish & English as Spain insists that the paperwork is in Spanish at least. Suki was flying, with her owners as an " accompanied pet" in the early hours of the morning when the temperatures are cooler. We had discussed the actual journey process with Jill and she promised to let us know how they got on.
" Hi Ladies, well we've finally arrived and have had to rent a different property as the first one was not up to standard. - extra stress none of us wanted. Suki did well travelling over. She was sick in the taxi to Ercan, but she held her p*e from before 9pm right through until 1pm the following day! She's been in her crate traveling with us back and forth loads of times and has been sick each time - thank god for those puppy pads! She looks a bit happier tonight - probably picking up on our more settled vibes. Anyway, to the part you are really interested in! We took an taxi and the driver (without asking) took the roundabouts really carefully so Suki wasnt thrown about too much - thank you Ozy Taxis! It worked well at ERC putting the crate thru the scanner and walking Suki thru as you said. Af the check-in desk, the staff were super helpful and really nice. The crate was weighed with her in it, and labelled accordingly. A guy with a huge flatbed trolly helped me load her onto it and he took her away for loading - no going on the baggage belt which was a relief. I checked with the flight crew for each flight to make sure she was onboard. At Malaga, she came through on the belt and we took her off. We walked toward the exit and were spoken to by a vet who was on duty. She took the paperwork away and copied as you said. She asked us to take the dog out of the crate (presumably also to check she wasnt doped), then we were free to go. No issues, and nothing to worry about. BTW, the TRNC flight was busy for both people and animals even tho it left at 03.35! There were 3 dogs in the hold and 2 little dogs in the cabin. Thank you once again ladies! 😀🐶🐶"
Happy Spanish Days Suki x

We first met Rio last year after we arranged for him to come into TRNC. His journey to the TRNC was a complicated one......

We first met Rio last year after we arranged for him to come into TRNC. His journey to the TRNC was a complicated one....he flew from New Zealand to Australia....then onto Doha....then he flew into Larnaca. We then drove him into the TRNC.
At 11 years old now he was on the move the UK.
He flew out of Ercan last week to İstanbul and then onto London.
He arrived safe and sound and is currently home boarding ( with Julia from Animal Couriers) until his owners,Carl & Jo, have finished the work on their new house.
He is the new Animal Couriers team member.....caught sleeping in the job !!!
Happy Days Rio x

Dolly (cat) and Star flew to Edinburgh last week. They arrived just before 10.00 and by 1pm were on their way home with ...

Dolly (cat) and Star flew to Edinburgh last week. They arrived just before 10.00 and by 1pm were on their way home with Jane (with a little Pit Stop on the way home). As you can see it didn't take them long to find a comfy place to catch up on some Zzzzz's.
Happy UK Days Dolly & Star.

In August 2023 we helped Amy to bring her 2 cats, Shadow and Spirit, into the TRNC from Kuwait.She contacted us recently...

In August 2023 we helped Amy to bring her 2 cats, Shadow and Spirit, into the TRNC from Kuwait.
She contacted us recently to say that it was time for them to return to Kuwait and could we get their export paperwork to enable them to travel to Kuwait. They also needed a Kuwait import permit.
On Thursday this week Amy, Spirit and Shadow waved Goodbye to the TRNC and flew back to Kuwait.
Happy Kuwait Days ###

Thailand - part 3Wednesday this week saw us saying goodbye to Nicky and Ian's other 3 dogs - Paddy, Polly and Sandy. The...

Thailand - part 3
Wednesday this week saw us saying goodbye to Nicky and Ian's other 3 dogs - Paddy, Polly and Sandy.
These 3 were flying to Bangkok as a cargo booking. Their import permits had been granted, their export certificates were issued and they were ready to go.
There had been some issues that we needed to address before they could travel but throughout the planning Nick and Ian were prepared to do everything that they could to ensure that all 7 dogs were relocated to Thailand as safely and carefully as possible. As Nicky repeatedly said " we just want to do the best we can for them and to make sure that they are ok".
All 7 dogs had been very well box trained and were used to sleeping in their boxes which really does help when travelling.
Paddy has epilepsy and so we needed to ensure, more so for him, that timings were worked out to allow his medication to not be compromised. Detlef, our colleague in Bangkok, was sent the prescription that Paddy needed and had got that in Bangkok all ready to give him on his arrival. We didn't want to risk sending medication with Paddy as we know that, even with a vet letter, it could possibly cause issues with the authorities at Bangkok airport.
It was important to Nicky and Ian that the 3 dogs were not separated during their journey - they hated to be apart. So requests were given to Ercan and Istanbul and they were happy to keep them all together.
The dogs were transiting Istanbul (as per usual) but we booked their flights so that would be moved during the night and their transit time would be as short as possible subject to transit cargo rules.
Detlef and his team would be clearing the dogs at Bangkok and then would be delivering them home - to join Nicky, Ian, Fluffy, Pebbles, Buster and Pritti.
We kept Nicky updated as much as we could - bearing in mind the time differences - as the dogs traveled plus we and Detlef were in constant touch about their progress.
It was a very very happy reunion in Thailand.
When we have owners especially those with multiple pets we know that not only do we need to look at firstly what is the best option for the pets but also what works best for the owner (in terms of the actual process but also costs). It is so easy for people to say (often based on just rumour) that is so expensive, so difficult, so long a journey - to relocate pets. Some owners feel that they may not be able to relocate their pets for various reasons.
However we will do all that we can to make the process easier (on the mind and pocket) as much as we can.
As Nicky and Ian kept reiterating "We just want to do the best that we can for our dogs".
So do we !
Happy Happy Thai Days to all 7 dogs (and Nicky and Ian). x

Thailand - part 2. The day after Nicky left, this week,  with Fluffy & Pebbles - it was Ian's turn. He was flying with B...

Thailand - part 2.
The day after Nicky left, this week, with Fluffy & Pebbles - it was Ian's turn. He was flying with Buster & Pritti. The day before he flew we went through the paperwork with him again . Plus Nicky had been explaining to him how things had gone at Ercan/Istanbul and in Bangkok.
It was a very stressful time for them all - especially them not being able to travel together due to Turkish Airlines pet number restrictions. But when we initially started their booking we explained that for them this was probably the best (and more cost effective) way to take the dogs.
We had a message from Nicky to say " Ian has arrived whoop whoop they are all excited and happy to see him - even me lol "
Happy Thai days ###


Thailand - Part 1.
We were asked by Nick to help relocate their dogs from TRNC to Thailand. We discussed all of the possible options, liaised with colleagues in Bangkok and began to set travel dates.
Initially Nicky was having problems with Turkish Airlines and their flight availability, for pets, to Bangkok - but she persevered and got Fluffy & Pebbles booked on with herself.
Paperwork was being back and forth Bangkok and the necessary Thai import licences were obtained. Throughout the whole process we were in almost constant contact with Nicky - discussing various aspects of the dogs travel.
Their Export Health Certificates, for Thailand, were issued (the Thai authorities are very strict on the requirements needing to be shown on them) and it was time for Nicky, Fluffy & Pebbles to travel.
Even while she was at Ercan we were talking with her on the phone - reassuring her and listening to her experience of the dogs check in - she was impressed at how helpful everyone, at Ercan, was.
After a long long journey Nicky, Fluffy and Pebbles arrived at their new home in Thailand.
Happy Thai days ###

We know that we have been very quiet on here recently - we have both had health issues that we needed to deal with and w...

We know that we have been very quiet on here recently - we have both had health issues that we needed to deal with and we have been concentrating on the pets that we had booked for travelling and also our personal health issues. So we haven't really had the time (or energy !) to post. BUT things are returning to normal (or as normal as we ever are !!!). So here is a bit of an update.
Muji - the pretty white cat who recently went to Spain. Spain is one of the Countries who insist on having dual language official paperwork. her owner emailed us to say ...
" Hello Kim, i just wanted to thank you for the support with the paper work. They made it to Spain without any complications. Fatih will probably give you more details/tips regarding their journey. Muji is already adapted as if she has been here for the past 6 years"😻
Viva la Spania Muji ###

Milo..... there had been many emails, messages and calls between us and Nicola. She wanted to bring her Shihtzu over to the TRNC but was struggling with flight options due to his breed and the ever increasing summer temperatures. She took our advise and managed to eventually book him with SunExpress (who had been constantly telling her that they do not fly pets !!!). But then Milo's blood test certificate was sent out but it was not completed correctly. As soon as we saw it we had to advise Nicola to get straight onto her vet and the testing lab to have it reissued in the correct format. Without that test certificate we could not obtain her import licence. Luckily the lab re issued the certificate - and again thanks to our ever helpful Vet Dept in Lefkosa, Milo's import licence was issued just in the nick of time. Happy TRNC Days Milo x

Tess recently travelled from the TRNC to Germany. Her owner wanted her out of the TRNC before the summer heat intensified. She certainly looks "chilled out" in the green green grass of her new home.

Happy happy days to all of our traveling pets ###

I'm the Pied Piper follow me.....all.the way from UK to TRNC !Piper, a 10 year old GSD, left the cold and yukky UK weath...

I'm the Pied Piper follow me.....all.the way from UK to TRNC !
Piper, a 10 year old GSD, left the cold and yukky UK weather for the summer heat of Cyprus.
She arrived at Larnaca, spent a couple of days boarding ( which probably helped her acclimatise a bit ) before transferring up to the TRNC. Once her TRNC entry process was completed she was able to go straight home with Kevin. He is hoping that she will enjoy regular dips in the pool to help cool her down.
Happy TRNC Days Piper x


Please accept our apologies and please bear with us if we are not running up to our usual sp*ed with emails etc - Don't worry we will get back to you but it may just take a little longer than usual.
Hopefully "normal" service will resume soon !


It is always a busy time with lots to plan and organise when owners are relocating. Despite their best laid plans it is easy to forget/miss something.
Anna had contacted us prior to her travel to find out the requirements for bringing her handsome grey and white cat, Kingston, into the TRNC from USA.
Some weeks later we had a frantic email from Anna, on a Friday, to say that amidst everything she had not actually got the TRNC Import Licence for Kingston - and they were flying that day ! She was so upset and asked what would happen if she did not have one.
We had to explain that;
a) the airline would most likely refuse to allow Kingston to fly. They can be subject to fines for carrying pets without the correct documentation.
b) if they did allow Kingston to fly - then on arrival at Ercan, with no TRNC Import Licence, he would likely be taken to state quarantine until a licence could be issued. Anna could also be fined. As they were arriving on a Friday no import licence would be issued until the Monday at the earliest.
Anna was desperate for help.
We explained that we would do our best but that we could not guarantee that we would be able to obtain the licence in time - but we would try.
It was a big TRY - we were sitting waiting by the computers, we were messaging colleagues in the vet dept for help to expedite the application. Finally we had a message from the vet dept (who were brilliant) to say that it was being emailed. WHEW.
We were able to email it to Anna within hours of her travel.....

" Wow, Wow!!! Words cannot describe how grateful we are for all your help. You went above and beyond to serve us. Thank you so much! What a relief as we begin to travel. We were expecting the worst. Thank God"

" Hi Kim,
Just wanted to thank you again for all your help to get Kingston’s import document. We safely arrived this evening with no problems. We will forever be grateful for your help! Amazing service.
Thank you,
Anna, Kyle and Kingston"

Happy TRNC Days Kingston x

We know how easy it is for owners to get muddled or to miss things while they are preparing for travel - so many boxes to tick.
But please make sure that those tick boxes include everything you need to do for your pet.
Or let us do it for you - [email protected]

Sometimes we, and owners, are faced with problems when trying to organise pets travel routes/options. We recently needed...

Sometimes we, and owners, are faced with problems when trying to organise pets travel routes/options. We recently needed to help Lillya relocate her little, mostly blind cat, to Italy.
However Italy has recently joined several other Countries in respect of refusing to accept any " official" documentation for pets that is issued in TRNC. So the EU Health Certificate that is needed for any EU entry from here NOT accepted for entry to Italy.
We discussed various (legal) options/routes with Lillya and she, and her little cat, are now safely settling in Italy.
Her little cat's name ....that's Amore !
Happy EU days x

One of our travelling pets this week was Gizmo. His owner, Emma, asked us to relocate Gizmo to the UK landing at Edinbur...

One of our travelling pets this week was Gizmo. His owner, Emma, asked us to relocate Gizmo to the UK landing at Edinburgh. We were on a very tight schedule as Emma needed to get back to her family very quickly (and as a surprise !). We managed to get everything sorted for Gizmo quickly ... helped by him being travel prepped. During the planning/booking process there were many emails and a few meetings between us and Emma.
Gizmo arrived safely at Edinburgh at 10.00 Weds morning and was UK cleared and collected by Emma at 12 (thanks to our fast and friendly team at Extrordinair who we were in contact with throughout Gizmo's journey and arrival).
We received a quick update from Emma when she arrived in Edinburgh but today received a fuller one....
" Hi Kim and Margaret
Just want to say a massive, massive thank you. We are both now in our new home.
The entire journey was a long one, much more so for Gizmo than myself, but he seems to have taken it all in his stride.
It was worrying me being in transit at the terminal alone and him being in the animal handling centre where I knew he would be missing me wondering what's going on, but i was relieved with your email to say he was in safe hands. It was very reassuring.

The flight to Edinburgh went well although was severe turbulence at times and we had an extremely bumpy landing (poor gizmo probably wondered what on earth was going on being bounced about inside his flight crate bless him) only had one small hiccup on the way to Extraordinair. All roads were blocked off with police and ambulances so had a small delay until the roads were finally cleared and traffic able to access the cargo village where they are located.
According to staff at Extraordinair Gizmo had been well very behaved and was so happy to see me when he was released from their care.
Gizmo seems to be settling in qu**ky in our new home and is enjoying being back with my husband and kids who he's clearly been missing as much as they've missed him! It certainly was a surprise we gave them when we arrived!

Just want to thank you both for all of your help, advice and guidance. You've both been so understanding and supportive, despite so many daft questions and me panicking and stressing at every stage. We are extremely grateful.
Attaching a photo of Gizmo flat out snoring, he's clearly worn himself out. I will send updates in the future of how he is settling in long term.
Many, many thanks!
Emma & Gizmo X "

Happy UK Days Gizmo x

Beckham. Copper, Tabitha and Whitecake - all 4 flew from Texas this week to begin their new lives, in the TRNC. Their ow...

Beckham. Copper, Tabitha and Whitecake - all 4 flew from Texas this week to begin their new lives, in the TRNC. Their owners Heather & Alan had traveled before the cats so as ready the house for them. The cats had an overnight transit - en route - at the Frankfurt Animal Reception Centre - before continuing onto Larnaca and then transferring up to TRNC,
Although they had a very long journey - they were perky and alert during their various airlines/customs/vet checks - but no doubt today will be a day of "catch up cat napping"
Happy TRNC Days to all 4 of them x

Ralph, a 12 ( maybe 11 as he was originally a rescue dog so his age was guestimated ! ) year old Staffie arrived earlier...

Ralph, a 12 ( maybe 11 as he was originally a rescue dog so his age was guestimated ! ) year old Staffie arrived earlier at his new TRNC home where his owners were waiting for him. They had arrived before Ralph and we kept them updated throughout his journey from UK into TRNC.
It didn't take Ralph long to claim HIS own comfy chair - just for him.
Happy TRNC Days Ralph. X

All cats and dogs that travel from the TRNC to EU/UK (and most other Countries), and vice versa, are micro chipped so as...

All cats and dogs that travel from the TRNC to EU/UK (and most other Countries), and vice versa, are micro chipped so as to comply with pet travel rules. It is already compulsory in the UK that dogs living in the UK are chipped and that chip is registered on a register/database. The same will now apply to all cats from June 24th......." From 10 June 2024, cats in England will need to be microchipped and registered on a database by the time they’re 20 weeks old."
There have been reports of waiting times for vet appointments to have cats chipped and registered.

You can be fined up to £500 if your dog or cat is not microchipped when they need to be."

How to get your dog or cat fitted with a microchip: when to get it done, who can do it, how to update your details, what to do when getting a dog or cat

Eva and Lily flew into Cyprus this week. Their travel plans had been changed several times due to late blood reports and...

Eva and Lily flew into Cyprus this week. Their travel plans had been changed several times due to late blood reports and their owners flight changes. Sam ( their owner) is absolutely devoted to the 2 girls and was worried sick about how they would cope with the journey. Between us all there were many emails, phone calls and messages all trying to reassure Sam as best we could. After their clearance at Larnaca we transferred Eva and Lily into the TRNC , completed their TRNC entry process and delivered them to a relieved and very happy Sam.
As you can see from the photos - they enjoyed their last night in the UK rolling in the grass in kennels before their early flight to Cyprus. Plus you can also see how relaxed and calm they were during their flight and when they arrived home ( unlike Sam !!!).
Throughout their trip we kept Sam updated with messages and photos so that he knew where his " girls" were and what was happening.
Happy TRNC Days Eva, Lily and Sam x


Hi to all you lovely owners. Can we just ask that if you need to contact all means message us on FB. However we cannot usually give full responses on Messenger and would much prefer it if you can email. The email address is
[email protected]
As we are often out and about with pets, at the Gvmt Vet Dept, at meetings,with owners etc there may be a bit of a delay getting back to you. But please please bear with us.
Make sure you are sending your enquiries to the correct email ( don't forget to put in the number 1 )

[email protected]


Ellie arrived in Cyprus this week. Due to her flight arrival time she boarded overnight in RoC and then we brought her i...

Ellie arrived in Cyprus this week. Due to her flight arrival time she boarded overnight in RoC and then we brought her into TRNC the following morning. She was certainly bright eyed ( and bushy tailed !) watching everything that was going on during her TRNC entry checks.
We met her owners ( Adrian & Joan ) and as soon as she heard them she was stood up, in her box, meowing away. Maybe it was her version of " I'm a celebrity - get me out of here ! "
Happy TRNC Days Ellie x

White Tip. She was originally a street cat living on a complex in Catalkoy. Slowly she befriended Anne & Clive who came ...

White Tip. She was originally a street cat living on a complex in Catalkoy. Slowly she befriended Anne & Clive who came over to their holiday home several times a year. They would feed her and generally look after her while they were here. However they were concerned about how she was coping when they were back in Wales - especially over the winter period. So they decided that they would let her "adopt" them and they would get her ready to travel to Wales. While they were back in Wales she stayed in a cat hotel.
This week it was time for White Tip to fly from TRNC to her "adopted" Welsh family....
Happy Welsh Days White Tip x

The Big Boxer Boris.....travelled from Kent to the TRNC this week ( helped along by BA, Elite Pet Relocation and TRNC Pe...

The Big Boxer Boris.....travelled from Kent to the TRNC this week ( helped along by BA, Elite Pet Relocation and TRNC Pet Travel ). During his travel check process,we had noticed that was a discrepancy on his blood test report. If this had not been picked up ( in time for it to be rectified by the lab ) then his UK departure would,have been delayed significantly. He arrived safe and sound and during his Customs checks the lady officer was amazed at his size....." bigger than me" she remarked.
He certainly is a bit of Big Boy Boxer !
Happy TRNC Days Boris x

Delay in UK rabies tests... for Owners info.For those owners who are travel prepping their pets...please be aware that o...

Delay in UK rabies tests... for Owners info.

For those owners who are travel prepping their pets...please be aware that one of the rabies testing labs in the UK (the APHA lab) is experiencing delays in their rabies testing service due to a " technical issue".
Their usual " 20 working day" turnaround, ( from sample received date to result notification ), cannot be currently met. They cannot currently say how long the turnaround is now nor when the problem will be resolved.

We have a backlog of owners who have had their travel plans disrupted due to their pets rabies test results not being ready.

It is only the APHA testing service that is affected.
If your pet is due to have their blood sample taken to be sent away - you may want to discuss, with your vet, which lab the sample will go to for testing.

Hopefully the situation will be resolved soon.

Griffin,the handsome Shar Pei,  returned to the TRNC this week - after spending a couple of years in the UK. At a ripe a...

Griffin,the handsome Shar Pei, returned to the TRNC this week - after spending a couple of years in the UK. At a ripe age of 10 years he travelled well from UK (Manchester) to Larnaca and then onwards into TRNC.
Happy TRNC Days ( again ) Griffin x

Living in the TRNC most of us enjoy a curry - maybe  a Jalfreezi, Madras, Birianni or a Korma.Well we sent an original T...

Living in the TRNC most of us enjoy a curry - maybe a Jalfreezi, Madras, Birianni or a Korma.
Well we sent an original TRNC Korma to the UK this week.
We had been helping Peter and Carol with the move to the UK for their handsome boy Korma.
We had, between us, been discussing box training and all of the other ways to ease the stress (for the pets !) of International travel.
Peter & Carol had been hard at work getting Korma used to his travel box despite his initial dislike of it. Then we were surprised to receive an email, from Peter, to say.. " Hi Kim, We may have to cancel Korma's trip to UK, the cat won't come out of the box". We laughed but Peter was obviously worried that we may have taken it seriously and would cancel Korma's travel plans. We reassured him that we had " sussed" it was said jokingly ! Their cat was rehomed in the TRNC before they left.
His box training made such a difference to Korma - he was happy to jump into it on the day of his flight. He arrived safe and sound in the UK and we wish him many Happy UK Days x

Eren and Georgi travelled to London this week. It was a very happy Donna and John when they collected them from Heathrow...

Eren and Georgi travelled to London this week. It was a very happy Donna and John when they collected them from Heathrow.
Donna emailed us to say
" Thank you so much for your help and support. It made a stressful experience so much easier."
Happy UK Days girls x

Fleurre - she may look quite cross but she is not - she is just not camera "enchante" ! We first met her when we helped ...

Fleurre - she may look quite cross but she is not - she is just not camera "enchante" !
We first met her when we helped her owner, Ellen, drive her over from France early last year. Family commitments now meant that Ellen needed to return to France and she asked for our help with Fleurre's paperwork.
Because of Fleure's breed - Ellen wanted to drive her back to France.
We discussed the EU potential entry points with Ellen.
There are many misconceptions about "What" paperwork is needed for "Which" Country and often owners see the red tape, the paperwork and requirements as being burdensome and unfair. That may be true to some extent particularly for pets travelling from TRNC - some Countries will not accept TRNC entry paperwork on the basis that the TRNC is NOT a recognised Country. However wherever pets are travelling to we always try to ensure that we offer advise on any potential problems with certain Countries and also on what paperwork is needed. Plus the veterinary requirements for entry , even for the EU Countries, can vary....despite what the "bar room" experts may say !
We hope that owners understand that we do not make the rules, we are not asking for documents/procedures - just for the sake of asking - we are trying to ensure that pets travel with no issues.
Fleurre's only complaint was that the ferry crossing was not very good - it was certainly not of Le Crooze standard.
Happy French (ie) Days Fleurre - hopefully we will see you back again soon. ###

Syd - stole the show recently when we helped him travel to Amsterdam. Such a small dog but with a lion's heart. Everytim...

Syd - stole the show recently when we helped him travel to Amsterdam. Such a small dog but with a lion's heart. Everytime we had a meeting with his owner ( Monica) he came along and entertained us all with his funny ways. He is such a character.
Happy Netherlands Days Syd ###


Turkish Republic Of Northern



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