"Trouble -Terriers" Parson Russell Terriers, Germany

"Trouble -Terriers" Parson Russell Terriers, Germany Trouble-Terriers Parson Russell Terrier-eine kleine KFT Hobbyzucht in Niedersachsen, Mitglied seit 2008 im Klub für Terrier e.V./VDH.

Parson Russell Terrier Hobby-Zucht (VDH/FCI) in Bremen.


KTM Macina Tour LTD E-Trekkingbike Highlights Leistungsstarker Bosch Performanceline CX Motor mit...,KTM Macina Tour LTD Trekkingbike Modell 2020; 3 Jahre alt 1779KM in Bremen - Oberneuland

So true, i couldn‘t express it better !!

So true, i couldn‘t express it better !!

Saying it again loud and clear for the people in the back!!

Horse people know all too well that the forehand is key to the conformation of a horse, and in dogs it is no different. The front – more specifically, the length and placement of the scapula (shoulder blade) – does not exist in isolation. That one pivotal conformation trait directly determines the placement of the neck, the carriage of the head, the depth of the chest, and, in the gait, the front leg extension and the soundness of the down and back.
No trait is harder to breed for, or easier to lose, than a good front. A good front, once lost, can take generations to recover, if at all. NEVER EVER SACRIFICE THE MOST DIFFICULT FEATURE TO REPAIR. Many established breeders, owners, exhibitors and even judges lack foundational knowledge of this area of anatomy, making it difficult for them to evaluate it properly.


Am Hollerfleet


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Helen und Chess

Helen mit ihrer Tochter Chess in den wunderschönen Dünen von Hvide Sande in Dänemark