Equisit Way Of Life

Equisit Way Of Life Equestrians - Are You Frustrated? Stuck? Not Yet Satisfied?

Rekindle Your Love for your horse, find Fulfilment and develop a Happy, Healthy & Strong horse through enriching Dialogues and Harmonious Collection -
without demand training, bits or spurs.


Using laterals within a flow while dialogueing with horses can be a captivating way to enhance their coordination and balance ⚖️
Through this practice, a unique channel of communication forms between you and your horse, forging a special bond 💛
By centering your attention on this connection, the pressure of mere task accomplishment fades, making it about the emotional resonance shared between you and your equine partner.

Have you ever completed a task, achieving the expected outcome, but still felt like something was missing?
That’s precisely the concept at hand.
It’s about the deeper sense of fulfillment you seek on your equestrian journey 💛


Who needs help starting collection today, regardless of the experience of
rider or horse?

Today we have a fantastic before and after picture from one of our passionate and progressive students, Britta.  took he...

Today we have a fantastic before and after picture from one of our passionate and progressive students, Britta.
took her deep and wide Horsemanship foundation into the next level by developing herself so then to develop her Paint Horse physically.
If you compare these two pictures, you don’t only see that her horse Tokado can position himself into a more balanced and powerful position, but he has also developed much more muscles and therefore more volume.
His hindquarters and shoulder areas are clearly more full in the later picture and and you can also observe how much more belly tension he has in that bottom picture (the belly line is much more straight).
What fascinates us so much is also the change in Britta’s seat. In the later picture, you see a super alignment of Britta’s body, a more “kneeling” look all with opened hip flexors, visibly „longer“ legs and you see also how she is „glued“ toward the front of the saddle.
It is truly amazing how we can effect the horses, simply by developing ourselves mentally, emotionally and physically.
As we all know, self-development is not always the most comfortable road, however, we believe the horses thank us for that and for sure they benefit from us developing ourselves first!! 💡

Can a Mindset Shift help our horses?Simple answer - Yes!!Today we offer a comparison picture which shows a rider with 2 ...

Can a Mindset Shift help our horses?
Simple answer - Yes!!
Today we offer a comparison picture which shows a rider with 2 different Mindsets.
The first back in 2019 shows a rider who believed the task must be done- the result was all that mattered. He is „working“ his horse to get that result and the sweat and tension shows, reins tight, mouth open, rider tense too.
The second photo in 2024 is a different picture where the rider is at peace with what his horse presents, the reins loose, the rider more balanced and relaxed into the ride and the horse is more elevated in front and more relaxed.
All this from a change in Mindset - it is no longer about „must get the result“ it is about a Dialogue and allowing our horses to find their way to strength, balance, coordination and eventually a body posture which is best for them in the movement.

When you STOP trying to “train and fix” your horse just to fit it into one particular horse Endeavour, then you are only...

When you STOP trying to “train and fix” your horse just to fit it into one particular horse Endeavour, then you are only one step away from reaching Fascination and Fulfilment in your horse journey.

Then when you start to Focus on developing your OWN Mind, your OWN Belief System and your OWN Awareness and Empathy you open yourself up to FEEL your horse and start having Dialogues - then you get a key 🗝️ which will unlock an indescribable Bond and Relationship with your horse.

Look at our student for example, she is living exactly the horse life we just described, she is becoming her Authentic Self, living her own unique horse dream with her own True Champion horse Jack 🌟

NOW… is perfect time, and opportunity, to get started on your own journey of Fascination and Fulfilment because we have the perfect 4 Step by Step Courses to High Collection for you 🫵

Find out more with clicking The Link In Bio 🎉

Who do YOU want to be for your horse?Are you the person who trains your horse with bits, simply because everybody does i...

Who do YOU want to be for your horse?

Are you the person who trains your horse with bits, simply because everybody does it?
Are you the person who trains your horse with bits, because the Old Masters preach it?
Are you the person who trains your horse with bits, because you believe your horse
must have a bar of metal in the mouth to be controlled, by pain?


Are you the person who wants to develop into, as we say, an OnPurpose Equestrian who can develop a dialogue with your horse, so that no metal is needed in the horses mouth?

As you can see in today’s post we have been in the place where we did believe other trainer’s advice, so we did ride our horses with bits, even though it never made sense to us.
It never felt good to us and surely never felt good to our horses.
Now, we have banned bits from our horse’s lives, because we have developed into the authentic OnPurpose Equestrians who show up for our horses as empathetic friends.


We believe there is no “right or wrong” out there, it’s not right or wrong to use a bit.

It just comes back to your beliefs and to becoming aware of and then BEING who you want to be for your horse. After all, we are Human BEINGS, right?

How do YOU want to feel while you are with your horse and how do you want your horse to feel?

Just something to think about 💡🧠

Question to Every Equestrian…How can you change your horse‘s life for the better in just one split-second?Answer - chang...

Question to Every Equestrian…
How can you change your horse‘s life for the better in just one split-second?

Answer - change your Limiting Beliefs!!!!

You CAN change any one of your Limiting Beliefs at any time, so if your beliefs are not serving your or your horse, then change them, Now, Right Now.

We used to believe that not every horse and every rider could do high collected moves…then we changed our Beliefs and then almost overnight we and our horses started to shine, they started doing short steps, diagonal steps, school halt, jambette, spanish steps, collected canter, mezair, levade and more - it was, and still is, mind blowing.
Open your Mind to magnificent possibilities, change your Beliefs and live the Equestrian Journey you dream about…Today.

Find out HOW, click the link in our Bio and grab our 4 Step-by-Step Courses to High Collection…right Now!!! 💃

Don’t we riders all love to focus on our beloved horses?They are such beautiful and stunning creatures that it’s such a ...

Don’t we riders all love to focus on our beloved horses?
They are such beautiful and stunning creatures that it’s such a temptation to concentrate and even at times fixate on our what our 4 legged partners are doing and HOW they are doing it. You know what I man, right? Like they should have their neck longer, their right hind leg is behind, they are not bringing their front legs high enough or not symmetrical or not rhythmical, unstable…
Sometimes this can even go too far to where we start to judge them or even blame them for not doing it “right” or they must change to do it better.
The challenge with this is that we forget about ourselves and how much influence we have in creating the horse which is in front of our eyes. Like when did you last (or ever) be so critical on your own position and movement while riding?
What do I mean by this?
I mean that our horses are a reflection of our own mental and physical habits, body awareness and body control. So if our horses are not doing, being or looking like we “want” then we must first look into ourselves for the answer not simply “fix” them.
EQUISIT SEATology is perfect example of how the Rider can look inward to themselves and work on themselves to become more aware, more controlled in body posture and movement so that they are the best load for their horse to carry, NOT a burden. SEATology also provides insight and how-to about influencing your horse with less “background noise” so the communication can become more clear, intimate and refined so you get the feelings like the books talk about that “you think it and your horse does it”.

So many thoughts go through my mind when I see this comparison picture from my Purebred Arabian Horse Casper.The 2005 pi...

So many thoughts go through my mind when I see this comparison picture from my Purebred Arabian Horse Casper.

The 2005 pictures shows Casper’s as a yearling, just after he entered my life.

As you can see he always was this kinda like sick, unhealthy and weird looking horse, yet he still conquered my heart 💛

Not knowing much back then about how bad his physical condition really was, I committed to myself to make it my mission to find a solution for this young boy to help him to feel healthy and look more athletic.

It took years of trial and error, consulting heaps of vets and therapists, yet nothing really seemed to be the key to a healthier life for Casper.

The huge change started to happen when he was about 15 years old, when the high collected postures and movements got introduced into our lives, which we call today EQUISIT‘s Power Moves.

This kind of high intense, interval training allowed Casper to transform into a happy, healthy and strong horse which starts to shine in his own unique way.

Text continues in the comments below 👇🏻

Tony and Tango had yet another fantastic workout session. In the last two training sessions, Tango surprised us all by a...

Tony and Tango had yet another fantastic workout session. In the last two training sessions, Tango surprised us all by attempting her first Levade 😱
We’re absolutely thrilled and filled with excitement!! 🥳
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post, where we’ll share a video sequence of this milestone moment 🎥💃

Coincidence or orchestrated equine synchrony?Franzi and Fame were casually engaged in a ground workout, where Fame offer...

Coincidence or orchestrated equine synchrony?

Franzi and Fame were casually engaged in a ground workout, where Fame offered some beautiful Spanish Steps.
Not to be outdone, along comes Casper, effortlessly joining the conversation with his own rendition of high steps. And get this, it was all on his own volition—no prompts necessary!

But wait, there’s more! As if that wasn’t mind-blowing enough, the duo then kicked it up a notch, synchronizing their front leg movements so flawlessly that you’d swear Casper was secretly enrolled in a Fame-inspired choreography class.

Talk about surreal!

Drop a 💛 in the comments if you’re dying to witness this equine synchrony in action

Exciting update! Fame is thriving lately as he seems so peaceful and courageous throughout the day. We've reignited our ...

Exciting update! Fame is thriving lately as he seems so peaceful and courageous throughout the day.
We've reignited our regular workout sessions, focusing on connecting with him to discover his preferred collected postures.
It's an incredible journey, and soon, I'll share an update on our riding progress.
Currently, we keep experimenting with awareness to enhance his well-being even more and help him gain a bit more weight.
Stay tuned for more updates! 💪🏻🏋🏽‍♂️

🖤🖤 💓

What would you give to finally develop a Communication with your horse, a Dialogue, where both of you feel understood an...

What would you give to finally develop a Communication with your horse, a Dialogue, where both of you feel understood and where both of you have so much freedom that you are both allowed (and encouraged) to express your own thoughts and ideas?
How much would you give if this communication could take you and your horse into the world of high collected movements almost in a magical way?

To find out HOW this is possible, grab our Special Offer with clicking the Link in our Bio 💛

Today we have a fantastic before and after picture from one of our passionate and progressive students, Britta.  took he...

Today we have a fantastic before and after picture from one of our passionate and progressive students, Britta.
took her deep and wide Horsemanship foundation into the next level by developing herself so then to develop her Paint Horse physically.
If you compare these two pictures, you don’t only see that her horse Tokado can position himself into a more balanced and powerful position, but he has also developed much more muscles and therefore more volume.
His hindquarters and shoulder areas are clearly more full in the later picture and and you can also observe how much more belly tension he has in that bottom picture (the belly line is much more straight).
What fascinates us so much is also the change in Britta’s seat. In the later picture, you see a super alignment of Britta’s body, a more “kneeling” look all with opened hip flexors, visibly „longer“ legs and you see also how she is „glued“ toward the front of the saddle.
It is truly amazing how we can effect the horses, simply by developing ourselves mentally, emotionally and physically.
As we all know, self-development is not always the most comfortable road, however, we believe the horses thank us for that and for sure they benefit from us developing ourselves first!! 💡

Start your journey of transformation right now with clicking the link in our bio, so you can grab our special offer which is made just for you 💛

We find immense fulfilment in witnessing our “ordinary horses” evolve into our very own Shining Champions ✨A significant...

We find immense fulfilment in witnessing our “ordinary horses” evolve into our very own Shining Champions ✨

A significant advantage of our Power Moves from HIIT for Horses™️ is their ability to unleash the inner brilliance of each individual horse 💎

Discover how you can be the catalyst for this incredible transformation in your horse!
Learn More
Click the link in our bio 💃

🖤🖤 💓

Developing awareness is a major skill in the equestrian world. It’s the key to noticing subtle differences that can make...

Developing awareness is a major skill in the equestrian world.
It’s the key to noticing subtle differences that can make a big impact.
In today’s comparison picture, the difference may not be huge at first glance, but a closer look reveals important details.
One useful tip is to use the background rail for comparison. By aligning it with different parts of the horse, like the croup, you can spot nuances like Ludwig’s „sit down.“

Analysing photos & videos is invaluable for honing your awareness, and it is a focus in our exclusive OnPurpose Equestrian Member Area.
Join us and elevate your awareness to your next level and also benefit from individualised feedback and coaching as well as huge Learnings from our video library to fast-track your journey 🌟

*** BEFORE (June 2019) - AFTER (August 2020) ***When I bought Casper as a foal 17 years ago, the little guy was already ...

*** BEFORE (June 2019) - AFTER (August 2020) ***
When I bought Casper as a foal 17 years ago, the little guy was already struggling a lot with major physical challenges. He looked sick, had badly swollen legs on a regular basis, was constantly getting hurt and often falling down in the paddock 🩸🩹 and, according to vets, he had chronic problems with his organs.
While I desperately searched for answers and solutions, I ran from one vet and therapist to the next.
Even though he could be helped to a certain extent at that time, I always had the impression that an important ingredient was missing that vets or therapists couldn’t seem to give him.
As a physiotherapist (for 👫) and sports enthusiast, I always dreamed of helping my own horse to have a well-muscled and healthy body with the appropriate training.
14 years later, in 2020, we finally found a way to help even a Purebred Arabian to „grow“ muscles 💪🏻
A dream is finally coming true, even though we are only at the very beginning 🎉
Casper not only looks healthier, but also visibly feels so much better and seems too be so much more contented and happy in himself ✨

Find out more in our Bio - go ahead, grab our special Member Area offer which give you actionable steps to start your journey of collection 🎊
Be our next success story, starting today 💃

Wow, it feels so awesome when horses start to collect✨ For us, this feeling is extremely hard to put into words.When the...

Wow, it feels so awesome when horses start to collect✨
For us, this feeling is extremely hard to put into words.

When the horse moves so strongly muscled that it steps out with nicely flexed joints, everything suddenly becomes very “quiet”, light, and soft.
Almost as if you were just floating along.

This is definitely a feeling that brings out an addiction factor. 😁

In today’s post, you’ll see Eric first in his more natural posture (left picture), with accordingly open joints, high croup, and little abdominal tension.
In the other picture (right side), the lines drawn show you how he now takes weight on the hindquarters, has much more flexed joints, which lowers the croup (➡️ see black arrow).

Comparing the belly muscles in the two pictures, you can clearly see how much more engaged Eric has them in the right picture. 💪🏻

In such a position, muscle building is particularly enhanced, as the muscles are specifically strengthened here, which in turn saves the passive structures like ligaments, cartilage, joints... of the horse.

Watch out!
When you compare the two pictures, you shouldn’t miss that the right picture is zoomed in a bit closer. ☝🏼
Have fun analysing! 🤓👀🔍

Transformation Thursday 💫No words needed 💛

Transformation Thursday 💫
No words needed 💛

„Let’s take a moment to appreciate the unsung heroes in our lives – our horses. 🐴💫 They offer us more than just a ride; ...

„Let’s take a moment to appreciate the unsung heroes in our lives – our horses. 🐴💫 They offer us more than just a ride; they give us freedom, companionship, and unwavering loyalty. As equestrians, let’s cherish every moment spent with these magnificent creatures, for they give us their all, asking for nothing in return. Let’s honor their strength, grace, and the bond we share, reminding ourselves to be grateful for everything they offer and do for us. Together, we gallop through challenges, soar over obstacles, and find solace in their presence. Today, let’s celebrate our horses and the magic they bring into our lives 🌟

In the world of equestrian pursuits, transformation is not just a journey; it’s a testament to and result of dedication ...

In the world of equestrian pursuits, transformation is not just a journey; it’s a testament to and result of dedication and growth. Today we reflect a little on our past with a picture from 2020 which encapsulates a time where we embraced the traditional methods, riding with bits, and tentatively delved into the intriguing world of High Collected movements.
Then by way of comparison, now fast forward to 2023, and a new picture reveals an extremely profound evolution.
Our Mindset has shifted, embracing bitless riding through the wonder & “magic” of SEATology communication.
Not only have our techniques evolved, but so too has Ludwig our equine companion, blossoming with newfound athleticism and strength, his muscles rippling with vitality.

This transformation isn’t merely about the outward changes; it’s also a reflection of our commitment to understanding and harmonising with our equine partners.
It’s a journey marked by growth, both in skill and in spirit.

Now, as we stand at the “precipice of possibility”, I invite you to embark on your own equestrian transformation journey.
Join our Member Area, where you’ll find more than just “How-To” learning videos 🎥
You can grow exponentially by fully utilising the power of weekly personal coaching, guiding you every step of the way.
Together, let’s unlock the full potential of your partnership with your horse, and embark on a journey of discovery, connection, and fulfilment.
Take the reins of your transformation today - click the link in our bio, right now! 💃

François Robichon de La Guérinière said in his book Ecole de Cavallerie Part II 📚“The most skilled riding masters agree ...

François Robichon de La Guérinière said in his book Ecole de Cavallerie Part II 📚
“The most skilled riding masters agree that one of the most important things for putting a horse in a nice posture is the nice bend one gives him while working;
One must agree that… the horse is graceful, but I believe that the bend in an arc (which is only a half-bend) does not constrain a horse as much and keeps him more elevated in front than when he is more bent”

You can see Ludwig and Franzi in beautiful surroundings of the forest and Ludwig in a super posture and “nice bend”, so we agree with La Guérinière.

What do you think of Ludwig’s position and posture?
Give Ludwig a ❤️ in the comments

Horse training is mainly focused on the horse!!!The horse is mainly the one who has to get trained, taught, instructed, ...

Horse training is mainly focused on the horse!!!
The horse is mainly the one who has to get trained, taught, instructed, told.
Often you even hear words like the horse needs to get “fixed”…
What happens regularly in the horse is that they start to shut down (going internal, robotic) or they can go fully external, Distracted by the environment, totally ignoring the person because they simply do not want to be in that “demand dictatorship”.

Alternatively, developing the person into an empathetic OnPurpose Equestrian allows the horse to be involved in a Dialogue which allows the horse to be alive, engaged and to shine.

This can not only affect the “inside” of a horse, it can even transform the physical body of the horse as you see in today’s comparison picture.

Find out more about becoming an OnPurpose Equestrian with the link in our bio ❤️

When the butt doesn’t even fit in the picture anymore 😅Well, if I would have to say this about mine, I guess this would ...

When the butt doesn’t even fit in the picture anymore 😅

Well, if I would have to say this about mine, I guess this would not be a good thing, right? 🤣

However, being able to say this about Casper is absolutely phenomenal!!

As described in yesterdays post our Purebred Arabian horse Casper didn’t get born with the most incredibly athletic looking body. This means when he doesn’t workout with our HIIT for Horses™️ then he looks kinda like boney and stringy (left picture)

Within just a few short months he has transformed from the skinny horse on the left to the little „Schwarzenegger“ on the right. All from using our HIIT do Horses™️ a few days a week for maybe just 10-15 minute workouts 💪🏻

The physical changes is awesome however the most exciting part is the way Casper now moves and seems to enjoy his days more than in his „natural“ body shape, this of very fulfilling for us ❤️

Get started on your own journey of transformation with clicking the link in our Bio 🎉


Reichenbach 4


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