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Be Professional.  Look Cool. It is the duty of ever horseman, to share his knowledge. We aim to share our journey :)

So this week I’ve booked in another 5 saddles for clients and I’ll cover a few common questions I get. How do you measur...

So this week I’ve booked in another 5 saddles for clients and I’ll cover a few common questions I get.

How do you measure my horse?

Easy. I post out or you buy yourself a “saddle spider” that’s easily bent to fit your horse’s back. Take a bunch of photos, then send it all through to me. I use this to ensure the saddle is the correct length, and to ensure a full panel contact across the saddle support area. I also MAKE SURE the horse’s shoulder is free to move, and the withers are clear. I can also align the girth correctly so the saddle isn’t pulled forward.

Why did you start making saddles?

Because we have absolutely lost the plot when it comes to everything saddle related and horsemanship in general. The old German Army saddle picture here is PERFECT for long distances, but it weighs a TON! Its shape, its girths, the balance of the bags it carries etc is exceptional, but THE WEIGHT! Modern saddles… yep, they simply aren’t made for what we do so with no other options I made my own.

Can you modify your design to suit my needs?

Yes and no. Yes, length, stirrup position and seat size. But NO! I am no longer going to modify a design THAT WORKS for something you want. It completely undermines the functionality of the product.

Why don’t you patent the design, and why do you share all of your trade secrets so freely?

Well… because I know you can’t ever make a cheaper, better saddle using these methods. And everything that makes a BPLC saddle is… us! It took me 780 days on the road and a lifetime of experience to be in a position to make these and the testing I’ve done… you just can’t measure it! BUT if someone takes the knowledge we are so willing to share and uses it to better the life of their horses or others then I’ll help them every step of the way.

Are they really as light as you say?

No, they really weight 25kg. Interested to see who’s still reading 😉😉😂😂 Yes. They are VERY VERY light. My lightest saddles weigh the same as 3 bottles of wine Inc girth, stirrups, and saddle.

How long do they take to make?

It depends… but 3-8 weeks is about standard depending on what you want. If I have a suitable saddle in stock… I post same day.

How much do they cost?

All prices are on our website

And lastly… do you really refuse to make saddles for customers?

Oh HELL YES I DO! Remember, if your horse is obese, it may be carrying 40kg MORE that comes straight off its ethical carrying capacity. I WILL NOT make or supply equipment to anyone who will use it in an unethical manner. If the rider is unfit to ride… sorry not sorry. If the horse is unfit to ride… sorry not sorry.

In saying all this… let’s chat. Just what’s app me and we can see what we can do. I’m not mean, I’m honest and if I’m building you a saddle then I’m building it as if it were going on my horse for my next long ride!

I love the way Tequila cones to Luisa’s voice. Not her calls… HER VOICE. If Luisa is outside talking, here comes Tequila...

I love the way Tequila cones to Luisa’s voice. Not her calls… HER VOICE. If Luisa is outside talking, here comes Tequila. He is SUPER CUTE.

This is us. This is BPLC. We love you guys. We love our ponies. We love our lives. We are us. I love my wife, I love my ...

This is us. This is BPLC. We love you guys. We love our ponies. We love our lives. We are us. I love my wife, I love my freinds. I love life.

Peace be with you all.


How cold is it? Well… s**ts exploding it’s so cold!

A big part of what we do is CONSTANT RESEARCH! So how do we do it? Well… we cook a leg of venison in a clay pot over the...

A big part of what we do is CONSTANT RESEARCH! So how do we do it? Well… we cook a leg of venison in a clay pot over the fire, we roast a bunch of veggies and then sit and chat with people who are better than us at MANY aspects of horsemanship! We… also chop beets and wine and get a bit loose. But everything we can learn, be it from a new book someone has recommended or from someone who’s ridden around Alaska, we are interested!

You are what you eat, and the company you keep and aspire to be influenced by make you too. 😁👊👊👍

Why on earth would you want one of our saddles and what makes them different? Firstly… it’s me. I’m manic, obsessive, DE...

Why on earth would you want one of our saddles and what makes them different?

Firstly… it’s me. I’m manic, obsessive, DEFINITELY on the spectrum, I’m a bit of a “retard genius - utterly brilliant at some stuff, cannot do other simple stuff”, suffer PTSD, and have social anxiety. I hate people, I hate our lack of empathy as a species, and am VERY over protective of women, children, vulnerable people, and most importantly… our animals. It’s a mix that’s made someone very difficult to be around to be completely honest and that takes us to reason number two…

Those who surround and support me. I am surrounded by the most beautiful people on earth. Sure, I’ve got my old army mates and hunting buddies with no shortage of the “toxic masculinity” that will drag you from a burning building… but this is NOT what guides me in my 40’s. It’s the women. I am guided and tempered by a gaggle of witches so special it’s difficult to find the words for them. They all stand like giants beside me never afraid to challenge and direct my manic and obsessive drive to create the next project. Without my wife, and also Crispy, Anja, JDawg, Neky, Nora and even Edma… I would be nothing and the saddles simply wouldn’t exist.

Then comes all of you. At 46 I realise I’m just the hands that shapes the foam and wraps it in carbon. I’m just the guy that talks s**t and calls out fatties and animal abuses. It’s the team that’s called me out on all my bulls**t and offered 5 years of online advice and constructive criticism. WE LISTEN TO YOU! We have asked questions, we’ve been challenged, and we have grown. There’s just too many of you here to name, but believe me when I say… you have helped more than you will ever know.

Lastly… Marengo and all the horses we’ve ridden over the last 5 years. Horses are by far the best teachers, and having spent over 1,000 days on the road together under the watchful eyes of social media and my crazy witches, I’ve learnt to shut out all the noise and focus on the horses needs. My horse is… me. He has told me long before I started studying saddle fit what REALLY mattered. He comes to me in my dreams that are so vivid I can smell him. He tells me things, and most importantly… I listen.

Am I qualified??? Yes. Yes I am. Do I have a piece of paper saying I am? No. And I never will. Because in completing the very expensive qualifications I started… would make me just like everyone else. And I’m me, I’m Pete, who’s married to Lu, who has friends as crazy as him, and loves every minute of what he does.

Have an awesome day guys. Do drugs, get laid, get paid, ride beautiful horses and who cares what people think of you so long as you can look yourself in the mirror and 😁😁😁❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

FEBRUARY BARGINS TO PAY FOR HOOF CARE!!! 2 X trail saddles. 1500€ each plus vat if applicable. I’ve got two trail saddle...

2 X trail saddles. 1500€ each plus vat if applicable.

I’ve got two trail saddles, one with a horn, one without at a bargain price. Why? Because I’ve built new examples of all my saddle range, and although upgraded to Gen IV spec, these were Gen III saddles originally. They are perfectly good, brand new, and I’ve kind of thrown them together with bits I’m testing etc. the one without a horn has a Frankenstein skin “two sewn together” and both weigh approximately 3kg each but that’s without girth and stirrups. Neither comes with stirrups or leathers to keep the cost low, but both come with our new mohair Y girths so are ready to ride as soon as you chuck on some stirrups.

This is as cheap as I can possibly do a new saddle!

As for fit, they are my standard “Marengos back” saddle which is basically a medium wide style western in fit but suitable for horses with shorter backs. It is my absolute most GENERIC saddle I make and it fits a good range of horses and is particularly good on Mongol horses and Arabs etc. they can easily be shimmed, and if you are interested we can check the fit prior to purchase using our saddle fitting tools.

I’ve got 12 saddles I personally own of which 8 are test saddles or an example of what we make as well as mine and Lu’s personal ones… and these two. So, given the big hit on the hoof care today, moving a couple of spare saddles will help a lot 😉😉😁😁😁

We ADORE our boys, and unfortunately that means sparing no expense on their welfare. During training, we have decided to...

We ADORE our boys, and unfortunately that means sparing no expense on their welfare. During training, we have decided to keep the boys barefoot for their best chance at developing the strongest hooves possible prior to our longer rides this year. We have a GREAT local fitter out with a car absolutely full of hoof boots and I feel like today’s most likely about to cost us around 1000€ in hoof care. SO BE IT! We can’t advise other for long journeys without first exploring all the options ourselves.

As a result… I’ll be posting a SUPER SPECIAL DEAL on a couple of saddles later today. Why? Because we drop 2-3000€ a year on hoof care!!! 🤦

Over the years we’ve NEVER had a rub from the stainless steel rings on our girths where they sit on the horses side. But...

Over the years we’ve NEVER had a rub from the stainless steel rings on our girths where they sit on the horses side. But numerous people have expressed concern and we respect that. The problem is that the addition of sheepskin pads like this takes me a long time. That’s time I need to charge for and given the huge cost of living and working in Germany, our rate is 50€ an hour. A simple stiching task with a scrap of sheepskin puts the price of an already expensive item up between 50-150€ as a result.

So I’ve decided… I’m adding these pads FOR FREE to every girth from now on. I am committed to making the best gear on earth, and sadly those that need it the most can rarely afford it so this is an expense we will just have to absorb.

New day, new projects begin. We’ve just done a massive purchase on new materials ready to begin another 30 saddles. Find...

New day, new projects begin. We’ve just done a massive purchase on new materials ready to begin another 30 saddles. Finding the right materials to use has at times presented a huge challenge with so much stuff available labeled as “literally the same thing”. It’s not, and as a result I source my raw materials from ONLY Germany and Holland. I can buy this stuff for as little as 5€ a meter on Amazon, but you get what you pay for.

Extreme Textiles in Berlin is my go to supplier for the materials used in our bags, shelters, and equipment. After testing countless products from a good dozen suppliers we have found they stand head and shoulders above the others.

I know you can by bags that cost 1/4 what ours do. But… you get exactly what you pay for and we simply refuse to cut corners or save on costs. We want to make ONLY the best, most ethical gear we can. And as always… if there’s a better way we can do things then PLEASE TELL US!


There’s now a third “Long Ride” that I’ve been dragged into a public s**t fight in. The first ended on a roadside after the horse was hit by a car and broke its leg. The second ended with charges of animal abuse. And now the third… who knows. But after it was shared with me and details regarding him blocking everyone that offered advice, I shared my concerns online without naming or shaming. If we don’t know it’s a mess… how can we change?

Guys I’m always going to speak up for the horses. But what does it get me? Every day I take online abuse over speaking up against practices that are publicly damaging equines that are COPIED BY OTHERS!

This is the big issue. I abused horses simply by following others terrible examples and didn’t even know there was a better way. I have devoted 5 years to finding better ways, but all it gets me is hate. And in defending “without any supporting evidence” others profiles grow meaning more follow terrible examples than ones who question and try and grow.

People… SUCK.

F**k it. I’m offering him a saddle publicly. I’ll even pay postage. Toulavi Vlci there you go. Your move.

F**k it. I’m offering him a saddle publicly. I’ll even pay postage. Toulavi Vlci there you go. Your move.

It’s been a great day here and I’ve returned from the Czech Republic with another 20 skins for saddles, rugs, and pads. ...

It’s been a great day here and I’ve returned from the Czech Republic with another 20 skins for saddles, rugs, and pads. But sadly… as usual, another drama has kicked off because I shared an image of a horse in a bad way. If it’s not saddle fitters I’m pi***ng off, it’s someone else and as always… I don’t care.

My phone is always on and I WILL HELP ANY LONG RIDER IN NEED! Just ask!

But I will not reach out. And if you block all my concerned friends, then why would I bother?

We need to STOP SHARING GARBAGE, and start promoting and supporting ethical horsemanship. This requires us to self reflect, grow, and check our egos. I am a work in progress I’ll admit. But if the company I keep is any indication of my growth, then I’m pretty happy with myself. I am privileged and very proud to say the EUs best long riders drink at my table “ones here now” and the worst all hate me.

Meh. Is what it is.

So… what happens when you give an archery to Cobaka Sal Miska? You end up with a MASTERPIECE! Including girth and stirru...

So… what happens when you give an archery to Cobaka Sal Miska? You end up with a MASTERPIECE! Including girth and stirrups this custom Gen III Archery saddle weighs 3.7kg “8lb” and is easily shimmed to fit and fit Arab - OTTB type horse around 15hh. This is the kind of crazy stuff we are making more and more of and not only is it ultra light and looks “I think we can all agree here” absolutely SICK!!! But its short length and open shoulder encourages your horse to maintain a steady clean gait as you come into range to chuck your dart. Further to this, it’s so dam light that provided you can ride well, you can turn your horse simply by turning your hips and leaning. The stirrups can be moved to a position that suits you, with them easily placed much further back giving you the most stable firing position and options you simply don’t get in most saddles.

So how much is it? Well… this one I don’t want to sell. I want to keep it as a demo. But we do these saddles custom fitted to you and your horse from 1900€ +tax. For a custom job like this… 2500€ +tax.


Lu’s doing great with this little guy! She does however… take a LOT of photos.

Lu’s doing great with this little guy! She does however… take a LOT of photos.


Busy day here. Harvested meat, finished ALL firewood jobs for 2025 and although we were briefly bathed in glorious sunshine… it never got above -10. But the good thing is OUR SUZUKI DRIVES ANYWHERE! No snow chains, nothing. It goes everywhere on the farm and with spring around the corner I’ve got only a few weeks left before it thaws and may end up muddy. I HATE MUD! So now… fun times drifting the ice driveway 🤣😂🤣😂

Lots and lots of new post and rail fences going in soon!!! Can’t wait for a long lazy summer of beers and ti***es by the lake!


So it’s REALLY cold here. All training has stopped sadly but Lu saddles Tequila each day still. The ground is just too hard on bare hooves and to be honest even the paddocks are as bad as a tar seal road. Apart from just grooming and basic handling… is there anything else Lu can do for training?



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