This is a GREAT little horse with a bright future!!! This is crazy Anja’s boy “Peter Kahn” and I just love him!!! SUPER CHEEKY!
How sh*te is horsemanship in movies???
Although many have referred to me as a “good horseman”, I will argue that I am at best an “intermediate” level rider. I think it’s possible to be empathetic, knowledgeable, and devoted to a horse even understanding it to a degree others can’t comprehend and still have no idea where to even begin when it comes to doing a flying change or passing a basic dressage test.
Luisa… now she’s a GOOD rider and so is Neky Nikolova, Christine Dorothy Crew, JDawg and crazy Anja. I love the way they can manage to remain soft when a horse acts up and never appear to “hang off a face”. I know my horse… and I know that Lu “in my opinion” controlled what was about to be a mess with poise and grace I simply don’t have.
So what about movies??? Horse movies are just ruined for me now. I can’t enjoy them like I once did as all I’m looking at is saddle fit, girths, rider position, horse body language and how hard the rider is on the animal. I was in a movie once, and I was utterly sh*t and probably the worst rider of everyone there by a mile. Is what it is, I’ve learnt, I’ve grown, I’ve humbled.
What movies are there where the horsemanship is absolutely spot on??? I think “The Lighthorsemen” is about the best ever. And as for the worst??? Where do you even start?
Starting a new horse… begins with making everything fun.
Guys… I just want to thank everyone for the support that’s been flooding in for Luisa’s journey with Tequila. She’s doing things OUR WAY. And our way involves me still making girths at 10.30 as I drink Chianti and Lu works making drink bottle holders for saddles. We’re watching “Legends of the fall” so there’s a good chance I get lucky tonight and I’ll be perfectly fine with Luisa yelling “TRISTIAN” at any point 😂😂🤦 We aren’t normal. We aren’t fake. And we’re going to share everything as Tequila becomes a very different kind of partner.
Soft hands. Lots of love. And all the time in the world… that’s what he’s going to get. From us two weirdos. Horses are our ENTIRE lives. I mean it. I really do. And Tequila will be one of the finest horses the EU has ever seen.
We don’t just get on and ride. We work up to it. We work up to it like a Dr Seuss book. In the rain, in the snow, with music, with fireworks, with dogs and cats and things that go splatz.
And… the girls are off riding 🥶🤦🤣😂🤣😂
Little vid showing our trail saddles and how they came into existence. 😁😁
Making videos with Lu is HILARIOUS! English is her second language and she’s about as articulate as a Democratic presidential candidate 🤪🤣😂🤣🤣 She nailed it in the end, but let’s all enjoy the “real Lu” ❤️❤️❤️❤️🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪💪💪💪💪💪
BPLC long rider pads. FINALLY FOR SALE!
So we’ve made a ton of vids yesterday and hope to have them on YouTube shortly as we get a heap of great questions… but also a lot of stupid ones. Here’s another one focusing on saddle pads inc what I feel is the best pad ON EARTH for long riding.
Yep. Best. Best by a mile HOWEVER… if a pad disrupts saddle fit then it’s sh*te. Many considerations need to be made before purchasing a pad and in all honesty everyone’s needs are going to be different which is why we use and offer different solutions. THERE IS NO ONE MAGIC SOLUTION. But some considerations remain regardless. The back must be kept as cool and as comfortable as possible, and the right pads can really help doing that.
I know it’s a heaps long video, but it’s a topic that needs to be shared. We’ve spent the day filming stuff for YouTube and I’m sharing this here for all you good folks first. Why? Because it’s an interesting topic and it’s not really talked about enough in my opinion.