Sometimes projects take time, especially when working with unknown morphs. Some of you are already familiar with our "T-Virus Project" that we are working on. A few of you know about our second project called the "Pacman Project." Why Pacman? The following pictures will show you. 😇
In 2018, two animals hatched from a simple Spider x Mojave pairing. The subsequent pairings with the parent animals did not yield any further anomalies. However, the animals that hatched in 2018 showed in 2021 that the change is genetic, as the pairing of Hypo x Mojave "Pacman Project" and the pairing Hypo Mojave Yellowbelly x "Pacman Project" produced unusual animals again. Since we might finally be able to test the animals for a super form this year, we wanted to show you the project and its progress so far.