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Newborn Puppy Care❣️

Taking care of the newborn puppy if you are midwifing the Mom can be quite exciting. Watching a new life come into the world is a miracle in itself. Observe the birth in awe, but be ready to help Mom if she is having trouble.

You will need several items when whelping (birth) starts. Have these ready beforehand so you don't have to leave Mom during the birth. You will need plenty of towels, a heating lamp, scissors, betadine, alcohol, dental floss, paper and pencil, and lots of patience until the big event happens.

When the first pup is born, let it start to nurse immediately. This helps to stimulate contractions for the next pup. Place the new pup under a heat lamp for warmth. After each new pup is born, you can place all the puppies back until the next contractions start.

If a pup is lifeless after birth, rub him down with a coarse towel to help him take that first breath. Some people also try placing the pup in water, alternating between hot and cold to get them to breathe. You can also try CPR by placing the pup on his back and blowing into his mouth. Then apply pressure to the chest. DO NOT GIVE UP! Some people have revived pups for up to thirty minutes after birth.

Encourage the new pups to start nursing right away. They need the colostrum that is in the mother's milk. This nourishing fluid contains antibodies and special vitamins that help protect the newborn pup from sickness. Make sure all the puppies are able to latch on and get the colostrum. Some of the bigger puppies will push off the smaller ones.
After each pup is born, look for any problems that may be present. Obvious ones like a cleft palate or a shortened limb are easy to spot. Sometimes there are internal problems like organs that are not fully developed. Call the vet immediately if you spot a problem.🐩
DONT FORGET-Dogs are creatures like you and me❗️


Keeping Your Dog From Jumping

Dogs want to see and interact with people face to face. This leads to many dogs jumping in order to have that face-to-face contact. When your dog is small, this may not be aproblem, but large dogs can be intimidating when they jump, not to mention it can be painful.
The first thing you can do to prevent jumping is to kneel down to the dog’s level. This will allow him to see your face and eliminates the main reason he jumps in the first place. Getting down on his level will let him know you see him.
Another method you can use if the above doesn’t work is to turn your back on your dog. Look up toward the ceiling and refuse to acknowledge him until he settles and sits.

Dogs hate to be ignored, especially if that is the reason for their jumping in the first place. For this method to work, you must be steadfast in not making any eye contact until he has calmed.
The slightest acknowledgment will get him excited all over again. A third method that seems to work well with larger dogs is to wait until they jump and gently grab hold of their front legs. Slowly walk the dog backwards a couple of feet then gently set his front paws on the floor, saying “down” firmly. Dogs hate to walk backwards, and doing so will make him start to associate the unpleasantness with jumping. Saying the word “down” as you place his paws on the floor will get him to associate it with keeping his feet on the floor. It doesn’t take long to train a dog not to jump as long as you are consistent with whichever method you choose. It also helps if you can enlist the cooperation of other family members so everyone is using the same method. This creates less confusion and more success.


❣️"A dog is like a heart on four legs."❣️


A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down.”
—Robert Benchley🐕☀️🍀


Housetraining Your Puppy

Housetraining takes patience and the ability to follow a schedule. Most puppies respond to a schedule because it gets them used to doing the same thing at the same time every day and they learn the behavior you want easier.

You must first determine your puppy's limit in holding his urine. Keep a diary for several days until you spot a pattern between eating and eliminating. This minus 15-30 minutes will give you the puppy's comfort zone. This is how long he can hold his urine after he has gone potty.

The puppy will usually have to go after they eat, drink, play or sleep. Most dogs need to be taken out upwards of three to five times a day providing they haven't drank an excessive amount of water. The best thing to do if you take him walking is not to bring him back until he does potty. Be ready to stay outside until he does.
This could take some time. If you bring him back in before he is ready, he most likely will have an accident before you can get him back outside again.

The most important thing is to lavish him with praise each and every time he does the right behavior. This reinforces it because he receives attention and a treat. If you wait and praise him later, it won't be effective. To keep him from finding spots, close doors to rooms with carpeting or rugs, because they prefer certain area to eliminate on.

If the puppy does have an accident, use a pet odor neutralizer to prevent any odor. They sometimes will sniff around until they find the exact same spot they went the last time. Don't use ammonia based cleaners as they break down into urea, which is a part of urine.


Loving your dog is easy. Training your dog, well, that if often the hard part. Out of frustration people are quick to blame the pooch. My dog can’t be trained. My dog is stupid. My dog is irreparably disobedient. Do you know what I say to that? NONSENSE! Don’t take what you’re about to read pe...



Have you recently brought home a little puppy? Then you may be interested in giving your dog some basic training. You can get an obedience instructor for the job, or you yourself can train your pet.

The fees of the obedience instructors can differ, and you would also have to take your dog to the class where the training would take place. But if you are the trainer, you can have the whole thing done almost without any expense, and that too at your own home. So if you have decided to be the trainer, you must have some knowledge on dog training first.

You should teach your dog three basic things first – sit, stay, and come. The first thing you need to teach your dog is to sit. The one thing you would surely need for this is dog treats.

Make sure that you choose a quiet place for this training, so as not to distract your dog’s attention. Ask the dog to sit again and again while you hold the treat over his head. Thus, he will have to turn his head up, and will sit there willingly to get the treat.

If he still doesn’t sit, gently push his back down. When you have made him sit, praise him and give him his treat. If you repeat the word ‘sit’, your dog will realize that the command is related to sitting and will obey you to receive his rewards.

The next thing you need to teach your dog is to stay. This part of the training can be a little difficult. This is a command which your dog would have to learn when you teach him to “come”. Make him sit in a place without any direction.

Repeat the word “stay” as you gradually walk back. Maintain an eye contact with the dog, and if he rises from his position, say “no” and start all over again. This training does take some time and patience. It would be easies if you initially get someone to sit and hold him back if he doesn’t “stay”.

If he has learnt this part, try walking away with your back towards the dog. He will probably rise now to follow you. Tell him “no” and repeat the process asking him to stay in his position as you move away.

When your dog has passed this test, teach him to come. Make him stay and then call him in a cheerful voice and thump your knee as you repeat the word “come”. Reward him, as he will probably respond to your call promptly enough.

The key word of dog training is praise, and not punishment, as dogs respond more to a positive behavior, rather than a negative one. Keep these tips in mind and you would be able to install these three basic commands into your dog.

If you follow this process of training, you would surely be the proud owner of an obedient pet whom everybody praises.



They say ‘a barking dog doesn’t bite’ but I am yet to meet anyone who hasn’t been convinced otherwise every time some fine specimen of the canine family has bared its fangs and snarled and yelped. Dogs and barking dogs, if you ask my opinion, are two different species all together and while the first can be petted and cuddled and given biscuits to the latter can only be run away from.

Most barking dogs are quiet the activity master, every time they open their mouth they make something happen, either your mailman leaves, or your neighbor shuts his window and oh yes, yells out something nasty or your head splits into a thousand aching pieces, like I said they are quite the activist. Unfortunately for them though activism isn’t as a rule appreciated by the average idle individual, to survive amongst humans you are expected to be as on leash as themselves. Thus all barking dogs need to be quieted and difficult though that task is it needs to be done.

Now, for starters, recognize the fact that barking in itself is not a problem. Dogs bark, just like cats mew and people make promises….it’s just something they do when they want something done. For instance they bark to tell you that they are hungry at dinnertime or to let you know that there is someone at the door etc. and on all these occasions barking is fine and in fact appreciated. It begins to become a problem however when your dog refuses to stop barking despite your telling him to. Thus the job in hand is not to shut your dog up completely but to teach him to shut up when you ask him to.

So begin your training with a simple command like ‘speak’ or ‘bark’ and pat him and give him a cookie when he woofs a bit. Now tell him ‘enough’ or ‘that’s it’ as soon as his woofing increases and immediately plop a cookie into his mouth, he won’t have a choice but to stop, food has often made the best of men seal their lips so what’s a dog! Now that that routine is final repeat it a couple of times. Next time he barks to let you know the mailman’s at your door praise him heartily and then sternly ask him to shut up with a ‘enough’ or ‘that’s it’ (remember to use the same command to avoid confusing him) and give him a cookie.

Once this regime settles in your dog will soon pick up what “enough” or “that’s it” means. In case he doesn’t and continues to bark despite your command give a sharp tug on his collar and say “Enough” in a rebuking, no-nonsense voice. He will soon learn that that’s his cue to stop.
Now this training will take a good number of weeks to really start working. However make sure you don’t give up mid way. A few dogs are by nature a little fond of barking and making noise so these will take more doing than the others.

While training consider if his misbehavior has anything to do with his feeling depressed or left out. Dogs are very sensitive psychologically and little things which you might not even notice might affect them. See if you are leaving your dog alone too long, or if he is going hungry, if you keep him outside in his kennel at night bring him to sleep indoors for a few days and see if there is any change in his attitude.

Barking dogs are in many ways like cranky crying babies (except the fangs and teeth part though) and they need proper attitude training to bring them back to acceptable track, but they also need good time and attention and loving, so make sure your training is a right mix of all of these.



Most dog owners wish that they could have more control over their dogs. With dog training collars, however, you can get what you want, i.e., better control with more comfort, and making sure that you are leading your dog more effectively. You will find that there are basically two types of head halters that are available for dogs. One type is known as the gentle leader and the other type is known as the Halti.

Though both dog training collars are useful, the gentle leader has an advantage because of its better design that ensures better control. The design is simpler, as it settles behind your dog’s ears and then goes around the muzzle. Under the dogs chin, it is connected with nylon straps. But do not confuse it with muzzle. The dog can be controlled simply by using of general leader to control his nose. This is sure to make your dog follow.

The second type of do training collar is the Halti. It has been made following the same type of principles as the gentle leader. However the design is much more complex and this can even cause problems as it might interfere with its functioning. Infact, at times, these dog training collars have been known to cause injuries in the neck and the spine of the dog.

There is another type of dog collar available that looks kind of intimidating. This is known as the prong collar which is quite effective for controlling dogs that are large, and have a thick neck. However these are not meant for those that yank in your arms. The collar, that tries to pinch the dog’s neck by using light pressure, may remind you of a torture device used in the medieval times. However, as the pressure is mild, it does not really hurt the dog, and thus it does not cause any harm. It only helps to make sure that your dog moves in the right direction. These dog training collars must not be used for dogs that tend to steadily pull on the leash, since this is essentially a correction device, not a constant collar. This type of a dog training collar should not be used if you have just become a dog owner, and extensive studying on its use is yet to be done.

Also, it is always advisable to consult your vet before you fit it to your pet.

An old type of a standby, known as the choke chain, is also available. As it comes in last it is definitely not for the novice. There have been many studies proving that a number of neck injuries are caused with this type of collar. Therefore it is not advisable to use these dog collars, unless you are quite an experienced trainer.

So, when you are selecting a dog training collar, get some information on their proper use and use some common sense too. You and you dog are sure to make a happy pair!



Before starting dog training, it is best that you know your options well. These days you can find many types of dog training, in many different places. These trainings vary in price and each one them has something different to offer.

The first type of dog training is known as puppy preschool. This is a dog training course meant for puppies that are about 6 weeks to 5 months old. These puppy preschool classes generally last for no more than 6 to 8 weeks. In these training sessions, your puppy is essentially taught how to socialize with people and as well as other puppies. Here your puppy also begins to learn how to sit down, stay at a place, and how to come.

The second type of dog training course is meant for the dogs that are at least 5 months old. This type of dog training is known as the basic dog training. The duration of these classes is usually about 8 to 10 weeks. This is the basic course, where your dog is taught the art of walking properly on a leash, sitting, staying, coming and heeling.

The third type of dog training course is known as the intermediate dog training. This dog training aims at teaching the dog mostly the same things that are taught in the basic training course, in a more detailed form. Here the dog is trained to stay for a longer span of time, and is also taught to follow the orders given by other people.

The intermediate dog training generally lasts for about 8 to 10 weeks, and is meant for those that are no less than 5 months old. It is essential for the dog to have completed its basic dog training course, or to be accustomed to the basic commands that could have been taught by the owner.

The next type of training course is known as the advanced dog training course. Here, once again, the course is quite similar to its previous one, i.e., the intermediate dog training course, except for the fact that this time it is more detailed. Here, the dog is taught how to sit even without you in the view.

This training course is about 8 to 10 weeks long, and is meant for those that have completed their intermediate training. Here, they are also trained to walk beside their owners without a leash. Moreover, it gradually prepares the dog to take the Canine Good Citizen training course.
The Canine Good Citizen training for dogs is the last course. To pass this course, your dog will be taught the 10 necessary aspects.

This course is strictly meant for those dogs that have completed all the previous courses. The test is quite tough and can only be passed if the dog is really well behaved. Depending on whether your dog can pass, the course can last for several weeks.

Keeping this information in mind, you should be able to decide the dog training course best suited for your dog. However, you may seek the opinion of your local dog trainers to know more. Many trainers consult for free. So now you should be at least a step closer to introducing your dog into a training course!


Would you ever give up on your child if he or she was misbehaving? Would you ever give up on yourself as a parent? I’m willing to bet that No is the answer to both of those questions. Then stop focusing on what you can’t change with your dog and start believing that a loving relationship with your furry friend is entirely possible. You simply need to know how to unlock its intelligence. That’s why you can’t pass this up.


I cannot stress this enough. There is nothing wrong with your dog. The problem has been you – TO THIS POINT. Now you are the solution. There is NO BEHAVIOR too extreme that MY 100% EFFECTIVE dog training program can’t FIX.

Loving your dog is easy. Training your dog, well, that if often the hard part. Out of frustration people are quick to bl...

Loving your dog is easy. Training your dog, well, that if often the hard part. Out of frustration people are quick to blame the pooch. My dog can’t be trained. My dog is stupid. - you know what I say to that? NONSENSE!l



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