Cyo-Control (Teaser)
Watch the full video on YouTube:
#tropicmarintanks #tropicmarin #tropic_marin #cyocontrol
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@tropicmarinusa Tropic Marin Brasil Tropic Marin Argentina @tropicmarinperu @aquarium_planet_cr @scireef
Choosing the Perfect Salt for Your Saltwater Aquarium: Expert Tips
Tropic Marin offers 4 differnt salts for your aquarium: Classic, Pro-Reef, Bio-Actif and Syn-Biotic.
Lou Ekus (CEO Tropic Marin USA) explains the differences of these salts.
#tropicmarin #tropicmarintanks #tropic_marin #scireef
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari #neytrop #seafriendlyreef #tandes #tandesmedia
@tropicmarinusa @tropic_marinbr @tropic_marinarg @tropicmarinperu @aquarium_planet_cr @seafriendlyreef @tobias_neytrop @scireef
Coral Clean (IT)
Tropic Marin Coral Clean
I coralli novelli introducono spesso nell'acquario organismi, parassiti o impurità indesiderate, il che può mettere in pericolo la popolazione corallina già presente.
Tropic Marin Coral Clean rimuove in modo efficace le piante epifite, i parassiti e le impurità più frequenti in un bagno di facile applicazione. Gli organismi estinti permettono un controllo immediato dei risultati, il quale mostra se sono necessari ulteriori bagni.
Tropic Marin Coral Clean è privo di fosfati e più delicato rispetto ad altri tipi di bagni purificatori quali il reattivo di Lugol o l'acqua dolce.
#tropicmarintanks #tropicmarin #tropic_marin #coralclean
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari #arto #apuliareefers
@tropicmarinusa Tropic Marin Brasil Tropic Marin Argentina @tropicmarinperu @aquarium_planet_cr Apulia Reef Tank Owners
Wie bekomme ich Cyano-Bakterien in meinem Aquarium in den Griff?
Fast jeder Meerwasser-Aquarianer kennt sie und und wurde in seinem Becken schon damit konfrontiert: Cyano-Bakterien.
Tropic Marin Cyo-Control verhindert auf natürliche Weise das erneute Auftreten von Cyanobakterien im Aquarium. Nachdem die Cyanobakterien manuell entfernt wurden, siedeln sich die probiotischen Bakterien von Tropic Marin Cyo-Control an ihrer Stelle an. Sobald sich diese Bakterien etabliert haben, verdrängen sie die Cyanobakterien und verhindern, dass sie sich erneut ansiedeln. Das Zeolith-Substrat unterstützt die probiotischen Bakterien bei diesem Prozess und sorgt dafür, dass das Wasser nach einer kurzen Phase der Trübung extrem klar wird.
Tropic Marin Cyo-Control enthält keine Antibiotika, keine Biozide, keine Toxine.
#tropicmarin #tropicmarintanks #tropic_marin #scireef
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari #neytrop #seafriendlyreef #tandes #tandesmedia
@tropicmarinusa @tropic_marinbr @tropic_marinarg @tropicmarinperu @aquarium_planet_cr @seafriendlyreef @tobias_neytrop @scireef
Beautiful tank from @meerwasserag 💙
Show us your corals!
#tropicmarintanks #tropicmarin #tropic_marin
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari
@tropicmarinusa @tropic_marin_br @tropic_marinarg @tropicmarinperu @aquarium_planet_cr
Brauchen meine Korallen partikuläres Phosphat?
Phosphat ist einer der Nährstoffe mit hohem Verbrauch und oft geringer Verfügbarkeit sowohl im Riffaquarium als auch im unbelasteten natürlichen Korallenriff. Phosphat ist für zahlreiche Wachstumsprozesse des Skeletts und Gewebes der Korallen unerlässlich.
In der natürlichen Umgebung des Korallenriffs versorgen unlösliche, partikuläre Ausscheidungen von Fischen und Plankton die Korallen mit Phosphat, das für Stoffwechsel und Wachstum unerlässlich ist. Diese Partikel können sehr leicht aus dem Wasser gefiltert und von den Korallen verwertet werden. Tropic Marin hat dieses Wissen in einem neuartigen Produkt, Tropic Marin Phos-Feed, für die laufende Phosphatversorgung in Riffaquarien umgesetzt.
#tropicmarin #tropicmarintanks #tropic_marin #scireef
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari #neytrop #seafriendlyreef #tandes #tandesmedia
@tropicmarinusa @tropic_marinbr @tropic_marinarg @tropicmarinperu @aquarium_planet_cr @seafriendlyreef @tobias_neytrop @scireef
Even the most delicate corals, like this Acropora speciosa, will thrive with the help of the complete Tropic Marin product line.
A lot of our succes with farming Acropora is contributed to the quality and consistency of Tropic Marin!
Happy Reefing, Leo
#tropicmarintanks #tropicmarin #tropic_marin #leonardosreef #breeding #coralfarm
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari #coralspawning
Tropic Marin Cyo-Control verhindert auf natürliche Weise das erneute Auftreten von Cyanobakterien im Aquarium. Nachdem die Cyanobakterien manuell entfernt wurden, siedeln sich die probiotischen Bakterien von Tropic Marin Cyo-Control an ihrer Stelle an.
Tropic Marin forscht seit 60 Jahren an Methoden und Produkten für die moderne Riffaquaristik.
Tropic Marin Cyo-Control naturally blocks the recurrence of cyanobacteria in the aquarium. After the cyanobacteria have been removed manually, the probiotic bacteria of Tropic Marin Cyo-Control settle in their place.
Tropic Marin has been researching methods and products for modern reef aquaristics for 60 years.
#tropicmarintanks #tropicmarin #tropic_marin #cyocontrol #cyano #bacteria #aniversary
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari #webtrailer
@tropicmarinusa @tropic_marinbr @tropic_marinarg @tropicmarinperu @aquarium_planet_cr WebTrailer
CBD for your REEF TANK?
CBD for your REEF TANK?
Complete food with marine algae and CBD for marine ornamental fish.
Tropic Marin O-Megavital CBD makes the positive effects of CBD (cannabidiol) for marine fish available in high-quality granular food.
The cannabinoid CBD, which is contained in hemp plants, curbs aggressive behaviour and has positive physiological functions in fish. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects improve the regenerative capacity, reduce signs of ageing and lead to a longer life expectancy.
CBD has no intoxicating effect and does not lead to addictive behaviour.
#tropicmarin #tropicmarintanks #tropic_marin #omegavital #omegavitalcbd
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari #neytrop #seafriendlyreef #tandes #tandesmedia #cbd
@tropicmarinusa @tropic_marinbr @tropic_marinarg @tropicmarinperu @aquarium_planet_cr_ @seafriendlyreef @tobias_neytrop
Tropic Marin Cyo-Control verhindert auf natürliche Weise das erneute Auftreten von Cyanobakterien im Aquarium. Nachdem die Cyanobakterien manuell entfernt wurden, siedeln sich die probiotischen Bakterien von Tropic Marin Cyo-Control an ihrer Stelle an.
Tropic Marin forscht seit 60 Jahren an Methoden und Produkten für die moderne Riffaquaristik.
Tropic Marin Cyo-Control naturally blocks the recurrence of cyanobacteria in the aquarium. After the cyanobacteria have been removed manually, the probiotic bacteria of Tropic Marin Cyo-Control settle in their place.
Tropic Marin has been researching methods and products for modern reef aquaristics for 60 years.
#tropicmarintanks #tropicmarin #tropic_marin #cyocontrol #cyano #bacteria #aniversary
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari #webtrailer
@tropicmarinusa @tropic_marinbr @tropic_marinarg @tropicmarinperu @aquarium_planet_cr WebTrailer
Tropic Marin bei Unter Wasser Freiburg - Ladentour mit Sven & Tim
#tropicmarin #tropicmarintanks #tropic_marin
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari #neytrop #seafriendlyreef #tandes #tandesmedia #unterwasser #unterwasserfreiburg #ladentour #vorstellung
@tropicmarinusa @tropic_marinbr @tropic_marinarg @tropicmarinperu @aquarium_planet_cr @seafriendlyreef @tobias_neytrop Unter Wasser Freiburg - Spezialist für Süß- und Meerwasseraquaristik
Mit Tropic Marin O-Megavital CBD werden die positiven Wirkungen von CBD (Cannabidiol) für Meerwasserfische in einem hochwertigen Futtergranulat verfügbar.
Tropic Marin feiert dieses Jahr sein 60. Jubiläum und ist damit eines der ältesten Unternehmen in der Aquaristik.
Tropic Marin O-Megavital CBD makes the positive effects of CBD (cannabidiol) for marine fish available in high-quality granular food.
Tropic Marin is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year, making it one of the oldest companies in the aquarium industry.
#tropicmarintanks #tropicmarin #tropic_marin #cbd #omegavitalcbd #anniversary #60years
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari #webtrailer
@tropicmarinusa @tropic_marinbr @tropic_marinarg @tropicmarinperu @aquarium_planet_cr WebTrailer
We are TROPIC MARIN! - The Interzoo Tour
Bigger, more international, more comprehensive and more innovative than ever before. INTERZOO 2024 in Nuremberg was a complete success and once again broke many records. It was once again a major industry festival.
A total of around 37,000 trade visitors from 140 countries came to the Nuremberg exhibition grounds, and around 2,150 exhibitors from 68 countries presented the latest products and services.
Größer, internationaler, umfassender und innovativer als je zuvor. Die INTERZOO 2024 in Nürnberg war ein voller Erfolg und hat wieder viele Rekorde gebrochen. Es war wieder ein großes Branchenfest.
Insgesamt rund 37.000 Fachbesucher aus 140 Ländern kamen auf das Nürnberger Messegelände, rund 2.150 Aussteller aus 68 Ländern präsentierten die neuesten Artikel und Dienstleistungen.
#tropicmarin #tropicmarintanks #tropic_marin
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari #neytrop #seafriendlyreef #tandes #tandesmedia
@tropicmarinusa @tropic_marinbr @tropic_marinarg @tropicmarinperu @aquarium_planet_cr @seafriendlyreef @tobias_neytrop
Acropora tenuis is one of the more demanding species of Acropora. The exact reasons behind it is not full cleared up by us yet, but we do know it flourishes with a bit higher Phosphate levels, which are as stable as possible. This combined with medium lighting and strong flow, and your Tenuis will thank you! Here some examples from the farm.
Happy reefing,
#tropicmarintanks #tropicmarin #tropic_marin #leonardosreef #breeding #coralfarm
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari #coralspawning
Very nice tank from @meerwasserag 😍
You use our products and want to get reposted? Tag your post with #tropicmarintanks.
#tropicmarintanks #tropicmarin #tropic_marin
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari
@tropicmarinusa @tropic_marin_br @tropic_marinarg @tropicmarinperu @aquarium_planet_cr
Tropic Marin Fish Food - O-Megavital CBD, O-Megavital Nori, Immuvit
Tropic Marin offers different foods for healty fish.
#tropicmarintanks #tropicmarin #tropic_marin
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari
@tropicmarinusa @tropic_marinbr @tropic_marinarg @tropicmarinperu @aquarium_planet_cr
The triple effect of Tropic Marin Triple Buffer raises the pH value to the optimum range, increases and stabilizes alkalinity and simultaneously supplies essential trace elements to saltwater aquariums.
📷@coralaxy @yoorreef
#tropicmarintanks #tropicmarin #tropic_marin
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari
@tropicmarinusa @tropic_marin_br @tropic_marinarg @tropicmarinperu @aquarium_planet_cr
A. millepora is a coral that likes to be fed well. They will show optimal coloration, growth and polyp extension with sufficient nutrition. The addition of Tropic Marin Phos-Feed definitly made a difference for this species.
Happy reefing,
#tropicmarintanks #tropicmarin #tropic_marin #leonardosreef #breeding #coralfarm
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari #coralspawning
Tropic Marin Potassium a potassium supplement for reef aquaria.
#tropicmarintanks #tropicmarin #tropic_marin #potassium
#eatsleepreef #allmymoneygoestocoral #reefporn #coralporn #reefaholics #aquarium #saltwateraquarium #nanoreef #reeftanks #euroreefers #reef2reef #reefers4reefers #vitaminsea #seafari
@tropicmarinusa @tropic_marin_br @tropic_marinarg @tropicmarinperu @aquarium_planet_cr