Black Shadow Schipperke

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Black Shadow Schipperke Schipperke-Kör-Zucht "Black Shadow Schipperke"- Begleit- und Familienhunde mit grossem Herz Wir züchten nun schon in der 10. Generation in unserem Zuhause.

Durch unsere sehr guten Verbindungen zu einer Züchterin in den USA waren wir die ersten Züchter in Deutschland, seit Jahrzehnten, die neue Zuchthunde und damit neues genetisches Material, direkt importiert haben. Wir haben dabei sehr auf gesundheitliche Untersuchungen und einen guten, einwandfreien Charakter Wert gelegt. Auch sollten unsere Schipperke definitiv familientauglich sein und sich mit u

nseren damals noch sehr kleinen Kindern anfreunden können. Dies war in der von mir ausgesuchten US Linie letztendlich der Fall. Unsere Hunde haben weit mehr als die erforderlichen und vom Verband geforderten Gesundheitsuntersuchungen von den entsprechenden Tierspezialärzten,
wie z.B. Hüft-, Augen-, Ellenbogen-, Schulter-, LCP, Patella Luxations- und Herzuntersuchungen. Unsere Basis-Zuchthündin Promise wurde bereits 2012 MPSIIIb frei importiert (nach Jahren der sorgfältigen Planung und des Wartens auf die geeignete Zuchthündin, die unseren hohen Qualitätsvorstellungen entsprochen hat Wir haben dabei Wert gelegt auf eine natürliche Rute und dass die Vorfahren schon in den USA bei OFA (Orthopaedic Foundation for Animals) auf viele gesundheitliche Aspekte getestet wurden. Sie wurde auf HD, ED, Patella, Herz und LCP untersucht. Die Kosten für die Untersuchungen waren hierfür natürlich bestens angelegt.


Schipperke-Rüde in liebevolle Hände abzugeben.

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Magic, the babysitter

Magic, the babysitter

Unser Magic (Black Shadow Germany‘s Magic, 1 3/4 Jahre jung)

Unser Magic (Black Shadow Germany‘s Magic, 1 3/4 Jahre jung)


“I don’t understand why that dog reacted so badly to me; his tail was wagging!”

Contrary to popular belief, a wagging tail doesn’t always mean a dog is happy.

Dogs communicate through so many different types of body language, but the wag and the tail position are probably one of the easier to notice.

As with most things it depends on the individual dog. Some breeds naturally carry their tails in a different position and some breeds wag their tails differently to others.

Wags and tail positions should always be looked at in context and together with the rest of the body language. Body language should always be looked at as a “video” and not as an isolated “picture”.

Noticing how your dog’s tail usually looks or how the tail behaves when they’re happy to see you or relaxed and contented, provides a good base line to interpret other types of tail language.

I often watch my dogs’ tails with fascination as they stalk or hunt for something, bark at something outside or see another dog approaching while out walking.

The type of wag and position of their tails gives me so much information about their emotional state.

Although some people won’t agree, I definitely see wags to the right when my dogs are happy and wags to the left when there is arousal, uncertainty, predatory behaviour or other emotions going on.

Not only is the tail an important method of communication but it also plays a role in balance, stability, movement and counterbalancing should a dog quickly change direction.

I believe that tail docking destroys an essential part of a dog's ability to communicate with other dogs by creating a distinct social disadvantage or misunderstanding as tail signals can’t be read.

People with working dogs believe that tail docking is necessary to prevent tail injuries or improve performance, but many countries have banned this practice either completely or only under specific medical circumstances.

Start taking notice of what your dog is doing with their tail - you may find it interesting and it may open up a new way of understanding how your dog is feeling.

Here is a link to a graphic I created with some different tail positions and what they might mean -


When you finally welcome your 8 week old puppies, please keep this picture in mind. Their bones aren’t even touching yet. They walk so beautifully with big, flexible legs and bench movements because their joints are made up entirely of cartilage, muscles, tendons and ligaments covered with skin. Nothing is well adjusted or has real grip yet.

When you make them run excessively or don't limit their exercise to prevent them from overdoing during that time, you're not giving them the chance to grow properly. Every big jump or bounce and excited run creates bone-breaking impacts.
In reasonable quantities, this is not problematic and normal wear and tear will do.

But when you let the puppy jump off the couch or bed, take him for long walks, you damage this joint in training. When you let the puppy move on slippery tiles, you damage the joint.

You only get once to make them grow up. A well built body is something that comes from excellent upbringing and good education. BOTH , not just one

Once you’re an adult, you’ll have the rest of your life to spend playing and engaging in high-impact exercises. So keep him calm while he is still young and give him the gift that can only be given once.
Shared from Clinique Vetérinaire Vetolistic - Dr. Marie Eve Cresci

Merlin and friends on their morning walk

Merlin and friends on their morning walk

Für unsere Schweizer Freunde und Interessenten

Für unsere Schweizer Freunde und Interessenten

Das Eidgenössische Departement des Innern (EDI) hat heute die Vernehmlassung zur Anpassung von mehreren Erlassen im Tierschutzbereich eröffnet. Die neuen Vorgaben sollen unter anderem das Tierwohl in der Haltung verschiedener Tierarten verbessern und unverantwortlichen Hundeimporten entgegenwirken. Ebenso sind Massnahmen im Bereich Tierversuche vorgesehen.

Magic und Freund wünschen eine gute NachtGood night and sweet dreams fromMagic and Loki (the Alaskan Klee Kai)

Magic und Freund wünschen eine gute Nacht

Good night and sweet dreams from
Magic and Loki (the Alaskan Klee Kai)


Cooling myths are harming our dogs and we HAVE to counter them

In a recent Vet Compass study less than a quarter of dogs with heat stroke were given any sort of cooling treatment before they were taken to the vet and only 24% of those were cooled with the recommended methods of cold water immersion or soaking and a fan.

And of them only 10% needed any further cooling by the vet by the time they got there, which shows just how effective it is.

But for more than half of the dogs whose owners did try to cool them, outdated methods like water soaked towels were used.

And there has been NO increase in the use of the recommended methods in the last three years, despite this advice being in the public domain since at least 2016.

The insidious messaging that cold or ice water is dangerous and cooling must be slow and steady is seriously harming dogs

The advice is very clear;

🥵 Cool before transport - getting your dog to the vet is important but starting the cooling process before you travel will bring their temperature down as soon and as fast as possible, which is what will make the biggest difference to their survival.

🥵 Cold water immersion is safe for young healthy dogs and the recommended method for cooling them down. For older or ill dogs, use evaporative cooling (get them wet and in a breeze).

🥵 Ice and cold water are safe. Any water is better than non but don't be afraid of using really cold temperatures

🥵 And thick coats do NOT keep them cool!

Read the summary of these findings from the Hot Dogs - canine heatstroke education for dog owners team here;

The summary from the Vet Compass team;

The published study;

Unsere Nina

Unsere Nina

Summer fun

Summer fun

Unsere Nina sucht wieder nach ihrem neuen ZuhauseVater: Chadbower Nevan Hanki Mit Clynalvin (Teddy) Mutter: Blackshadow'...

Unsere Nina sucht wieder nach ihrem neuen Zuhause

Vater: Chadbower Nevan Hanki Mit Clynalvin (Teddy)
Mutter: Blackshadow's BonBon Alpha Nero (Luna) Champion Lines Date of birth: 04.04.2023 Parents/Grandparents KEINE von Willebrand Gen-Mutations Träger, MPSIIIb frei, Embark DNA full panel getestet, Patella 0/0

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Eine kleine Auswahl an Schleifen und Pokalen der letzen Jahren

Eine kleine Auswahl an Schleifen und Pokalen der letzen Jahren

🥳🥰Happy Birthday Merlin! 8 years of joy and fun!🥰🥳

🥳🥰Happy Birthday Merlin! 8 years of joy and fun!🥰🥳


Don't worry be Schippi

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all our friends around the world!

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all our friends around the world!


Deutschlands neuer Topstürmer! 😂


Important results of DCM research quoted from Diet-Associated DCM Education Alliance.

This research has so far resulted in three peer-reviewed publications, which have shown:

1. Cardiac troponin I, a measure of heart muscle injury, is higher in dogs eating grain-free foods or foods that have peas, lentils, or potatoes in the top 10 ingredients

2. Cardiac troponin I decreased and contractility improved in dogs that were changed from grain-free diets to grain-inclusive diets without peas or lentils

3. Key differences were found in lipid and amino acid metabolism in dogs eating grain-free diets compared to dogs eating grain-inclusive diets; these differences largely disappeared a year after diet change.

The progress report notes: “This is important information because it shows that apparently healthy dogs can have subtle myocardial injury that is improved with diet change. Therefore, this data is supportive of causation.”

The work was sponsored by the Golden Retriever Foundation through the AKC’s Canine Health Foundation. You can find the complete update here: can find links to the studies referenced in the progress report, and more, here .


Understanding your dog’s core needs is a crucial aspect in raising a calm adult dog. Every dog has an “emotional cup” that is relatively empty at the start of the day, & needs be filled through satisfying what are truly instinctive core needs.

Every dog, being of the canine species has at least these 6 core needs. The order of importance depends on the individual.

The 6 core needs:
Social contact

Some dogs will prefer some of these activities more over others, so it is important to determine what your dog’s personal preferences & priorities are. Only then, can you begin to provide them with appropriate outlets to meet those needs.

If these needs are not met, your dog will seek out ways to satisfy them that may feel inappropriate to you, such as rummaging through the trash, chewing on the furniture, shredding your socks and so on.

What really is a bad dog? It’s a human made construct based off our perception of what dogs are supposed to do in our two legged culture.

As a trainer, when I hear someone say that they have a “bad dog” i immediately question whether their dog’s core needs are being met or not.

If we don’t provide activities or outlets to help fill their emotional cup in a productive way, they will seek out ways to satisfy such needs on their own.

No dog is a “bad dog”. A dog left to their own devices will make very doggy decisions. It is up to you, to help your dog learn what is appropriate where and when.

R.I.P.   Tumbleweed's Promise to Black Shadow 😔😢21.12.2012 - 17.09.2022

R.I.P. Tumbleweed's Promise to Black Shadow 😔😢
21.12.2012 - 17.09.2022


Ever noticed those slits at the sides of a dog's nose? Why do dogs have them?

Once again, nature proves her elegance in the design of our dogs. When we humans inhale and exhale, air comes in the same way it goes out. Any smells that come in through our mouths are forced out as we exhale, if we exhale out our mouths.

When a dog exhales through his nose, however, the exhaled air is released through those slits and off to the side so that nice, smelly air going into the dog's nostrils doesn't get diluted with the outgoing air. Put another way, the slits allow the dog to avoid smelling what he just exhaled.

The slits help the dog hold scent particles in the nostrils even as exhaled air passing out the slits creates a swirling air turbulence allowing interesting odors to be inhaled directly into the centre of each nostril. Since dogs breathe faster when trying to sniff a certain smell, they widen their nostrils to pull in more air which makes it possible for a dog searching for smells to have a steady stream of air coming in for up to 40 seconds, maybe even longer.

The slits also allow dogs to wiggle each nostril independently which gives them the ability to know which nostril a smell entered. This is how a dog can pinpoint where a smell is coming from, and why a dog searching for smells on the ground will weave back and forth as he follows a trail.

We all know the superb smelling abilities of dogs, but let's use an analogy between scent and sight to really put it into perspective: If our eyes were our nose, what we as humans can see at a third of a mile, our dog can see more than 3,000 miles away and still see as well.

Just wow.


❓ Wie alt wäre dein Vierbeiner in Menschenjahren laut dieser Tabelle? 🤔😉

Nein, man kann das tierische Alter nicht einfach in Menschenjahre umrechnen, und dass ein Hunde- und Katzenlebensjahr in etwa sieben Menschenjahren entspricht, ist nicht korrekt. Denn Hunde und Katzen sind schon mit etwa einem Jahr im Teenageralter und somit schneller erwachsen. Danach läuft der Alterungsprozess jedoch langsamer.

🐱 So gelten z. B. Katzen in der Regel ab zwölf Jahren als „alt“, dennoch können sie noch viele Jahre gesund weiterleben.
🐶 Bei Hunden gilt, dass große Tiere oft schneller altern als kleine. Andererseits können selbstverständlich auch große Vierbeiner gesund alt werden.

ℹ Diese Alterstabelle für Hunde und Katzen bietet nur eine grobe Orientierung, in welcher Alterszone sich dein tierischer Liebling befindet. Angaben zu Hunden: kleine Hunde bis ca. 15 kg; mittlere Hunde 15-45 kg; große Hunde über 45 kg (Quelle: Anubis Tierbestattungen)

🐾 Was sich bei Hund und Katze im Alter ändert, das haben wir in unserem Wissensportal zusammengefasst: ➡



Please ensure that if you are stuffing treat toys and freezing them for your pets to help keep them cool, dont forget to ensure there is a HOLE ALL OF THE WAY THROUGH IT.


Toys such as Kongs have 2 holes in their toys for a reason - TO PREVENT SUCTION.


When your pet licks at the contents of the toy or squeezes it in its mouth, their tongue can get SUCKED into the hole and get STUCK on the dogs tongue and cause horrific injuries to the point where the animal can actually die.

Having 2 HOLES in the toy PREVENTS this from happening.

So if you STUFF your toys with treats, push a straw through it to ensure the 2 HOLES ARE NOT BLOCKED.

If you are going to FREEZE the toy, do so with the straw in place and then REMOVE the straw before giving it to your pet.

So when buying your pet toys, please keep this in mind.

Hope this little tip helps you keep your animals safe!



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