Energi-ridning v. Lika Ottosen

Energi-ridning v. Lika Ottosen Hvornår har du sidst tænkt på at du giver energi videre til andre? Hold fast i den tanke Og prøv.

Heste føler energi og det kan vi bruge positivt🌝 træk vejret dybt når du møder din hest, lad den mærke ro - senere kan du sætte energien op 🌞

Rigtig god forklarring på hvorfor vi ikke skal ride med stramme næsebånd. 😁

Rigtig god forklarring på hvorfor vi ikke skal ride med stramme næsebånd. 😁

PhD Cristina Wilkins is Editor-in-Chief of Horses and People. She competed with success in the eventing discipline, leading to being selected for the Spanish...

Dejligt initiativ 😉 håber rigtig mange støtter op

Dejligt initiativ 😉 håber rigtig mange støtter op

I oktober måned 2013 fik vi den mulighed at købe Bøgelund. Det er nu en del år siden og hold da op der er sket meget! Vi har nu sat vores eget præg på stedet og det er så dejligt at høre folk elsker at være her. I de år vi har haft Bøgelund har vi dels afholdt og lagt hus til rigtig mange...

Hvis din hest ikke kan indparkere så gik her og gå i gang med at lære den det - kæmpe fordel😉

Hvis din hest ikke kan indparkere så gik her og gå i gang med at lære den det - kæmpe fordel😉

Få 3 nemme trin til hvordan du lærer din hest at indparkere, så opstigning bliver nemmere og bedre for din hest og dens holdbarhed.


Jeg er vild med de her øvelser som deles - hestene har virkelig glæde af at føle sig selv og vi har godt af at se at de løsner op og gaber som her og giver sig tid til at føle deres egen krop.

At følge hesten i balance betyder at når man skal lære at ligeud - så skal kroppen på rytteren være balanceret på hesten...

At følge hesten i balance betyder at når man skal lære at ligeud - så skal kroppen på rytteren være balanceret på hestens ryg - herefter skal vi have hesten til at gå på et buet spor - der udfordre vi rytteren fordi : der skal stadig være balance men rytteren skal skifte retning i egen krop og lade hesten følge med under sig. Hvis rytteren stadig sidder i “ligeud” position og blot hiver i den ene tøjle - så drejer hesten nok sit hoved men kroppen får stadig “besked” på lige ud ind til rytteren skifter retning i sin krop 😣

The images tell the story. The rider on the left sits straight in unity with their horse. On the right we see a passenger slouching as if seated on a bus. The difference between the images shows the difference between an intermediate rider and a beginner. An intermediate rider can balance a horse. They can be a "good broom". Intermediate riders sit a horse in alignment unified with their horse's alignment such that THEY DO NOT INTERFERE WITH THEIR HORSE'S optimum balance and movement.

When we ride without straightness in our body, we cannot expect our horse to move correctly. We need our horse to be straight in order to perform proper transitions. We need straightness to ride a true circle. Without straightness, every movement becomes a struggle of balance because the rider disrupts our horse's ability to use their body correctly.


Paul Belasik reminds us…
“In the 1600’s, the Duke of Newcastle said the whole objective of schooling the horse is to get the horse upon the haunches. When the hind end comes down and under, the rider will also feel a lift in the horse’s back, the intended consequence will be the lightening of the forehand, the strengthening of the core, back and hind legs. “





At dele energi mellem hest og rytter er noget ganske særligt - og derfor min side hedder som den gør😇Den følelse der ops...

At dele energi mellem hest og rytter er noget ganske særligt - og derfor min side hedder som den gør😇Den følelse der opstår når din hest føler din energi og giver respons ved at spejle og gi energi, eller sætte energien ned hvis den føler du trækker vejret dybt og holder igen på energien. ( Det er for mig hele kernen i hvad ridning er. ) Hvis du endnu ikke har haft den følelse så snyder du dig selv for den dybere forståelse der kan opnås på ryggen af en hest - uanset om du rider på en hest for at opnå dette eller fordi du ønsker at være konkurence rytter.

Beware of the Reductionists
I have evolved from classic to biomechanics to biotensegrity. I use the term evolve because each evolution felt like a revolution but used the knowledge and experience of the previous stage. Biomechanics corrected classical misconceptions, and biotensegrity simplified the problematic application of biomechanics. In a mechanical system, the parts shape the whole, while in an organic system, the whole shapes the parts. Starting with the integrity of the whole physique instead of trying to coordinate the whole physique from the study of body parts is a portal biomechanics cannot open.
Talking about biomechanics is one thing. Applying it is a different story. By applying it, I don’t mean a low level of athletic performance. The truth became apparent when the performance’s difficulty level closed the horse’s natural athleticism. Until the preliminary level in three-day event, Prix Saint Georges in dressage and 1,20 meters jumping courses, any technique works as the horse’s athletic abilities compensate for training inefficiencies. I questioned theories that reductionists protected because, from my point of view, making the horse do it is not an art; it is just using the horse to please our ego. The art is developing and coordinating the horse’s physique for the athletic demand of the performance. It becomes obvious that if a riding technique does not prepare the horse efficiently for a higher level of athletic performance, the technique does not prepare the horse for a lower level of performance. Horses clear the course or execute the movement because of their talent but with a dysfunctional physique. The outcome is pathology, pain, and lameness.
I don’t dispute the fact that some would rather inject the horse’s joints than learn how to ride efficiently. I don’t say everyone should ride higher dressage movements or jumping performances, but most riders love their horse, and applying knowledge verified at a higher level of athletic performances benefits beginner riders and horses, riders, and horses performing at medium level, or simply enjoy that the horse enjoys ease and effortlessness and soundness.
We can prevent a large number of injuries, including cervical arthritis if we upgrade our equitation to actual knowledge. This is where Biotensegrity opens doors that biomechanics cannot open. In a mechanical system, the parts shape the whole, while in an organic system, the whole shapes the parts. Focussing on the integrity of the rider’s physique instead of the hand, the legs, and the body weight allows riders to reach a level that the body parts approach does not permit. Reductionists want you to stay at the mechanical level because it is the level where they are stocked, but if your aim is your horse’s ease, effortlessness, and soundness. If you have a mind critical enough to choose evolution, explore an approach where the integrity of your physique communicates with the integrity of your horse’s body through subtle nuances in muscle tone. It looks impossible if we look at it from the limits of mechanical thinking: the horse’s obedience to the rider’s aids. Indeed, from the mechanical perspective, it is impossible to prepare the horse efficiently for the athletic demands of modern performances. It is easy if you don’t let your intuition be controlled by tradition. During a conversation in the Science of Motion course Master One, Barbara Pirnay beautifully described a new perspective made possible by the Biotensegrity approach. “I started to concentrate on the sensations/feeling of my inner body and to be aware of the inside of my body and especially my center of gravity, to « feel » it and to try to adjust it to the center of gravity of Valea. It was like a vibration that tried to match another vibration. Strange experience as it was almost like a meditative state…”
Anyone with a critical mind can explore a new world where the horse is loved, respected, and sound as he is prepared efficiently for the athletic demands of the performance.
Jean Luc

Tid til forandring - helt sikkert ❤️ omtanke og respekt er hvad der skal til 😉

Tid til forandring - helt sikkert ❤️ omtanke og respekt er hvad der skal til 😉

ALLE heste – uanset disciplin – gør noget til ære for os mennesker. De sætter ikke spørgsmålstegn ved det, som de skal.

Gode råd fra Kyra - det kan godt bruges

Gode råd fra Kyra - det kan godt bruges

Kyra Kyrklund er en ydest anerkendt dressurdronning, som blandt andet underviser Cathrine Dufour. Få her 20 læresætninger fra hende.

Her er lidt at tænke over mens i kikker på de 3 tegninger - vægtfordeler du rigtig så du hjælper hesten eller kommer du ...

Her er lidt at tænke over mens i kikker på de 3 tegninger - vægtfordeler du rigtig så du hjælper hesten eller kommer du til at forstyrre hestens balance ?

To prevent leaning into a turn, which can lead to loss of balance…

"Imagine your horse is a table and you want all the legs to be of equal length so it is level (Photo A). If the horse is on the forehand the front legs will feel shorter (Photo B), if he is leaning in the turn it might feel like the inside front leg is shorter and the outside hind leg is longer than the rest (Photo C). Considering the balance of the level table, the rider must evaluate how to send energy through the horse during every stride so balance can be maintained." —Felicitas von Neumann-Cosel

(Illustrations by Sandy Rabinowitz)

Det lagde jeg faktisk også mærke til - det er slet ikke unormalt at heste lander med tåen først men det er slidsomt læng...

Det lagde jeg faktisk også mærke til - det er slet ikke unormalt at heste lander med tåen først men det er slidsomt længere oppe i kroppen - og noget man bør se nærmere på i hestens bevægelse under ridning fordi det kan skyldes dårlig balance i sadel eller rytter - gør den det også uden rytter? Hold øje med hvordan hesten afvikler sine forben - det betyder noget for holdbarheden.

Watching back Olympic replays, one thing I’m struck by is how many horses have toe first hoof landings and how few of them appear to land heel first.

This isn’t something I would’ve been inclined to notice in the past because I didn’t know enough about hoof health and a lot of horses have dysfunctional feet and toe first landings, so I thought it was normal.

Now that I know better, it’s been wild to see how many horses at the pinnacle of the sport aren’t landing properly.

It’s no wonder we see the number of long term hoof and joint problems that we do.

If horses can perform at the capacity they do with such dysfunction present in their bodies, imagine what they could do if that were addressed.


Det giver så meget mening ❤️

Vi sætter os op på ryggen af en hest. Vi flytter på hestens balance. Den er ikke bygget til at bære os så det er vores p...

Vi sætter os op på ryggen af en hest. Vi flytter på hestens balance. Den er ikke bygget til at bære os så det er vores pligt at blive gode til at arbejde på at genoprette balancen i samarbejde med hesten. Ellers bryder den sammen. ❤️

Ever wondered why saddle fit and rider balance is so important? Take a look at the inside structure of the horse and what supports you when you're riding. This is a great picture to help put things in perspective.

Letridning - nytænkning? Skal vi til at tænke anderledes? Jeg håber det ❤️

Letridning - nytænkning? Skal vi til at tænke anderledes? Jeg håber det ❤️

What if there was no such thing as a wrong diagonal?

What if the idea of a right and wrong diagonal is nothing more than a historical convention coming out of the military because it looked better?

Here in Ritter-world, you will have noticed that rather than talking about the right and wrong diagonal, Thomas refers to diagonals as the ‘main diagonal’ (inside hind + outside front leg touching down) and the ‘secondary diagonal’ (outside hind leg and inside front leg touching down).

When you start thinking about the diagonals in this way, and start to consider what is happening from a biomechanical perspective. All sorts of possibilities open up.

You can ditch the convention and consider fresh what is happening and what you want to achieve. For example, you can use your ‘sit’ as a weight aid and pair that with your rein aids in transitions and lateral movements.

Take a canter transition, for example, the outside hind has to flex under the body mass in order to lift horse and rider up. So do you want to be sitting on the Primary or Secondary diagonal?

Rising Trot Mastery, like all Ritter Courses, is packed with information that you can put to use immediately, so that you as a rider are able to understand the fundamental mechanical principles, and can to re-assess “rules” like right and wrong diagonal.

We don’t want you to do what you are told and replace someone else's rules with ‘our rules’. Because we know that riding isn’t black and white, the magic is in the grey. We want to free you to find the magic by giving you the knowledge, confidence and feel to go experiment. We want to you be able to playfully figure out the nuances of how best to ride your horse.

And this time we want to help you to find the magic in your rising trot. With new knowledge, imagery and improved body co-ordination and awareness, you will have everything you need to develop from within yourself a truly effective, balanced trot technique.

Of course, we don’t expect you to take our word for it! How about hearing what some of our students say about the Rising Trot Mastery Course…

“Before I took the Rising Trot Mastery course I was struggling with rising trot. For Years. My legs flapped and I lost my balance and I was frustrated. My instructor did not provide the right information for me to improve my technique and understanding. Taking the course both improved my technique and gave me an understanding of the way to approach long term improvement in my riding. The Rising Trot Mastery course was a fabulous way to jump start my lifeline equestrian journey!” - Julia Harkola

“I found the rising trot course very beneficial. My horse was quite unbalanced at the time and was rushing forward whenever I moved from sitting to rising. This with my poor ability in rising trot - collapsing my torso and leaning forwards, it was no wonder we were struggling! The course provided a clear structure to help improve riding position and rising trot biomechanics. Comparing my entries into the hotseats from the beginning to end of the course I can see clear improvement in my riding technique and my horses way of going which I have been able to take forwards in the longer term. My horse has improved significantly in his way of going since the first run of the course and I am looking forward to the re run so I can further refine our rising trot technique.” - Rachel Forster

“I saw some big improvements in my riding in a short amount of time thanks to the Rising Trot Mastery course. I feel much more balanced and stable now. The course offers very clear explanations of the biomechanics of the rising trot and practical exercises to try in the saddle, combined with imagery lessons, Feldenkrais and audio sessions. I especially liked the encouragement to experiment with the rising trot. I’m looking forward to doing the course again to refine some of the techniques that I learnt the first time round.”
- Katharine Trevelyan

“I find that posting lower, and slower softens and is nicer for the horse. I mastered the walzing trot.😊😊No way I could get this when we first tried it out, progress ❤️ This was such an amazing course. I got do much out of it. I will continue this posting trot endeavor beyond the conclusion . Thank you for putting this course together. 😊.”
- Sharon Gallagher

“I found this course to be very helpful. Although I was already familiar with a lot of the concepts, the course material brought greater clarity and depth of knowledge to my understanding of the rising trot. I think that every teacher of beginners should take this course! Even though I already teach many aspects covered, I found it to be helpful in clarifying and instilling confidence into my teaching.”
- Julie Graber

“What a great way to improve communication even more and get great feedback with such small changes. At first I couldn't imagine anything. But with time and new approach I have now felt that I have a good connection most of the time. The inner pictures are very very helpful. I'm also one of those people who have to go out and do it!”
- Tanja

We want this for you. We want to empower you through this new learning experience. If you are ready for it, follow the link to join.

Enroll here - https://courses.artisticdressage.com/rising-trot-mastery

Payment plans begin as low as €40/month. You can pay by Credit Card, PayPal, or even bank transfer (only within the EU - email us at [email protected] to set it up).

We think you will LOVE this course!..So much so that we want to eliminate all of the risk for you. We want you to try it out, completely risk free. Try it, attend the sessions, implement the lessons we teach, and if after 14 days, you are not totally in love with the course, let us know and we will refund your entire course fee.

I hope we see you in the course this Friday!


Hvorfor kan Centreret ridning hjælpe dig til at blive en bedre rytter?
Fordi det lærer dig at have bedre krops kontrol.
Her øver vi balance - det kan også øves på en helt almindelig trappe - bare pas på du ikke falder ned af trappen.
Budskabet her er simpelt - hvis du øvet din balance når du ikke sidder på hesten - vil du bedre oparbejde en god balance - og belaste hesten mindre.
I det øjeblik det virker vil du være opmærksom på ikke at læne dig bagover fordi du jo godt ved fra denne øvelse at du mistet balancen.
Tænk over det næste gang du er til hest - læg mærke til at hvis du med vilje læner dig bagover så vil din underben og fødder ryge frem ved hestens skulder fordi du mistede balancen. Og hvad mærker hesten? Mere vægt langt bagud i sin ryg. Dette forrykker hestens balance 😳 og bliver hurtigt meget sværere at sidde på hesten. Test din balance næste gang du går op af en trappe og bliv opmærksom 🤓


Vi nærmer os store Hestedag og jeg skal sammen med foreningen “Centreret ridning i Danmark”
lave små indslag i hal 8, om hvorfor Centreret ridning er så fantastidk brugbart af alle der rider,eller træner heste.
Det er en vej til at gøre det mere let at være hest - fordi de bedre forstår hvad vi vil, hvis vi træner vores egen krop bedre,til at give de rigtige signaler.
Her den første video - som gør dig bevist om hvordan du blot ved at runde lænden ud og komme længere ned og sidde lidt tilbage i kroppen, ved at trække navlen ind mod rygraden - hesten mærker straks du bliver “stationær” og holder lidt igen i egen krop - med lidt ros - vil hesten hurtigt lære “hold igen” du giver sædet fri igen ved at gå tilbage til ikke, at være stationær og have et “medfølgende” sæde.
Her følger du med hestens bevægelse.
Heste lærer hurtigt denne nye form for “halv parade” som er nærmest usynlig - men som mærkes af hesten direkte fra rytterens sæde til hestens ryg - tøjle hjælp bliver nærmest overflødig 😇 god fornøjelse.

Her har vi en mand som har arbejdet sig ud af traditionen omkring “stramssur” som jeg ofte betegner moderne dressur. Jeg...

Her har vi en mand som har arbejdet sig ud af traditionen omkring “stramssur” som jeg ofte betegner moderne dressur. Jeg har selv arbejdet mig videre fra traditionel dressur over klassisk dressur via Bendt Branderup ( for over 20 år siden) til i dag at være instruktør i Centreret Ridning. Når vi skal videre herfra med ridning på heste - så mener jeg det er vigtigt i dag at tage hesten med på råd. Vi skal blive mere opmærksomme på hvad heste giver af signaler og hvordan vi giver vores signaler til hesten på en måde så vi kan holde ud at gi noget videre til den generation som gerne vil være sammen med heste nu - de helt unge som starter på rideskole og ønsker mere end bare at sidde og hoppe rundt på en hest som løber efter en anden hest. Jeg har undervist på rideskole i mange år - og brugt meget tid på at begyndere skal lære at styre og stoppe inden de lærer at ride galop. Jeg ser ofte at det nærmest er forældrene der spør “hvornår skal de galoppere”? - når jeg kan se de er klar mentalt til at tro på at de kan stoppe! Ellers giver de angst videre tik hesten - som så ofte reagere med angst 🥹. og så har klaus også fat i noget meget vigtigt - avlen af heste er løbet lidt ud i en retning der gør at man laver heste som er mest for eliten. Her mener jeg at det er svært at finde begynder heste nu om dage. Da jeg var ung på rideskole blev der avlet en masse krydsnings heste som ofte var fine rideskole heste. Dem er der langt imellem nu - så det er ofte heste der er svære at sidde på når ens balance er under udvikling. Eller det er “Cop “ typer det er lidt tunge og svære at få lært bøjninger og cirkel bevægelser på. Men en vigtig dialog at det her bliver italesat i en tid som nu.

En af hestesportens mest fremtrædende advokater for god hestevelfærd er Claus Toftgaard. Vi har talt med ham om ridehestes problemstillinger.


Godt punkt at kende


As a little girl I loved horses. As an older woman I still do, they bring so much joy and peace to my life. I may be older but when I’m with horses that little girl is always with me 💕

Den tåler en gentagelse

Den tåler en gentagelse

Dressage Solutions Sunday Tip from Vita Flex: To develop a forward, in-front-of-the-leg feeling in your horse...

"Imagine his hind leg as a spring. Half halts and downward transitions compress the spring to make your horse better balanced and more able to go forward. Remember, you can only achieve this spring-loading effect if your horse is thinking forward as he comes back." —Jennifer Baumert

🎨 Illustration by Sandy Rabinowitz

Vise ord 🥰

Vise ord 🥰


Stenmøllen 66


Tirsdag 15:00 - 21:00
Onsdag 15:00 - 21:00
Torsdag 09:00 - 21:00
Søndag 11:00 - 21:00




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Lidt om Lika:

Lika har haft egne heste i 40 år. Dertil har hun har selv tilredet alle sine 7 heste, hvoraf de 4 har været af egen avl.

Lika er uddannet eksteriør dommer ved landskontoret for hesteavl og Frederiksborg hesteavl, derud over har Lika også været showrytter i 10 år og er fast speaker ved hesteshowet på Roskilde dyrskue og store Hestedag. Lika har siden 2001 undervist på rideskole.

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