Vores Hunde

Vores Hunde Når jeg ikke passer paragrafferne som jurist i Mødrehjælpen, så skriver jeg om hunde her. Jeg pa

Just a girl with her toy❤️

Just a girl with her toy❤️

Today Holly helped me preparing my Puppy Class😁

Today Holly helped me preparing my Puppy Class😁

The minute we started parking, they jumped into the car😅❤️Best furfriends ever. So easy to travel with❤️

The minute we started parking, they jumped into the car😅❤️Best furfriends ever. So easy to travel with❤️

I’m happy and proud to have passed my exam. I’m looking forward  to helping a lot of dogs and their owners in the future...

I’m happy and proud to have passed my exam. I’m looking forward to helping a lot of dogs and their owners in the future❤️ &træning

Go on mum gives us that toy then😂

Go on mum gives us that toy then😂

Training movement puzzles on a Friday night🦮🐶

Training movement puzzles on a Friday night🦮🐶

Graduation Project in the making😅Soon I can call myself Dogbehaviour Consultant👌And yes most of the time I’ve Holly on m...

Graduation Project in the making😅Soon I can call myself Dogbehaviour Consultant👌And yes most of the time I’ve Holly on my lap and Sandy under the table. These two caring guys always insist on helping me 😁

When you want to go to bed but it is occupied😴❤️

When you want to go to bed but it is occupied😴❤️

Happy Wednesday

Happy Wednesday

This is how you look when you’re hoping and praying for a piece of pizza🍕😅😂Poor Sandy she is always hungry like the wolf...

This is how you look when you’re hoping and praying for a piece of pizza🍕😅😂Poor Sandy she is always hungry like the wolf

Fascinating facts! Especially the dogs’ olfactory sense - so strong so different from ours👃

Fascinating facts! Especially the dogs’ olfactory sense - so strong so different from ours👃

Social media is full of tons of information on dogs. Here are some rapid fire facts to help you understand your dog better.

🔹If you use music to help your dog calm down/act as a distraction, make sure you’re using a randomised playlist. If you’re using the exact same music each time, it becomes general background noise, meaning your dog is likely to tune out and pay more attention to different noises (the thing you’re trying to distract them from).

🔹Scent is everywhere, and so your dog could also be guarding specific scents. It’s why, if your dog is a resource guarder for something like their food bowl, it’s recommended you swap the bowl for a completely different texture and make to remove that scent association (only do this under the guidance of a professional though).

🔹Dogs have a wider scope of vision than we do, and are able to see things out of the corner of their eye easier. So when you think your dog isn’t looking at the person passing them by while they’re sniffing, they most probably are.

🔹Dogs can tell the time! Because scents differ depending on the time of day, your dog will be able to make associations that certain things happen when a specific scent is in the air. For example, if you get home from work at a certain time each day, your dog will anticipate that based on the scents available.

🔹Dogs see in a blue/yellow colour scale, which means a lot of the world is kinda grey. They can’t see red, so if you’re looking to use something for Nosework to increase difficulty, make sure it is red!

(Some of these facts have been simplified, but the general idea remains the same!).

Photoshoot with Kimie today KW Photography  📸My beautiful girlies❤️❤️

Photoshoot with Kimie today KW Photography 📸My beautiful girlies❤️❤️

HAPPY FRIYAY 🎉🎉from my two dog darlings❤️❤️

HAPPY FRIYAY 🎉🎉from my two dog darlings❤️❤️


Chirag Patel👏
I love this❤️

Final day at Hund & Træning adfærdsrådgiveruddannelse 🐾🐶🐾Today two years of studying at the Dogbehaviour Course has come...

Final day at Hund & Træning adfærdsrådgiveruddannelse 🐾🐶🐾Today two years of studying at the Dogbehaviour Course has come to an end. We are working on our final project and the exam is coming up in July. Thank you so much to our fantastic teachers🙏 I will miss you, your gorgeous dogs and all my amazing fellow students. #

Our house is full of dogs❤️❤️❤️💙 I love them all

Our house is full of dogs❤️❤️❤️💙 I love them all

Vasco my French sweetheart💙

Vasco my French sweetheart💙



OBS: Smilla har fået nyt hjem ❤️


Smilla har boet på internatet i 52 dage uden, at det rette hjem har meldt sig 😢

Kære følgere, Smilla har brug for et like eller en deling, så vi kan vise hendes nye familie, at hun sidder lige her og venter 💔

Smilla et en rottweiler på 1 år og 4 mdr. Hun er en sød og kærlig pige, som også er forsigtig ved nye ting og har brug for tid til at se folk og miljøer an.

Hun er motiveret og elsker godbidder - man kan komme rigtig langt med positiv og konsekvent træning ❤️

Hun er fuld af energi og trænger virkelig til et erfarent hjem, hvor stimulering og træning er en stor del af hverdagen. Smilla søger et hjem uden helt små børn og andre dyr ❤️

Er Smilla hunden for dig? Så tøv ikke med at sende en uddybende mail til [email protected] eller ring på 87 33 44 40. Telefonerne er åbne alle hverdage fra 10-14 😎


My bichon frise Fine❤️She was such a loyal, clever and loving little girlie❤️

The Dog Behaviour Course I’m doing is soon coming to an end😕Only two more days of teaching! Still a lot of written work ...

The Dog Behaviour Course I’m doing is soon coming to an end😕Only two more days of teaching! Still a lot of written work to do though and then the exam in July😬 I will miss my excellent teachers, the other students AND the dogs so much. Just look at Joey and little T💙💙

Happy Birthday Holly❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️My happy, loving, sensitive and challenging little snugglebug princess is 3 years today🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩...

Happy Birthday Holly❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️My happy, loving, sensitive and challenging little snugglebug princess is 3 years today🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰We love her to the moon and back again. Life never gets bored with her by our side. She is an excellent teacher in dogs🙏❤️and Sandys playful little sis❤️

You know you got something right when all dogs love your son☺️😍💙❤️

You know you got something right when all dogs love your son☺️😍💙❤️

Training down stay with my girlies❤️❤️

Training down stay with my girlies❤️❤️

These two❤️❤️The dogs get so excited and happy when Amelia comes home❤️❤️

These two❤️❤️The dogs get so excited and happy when Amelia comes home❤️❤️

Holly is bored🥱She thinks I spend to much time on other peoples dogs😅Holly loves to play and train and she lets me know ...

Holly is bored🥱She thinks I spend to much time on other peoples dogs😅Holly loves to play and train and she lets me know when it’s playtime🎾

Mum, I’m a good dog❤️Oh yes, you are. Just look at her❤️❤️❤️

Mum, I’m a good dog❤️Oh yes, you are. Just look at her❤️❤️❤️


🐾 Dødsårsager hos hunde i Danmark 🐾

Har du haft en hund, som er død i årene 2013-2023?

Uanset om årsagen var aflivning, spontan død, sygdom eller uheld, så kan du hjælpe Universitetshospitalet for familiedyr ved at besvare nedenstående spørgeskema. De er ved at kortlægge dødsårsager hos hunde i Danmark. De oplysninger, vi har om dette emne, er nemlig over 20 år gamle.

Spørgeskemaet tager 2-5 minutter at besvare. Det er anonymt og må udfyldes én gang for hver hund du har haft, der er død inden for de sidste 10 år.

Du finder spørgeskemaet ved at klikke her👇

Del gerne opslaget med dine hundevenner ❤

Er din hund bange for fyrværkeri eller vil du gerne forebygge at din hund bliver bange for fyrværkeri? så kan jeg anbefa...

Er din hund bange for fyrværkeri eller vil du gerne forebygge at din hund bliver bange for fyrværkeri? så kan jeg anbefale dig at læse Karolina Westlunds grundige og omfattende guide til at forebygge, reducere og eliminere frygt for fyrværkeri.

30+ proven techniques to deal with noise phobia





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