After a little break due to having to stay at home puppy sitting mom and son returned to the show ring today in style 🥰
Shay got his Danish Champion title!!! 😍💙 in DK it’s required to be awarded the last CAC after two years to become a DK CH so despite he already had quite a few CAC he had to wait for a while, his mom Mica became Club Veteran Champion 😍❤️
BCK first club show:
Judge: Lisa Thielfoldt Nielsen DK
DK12173/2022 KBHJV23 ROJV23 DKJV23 DKJUCH ROV24 Mikami Black Smoke Raising
Open Class: first CK, CAC, BOS, Danish Champion 🎉
DK16415/2014 DKCH CIE KLBJCH KLBCH DKVECH VIVV24 ROV24 ROVV24 Karma My Mica Of Green Borderline
Veteran Class: First CK, KLBVCAC Best Of Breed, Club Veteran Champion Best en show veteran 😍🎉
I have to say thanks a lot to the judge for the very lovely critique of my special girl!
BCK second club show:
Judge: Erling Kjær Pedersen DK
DK12173/2022 KBHJV23 ROJV23 DKJV23 DKJUCH ROV24 Mikami Black Smoke Raising
Open Class: first CK, CAC, BOS
DK16415/2014 DKCH CIE KLBJCH KLBCH DKVECH VIVV24 ROV24 ROVV24 Karma My Mica Of Green Borderline
Veteran Class: First CK, Best In Show Veteran.