I wholeheartedly believe that you can train anything with a clicker and a bunch of treats. Heck, you can get a long way with a number of well-timed treats and no clicker!
I aspire to get as close to pressure-free in my training as I possible can. Or phrased differently: I apply positive reinforcement and avoid negative reinforcement. I don’t mix if I can avoid it. In a training session I am very close to being pressure-free or pure R+/positive reinforcement or whatever you might call it. Which means that I train everything with a secondary and a primary reinforcer (mostly a click sound and some food).
Out side of a training session I might apply some pressure. For instance I might pull on the rope a little when I am in a hurry and the horse doesn’t move or when the vet is here and we need to get something done. In an ideal world I would have prepared for these situations so that I didn’t have to use pressure, in the real world I haven’t trained for everything - yet 😬.
Needless to say I use A LOT of food in and out side of training (one might say thah everything you do with your animal is training or learning). Because, lets face it, food is a powerful primary reinforcer with horses. And no wonder: Horses spend most of their lives searching for food and eating. Play, scratches, praise etc is a bit more difficult to apply in horse training than food, in my experience..
Where are you on the scale:
“no food” <—> “a lot of food” in training?
And where would you like to be?
I almost have 300 followers now which is great ♥️😊👏. Thank you for following. I know that a lot of you are training horses and/or other animals with positive reinforcement. Maybe some of you have been “pressure free” for years and others may just be starting out, finding your own way on this track.
You are probably on the positive reinforcement path for a reason. Would you share why positive reinforcement is important to you? Would you tell me in the comments?
I am here in the deep end of positive reinforcement training because of frustrated horses and my desire to un-frustrate them and hopefully make them happier. I will put a longer explanation in the comments 😊
When the neighbour got a new horse 😊
#sovsthedanishminiature #sovsthegreat #walkingthehorse #equestrian #minihorsesofinstagram #mini #lifeonthefarm #farmlife #mylifewithhorses
Zaphir is rocking this! Nice leg work if I may say so 😊👏👍💪
Front end movement in progress.
Getting more steps while trying to keep a good and sound movement, which means:
- hind legs should move as little as possible
- body weight on the back legs to ease up movement in the front
- outer front leg steps to the side and a little back
- Inner front leg crosses over in front of the other leg
As I said, its work in progress but I am happy with this approximation 😊
What are you guys doing?
I am working on having Zaphir make a bit of room to Clearmont by the gate when I let her in. Some time in the future It would be nice if he would just take a couple of steps back when I arrive with another horse.
I am not being super formal-training-session about it. We are working on back up more formally and then whenever I pass the gate and he is there I hold my arm out so that he steps back to get the treat. He is beginning to step back more when I come with Clearmont. Its actually a big deal with him. He used to be very irritable whenever food was around and he world lash out at the other horses. So I am proud of him.
Would love to hear what other people are working with.
#equestrianlife #positivereinforcementhorsetraining #positivereinforcement #fortheloveofhorses #horses #horsesofinstagram #animals #animaltraining #clickertraining #clickertraininghorses
“HEY human! We ran out of treats!”
Sovs and Clearmont making a “subtle” request for more treats while I try to train start button behaviour with Zaphir.. so start button AND request behaviour all in one session with 3 horses 😄.
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Sometimes it can be challenging to figure out ways to get behaviour when you train with positive reinforcement. Here are five suggestions about how to get forward behaviour :-)