Luna and Brandor having some conversations 😅
Stay training Luna
Now this is a long video. We had already been a few minutes into the exercise when a visitor arrived. You can hear the car horn beeping. So while I continued training I attended to the visitor, opened the gate, moved a lawnmower around, loaded it on a car, had some kids passing asking for the training and boarding, dogs passing, all while the gate was open and in the same time attending to the training and Luna and Bonnie doing perfectly fine just staying 👍🥰
Training session Luna
A little training session with Luna 🥰
Respect, self control, eye contact
Respect, self control, eye contact. In this exercise all these components are working together. This is only one example how you can train your dog with his food. You need no treats to do that. Resume: Food is not yours just because it is available. It is always mine until I give it free.
New Year
This is what happens if by 9.00 am you haven’t walked the dogs yet because it’s New Year and it was raining 🙈
The pack enjoying the morning sun at the beach again ☀️
Bonnie and Brandor playing together, that’s a first off.
Bonnie and Brandor playing together, that’s a first off.
Evening walk with one of my clients after a training session.
Evening walk with one of my clients after a training session.
Doky doesn’t take a no if he wants something 😂
Doky doesn’t take a no if he wants something 😂
Bianca and Brandor playing in the field
Bianca and Brandor playing in the field
“Poor” Charlie is not getting any peace 🤣
Brandor and Docky having fun
Tug of war
Tug of war.
Spike must like him a lot 🥰
Afternoon games
Afternoon games
Our day guest Emma and the rest of the crowd having a good time here. Little Bianca decided to better stay out of the wild games.
This afternoon Spike and Bonnie decided to join in a play with youngster Charlie. Due to both their advanced age this is a rather rare happening nowadays. They made a lot of noise but obviously all had good fun.
This was the highest number of dogs I had in my car so far. They didn’t even fit all in one picture. Took all six of them over to dinner with friends.
Only Dogs
Sunday afternoon exercises 👍