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• Emergencias


Have you ever been told to not allow a hot, sweaty horse to drink cold water because it could lead to colic, founder or tie up?

This notion is actually a myth, and a dangerous one too, because it could lead to dehydration and very serious (and real) consequences. A sweaty, hardworking horse needs to be rehydrated without delay (i.e. don’t wait for the horse to cool down first).

The key, however, is to know how much water to allow at one time — because of the equine stomach’s relatively small capacity, offer small amounts of water every 20 minutes until the horse drinks his fill rather than letting the animal drink it all at once.

Remember that water is the most vital nutrient for a horse. A horse’s daily water requirements are influenced by many factors, but the average idle 1,100-pound horse in a cool environment will drink 6 to 10 gallons of water per day. That amount may easily double or triple in a hot environment! Therefore, it goes without saying that providing cool, clean water to your horses at all times is of paramount importance.

Source: Equus Magazine and AAEP member Dr. Anthony Blikslager. More information about offering a horse water can be found at https://equusmagazine.com/.../offering-a-horse-water...


Knowing your horse's normal vital signs is VITAL —pun intended!— to detecting distress and a possible emergency! 🩺

Practice taking your horse's vitals often (T.P.R.: temperature, pulse, respiration rate) so you can get to know what's normal for your equine friends and recognize what is abnormal. If your horse seems a little "off" and his values are outside the normal range, a call to your equine veterinarian is definitely warranted!

The typical ranges for adult horses are as follows:
🌡️Temperature: 99.0-101.5°F
❤️Heart rate: 28-40 beats/minute
🫁Respiration rate: 12-16 breaths/minute

Keep in mid that very hot and humid conditions may cause small variations, so be sure to have a conversation with your horse doctor about what is acceptable and about how to properly assess your horse's vital signs.

Thank you to the AAEP Horse Owner Education Committee for providing this information!


If you believe that horses need grain in their diet to meet their nutritional needs, you are not alone. However, horses should get most of their nutrients from a good quality forage source such as grass, hay, hay pellets, or a complete feed.

Horses generally eat between 1.5-2% of their body weight each day, so an average size 1,000 lbs horse should eat 15- 20 lbs of hay daily. To help fill any nutrient gaps such as essential vitamins or minerals, a ration balancer may be beneficial. Depending on breed, body condition, and exercise level, concentrates may be added in to provide additional energy but are often not needed.

When deciding on what to feed your horse, it is best to invest in high quality forages as the foundation of your feeding plan. You can even have your hay tested to see exactly what nutrients it is providing. Please consult with your veterinarian or an equine nutritionist about your horse's diet before making any major changes, and remember that any changes should be made gradually over time to avoid GI upset.

Brought to you by the AAEP Horse Owner Education Committee


Hot weather puts horses at risk not only for dehydration and heat stress but, just like humans, the skin damage and discomfort that accompany a sunburn. Horse prone to sunburn are also at a higher risk for a cancer called squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) which is associated with UV light exposure.

If your horse has reduced pigmentation (pink eyelids or pink tissue) around the eye, be sure to use a fly mask with greater than 90% UV light protection. Many of these masks are not sold at your local tack store but can be purchased online (examples include Equine Sun Visor, Kensington Uviator, Equivizor, Nag). If a mask advertises UV light protection but does not specify the amount, contact the company that makes the mask to get a definitive answer.

Brought to you by the AAEP Horse Owner Education Committee

✈️ 🐎 .. Trabajo cumplido .. LGCT MEX 2024 🏆

✈️ 🐎 .. Trabajo cumplido .. LGCT MEX 2024 🏆


…. ✈️ …. 🇲🇽🇪🇨🐎


Colic is not a disease, but rather a combination of signs that alert us to abdominal pain in the horse. Colic can range from mild to severe but it should never be ignored, as many of the conditions that cause colic can become life threatening in a relatively short period of time. Only by quickly and accurately recognizing colic – and seeking qualified veterinary help – can the chance for recovery be maximized.

Virtually any horse is susceptible to colic, so management practices can play a key role in prevention. And although not every case is avoidable, the guidelines listed in the graphic can help you maximize your horse’s health and reduce the risk of colic.

As always, remember that every animal is different depending on age, breed and other health conditions, so be sure to work with your veterinarian to address any concerns specific to your situation!


FUN FACT FRIDAY! Are you familiar with the many adaptations that help your horse stay warm during the cold winter months?

🌾 Hindgut digestion of hay produces the most heat, acting as a small furnace inside of the horse. This is why free choice, good quality hay is so important in the winter.

💪 Horses have a huge muscle mass and muscle activity produces heat. This includes running and playing and even shivering if their body temperature starts to drop. It is important to remember that these activities also will result in a bigger caloric demand so free choice hay and in some cases, grain, is often needed.

🧥 To blanket or not to blanket is a constant debate but either way, as it starts to get cold your horse will grow a thicker coat. If you decide to leave your horse unblanketed you may notice that they look “fluffy”. This is due to a phenomenon called piloerection where the hair stands up to better trap air within. Two layers of the coat also help with warmth. The inner layer is softer and has air pockets to create an insulating layer. The outer layer is coarse and has oils that keep moisture from penetrating the insulating layer and keep the horse warm.

⚖️ Wild horses go into the winter heavier than ideal and the fat serves as an extra layer of insulation. However, if a horse is going to be kept heavily blanketed and in a barn during the cold weather months this is unnecessary and can lead to obesity related issues.

🦵Their distal limbs (below the knees and hocks) are made of mostly bones and tendons, tissues that are resistant to the cold temperatures.

🦶The hooves have an alternative route of blood circulation through larger vessels that can be used in low temperatures. This is why horses can stand in snow without detrimental effects.

👃A horse’s nose has a robust blood supply and is rounded so that it is less susceptible to frostbite than a human’s nose.

Courtesy of the AAEP Horse Owner Education Committee


Is your horse’s nighttime vision better than your daytime vision?

When comparing equine vision to human vision, the horse has a smaller visible spectrum (see image) which means they see a smaller range of colors than we do. However, horses have a structure in the back of their eye—called the tapetum lucidum—that humans do not have. This enhances vision in low light conditions and allows a horse to see better in the dark than a human does. However, reflections from the tapetum lucidum can also blur images and lead to poor depth perception at night.

Dilation of the pupil allows all species to see better in the dark. This process takes longer in a horse (45 minutes) than it does in humans (25 minutes). So when a horse is asked to do something in a dark environment, it’s important to allow their vision proper time to fully accommodate.

Overall, the nighttime vision of a horse is better than the nighttime vision of a human. However, the horse’s nighttime vision is NOT better than the daytime vision of a human. Anytime you are asking your horse to function in a dim light situation, give them time to adjust. And if they are fearful, be patient and try to understand how things look from their perspective!

Brought to you by the AAEP Horse Owner Education Committee


Ready or not, foaling season is upon us! Is your foaling kit stocked and ready to go?

If this is your first foaling or you don’t know where to start, the graphic below lists a few essentials for you to include. Having these items ready in advance will mean less stress and scrambling at the last minute trying to acquire what you need.

As always, your veterinarian is your best source of information. Consult your horse doctor for additional recommendations and for training on how to properly use these tools to assist your mare during and after delivery!




Your yearling c**t has developed a swelling at the base of his ear and draining material is present along the edge of the ear. You can squeeze the swelling and the c**t doesn’t seem to mind, but it feels like something hard is present in the swelling. What’s your diagnosis?

Check back tomorrow for the answer!

***No DVM’s or professionals please***



Failure of Deciduous Caps to Shed in Horses.. From the first to fourth years of life of a horse, the permanent teeth beg...

Failure of Deciduous Caps to Shed in Horses..

From the first to fourth years of life of a horse, the permanent teeth begin to grow in, but in order for them to grow in normally, the deciduous teeth (baby teeth), must shed. Deciduous teeth that have not been lost and sit on top of the permanent teeth are called caps. A failure of the caps to shed can result in the permanent teeth growing in at an abnormal angle, uneven surfaces of the teeth opposite to the unshed cap, or failure of the permanent tooth to grow in at all.

If your horse is showing any symptoms of dental problems, such as difficulty eating, dropping feed when it eats (called quidding), unexplained behavioral problems, resisting the bit, or head tossing, have the horse examined by your veterinarian. Sometimes there are no signs of problems and occasionally an older horse may be found to still have a retained cap after many years.

What should I do about my horses wolf teeth?

The first premolar (Triadan -05), otherwise referred to as a wolf tooth, is a vestigial tooth not typically associ- ated with mastication. Traditionally, wolf teeth have been extracted, although the necessity of extraction has been debated. While wolf teeth are often positioned directly rostral to the second premolar (Triadan -06), they can be found any- where along the bar. Occasionally, a wolf tooth will develop in a more mesially (ros- trally) tipped or horizontal plane, as opposed to the normal vertical orientation, within the alveo- lus, resulting in a blind or nonerupted wolf tooth. These can also be palpated anywhere along the bars; care should be taken in mares not to mistake nonerupted canines for blind wolf teeth. Depending on a horse’s use, blind wolf teeth can be associated with bitting problems and can lead to head tossing, resistance to pressure with the bit, and general discomfort when being ridden.4 In these instances, the nonerupted wolf teeth require extraction, which can be difficult due to lack of visualization, abnormal positioning in the alveolus, and amount of tissue overlaying the tooth.

(AAEP - Ashton Broman, DVM)

IMPORTANT: Sharp enamel points develop along the outer (buccal) edge of the maxillary cheek teeth and along the inner (l...


Sharp enamel points develop along the outer (buccal) edge of the maxillary cheek teeth and along the inner (lingual) edge of the mandibular cheek teeth. These points usually develop in the young horse and can be present as early as 2 years of age. If left untreated, they can cause discomfort to the horse, bitting and performance issues, inflammation, irritation and ulceration or mucosal thickening of the cheek tissue and/or the tongue. Dental prophylaxis that involves removing the sharp points is commonly referred to as “floating.” Floating with the use of sedation, a full mouth speculum and a full range of equipment allows the equine veterinarian to reach all areas of the mouth; it is then possible to visually check that all sharp points have been reduced. Digital palpation of all cheek teeth post floating is the most sensitive indication of whether or not all sharp points have been removed (AAEP, By Rob Arnott, DVM).


Great practical information courtesy of the horse doctors at Barrow Veterinary Service:

If your horse seems a little "off," do you know what his "normal" is? One of the best ways you can determine if your horse is ill is to know his normal vitals—temperature, breaths per minute, heart rate, and capillary refill time. If they are outside the normal range, a call to your equine veterinarian is definitely warranted! Any refusal to eat a meal or to get up from a recumbent position is also a clue that you and your equine friend need assistance.


Here is your reminder to check your alfalfa for the presence of blister beetle prior to feeding it to your horses—especially if you feed alfalfa hay from a new or unknown harvesting source.

"The blister beetle (Epicauta) is highly toxic to sheep and cattle, but primarily to horses," says AAEP member Dr. Benjamin Espy. "As little as four (4) to six (6) grams of blister beetles can be deadly to a 1100-pound horse. Blister beetles swarm in alfalfa fields and are drawn into bales by accident. Even small parts of these beetles are toxic to a horse, and whole insects need not be present to be dangerous. Although cantharidin can exist in the alfalfa used to make pellets and cubes, cantharidin toxicity is very rare by this route. Some people believe that it has to do with the processing, others believe that it’s because the feed companies are using alfalfa from reputable sources that have good insect control."

If you suspect your horse is showing signs of toxicity, call your veterinarian immediately. While there is no antidote for the toxin found in blister beetles, your veterinarian may still be able to save your horse by providing supportive care to combat dehydration, help evacuate toxins from the gastrointestinal tract and delay potential absorption. Since there are many representatives of the species Epicauta, contact your local agricultural agent so they can help you identify any beetle that looks suspicious.

Read Dr. Espy's article on blister beetle poisoning on our website at https://aaep.org/horsehealth/blister-beetle-poisoning

The Importance of Maintaining the Health of Your Horse's MouthRoutine dental care is essential to your horse's in health...

The Importance of Maintaining the Health of Your Horse's Mouth

Routine dental care is essential to your horse's in health. Periodic examinations and regular maintenance, such as floating, are especially necessary today for a number ofDentistry reasons:

We have modified the horse's diet and eating patterns through domestication and confinement.

We demand more from our performance horses, beginning at a younger age, than ever before.

We often select breeding animals without regard to dental considerations.

Proper dental care has its rewards. Your horse will be more comfortable, will utilize feed more efficiently, may perform better, and may even live longer.


An oral examination should be an essential part of an annual physical examination by a veterinarian. Every dental exam provides the opportunity to perform routine preventative dental maintenance. The end result is a healthier, more comfortable horse.

Routine maintenance of a horse's teeth has been historically referred to as "floating." Floating removes the sharp enamel points. Occlusal equilibration is the term now used to describe smoothing enamel points, correcting malocclusion, balancing the dental arcades and correcting other dental problems listed under "Common Dental Problems." A complete oral examination should precede any dental procedures.

When turned out on pasture, horses graze almost continuously, picking up dirt and grit in the process. This, plus the silicate in grass, wears down the teeth. Stabled horses, however, may not give their teeth the same workout. Feedings are more apt to be scheduled, not continuous, and include processed grains and hays. Softer feeds require less chewing. This may allow the horse's teeth to become excessively long or to wear unevenly. Adult teeth erupt throughout life and are worn down by chewing.

Because the horse's lower rows of cheek teeth are closer together than the upper rows of cheek teeth and the horse chews with a sideways motion, sharp points form along the edges of the cheek teeth. Points form on the outside (cheek side) of the upper teeth and tongue side of the lower teeth. These points should be smoothed to prevent damage and ulceration of the cheeks and tongue.


Serious dental conditions can develop, such as infections of the teeth and gums, extremely long hooks or overgrowths on the cheek teeth, and lost or fractured teeth. These conditions may require advanced dental care and/or extraction by a qualified veterinarian. Your equine practitioner can recommend the best treatment or refer your horse to a dental specialist if indicated.

(AAEP ; 2023)


While it’s a common equine emergency, espophageal obstruction (“choke”) can look alarming, especially if you've never seen it before. Unlike in human medicine, where choking refers to a tracheal (or windpipe) obstruction, choke in horses refers to an obstruction of the esophagus, the muscular tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach.

Most commonly, choking occur when horses eat concentrated feed too quickly without chewing it appropriately, which results in a firm bolus lodged in the animal's esophagus. However, esophageal obstruction can also occur with hay or straw, hard treats, carrots, or nonfood objects. Poor dentition, which leads to inadequate chewing, is also a frequent cause of choke.

While common, chokes can have serious consequences so be sure to call your veterinarian as soon as you notice signs of choke. A bad choke is fairly obvious to both veterinarians and horse owners, but a mild choke could be confused with an upper respiratory tract infection or colic.

Read more about this condition on our website at https://aaep.org/horsehealth/understanding-choke-horses





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