Brainy Paws

Brainy Paws Pakume kutsikakooli, koerte baaskuulekuse trenne (level 1, 2 ja 3) ning põnevaid loenguid lemmiklooma omanikele. Meie koeratreener on väljaõppe saanud Norras.



Soovime kõikidele loomadele võimalikult rahulikku ja turvalist aastavahetust! 💙

Kallid loomaomanikud - soovime ka teile ilusat vana aasta lõppu! Hoiame oma loomad turvaliselt kodus ja alustame uut aastat paitades oma karvakera.

Vahel tuleb ka pensionäril käia meelde tuletamas, kuidas saab koos loomaga enda vaimse ja füüsilise tervise eest hoolt k...

Vahel tuleb ka pensionäril käia meelde tuletamas, kuidas saab koos loomaga enda vaimse ja füüsilise tervise eest hoolt kanda! ♥️


Vaata võõraid koeri eemalt ja jää terveks! :)

Oli üks ütlemata tihe jaanipüha! Aitäh  , et mul oli võimalus kohtuda eeskujudega nagu Julia Robertson  ja Dr Amber Bats...

Oli üks ütlemata tihe jaanipüha! Aitäh , et mul oli võimalus kohtuda eeskujudega nagu Julia Robertson ja Dr Amber Batson!

Uued teadmised panid aju meeldivalt sügelema ja vajadust neid edasi anda. Peagi on tulemas midagi põnevat 😏!

Näeme peagi 🤗

Eks ta nii kipub olema! 🙃

Eks ta nii kipub olema! 🙃

From the dog training file

Kas meie pere lemmikud tõesti jahivad vahel? Miks neil seda vaja on? Kuidas siis käituda? - kõigest sellest saab varsti ...

Kas meie pere lemmikud tõesti jahivad vahel? Miks neil seda vaja on? Kuidas siis käituda? - kõigest sellest saab varsti lähemalt kuulda! 🐾


Reactive dogs are often misunderstood. A dog that is reacting to a situation is not trying to be difficult, they are having a difficult time coping with that particular situation and are trying their best to make the scary thing go away.
Reactivity is generally triggered by the emotion of fear. The fear of whatever is scaring them, a fear of a valuable possession being taken away or a fear of a strange person or animal coming into their territory. Anxiety, stress, over excitement, over stimulation, feeling overwhelmed, trigger stacking, or a dog that is tired, in pain or even has chronic itching will often feel irritable and may be reactive in certain situations. If their reactivity is successful in making the scary thing go away, it becomes a rewarding behaviour because it’s something that works for them and it makes them feel better.
It’s not easy to be the owner of a reactive dog. One of my dogs is reactive and I know first-hand how dogs like this can leave you feeling embarrassed, ashamed, angry or frustrated. Why do they have to be so difficult, why can’t they just behave normally? Everyone is looking at me, judging me, thinking that I’m a bad owner, have no training skills, can’t control my dog or have a vicious dog that shouldn’t be taken out in public.
As hard as it may be, we need to take the focus off how we as owners feel about their reactivity and focus on how our dogs are feeling and what is causing their reaction. Whatever it is, it’s not something our dogs can overcome on their own and we need to take steps to help them cope. Reactive dogs need compassion, understanding, management, force free, positive reinforcement interventions and decompression – (a return to a normal, more relaxed state after a period of intense stress, psychological pressure, or urgent activity). These techniques take time and patience but are so important in helping our dogs to feel safe and learn more acceptable ways of coping.
I have learnt through many mistakes, to recognise what triggers my reactive dog and take steps to either avoid those situations, provide enough distance, or provide her with an alternative choice where she feels safe and in control of her environment. There will always be unexpected triggers around the next corner that are not within our control, but doing all we can to manage these triggers has immeasurable benefits.

Vahepeal sai meil kutsikakool läbi ja uhkusega saan teile esitleda tublisid lõpetajaid - Donna, Bruno ja Neo!

Vahepeal sai meil kutsikakool läbi ja uhkusega saan teile esitleda tublisid lõpetajaid - Donna, Bruno ja Neo!

Yawning to the King.

Yawning to the King.

Hiking day nr 2!

Hiking day nr 2!

Midsummer swim 💦

Midsummer swim 💦

Hiking in Norway 🐶

Hiking in Norway 🐶

We have arrived to Norway! 🐶🐾

We have arrived to Norway! 🐶🐾

Kassid ja koerad ei olegi nii erinevad 🙃

Kassid ja koerad ei olegi nii erinevad 🙃


Miks on oluline valida ÕIGED traksid :)

Noorkoera kursus arvestab eelkõige koera vaimse ning füüsilise arenguga. Kursusel arvestame iga koera eripära ning hormo...

Noorkoera kursus arvestab eelkõige koera vaimse ning füüsilise arenguga. Kursusel arvestame iga koera eripära ning hormonaalse tasakaaluga, et hoida keha ja vaim toonuses, kuid säilitada seejuures koeraga endiselt positiivne side. Oluline on koerale olla tema õrnas eas toeks ning hea kaaslane – nagu teismelistega ikka!

Kursusel käsitleme põhilisi teemasid:

🐾Baaskuulekuse elemendid
🐾Õige lihastoonuse areng
🐾Koera kehatunnetus
🐾Rihmas liikumine
🐾Kooselu teismelise koeraga
🐾Koera füüsise areng teismelisena
🐾Üksteist toetav teineteise mõistmine
🐾Usaldusliku suhte hoidmine
🐾Ärritajast möödumise võimalused
🐾Puberteedieas koera käitumise mõistmine
🐾Koera vaba liikumise olulisus
🐾Lähedus koeraga
🐾Ajutöö – otsimismängu õpetamine

Kursusele ootame eakohaselt vaktsineeritud terveid koeri. Iganädalased teoorialoengud toimuvad veebivahendusel, et saaks rahulikult koos koeraga võimalikult palju koos olla ja õppida. Kokkusaamised toimuvad üle nädala. Kokkusaamiste eesmärgiks on koeri sotsialiseerida, arutleda tekkinud küsimuste üle ning harjutada koera uute keskkondadega ja ootamatute olukordadega.

Kutsikaid ootame kursusele Tallinnas ja Tartus!

Rohkem infot ja registreerimine – [email protected]

Loren tegi täna Põlva Kooli lastele inglise keele tundi. Koos korrati üle erinevad loomad ja õpiti L tähega sõnu. Õpikoe...

Loren tegi täna Põlva Kooli lastele inglise keele tundi. Koos korrati üle erinevad loomad ja õpiti L tähega sõnu. Õpikoera amet on vahva!



Yes, decades ago, this is what most pet owners actually believed. Feeding dogs and cats commercial kibble would actually keep their fur monsters’ teeth clean.

Today, however, research shows this couldn’t be any further from the truth!

According to the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association (OVMA), they estimate that 90% of pets over 2 years old have significant mouth disease and of that 90%, 50% require immediate attention.

According to the pet food industry, out of the 90% of pets suffering from mouth disease, at least 96% of the North American pet-owning population is feeding dried kibble to their pets. As you can see from these numbers, dry pet food isn’t keeping anyone’s teeth clean!


Research shows that dry commercial pet food cannot be made without starch, and the average use of starch (aka sugar) by manufacturers, is around 40 to 49%.

Logically, feeding your pet all that starch (which their bodies convert to sugar) will not only not clean their teeth. In fact, it will cause the polar opposite effect. Or, at least, so says today’s sky-rocketing mouth disease stats.


Well of course brushing is your best bet! But what if your pet won’t let you? Well then according to Dr. Will Falconer -

The best-kept secret for dental prevention is simply this: feeding raw bones. All that gnawing is literally scraping the tooth surfaces with a tooth friendly similar substance, a semi-hard polisher of enamel, and is a great exercise for the jaws and gums.


According to Dr. Karen Becker, removing all the sugary starches out of your pet’s diet is always the best route!

“Diet can play a significant role in the development of tartar on your pet’s teeth. Wild dogs have strong, healthy teeth partly because they eat raw meaty bones. Raw diets help control tartar. Raw ground bone is a gentle dental abrasive, acting like fine sandpaper when chewed, which helps remove debris stuck on teeth. The meat contains natural enzymes, and in addition, raw food doesn’t stick to teeth, unlike starchy kibble.”

More info -

Remember: you always have options, but should never rely on dried starchy pellets to keep your pet’s mouth and teeth clean!

Rodney Habib Pet Health Site

"An educated, informed and well-researched community of pet owners can only put more pressure on the pet food industry to be better! When pet owners know better, they will only do better!"

Traksid selga! 🐶

Traksid selga! 🐶









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