Major ozone therapy in hemangiosarcoma to improve life quality and manage pain plus stopping the osteolysis on some level... Hope he will do fine 💔
#vetozone 😊
Why do you use O3 therapy in almost every case?😀
MAHT is one way to inject Medical Ozone into blood as another source of oxygen other than the lungs and forming super RBCs with higher content of oxygen....
This method showed to be useful in sports animals to increase performance drastically, systemic illnesses, different types of anemia, hypo oxygenation due to air way disease, many viral infections as FIV in cats, osteosarcoma and many other cases...
In the video, the silicone egg is used instead of blood bag and the blood is moving by a pressure formed by the generator... No handling of the blood by any mean..
It's a major technique that needs specific equipments and tools but in the end it gives great results
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هاننتظر اسالتكم باذن الله علشان اللائق الجاي
Red bearded dragon with tail gangrene after a strong bite...
Ozonated bath can help by infection control, pain management and tissue proliferation... We hope she will get better
After clearing all the intestine.. we used the same incesion to insufflate ozone directly...