Dr.Sohila Saeed_ Vetozone

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Dr.Sohila Saeed_ Vetozone treatment of longevity

As there is a growing need for safer treatments with no side effects like antibiotics, anti-inflamatories and chemo, ozone started to be the future of treatment of so many diseases ..


ناسف لبشاعه المنظر😅
حاله خراج في الكتف نتيجه حقنه تحت الجلد .... استقبلناها بدرع حراره ٤٠ و عدم قدره على الحركه ....
العلاج اول يوم كان بالبروتوكول المتعارف عليه و جلسات أوزون تحت الجلد بعد ماتخلصنا من الجلد الميت تم استخدام الأوزون كدهان موضعي فقط والاصابه بتكون متغطيه تماما لأن الأوزون بيوفر الأكسجين اللازم الانسجه .... الصور يوميه وفي الاخر يهمنها أنها بقت بتاكل وتلعب وتحرك الرجل بشكل طبيعي
العنوان ٥٢٤٨ شارع ٦١ خلف مسجد بلال المقطم
للحجز والاستفسار 01150183333


How does o3 therapy works in immune mediated patient?

1.Improved antioxidant activity

An individual who suffers from an autoimmune disorder tends to have more inflammation in the body. The antioxidant qualities of medical ozone help protect the body from oxidative stress and could reverse cell damage.

2.Immune system support

Ozone has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory traits which are key factors in warding off pathogens that overstimulate the immune response.

3.Delivery of oxygen to tissues

In autoimmune disorders, inflammation decreases the cells’ ability to utilize oxygen. Ozone’s ability to break down into oxygen when mixed with the blood increases total cell health by improving oxygen utilization in the cell.

4.Enhance blood circulation

Many individuals with autoimmune disorders experience poor digestive health which affects nutrient absorption. Medical ozone allows more nutrients to reach body tissues by increasing circulation and blood flow.

In autoimmune patients, there is a vicious cycle of inflammation and tissue cell damage, and deprivation. This cause and effect make it difficult for the patient to fully recover from their illness. With the help of medical ozone, the leading causes of autoimmune disorders are addressed rather than just individual symptoms.

That is why we offer this therapy... It make our patients feel and live better

Many thanks for your trust in us Shahinda 💕❤️💕One of our clients after her cat spayed and used ozonated oil as dressing....

Many thanks for your trust in us Shahinda 💕❤️💕

One of our clients after her cat spayed and used ozonated oil as dressing.... no antibiotic or any medication....

الزبون الحنين رزق 😅😍
رائي حد من أصحاب الحالات بعد تعقيم قطتها ... بدون مضاد أو غيار ... دهان بس أوزون اول يوم 😍😍💪💪

Guess what will we do the next days?a) another interesting caseb) webinar about ozonec) educational posts about ozone🧐🤗

Guess what will we do the next days?
a) another interesting case
b) webinar about ozone
c) educational posts about ozone🧐🤗


MAHT is one way to inject Medical Ozone into blood as another source of oxygen other than the lungs and forming super RBCs with higher content of oxygen....
This method showed to be useful in sports animals to increase performance drastically, systemic illnesses, different types of anemia, hypo oxygenation due to air way disease, many viral infections as FIV in cats, osteosarcoma and many other cases...
In the video, the silicone egg is used instead of blood bag and the blood is moving by a pressure formed by the generator... No handling of the blood by any mean..
It's a major technique that needs specific equipments and tools but in the end it gives great results

Easy, effective or both??We are happy to announce our second webinar about veterinary ozone therapy...Introduction to oz...

Easy, effective or both??

We are happy to announce our second webinar about veterinary ozone therapy...

Introduction to ozone therapy
Is the procedure difficult
Is it easy to introduce such step to your practice
Is the result worth the effort
Cases for discussion

All this and more will be discussed in 8p.m 17/5/23

We will be waiting your registration on what's app +1228022201

Meeting link .. we will be waiting for u💪😍

Feline miliary dermatitis is a term used to describe a skin condition in cats that most commonly results from an allergi...

Feline miliary dermatitis is a term used to describe a skin condition in cats that most commonly results from an allergic reaction. The term 'miliary' is derived from the word milium, which is Latin for 'millet', as the small, crusted lesions of miliary dermatitis resemble millet seeds. Frequently, these lesions can be felt rather than seen.
Our case was treated with local O3 oils once daily for 7 days ...no antibiotics or any other medications

2weeks treatment with local O3 facial injection once every two days for treatment of full thickness cutaneous injury.......

2weeks treatment with local O3 facial injection once every two days for treatment of full thickness cutaneous injury.... 15microgram/ 10 cc was used for treatment ....
Control over drug use and good pain management with fast healing and no surgical interference are best qualities of ozone therapy
Big thank for the trusting care giver ❤️

For inquiry 01150183333

Some of the worst cases where the bone is exposed especially in chronic cases or infected wounds such our lucky boy....O...

Some of the worst cases where the bone is exposed especially in chronic cases or infected wounds such our lucky boy....

Only o3 bagging and local ozonated OOV where used... 2 weeks duration with day on and off bandage


Fluid therapy in clinical medicine is used to fulfill the following objectives: (1) to replace dehydration deficits, (2) to maintain normal hydration, (3) to replace essential electrolytes and nutrients, and (4) to serve as a vehicle for the infusions of certain intravenous medications. Except for the urgency of treatment, the same objectives apply in the critically ill animal. The methods for providing fluids often influence the eventual outcome of the case.

Our case today is some what tragedy with a Happy ending...

Female cat 2y intact mixed breed
The owner presented her for skin infection after treatment with iv and subcutaneous fluid therapy for Git infection....
Upon presentation the case had cachexia, dehydration, off food, fever, and skin sloughing at different areas... And recent abortion
We used local o3 oov day on and off and o3 bagging with 5 days amoxicillin-clavulinic acid, case started eating after first treatment

Keep in mind always that every medicine is toxin if not given right and every technique is fatal if not done right..

Demodectic mange is caused by a parasitic mite (Demodex canis or Demodex injal) that lives in the hair follicles of dogs...

Demodectic mange is caused by a parasitic mite (Demodex canis or Demodex injal) that lives in the hair follicles of dogs. Under the microscope, this mite is shaped like a cigar with eight legs. Demodectic mange, sometimes just called ‘Demodex’ or ‘red mange’, is the most common form of mange in dogs.

All normal dogs (and many humans) have a few of these mites on their skin. As long as the body's immune system is functioning properly, these mites cause no harm. Demodectic mange most often occurs when a dog has an immature immune system, allowing the number of skin mites to increase rapidly. This disease occurs primarily in dogs less than 12 to 18 months of age. As the dog matures, its immune system also matures.

Our case:

Puppy, 50days, and male mixed breed...
Demodecosis Was microscopic ally identified...
Moist bagging was done for 20 min then repeated for extra 20 min...
Results after the 40 min bagging with 10_15 micrograms...
No medication was used but to repeat the session once again...

For any question, please plz contact us 01228022201

من اول سيشين 😍😍التشجيع ده هوا اللي هايخلينا مكملين ...شكرا لكل الزملاء اللي شاركونا الساعه دي ...  What do you think of ...

من اول سيشين 😍😍
التشجيع ده هوا اللي هايخلينا مكملين ...

شكرا لكل الزملاء اللي شاركونا الساعه دي ...
What do you think of medical ozone .. advancing or conventional?
وان شاء الله هانكررها قريب علشان دائما للحديث بقيه ...

We are happy to announce our first webinar regarding veterinary ozone therapy....The event will take place December 14, ...

We are happy to announce our first webinar regarding veterinary ozone therapy....
The event will take place December 14, 2022 at 10p.m ...
Registration through what's app +20 1228022201
Only graduated vets ...
Link will be added soon..
Hope we will provide answers for all your questions..


كل ده واكتر هانتكلم عنه في أول ويبينار باللغه العربيه عن الاوزون العلاجي واستخدامه في الطب البيطري....الويبينار للأطباء ...

كل ده واكتر هانتكلم عنه في أول ويبينار باللغه العربيه عن الاوزون العلاجي واستخدامه في الطب البيطري....
الويبينار للأطباء البيطريين الخريجين فقط في جميع تخصصاته....
ان شاء الله هانحط لينك التسجيل والموعد خلال أيام....
في انتظاركم بكره أن شاء الله

مفاجئتنا اللي جايه للأطباء البيطريين... هانسيب التوقعات ليكم والهدايا علينا 😍😍😍

مفاجئتنا اللي جايه للأطباء البيطريين...
هانسيب التوقعات ليكم والهدايا علينا 😍😍😍

Interesting case This malino puppy is 1y was scratched by a stray cat ... These lesions appeared after the scratch... On...

Interesting case

This malino puppy is 1y was scratched by a stray cat ... These lesions appeared after the scratch... Only one scratch on the upper right lid 😩😩
The aggressive spread made us do biopsy as he didn't respond to usual treatment and the microscopic work didn't show the cause ...
Ozone therapy was done by local application once daily... Ozone acts very well in treating necrosis, inflammation and infection
These pics after 1week 😍...

Subcutaneous injection is one of the routes that we use to get some drugs inside the body... And not all drugs prepared ...

Subcutaneous injection is one of the routes that we use to get some drugs inside the body... And not all drugs prepared for the same routes....
When a drug for s/c inj is given intra dermal it may cause many problems such as abcess, hematoma, and ISS....

In our case, 8m intact male Dalmatian was injected with doramectin by his owner... According to him a mass appeared 10days later and he didn't treat it.... The puppy was in pain and itchy and outdoor....
We received the case with clear exposure of the muscles in some areas and ulcers in others....

Treatment was done by a previously prepared oov oils only to manage pain and infection and to promote the healing, the keep incects away and offers good coverage for the wound....

The oil was applied day on and off for 3 weeks... And the wound will be assessed for surgery if needed after ward...

In our practice we believe in ozone therapy and such cases make us believe more...


Red bearded dragon with tail gangrene after a strong bite...
Ozonated bath can help by infection control, pain management and tissue proliferation... We hope she will get better

Most pets that have ingested a foreign body will exhibit some of these clinical signs:vomitingdiarrheaabdominal tenderne...

Most pets that have ingested a foreign body will exhibit some of these clinical signs:
abdominal tenderness or pain
decreased appetite or anorexia
straining to defecate or producing small amounts of f***s
changes in behavior such as biting or growling when picked up or handled around the abdomen
pawing at the face or mouth if there is string or thread that has become wrapped around the base of the tongue

Diagnosis in our case was done by ultrasound...
Cat, and male, and castrated, 2y, persian

Emergency procedure was done to find out that he ingested bone diet.... I small and big bones was along all the intestinal tract...

Ozone therapy has been used in every surgical procedure to help fast healing, smooth anathesia recovery, and pain management....
For any question plz feel free to contact...


A red beared dragon with MBD treatment with O3-O2 bagging with inhalation through virgin oov and calcitonin injection after failing to respond to oral medication and supplements.

fibrous osteodystrophy, osteomalacia, secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism, osteoporosis, or rickets, Metabolic Bone Disease is perhaps the most commonly seen nutritional problem in reptiles. MBD is the result of a calcium/phosphorous imbalance in the body which causes a weakening of the skeletal structure as well as the carapace and plastron of turtles and tortoises. In more advance cases this can lead to repeated tremors, severe weakness, and bone fractures.

Response was seen after procedure with 2 days... Movement improved and feeding

WHAT IS INFLAMMATORY JOINT DISEASE (ARTHROPATHY)?Inflammatory joint diease is where high levels of acute inflammatory ce...


Inflammatory joint diease is where high levels of acute inflammatory cells invade the joint. There are two classic causes

Septic arthritis (infective arthritis, suppurative arthritis) is a joint infection caused by bacterial organisms.

Immune-mediated polyarthritis is a non-infectious joint disease.


Septic arthritis may be due to haematogenous (in the blood) spread of infection from respiratory, digestive, urinary, umbilical, or heart valve infections. However, more often it is caused by direct bacterial inoculation of joints from penetrating trauma, surgical procedures, or intra-articular injections.

Immune-mediated arthropathies can be related to other conditions within the body such as gastroitesinal disease, infection elsewhere in the body and occasionally related to cancer. However, in most cases there is no identifiable cause. Other conditions such as septic arthritis, rickettsial arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis all require exclusion.

In our case... This puppy was a CPV surviver
Treatment will include long term antibiotics 6 to 8 weeks... Samples of synovial fluid is a must

Our treatment was supported by intra articular ozonationt after obtaining the sample... 2 sessions were done to reduce pain and time

The most common cause is S. Aureus but some cases another type can be detected

The hair pin arrangement explains why the infection mostly in articulation...
Swollen joints and not able to walk was the main complain

Hope that adds....
A real case in our practice... Not all the puppies got the infection and we lost one 😢

Direct fascial ozone injection....القط ده اتعض من كلب كبير وكان في كدمات وإصابات مختلفه ...الصوره الاولى قبل حقن الأوزون...

Direct fascial ozone injection....
القط ده اتعض من كلب كبير وكان في كدمات وإصابات مختلفه ...
الصوره الاولى قبل حقن الأوزون .... تم الحقن لتسكين الالم و علاج الاصابه
الصور خلال اسبوع ...

Hyphema and uveitis in a multi cat householdالقط ده اسمه ايس ... اتخانق مع قط تاني في البيت ... النزيف والالتهاب تم علاج...

Hyphema and uveitis in a multi cat household
القط ده اسمه ايس ... اتخانق مع قط تاني في البيت ... النزيف والالتهاب تم علاجهم بقطرات أوزون ... الصورتين بينهم تلات ايام 😍

Urethral insufflation.... دايما في العمليات الجراحيه بنعتمد الأوزون بدل مضادات الالتهاب والمضادات الحيويهدي مثانه قط وقع...

Urethral insufflation....
دايما في العمليات الجراحيه بنعتمد الأوزون بدل مضادات الالتهاب والمضادات الحيويه
دي مثانه قط وقع من الدور الرابع ... حصل كدمات شديده وفتق اضطرينا نتدخل جراحي
تم حقن الأوزون بشكل مباشر في المثانه السيطره على الالتهاب والانزفه وتعقيدات الاصابه
الصور بفرق دقيقتين نظرا لعدم امكانيه التصوير اكتر من كده لكن الأوزون بيستخدم لتحسين الانسجه وتجديدها في أغلب مشاكل المثانه وحتى في حالات الالتهابات الناتجه عن الاحتباس
طبعا النتيجه لتظهر في نفس اليوم على شكل أن القط بيعمل بول طبيعي بدون انزفه

We did not operate, we ozonate 😍😍😍حاله شق في سقف الحلق ... بدون جراحه أوزون مره يوميا مع التغذيه عن طريق أنبوب خارجي ولي...

We did not operate, we ozonate 😍😍😍
حاله شق في سقف الحلق ... بدون جراحه
أوزون مره يوميا مع التغذيه عن طريق أنبوب خارجي وليس عن طريق الفم ... اسبوع وميكي هانم هاتاكلنا

before and after 5 days 😍Ozonated eyes drops in a positive e.canis 2month puppy... Uveitis

before and after 5 days
Ozonated eyes drops in a positive e.canis 2month puppy... Uveitis

شكل الدم قبل وبعد حقن الاوزون.....كتير مننا بيعرفوا حقن الاوزون عباره عن وسيله تانيه لتوصيل الاكسجين للجسم عن طريق تاني ...

شكل الدم قبل وبعد حقن الاوزون.....
كتير مننا بيعرفوا حقن الاوزون عباره عن وسيله تانيه لتوصيل الاكسجين للجسم عن طريق تاني غير التنفس او الرئه






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