I love the little tails going!
Faith is clearly responding to the pain meds, she is walking, almost fast! I'm surprised she even took a step before they cleaned her feet up, with the arthritis and dehydration. I can't imagine the pain she was in.
Since she did so well with all the brushing yesterday,, she had a bath today. She wasn't pleased, but allowed me to do what I needed to do.
The hardest part was seeing how she looks like a skeleton, which is worse wet. I took pics, but they don't show the full extent. I'll put those in the comments.
I'm still trying to get loose fur out. Brushing isn't good enough. At least she doesn't look as horrible now.
Faith is eating really well. That's always a good sign.
2 days made a difference.
She does not like getting picked up. I wonder if her ribs hurt. She gets nippy, but doesn't full on bite. I'm not sure if she's not trying to hurt me, or if she doesn't have the energy.
She has started trying to fight the medication,, another indication she is starting to feel a little better.
If she is cleared by our vet, I'll take her to Monica, our amazing groomer. She deserves a spa day.
Look! Toupee has her babies!
I watched her through the night, from the camera. She had relaxed a whole lot. She ate, used the litter box, and I thought it was time to try again.
I gave her 1 kitten. She was trying to hide the baby, then I saw she was protecting the baby.
I gave her the other 2, she looked at me like she was saying thank you!
Here are some clips. She is so happy now!
Excuse my screen recording, it's not the best.
She was way to scared the first day, jumping around, trying to find a way out she would have hurt the babies. Yesterday, she was still extremely scared, or she would have had the babies sooner.
This is what we wanted!
Please, keep April in your prayers. She's eating, and seems to be a fighter
They are so cute, such a difference in size.
I moved the smallest one, Clover, so I can see her movements. She is really much smaller. She does seem to be doing fine though.
Peggy Suca!
This makes me so happy!
Finally at a point where she gets to play a little!
Suca playing with a toy. Betty is also in the video, she's my dog.