🌟 Oscura 🌟
Oscura. Es una dulce gallina negra que fue rescatada por una mujer muy valiente en Málaga, de una jauría de perros que la perseguían.
Afortunadamente, Oscura no resultó herida, solo un poco sacudida por la experiencia.
Ha sido una semana caotica en Sarja, con dos nuevos rescates, la construcción de la casa de Patata y dos gallinas con cita para el veterinario.
Todavía estamos buscando un patrocinador para Patata, y tratando crecer nuestra comunidad en Patreon para que podamos continuar con este trabajo y dar a los animales el cuidado vital que necesitan. No podemos hacerlo solos. Por favor, comparte 🙏🏻
#rescue #sanctuarylife #malaga #animalsanctuary
#helpustohelpthem #veganosenmalaga #sanctuario
We listen but we don’t judge (Sanctuary Version) part I
#animalsanctuary #sanctuarylife #animalrescue #animallovers #welistenandwedontjudge
✨🎉 Happy New Year from all of us at Sarja Microsanctuary! 🎉✨
As a new year begins, we’d like to remind you of the simple joys of life— the warm sun on the face, the company shared in a peaceful place and the sound of these little ones happily munching 🥕. It’s these little things that make life so beautiful.
From Mr. Roger, the guinea pigs, and every little soul at Sarja, we wish you a year filled with kindness, compassion, and moments that nourish your heart 💚
Thank you for your love and support in making this sanctuary a safe haven. Here’s to another year of care, connection, and a brighter world for all beings! 🌱🐾
#HappyNewYear #SarjaMicrosanctuary #SanctuaryLife #SimpleJoys #compassioninaction
How Chickens Acknowledge Death and Say Goodbye.
Chickens are often underestimated when it comes to their emotional capacity, but they are surprisingly sensitive creatures. These social animals form bonds within their flocks and even show signs of acknowledging death when they lose a companion.
When a chicken in the flock dies, the others gather around the body, sometimes vocalizing softly or displaying unusual behaviors, such as staying nearby or appearing subdued. Researchers and caretakers have noted that this behavior can resemble a mourning process, reflecting their strong bonds and sense of community.
If you’ve ever cared for chickens, you’ve likely seen how they comfort one another and recognize changes in their environment. It’s a reminder that these animals are sentient beings, capable of emotions like grief.
Let’s honor the connections we share and take this as an opportunity to treat all creatures with kindness and respect.
Farewell dear Filomena! Fly high 🕊️🌈
#animalsanctuary #sanctuarylife #animalrescue #animallovers #friendsnotfood #veganfortheanimals #santuarioanimal #amigosnocomida
🌧️ Repairing the Sanctuary’s Fencing After DANA Storms 🌧️
This year marks the second time we’ve had to repair the outside fence at the Sanctuary due to the damage caused by the torrential rains of the DANA. Since 7:30 this morning, we’ve been hard at work fixing the fencing for the donkeys and goats, ensuring the safety and security of the Sanctuary m. But the recurring nature of these storms means this is likely to happen again in the future, and we’re realizing that a more long-term solution is needed.
We are reaching out to our community for advice and support as we prepare for the challenges of the coming years. If anyone has expertise or ideas on how we can prepare and fortify the fencing to make it more resilient to these heavy rains, we would be incredibly grateful.
At Sarja, we rely on the dedication of volunteers—not just those caring for the animals, but those who roll up their sleeves, get their hands dirty, and help us rebuild, one task at a time. Every effort, big or small, helps us continue our mission and ensure the well-being of the animals who call this place home.
If you’re able to lend a hand or share your knowledge, please get in touch. Together, we can make sure Sarja thrives through the storms and beyond. 💪
#SanctuarySupport #CommunityHelp #StrongerTogether #AnimalRescue #VolunteerPower
This year’s Dana’s flooding hit hard, but we’re grateful things weren’t worse. Unlike the heartbreaking situation in Valencia, we only lost some cement sacks and have a lot of cleanup ahead. Thankfully, all our animals are safe and well. Our hearts go out to the other sanctuaries facing much tougher challenges right now. Let’s keep supporting each other through these tough times.
#FloodRelief #AnimalSanctuary #SanctuaryLife #FloodRecovery #ValenciaFlood #AnimalRescue #SanctuarySupport #StayStrong #CommunitySupport #TogetherThroughTheStorm #SafeAnimals #FloodCleanup #rescuefamily
🌧️ While the storm rolls in, and we are counting the damages 🤦🏻♀️ Some of the residents are living their best lives! Who knew the Geese could throw a pool party? 🪿💦
#animalsanctuary #sanctuarylife #animalrescue #animallovers #supportsanctuaries #sarjamicrosanctuary
🌍✨ Imagine a world where these gentle souls can finally rest in peace.
For over 5,000 years, donkeys have carried the weight of human progress, enduring the toughest jobs. Yet, after a lifetime of service, many still end up in slaughterhouses, sold for their meat. 💔
We believe that after so many lives and years of sacrifice, donkeys finally deserve to retire in peace — with respect, care, and love. 💖
🙏 Support Sanctuaries – Support their retirement. 🙏
#ThankYouDonkeys #donkey #donkeylover #animalsanctuary #animalrescue #supportsanctuaries #supportsanctuariesnotslaughterhouses #allanimalsmatter #liberationforall #animalliberation
🌿 Exploring New Ways to Support the Animals! 🌿 Dear Friends, As a small sanctuary nestled in the beautiful town of Cómpeta, We’ve been reflecting on how we might offer something unique while supporting the animals. We’re exploring the idea of becoming a place of interest for both locals and tourists. We believe this could be an enjoyable and meaningful way for people to learn and connect with the animals, while also helping the sanctuary financially. We’d love to know if any local B&Bs or vacation rentals in Cómpeta would be open to promoting Sarja as a place to visit. Offering guests the opportunity to experience donkey walks or sanctuary tours could add an extra touch to their stay! We’re keen to hear your thoughts and ideas. Whether you’d be interested in a donkey walk yourself or have suggestions on how we could engage more with the community, We welcome your feedback. Thank you for your ongoing support — We couldn’t do this without you! Warm regards. — Sarja Microsanctuary #animalsanctuary #donkeylove #donkeywalks #rescueanimals #friendsnotfood #suport #fundrasing #comunity
Big things are coming! 🫏 🐴 We’re all set for the next event, and it’s going to be epic!🔥 Don’t miss out – get ready for an unforgettable evening. See you there!
#fundraising #animalsanctuary #charityevent #competa #runforacause
A Day in the Life of a Workaway Volunteer - Ever wondered what it's like to Volunteer at an Animal Sanctuary in South Spain?
Thank you to our latest Workaways Helena & Kate for putting this Reel together and for dedicating your time to spend with the animals, good luck on your journey and we hope to welcome you back again soon 🙏🏻🐾
🎥🔊 @helenafrouzova @kacenka.bartova
#workawayinfo #workawayers #animalsanctuary #animalrescue #andalucia #southspain #malaga #workaway