Innova Horse Care

Innova Horse Care Empresa dedicada a todo lo relacionado con el caballo descalzo y la gestión del mismo y de su entorno.


Did you know that superficial digital flexor tendon injury is one of the most common injuries affecting the modern sport horse?

SDFT injures account for 75-95% of tendon injures in the front limb.
Importantly most of these are not caused by direct trauma but by being cyclically overloaded.

This cyclic effect overload can be a result of hoof balance and surface.
Very commonly tendons wraps are used to try and prevent injury, but in reality these can bring the tendon temperature to a point detrimental to tenocytes and actually exacerbate the cyclic damage.

Want to know more?
Join Dr Neidhart and myself as we delve into the world of the modern sport horse and the issues facing them…

Thursday 15th Feb 7pm London time


Sospechosamente parecidas a las Explora horse boots…

Los caballos que saltan descalzos ya estan saltando en nuestro país

Los caballos que saltan descalzos ya estan saltando en nuestro país


Aves rapaces de la Península Ibérica.
*Lámina de Nacho Sevilla Ilustraciones


Yesterday I showed you a foot with the start of navicular syndrome. The underside of the navicular bone and the deep digital flexor tendon was starting to yellow.

Now here is a pretty serious one. Full blown navicular disease.

Note the navicular bone is literally sticking to the digital flexor tendon. There were fibres holding them together called adhesions. They were very strong.

Look at the navicular bone surface. That’s where those adhesions were. It is literally a hole there full of. I believe, inflammatory tissue and tiny microscopic bone fragments as the bone is being destroyed.

This poor horse was slightly lame for years but it progressed to 4/5 lame on this foot.
He was a TB whose racing name was Starquest in New Zealand and was about 12 years old.

Please no nasty language to the owner who did the best she could and thought is was abscesses recurring. He was a pasture pet.

Patreon- my private page showing my unique personal video and photographic journey of the study of the equine hoof and beyond!

And my shop:

And my valued sponsors that are supporting me August 2023.


Hot summer weather puts horses at risk not only for dehydration and heat stress but also the skin damage and discomfort that accompany a sunburn— just like humans.

Equestrians love some chrome on a horse but we need to remember that those beautiful white patches and the non-pigmented pink skin underneath are more likely to suffer from sunburn, especially in areas where the skin is more sensitive — like around the eyes and the nostrils. In addition to the pain and discomfort, horses that are prone to recurrent sunburn may also face other long-term consequences, like the increased likelihood of developing squamous cell carcinoma (a common cancer).

If your horse is susceptible to sunburn, contact your veterinarian for more information about sun damage and recommendations to keep your horse protected this summer.

More information about sunburn and photosensitization is available on our website at

-“llevo toda la vida con caballos y se que ningun caballo que salte grande o trabaje mucho puede ir descalzo”- ….. ¿Pues...

-“llevo toda la vida con caballos y se que ningun caballo que salte grande o trabaje mucho puede ir descalzo”- ….. ¿Pues va a ser que no?

Tengo algo que anunciarte.📣✨Soy uno/a de los ponentes del evento Referente Business Event ✨Los próximos 8 y 9 de julio  ...

Tengo algo que anunciarte.📣

✨Soy uno/a de los ponentes del evento Referente Business Event ✨

Los próximos 8 y 9 de julio y celebran en Barcelona el único evento presencial especializado para Coaches, Formadores y Terapeutas. 📅

Y yo estaré allí, encantada/o de compartir mis conocimientos con todos los asistentes en la Mesa Redonda.

Hasta ahora, todos los eventos de Influendedores habían sido exclusivos para sus clientes…

Pero por primera vez en su historia, quieren compartir con el mayor número de profesionales su METODOLOGÍA AL COMPLETO.

Después de haber estado optimizándola durante los últimos 4 años.

Pero lo mejor es que todavía tienes la oportunidad de asistir.

Aunque debo advertirte de que quedan menos de 25 plazas dobles.

Si quieres asegurarte una de ellas, haz clic en el enlace de mi biografía…

Antes de que se agoten o suban de precio.

¿Te vienes conmigo a Barcelona?


Humerus end of the joint showing significant wear lines and a general loss of cartilage that’s resulting in osteoarthritis.

Últimas plazas: 4 días de talleres como pegar botas Explora horse boots, disección de patas , diseño de entornos regener...

Últimas plazas: 4 días de talleres como pegar botas Explora horse boots, disección de patas , diseño de entornos regenerativos para caballos y taller de iniciación a nuevos dispositivos de IA para monitorizar la locomoción con los Tendiboots de Ekico HoofTrack™️ community

Con Innova Horse Care


Primer De Maig, 1



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