English below 👇🏻
Ella es una gatita Carey de cinco meses. Fue rescatada justo a su madre y hermanos, los cuales, tuvieron la suerte de encontrar familias. Ella sigue esperando su oportunidad! 🙏🏻
Como ya sabéis, las Carey son gatas únicas, no hay dos iguales, se caracterizan por su carácter extrovertido, cariñoso, juguetón y sociable y así es Marvel! 😍
Se entrega con sus vacunas, chip y pasaporte! 💪🏻
Te animas a darle ese hogar qué tanto se merece? 😸
Si así es, escríbenos ✍🏻 al Messenger o a Instagram. No te arrepentirás!
She is an almost five month old tortoiseshell kitten. She was rescued with her mother and siblings, who were lucky enough to find families. She is still waiting for her chance! 🙏🏻
As you know, Carey cats are unique, there are no two alike, they are characterized by their extrovert, affectionate, playful and sociable character and that's Marvel!
She comes with her vaccinations, chip and passport! 💪🏻
Would you like to give her the home she deserves? 😸
If so, write to us ✍🏻 to Messenger or Instagram. You won't regret it!
English below 👇🏻
Ella es una gatita Carey de casi cinco meses. Fue rescatada justo a su madre y hermanos, los cuales, tuvieron la suerte de encontrar familias. Ella sigue esperando su oportunidad! 🙏🏻
Como ya sabéis, las Carey son gatas únicas, no hay dos iguales, se caracterizan por su carácter extrovertido, cariñoso, juguetón y sociable y así es Wanda! 😍
Se entrega con sus vacunas, chip y pasaporte! 💪🏻
Te animas a darle ese hogar qué tanto se merece? 😸
Si así es, escríbenos ✍🏻 al Messenger o a Instagram. No te arrepentirás!
She is an almost five month old tortoiseshell kitten. She was rescued with her mother and siblings, who were lucky enough to find families. She is still waiting for her chance! 🙏🏻
As you know, Carey cats are unique, there are no two alike, they are characterized by their extrovert, affectionate, playful and sociable character and that's Wanda!
She comes with her vaccinations, chip and passport! 💪🏻
Would you like to give her the home she deserves? 😸
If so, write to us ✍🏻 to Messenger or Instagram. You won't regret it!
English below 👇🏻 🆘
Este 😺 de año y medio ha sido rescatado de la calle con una infección respiratoria, ha sido tratada y después de estar ingresado y de salvarle la vida está listo para encontrar la 👫 que tanto se merece.
Es muy cariñoso ❤️ y bueno , negativo a enfermedades, sus analíticas están bien y se ha castrado, se merece un 🏡 ya que creemos que es un abandono 😿. Su acogida se acaba este domingo 6 de octubre y en la calle moriría.😭
Sí quieres ser tú quien le de una segunda oportunidad ✍️ a nuestro Messenger, Instagram o Facebook, es uno de los casos más gratificantes que hemos tenido .
This 😺 of a year and a half old, has been rescued from the street with a respiratory infection, he has been treated and after being admitted at the hospital and saving his life, he is ready to find the 👫 he deserves so much. 🆘
He is very affectionate ❤️ and good, negative to diseases, his blood tests are fine and he has been neutered, he deserves a 🏡 we believe he is an abandoned 😿
If you want to be the one who gives him a second chance ✍️ to our Messenger, Instagram or Facebook, is one of the most rewarding cases we have had.