Poultry production

Poultry production Poultry means “raising the various types of domestic birds which are commercially used for their meat, eggs and feather production’’. Campylobacter spp. (19).

The most common and widely raised poultry birds are chicken. Since the early 1960s, global per capita consumption of eggs has almost doubled, while poultry meat consumption has increased fivefold. The highest growth has occurred in Asia and Latin America. Between 2000 and 2030, per capita demand for poultry meat is projected to increase by 271 percent in South Asia, 116 percent in Eastern Europe a

nd Central Asia, 97 percent in the Middle East and North Africa and 91 percent in East Asia and the Pacific. Poultry is the world’s primary source of animal protein, followed by pork. Meat and eggs from indigenous poultry differ in appearance and taste from commercial poultry products, and are often preferred by consumers. For example, eggs from indigenous hens are considerably smaller than eggs from commercial layers (usually weighing over 50 percent less) and may have specific qualities. For instance, the Fayoumi breed, originally from Egypt, lays small eggs with a large yolk. Poultry immunity, health, and production are several factors that challenge the future growth of the poultry industry. Consumer confidence, product quality and safety, types of products, and the emergence and re-emergence of diseases will continue to be major challenges to the current situation and the strategic future of the industry. Foodborne and zoonotic diseases are strictly linked with poultry. Eradication, elimination, and/or control of foodborne and zoonotic pathogens present a major challenge to the poultry industry. In addition, the public health hazards from consuming foods with high antibiotic residues will remain a critical issue. The theory of poultry production described in this review will not be limited to considering disease control. Rather, it will also incorporate the interconnection of the animals' health, welfare, and immunity. It is essential to know that chickens are not susceptible to intranasal infection by the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus. Nevertheless, the COVID-19 pandemic will affect poultry consumption, transport, and the economics of poultry farming. It will also take into consideration economic, ethical, social dimensions, and the sustenance of the accomplishment of high environmental security. Stockholders, veterinarians, farmers, and all the partners of the chain of poultry production need to be more involved in the current situation and the strategic future of the industry to fulfill human demands and ensure sustainable agriculture. Thus, the present review explores these important tasks. Disease control, high production, product quality, and reasonable production costs have been the recent main goals of the poultry industry. Hence, meeting per capita consumption and welfare to humans necessitates continuous efficient and goal-oriented healthcare to control disease spread and decrease the application of antibiotics (1). These endeavors will include the launch of programs to control infectious diseases, face the constant changes in political and social conditions, address consumers' perceptions about animal welfare, and ensure the safety and security of foods and environmental defense issues. In addition, the continuous increase in the costs of feedstuffs—and thus feeds and foods—remain prominent issues (2). The occurrence of unanticipated and new diseases and new legislation in several countries will also remain essential issues. Food Safety
Consumers' perspectives on the quality and safety of animal products are a continuous issue for the poultry industry and its strategic future (3–5). Many foodborne diseases can be transferred through the food chain. In the available literature, Salmonella serovars and Campylobacter spp. are the poultry bacteria more often responsible for human foodborne diseases. In addition, public health concerns on the development of resistant bacteria due to the abuse of antibiotics as growth promoters and drugs are emerging public health challenges. Controlling zoonotic diseases and foodborne pathogens involves a deep understanding of how microbial pathogens invade and colonize, as well as the circumstances that encourage or stop growth for each strain of organism (2, 5). The Act 2160/2003/EC was passed in November 2003 by the European Council (6) European Commission (EC, 2003) on the prevention of salmonella and other specific foodborne zoonotic agents. This directive and several protocols cover the adoption of targets aimed to decrease the occurrence of specific zoonoses at the level of principal production, in broilers, layers, and turkeys. After approval of the relevant control act, food industry workers must have samples taken and analyzed for zoonotic and zoonoses agents. In addition, a competent authority should sample the flocks. There has been a strong reduction in specific Salmonella serovars, including Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium, due to these orders (7). also contributes to foodborne diseases and represents the principal origin of zoonotic enteric infections throughout the world. Campylobacter infections in humans are primarily transferred via the food chain. There is no proof for either horizontal or vertical transmission from one flock to another with regard to a known poultry house contamination. However, microorganisms can be detected in the gut of killed birds. Hence, the main way for Campylobacter transfer in chickens seems to be the environmental horizontal transmission. The external Campylobacter load per bird is elevated during different slaughter processes, including transport, de-feathering, and evisceration (8). However, there are reductions during other phases of processing, with an overall 4–5 log decrease of the load from production to consumption. Adequate protocols of hygienic control should be used and strictly implemented in all phases of production. Biosecurity should be enhanced throughout the chain of production. Given that Campylobacter spp. can be observed in hygienic barriers, an environment should be built to maintain them far away from the poultry house (9). To guard consumers, the EU approved a unified methodology for the safety of food from the farm to the fork. The approach involves both risk management after risk measurement of assessments, including all key participants, specifically EU Member countries, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), and economic operators. The methodology is sustained by effective and timely risk communication actions. These endeavors support European decision-makers in implementing decisions and establishing policies to safeguard consumers in the European Union (EU). The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) risk assessment definitions encompass the scientific assessment of potential adverse health and known negative effects. These concepts are vital parts of threat analysis, which comprise risk management, as well as evaluating, selecting, and applying various courses of action. These procedures should be followed by risk communication, which means exchanging information among all concerned parties. The four steps of risk assessment are: (1) documentations of a hazard; (2) assessment of exposure; (3) hazard characterization; and (4) risk characterization (10). The “General Food Law” was established on February 21, 2002 (Regulation EC/178/2002). After a transition period, the law has been enforced since January 1, 2005 (11) to provide a framework for surveilling feeds and the health, welfare, and hygiene of animals. In addition, contaminants and residues, novel food, additives, flavorings, packaging, and irradiation of foods are covered by this law. The food law objectives are to ensure a high level of protection to human life and health, considering animal health and welfare protection, plant health, and the environment. The aims of the several pieces of EU legislation toward food safety were cited (12) as follows. First, consumer health safety is ensured by decreasing the use of medicines/antibiotics, improving resistance to disease, controlling zoonotic pathogens, and ensuring the traceability of animals and their products. Second, product safety is ensured by controlling the hygiene of the processing steps and tracing products and materials anticipated to contact the food. Third, animals should be reared and kept according to existing governmental regulations. Fourth, products and contents are improved via quality and food chain control systems and poultry and poultry-product traceability. Fifth, the tasks serve to reduce environmental contamination. Finally, rural impact, economic effects, and bio-diversity are also considered. Other important issues are consumers' failure to apply proper, hygienic, and acceptable handling and cooking of food, as well as the limited ability of the processing plants to decrease the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms in animal products. Hence, future strategic plans are required to decrease contamination of chickens before their dispatch to processing plants and to ensure there is an adequate focus on the reduction in the availability of feed ingredients for animal feeds in view of the COVID-19 pandemic's effects on the food chain and feed industry around the world. Antibiotic Resistance and Related Problems
Antibiotic tolerance in humans and animals (especially bacteria) is now a common topic, and it is expected to be a continuous public health hazard (12, 13). Fortification of animals' diets with antibiotics to promote growth has increased the public's concern about the safety of animal products and their adverse effects on human health and natural immunity. The impact of antibiotics on the gut flora leads to enhanced digestion and absorption, and, thus, the availability of nutrients for production due to an improved gut ecosystem that favors beneficial microorganisms. Nonetheless, antibiotics can also amplify the occurrence of drug-tolerant bacteria. Considering the precautionary principle and experiences that have been gained in some European countries, antibiotics have been banned as “growth-promoting” for food-producing animals since January 2006. Practical opinions from experience gained in Europe revealed several problems after the ban of antibiotics in poultry nutrition: Growth and feed utilization were impaired, and ammonia level and wet litter were increased with elevated, footpad dermatitis, and thus a general decrease in animal welfare. In addition, health prospects such as enteric disorders due to clostridial infections and dysbacteriosis increased (14). Around the world, multidrug-tolerant bacteria have progressively become a serious risk to animals and, thus, to human health and successful antibacterial treatment. Furthermore, the discovery or production of novel antibiotics does not meet the occurrence of antimicrobial tolerance in bacteria (15). For example, vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) are among the multi-resistant bacteria that have increased nosocomial infections in humans (16). The prevalence of VRE in flocks of turkey raised in southwestern Germany has been investigated. Isolated enterococci were examined for the incidence of the vancomycin tolerance genes—vanA, vanB (B1/B2/B3), and vanC (C1/C2/C3)—using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). VRE was observed in 15 out of 20 (75%) tested turkey flocks. Enterococci bearing van genes were also identified in dust samples (17). Maasjost et al. (18) tested the antimicrobial sensitivity of 145 Enterococcus strains from poultry. Eighty-nine isolates were tolerant to three or more antimicrobial types. Turkey isolates stood out with 42 (81%) multi-tolerant isolates. The most frequent tolerant patterns of Enterococcus faecalis were lincomycin, tetracycline, and gentamicin in all poultry production systems. Recently, coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) were isolated from healthy turkeys in Egypt by Moawad et al. All were phenotypically unaffected by tetracycline, penicillin, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, and ampicillin. The tolerance rats to chloramphenicol, erythromycin, daptomycin, oxacillin, and tigecycline were 94.9, 97.4, 89.7, 92.3, and 87.2%, respectively. Thirty-one (79.5%) were impervious to linezolid. The ermC gene was found in all isolates tolerant to erythromycin, whereas two resistant isolates possessed three resistance-conferring genes: ermA, ermB, and ermC. The cfr and optrA genes were recorded in 11 (35.5%) and 12 (38.7%) of the 31 linezolid-resistant isolates. Besides, livestock-connected with methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) has been found in a number of species of animals and farmers (20–22). Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) bacteria have also been observed in poultry. Richter et al. (23) examined the occurrence of LA-MRSA in turkeys' farms and farmer who reared growing turkeys. Eighteen of 20 (90%) tested flocks were confirmed to have MRSA. On 12 of the farms, 22 of the 59 (37.3%) individuals' tests were shown MRSA. None of them revealed clinical signs suggestive of a MRSA infection. The poultry farmer was expected to be positive for MRSA. Most flocks were positive for MRSA that could be allocated to clonal complex (CC) 398. In five flocks, there was MRSA of spa-type t002 that is not connected to CC398. El-Adawy et al. (24) studied 76 Campylobacter jejuni isolated from the meat of 67 epidemiologically unrelated turkeys from various regions in Germany; only one isolate was sensitive to all examined antibiotics. Of the isolated, 44 (57.9%) were tolerant of amoxicillin, 69 (90.8%) to streptomycin, 61 (80.2%) to erythromycin, and 58 (76.4%) to neomycin. The tolerance to metronidazole, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin, and tetracycline was 58 (76.3%), 58 (76.3%), 51 (67.1%), 53 (69.7%), and 42 (55.3%), respectively. Multidrug-resistance to three or more groups of antimicrobial substances fluctuated from 3.9 to 40.8%. Another study examined isolates gathered from various flocks of free-range turkeys in Germany (25). It reported similar results with regard to Campylobacter isolates to a Kenyan study that examined chickens reared in backyards and on a small scale (26). Recently, Moawad et al. (27) reported the appearance of colistin-tolerant and extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli from healthy broilers in Egypt. In addition, multidrug-resistant E. coli has been reported from cloacal swabs of broiler chickens in Bangladesh (28). There may also be an increase in the use of antibiotics in feed-producing animals during the COVID-19 pandemic to improve animal immunity and health and increase animal farming profits. However, this use may increase the threat of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the negative impact of antibiotics on the environment, such as cross-resistance and carryover influences. Welfare of Poultry
Currently, there is great concern about the welfare of animals, hygiene, and disease control that may result from great genetic pressure to boost egg and meat production. Indeed, genetic pressure to improve the productive performance of animals adversely affects animals' welfare and natural immunity and thus disease tolerance. However, genetic selection occurs with improved practices of husbandry, disease control, and nutrition manipulation (29). The most achievable alterations have been a decrease in the market age of approximately 4 weeks, a better growth rate, greater breast yield, and a higher laying rate and daily egg mass. However, there is a huge unease that the serious welfare of animals and problems of the disease have already been initiated due to the above-mentioned selection pressure. Increasing selection pressures also hinder animals' freedom (30). Previous studies have indicated that the relationship between the pressures of genetic selection and other meteorological and husbandry factors may negatively affect animals' health status, with an emphasis on the rate of growth and bone and blood supply essential for the development of supporting structures (31). Some birds may be selected that show reduced cardiopulmonary capacity compared to traditional lines and, consequently, impaired heart and lung function. This phenomenon can result in pulmonary hypertension, sudden death syndrome, deep pectoral myopathy, and aortic rupture (32). Furthermore, genetic selection has been most implicated as the major cause of skeletal diseases, which currently draw considerable concentration as a reason for disquiet from an animal welfare point of view. The most common musculoskeletal disorders (footpad dermatitis and dyschondroplasia) are related to fast growth comprises. The incidence and severity of skeletal disorders can be affected by genetic selection and feeding (33, 34). Therefore, it is vital to know the correlation between the pressures of genetic selection and other aspects that may influence the status of animal health and disease tolerance. Based on the literature about the new Strategy for Animal Health in the European Union (2007–2013), the theory of animal health shelters includes a lack of animal diseases and the relationship among the animals' health, welfare, and hygiene. It also considers the economic, social, and ethical concerns, as well as the methods required to accomplish a high level of hygiene and safeguard the environment (31, 35). It is expected that COVID-19 lockdowns will reduce animal welfare due to a shortage of workers for daily animal care and farming, rearing restrictions under free-range and backyard husbandry, and limited access to feeds and disease treatments. The Movement of Poultry and Poultry Products
Strong production competition and cost differences from around the world will affect the cost and global movement of poultry and its products. This phenomenon will increase the possibility of disease transmission into places thought to be free from poultry diseases. However, SARS-CoV-2 is not linked with poultry or its products (36, 37), it will likely influence the global poultry trade due to lockdown and restrictions that is applied to control the spread of the virus. Globally, poultry diseases will continue to be the primary issue for the poultry industry and its strategic future. The outbreak of any disease can turn into an epidemic and have an extensive adverse influence on the global trade of poultry products. Increased feeding cost and raw ingredient prices as well their availability will negatively influence the growth of the industry and consumers' purchasing power, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, increases in biogas and biofuel production will decrease the land available for grain production and feed for animal productions. This phenomenon will hinder the strategic vision of some counties, such as Saudi Arabia, to achieve their future goals. Specifically, there could be a marked increase in the cost of feeding for animal production and elevated product prices. In the future, the feed industry has an obligation to ensure the quality of feedstuffs and that they are free of pathogens and ecologically friendly. Besides, limited water resources and climatic changes are also expected to adversely affect poultry production costs and strategic planning to meet per capita consumption in areas such as Saudi Arabia (5). Emergence and Re-Emergence of Poultry Diseases
Several factors can hasten and/or prompt the emergence of animal diseases. These factors comprise the development and structure of the poultry farming, amplify global competition and costs of production, and increase the poultry and poultry products movement worldwide. The increased movement could also raise the hazard of introducing infections to specific regions that are free from such diseases (5). Resurgent and re-emerging infections are those that have occurred in the past but are now quickly growing either in a specific geographic area or in the host range. Infectious diseases and health disorders are mostly connected to negative economic impacts. Several pathogens are implicated as potential reasons for poultry diseases, either individually (mono-causal), in synergy with different other microorganisms (multi-causal), or facilitated by non-infectious causes. Non-infectious agents that affect poultry health include weather conditions, hygienic status, house structure and density, water and feed hygiene, and poultry farmers' knowledge and qualifications (31). These aspects influence one another and can stimulate or control the animals' health status. Poultry farmers should provide proper nutrition, a suitable environment, husbandry, and disease control programs to ensure the desired production yield (5). Husbandry must be oriented to meet the standard rearing conditions to support optimal poultry immunity, health, and performance and to avoid disease transmission. Any stress-causing agent can hinder poultry disease resistance, increase the susceptibility of chickens to infections, and decrease the effectiveness of vaccinations. Various infectious pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi, contribute to infectious diseases in poultry and can be transmitted and subsequently spread in farms via horizontal and/or vertical transmission (5). Just after hatching, disease transmission is mainly vertical, specifically poor hatching conditions and improper sanitation in the hatchery (omphalitis/yolk sac infection). This transmission can lead to infections with mycoplasma, aspergillus, E. coli, salmonella, pseudomonas, streptococci, staphylococci, encephalomyelitis, and hepatitis. The transmission of different microorganisms, including the above-mentioned one, can also occur through horizontal (lateral) means through direct contact between animals
Avian flu, infectious bronchitis, Newcastle disease, Gumboro, avian metapneumovirus, Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale, E. coli, and mycoplasma are the most common poultry diseases around the world. In Saudi Arabia, the most common poultry diseases are avian flu, Newcastle disease, Gumboro, infectious bronchitis, epidemic tremor-avian encephalomyelitis, infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), mycoplasma, colibacteriosis, infectious Coryza, and coccidiosis. However, these diseases depend on the hygienic conditions, geographic area, season, metrological factors, and production goals (layers vs. broilers, as well as the breed). The most hazardous disease in Saudi Arabia and many other countries is avian flu, due to a lack of appropriate vaccinations. This disease usually occurs during the winter season, with the start of migrating wild birds crossing Saudi Arabia during their route (38, 39). Enteric disorders that result from infection by rotavirus, coronavirus enteritis, and parasitic infestation problems and E. coli cause substantial losses to the poultry industry. The most recent vital problems of poultry have been respiratory diseases. The severity of clinical signs, duration of disease, and rate of mortality and morbidity are highly variable and affected by virulence, type, and pathogenicity of the infectious agent(s), meteorological conditions, and environmental aspects such as high stocking density, poor management, ventilation, and condition of litter, high levels of toxic gasses such as ammonia and carbon dioxide, hygiene, coexisting diseases, and secondary infections. Animal farming around the world has become one, interconnected unit. Thus, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for acknowledging the great risk that current viruses and future microorganisms that may lead to pandemics pose to animal health. Governments should establish new regulations for animal health care, trade, and movements of domestic and wild animals and provide adequate research funds for these activities to establish a strategic plan to ensure a continuous supply of animal protein. The Challenges From the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Virus
SARS-CoV-2 has emerged as systemic a zoonotic disease that poses serious hazards to humans. The Betacoronavirus group includes COVID-19, SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV. SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped virus that is highly infectious, even though it is easily destroyed by soap and common disinfectants. Coronaviruses are divided into alpha, beta, gamma, and delta groups. A wide range of emerging and existing diseases in food-producing animals are caused by coronaviruses (37). Various poultry body functions and systems—hepatic, renal, respiratory, neurological, and enteric—are adversely affected by coronaviruses, such as infectious bronchitis. A prevention strategy to control the spread of COVID-19 is a lockdown, blocking transmission pathways, and educating the public to increase their awareness of the disease and decrease trade activities (40). Based on the literature, COVID-19 transmission can be impacted by some metrological factors, droplets, the population density, and direct-indirect interaction. Nevertheless, further research is required. In order to control the recent outbreak, a global strategy must be developed and applied worldwide. The lessons that have been learned from COVID-19 are myriad and cannot be easily enumerated. However, perhaps the most important lessons are the need to boost natural immunity as the first line of defense and that the health of the world must be considered as one unit that cannot easily be disentangled. It will take time to develop an effective vaccine that can be a permanent solution, and/or specific antiviral therapy for SARS-CoV-2 (40, 41). In addition, Rahman et al. (41) called for increasing diagnostic facilities, diagnostic kits, trained physicians, and a sufficient number of hospital beds. In addition, the general public must be aware of SARS-CoV-2 to control the outbreak or break the infection cycle. In 2019, the weakness of the health system was highlighted due to an insufficient number of hospital beds, lack of adequate diagnostic kits, inadequately trained physicians, and a large number of deaths, including health professionals, physicians, nurses, and health care workers. The world must put more effort into the development of medical education, health care programs, fighting poverty, and feeding the hungry. With limited knowledge about the COVID-19 pandemic and our increasingly interconnected and multifaceted world, what is ultimately and necessarily required are robustness, flexibility, and pliability to deal with unforeseen future situations and dialogues (42). With regard to the poultry industry, great attention has been given to restrict avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), which is part of the genus Gammacoronavirus and not transmitted to humans (37, 43, 44). Given that SARS-CoV and COVID-19 are from the same genus and use the same angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) host cell receptor, SARS-CoV does not infect or cause disease in poultry (39). This fact suggests that poultry is unlikely to disseminate or serve a reservoir for these viruses (36, 43). IBV induces an acute, highly contagious infectious disease of chickens (44). IBV is globally distributed and responsible for huge economic losses in the poultry industry. Initially, the virus infects the respiratory system; however, some strains show a shift in tissue tropism and spread to other organs, such as the kidneys, oviduct, and proventriculus (45, 46). The infection is mostly accompanied by a reduction in the growth rate and a drop in egg quality and quantity (47–49). As of June 23, 2020, the mortality rate for all COVID-19 cases was 5.2% (total deaths/total confirmed cases; https://www.nsbstat.com/1/covid), which is much lower than SARS (9.6%), and far from MERS (34%), and Ebola virus (65.7%). Virus transmission is influenced by many factors, including density and movement of the population, and weather conditions such as humidity and temperature. Although the similarity in the genetic make-up of humans and chickens is about 60%, the immune system of humans and avian species is very different, and thus vaccinations protocol, types, and applications are different. The production of human vaccines is essential to save lives and ensure the wellbeing and, hence, much more important than the production of a vaccine for farm animals. Poultry production does not seem to be at risk due to the global spread of SARS-CoV (37). Nonetheless, increasing biosecurity and hygienic measurements at the farm become apparently vital and need further efforts to limit the spread of SARS-CoV to the poultry industry and its possible mutation (50, 51). However, very limited research has been performed with the COVID-19 virus in poultry. Jackwood (37) and Swayne et al. (42) have suggested that COVID-19 is not associated with poultry or poultry products. Furthermore, recent unpublished results from the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut [(Germany; Balkema-Buschmann et al. (36)] have shown that pigs and chickens are not susceptible to intranasal infection by SARS-CoV-2. All swab samples, as well as organ samples and contact animals, remained negative for SARS-CoV-2 RNA, while fruit bats and ferrets infected by the same route simultaneously exhibited the contrary influences which stronger in ferrets than fruit bats (Personal communication)
Disease Diagnosis
The diagnosis and treatment of poultry diseases are the most common tools to control and prevent disease transmission and spread (44, 45, 52). The most recent example is avian influenza, where early diagnosis of the source and route of virus spread helped to control the disease and develop an effective vaccine for this zoonotic disease (44, 53). In a future study, improvements in laboratory diagnosis will offer sensitive, fast, and precise disease diagnosis, and early mediations will be a reality (45–47). Furthermore, vaccines developed for IBD and IBV, and early for Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and coccidiosis, have helped to save billions of dollars to the industry, as well as improve industry safety and protect it from disease outbreaks (54, 55). A major lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic is that world health is one unit. Thus, developing fast, accurate, and affordable diagenetic tools/kits that can be used on farms is absolutely necessary, and research in this area should be initiated and given maximum funding and impetus. Treatment
For a long time, treatment of poultry diseases has been a very successful strategy for disease control, eradication, and prevention. Good examples include bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases such as cholera, aflatoxin, and coccidiosis (44). Treatment of poultry diseases has allowed increased investment in the poultry industry in many developing countries that suffer from low hygiene and biosecurity (54, 55). These investments have improved and will continue to improve human welfare, fight poverty, increase family income, and ensure food security at affordable prices (2). In the future, a few authorized pharmaceuticals and veterinary products will be available to treat poultry as food-producing animals (53). Prospective research on the mechanisms of pathogenic bacteria will precisely diagnose bacterial infections, and therapy will help develop new drugs/tools that can eliminate the adverse properties of pathogens on animal's health and productivity (55). Treatment protocols for zoonotic disease and their associated secondary infections, as well as alternative protocols, should be developed after the COVID-19 pandemic. Disease Control
The first line of infectious disease control is to prevent the introduction of disease and to prevent further spread via strict biosecurity, establishing and maintaining immunity, and vaccination. Global poultry farming has aggressively selected for traits that focus on maximum poultry production and improving feed utilization and farming profits. Disease control is the key element for improving animal production and food safety and, thus, human well-being. In Saudi Arabia, the National Transformation Program 2020 of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, which is a part of the Kingdom 2030 vision, includes the following initiatives to improve animal production and to control the disease:

1. Increase the self-sufficiency ratio of broiler chickens by 42–60%;

2. Monitor infectious diseases to increase the number of animal diseases under control from 2 to 21, especially the most important and widespread diseases in the Kingdom;

3. Increase animal coverage by veterinary services from 20 to 70% to improve productivity and reduce the risk of disease and animal loss due to the cost of treatment, increased mortality, and lack of productivity;

4. Develop veterinary vaccines and production centers for local pathogenic strains;

5. Establish a program to investigate and control of infectious animal diseases. These initiatives will hopefully succeed and positively impact animal production in Saudi Arabia to ultimately improve human wellbeing, boost self-sufficiency, and create new jobs for the younger population. The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely impacted poultry meat production: There has been a 2% decrease in production and a 1% reduction in the global chicken meat trade in 2020 (3). These decreases may be due to lockdowns and fluctuations in global poultry supplies, feeds, shipments, meat, and eggs. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of poultry as a strategic, affordable animal protein. More countries must be able to achieve self-sufficiency in production, an endeavor that requires increased investment after the COVID-19 pandemic ends. Chicken meat production is expected to be decreased during the pandemic as an affordable animal protein supply that is globally accepted (4). In addition, eggs are one of the most affordable protein sources and among the most nutritious. There has been an increase in egg and poultry meat consumption during lockdowns due to several factors, such as low prices, easy and fast preparation, and high nutritional value (3, 4). Compared to the countries with the highest meat and egg production countries, Saudi Arabia imports most of the broiler meat its citizens consume, with production accounting for less than 58% of the consumed meat (4). By contrast, it produces 17% more eggs than its needs (3). Saudi Arabia is also among the top countries in poultry meat and egg consumption. Both eggs and meat are strategic goods; thus, extended the investment in the poultry industry in Saudi Arabia is a promising agricultural sector.

Poultry World discusses points that should constantly be adhered to and monitored, in order to produce the best quality ...

Poultry World discusses points that should constantly be adhered to and monitored, in order to produce the best quality day-old chicks from your hatchery. Poultry production, being a series of specialist entities, requires that each, in turn, is carried out correctly, in order to achieve the ultimate goal, which is to produce a chicken of the best quality in the least time and under the optimal environmental conditions that will allow the chick to grow stress-free, and perform to its maximum genetic potential. In order to achieve this, a series of events need to be strictly adhered to by all the relevant links in this production chain.

Eggs can be a source of nutritious food for poor households throughout the year.Folic acid in eggs can help reduce the i...

Eggs can be a source of nutritious food for poor households throughout the year.
Folic acid in eggs can help reduce the incidence of neural tube defects in pregnancy – a common ailment among vulnerable women in developing countries.
Both poultry meat and eggs can be easily enriched with important omega-3 fats and other critical nutrients – such as selenium and iodine, as well as folic acid – which are often lacking in poor people’s diets.

Besides being rich in protein, poultry meat is good source of phosphorus and other minerals, and of B-complex vitamins. ...

Besides being rich in protein, poultry meat is good source of phosphorus and other minerals, and of B-complex vitamins. It contains less fat than most cuts of beef and pork. Poultry meat is low in harmful trans fats, but high in beneficial monounsaturated fats – which make up about half of the total. Eggs are a good source of high biological-value protein and easily digestible.

Because of their inadequate diets, poor people living in low-income regions such as in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia are particularly vulnerable to a number of diseases. Eating more poultry meat and eggs can substantially benefit such people, especially pregnant women, children and the elderly. There is a growing evidence that poultry meat can make a significant difference in fighting child malnutrition.

The question of cholesterol in eggs – which prompted a decline in consumption in many developed countries – was once seen as an important issue but has now been largely superseded. Attempts to reduce cholesterol in eggs have not only proved impractical but are considered unnecessary these days. Consumption of one or two hen’s eggs a day is no longer considered a risk factor to human health for most of the population.


In a house of 123m*12m, if 4 tier cages are installed, 51 units of cage per line, the height of side wall should be 4m, and total birds quantity is 39,200 birds; if 5 tier cages are installed, 51 units of cage per line, the height of side wall should be 4.5m, and total birds quantity is 48,960 birds; if 6 tier cages are installed, 51 units of cage per line, the height of side wall should be 5.0m, and total birds quantity is 58,750 birds.

In commercial aquaculture, vaccination is used to prevent infectious hematopoietic necrosis and infectious pancreatic ne...

In commercial aquaculture, vaccination is used to prevent infectious hematopoietic necrosis and infectious pancreatic necrosis in salmonids. Vaccines to these diseases include DNA and subunit protein vaccines that are administered either by injection or orally. A live-attenuated virus vaccine against cyprinid herpes virus 3 infection of koi carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) was recently approved for use in Israel; this vaccine has a genetic deletion that allows differentiation between vaccinated and infected fish. The objective of vaccination in fish is the same as in mammals; indeed, the phylogenetic origins of the vertebrate immune system can be traced to the first jawed vertebrates, including bony fish (teleosts). Antiviral immunity, although less understood in fish as compared to mammals or birds, involves both innate and acquired response mechanisms. Specifically, cellular and humoral innate responses involve equivalent cell types, signaling molecules, and soluble factors as are found in mammals. These include phagocytes equipped with pattern recognition receptor such as the TLRs that lead to pro-inflammatory responses and interferon induction; induction of type 1-like interferons is essential for antiviral innate immune responses in fish, and their production is stimulated by dsRNA and signaling pathway in a manner analogous to that in mammals. Similarly, it appears that the innate immune response induces an antiviral state in addition to priming adaptive immunity in fish as it does in mammals.
Adaptive responses involving T and B lymphocytes and specific immunoglobulin production are also critical for antiviral immunity in fish. The structure of the T cell receptor complex (αβ or γδ) has remained virtually constant throughout the evolution of jawed vertebrates, including teleosts, whereas the organization and usage of the B cell receptors in fish varies from that of other vertebrates, as fish possess two distinct B cell lineages (sIgM+ or sIgτ/ξ+)—both of which are important for antiviral immunity and affinity maturation of immunoglobulins—and a less pronounced memory response is typical of the adaptive response in fish as compared with mammals or birds. As fish are poikilotherms, the magnitude of the immune response in most fish is profoundly influenced by water temperature, which may play a causal role in seasonal viral disease patterns in both captive and wild fish populations.


Poultry production is based on raising fast-growing chickens (Yang and Jiang, 2005). Mass production of meat or eggs with high efficiency and low cost are important in the poultry industry. For maximum productivity, the poultry industry segregates chicken breeds into broiler and egg-laying chickens. Broiler chickens are bred for rapid growth to reach maximum meat production but egg-laying chickens are bred for high production of the egg with the highest efficiency (Arthur and Albers, 2003). Some other factors such as disease and food intake efficiency are effective on the efficiency of poultry production. Improvement in feed efficiency is one of the main factors to reduce the costs of poultry production. Feed efficiency is possible to be improved by genetic selection on growth, feed intake (feed conversion ratio), and architecture of gastro-intestinal tract (de Verdal et al., 2011). Transgenesis technology is helpful to improve those factors for instance growth hormone (GH) transgenesis, a rapid approach to accelerate performance of agriculture species such as rapid growth, food intake, and metabolic rates which has been observed in fish (Devlin et al., 2009; Dalmolin et al., 2015). Among livestock, GH transgenic technique for sheep and pigs exist (Reed and Mann, 1985). Furthermore, GH transgenesis has been utilized to increase goat milk (Zhang et al., 2014). GH transgenesis in the poultry industry may help to increase egg production performance. The poultry industry can affect human health with the excessive production of phosphorus and nitrogen which causes water contamination and spreading of pathogens (Kent, 2005). Poultry species are monogastric and they are unable to digest phytate phosphorus due to the lack of phytase enzyme in the digestive system, an addition of phytase to their diet is necessary (Yu et al., 2004). The benefit of this enzyme in poultry nutrition has been discussed before and the inclusion of this enzyme to poultry diet is one of the most adopted practices. Phytase releases phosphorus from phytate molecule and makes it available. However production of more soluble phosphorus causes phosphorous excretion to surface water (Kleinman et al., 2002). It has been suggested that transfer of bacterial phytase gene to pig helps to digest a large part of phytate in food (Golovan et al., 2001). The introduction of bacterial enzyme gene to poultry is probably possible and helps to prevent the needs for additives like phytase into the diet. Another factor that adversely influences the poultry industry is an avian disease. It has reported that the total economic costs of the disease that are mostly related to vaccines and condemnations, were about 20%of the gross value of production which is about three times the cost of losses from mortality (Trevor, 2013). Bacterial disease causes significant food safety problems for human consumption of contaminated meat or eggs (Klasing et al., 1997). Furthermore, there are concerns about antibiotic residues that may adversely affect human health (Barton and Barton, 2000). Although traditional methods such as vaccines have been effective to control disease, there is still various diseases that threaten\ the poultry industry. Recently the development of molecular techniques and genetic selection helps to produce disease-resistant poultry breeds (Jie and Liu, 2011). There are some important diseases in avian species including influenza and Marek's diseases (MD). Transgenic technology has been employed to produce resistant chickens for influenza virus (Lyall et al., 2011). There have been efforts to produce transgenic chickens resistant to MD, however it has not been successful (Crittenden and Salter, 1992). Although still there is no flock of transgenic disease-resistant chicken, it is a promising technique to prevent disease scattering in the poultry industry without using expensive vaccines or antibiotics.

Poultry production is characterised by very diverse production systems; broiler production and layer production, and in ...

Poultry production is characterised by very diverse production systems; broiler production and layer production, and in this respect, both conventional and free-range systems, are important. In addition, layer production is further divided into barn and cage systems. This has consequences for the prevalence of diseases and the exposure to pathogens. In general, free-range systems are more at risk of getting infected with organisms transmitted by wild birds or organisms surviving in the environment, e.g., Pasteurella multocida (P. multocida) and Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae (Stokholm et al., 2010).
Not many overviews concerning bacterial pathogens present in broiler breeder farms are available (Gregersen et al., 2010; Jones et al., 1978). However, in one recent study, four broiler breeder flocks without any specific disease problems were followed over the entire production period, and E. coli and Gram-positive cocci (in particular Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, and Staphylococcus agnetis) were by far the most common bacteria associated with disease


Poultry production involves several stages before poultry products reach consumers, including the rearing of these birds from hatch to peak performance and the subsequent harvesting and processing of broilers and eggs. Therefore, converting broilers to meat products requires a number of processing steps prior to retail. As such, food safety is an important consideration at all phases of poultry meat and egg production. The most prevalent foodborne pathogens of public health concern in commercial poultry production are Salmonella and Campylobacter. Intervention strategies to limit these foodborne pathogens in poultry are applied throughout the poultry production chain. Preharvest interventions can be used to prevent the initial colonization of foodborne pathogens in the poultry gastrointestinal tract or to decrease already established foodborne pathogens through the use of antimicrobial feed supplements. Postharvest interventions involve application of antimicrobials during processing, sanitation of the processing plant, and monitoring of critical control points to identify potential hazards. This review represents a description and overview of poultry food safety practices currently utilized


Poultry production has been a feature of human society for thousands of years. To ensure that it continues to make positive and sustainable contributions to stable human society, it is essential that production and marketing are tailored to local conditions and associated value chains, maximise nutrient cycling and efficient utilisation of all products and maintain genetic diversity. Smallholder poultry production has an important role to play in feeding the world and, to maximise the benefits, it should be accompanied by improvements to local health services and holistic programs that highlight the links between poultry production, human health and nutrition and sustainable ecosystem services.

Poultry production involves several stages before poultry products reach consumers, including the rearing of these birds...

Poultry production involves several stages before poultry products reach consumers, including the rearing of these birds from hatch to peak performance and the subsequent harvesting and processing of broilers and eggs. Therefore, converting broilers to meat products requires a number of processing steps prior to retail. As such, food safety is an important consideration at all phases of poultry meat and egg production. The most prevalent food borne pathogens of public health concern in commercial poultry production are Salmonella and Campylobacter. Intervention strategies to limit these foodborne pathogens in poultry are applied throughout the poultry production chain. Preharvest interventions can be used to prevent the initial colonization of foodborne pathogens in the poultry gastrointestinal tract or to decrease already established foodborne pathogens through the use of antimicrobial feed supplements. Postharvest interventions involve application of anti microbials during processing, sanitation of the processing plant, and monitoring of critical control points to identify potential hazards. This review represents a description and overview of poultry food safety practices currently utilized in the United States.


Although it is home to 13 percent of the global population, Africa provides just 4 percent of the world’s poultry products. The average African eats one egg every five or six weeks, while the average Japanese person eats eggs almost daily. The same holds true for poultry meat consumption. In one year, the average African consumes only 3.3 kilograms of poultry meat, compared to 28 kilograms for the average French person, and 14 kilograms worldwide. Poultry products remain a luxury in many sub-Saharan African countries, despite substantial animal protein needs.

The Regional Center of Excellence in Avian Sciences (CERSA) of the University of Lomé in Togo is seeking to reverse that trend. Established in 2014 under the World Bank-financed African Centers of Excellence Project, CERSA aims to revolutionize the poultry industry in West and Central Africa. “Rather than viewing these shortcomings as a problem, they should instead be seen as an opportunity, because we are seeing that there is enough room to take the industry forward,” enthused Professor Kokou Tona, the Center’s director.

Professor Tona believes that a lack of adequate financing, the dearth of high-level technical expertise, and input-related problems are the three factors hobbling the development of Africa’s poultry sector, noting that poultry feed accounts for 70 percent of poultry production expenses. “Even chicks are imported because this is showing us that we haven’t yet mastered large-scale production of these chicks, as egg transportation costs are prohibitive, almost double the cost of the eggs themselves,” explained Professor Tona.

In a bid to curb this dependence on other countries and address these challenges, CERSA is offering three levels of training to produce:

Doctoral-level experts in avian sciences,
Masters-level specialists with a sound overall knowledge of the industry, and
Poultry technicians, who will be able to identify technical problems at the practical level and call on specialists and experts to resolve them.

The U.S. poultry industry is the world's largest producer and second largest exporter of poultry meat and a major egg pr...

The U.S. poultry industry is the world's largest producer and second largest exporter of poultry meat and a major egg producer. U.S. consumption of poultry meat (broilers, other chicken, and turkey) is considerably higher than beef or pork, but less than total red meat consumption. With almost 18 percent of total poultry production exported, the U.S. poultry industry is heavily influenced by currency fluctuations, trade negotiations, and economic growth in importing markets. The poultry and egg industry is a major user of feed grains.

ERS provides monthly reports on the poultry and egg industry outlook and data covering supply, use, prices, and trade, as well as data products covering current trade indicators; retail, wholesale, and farm values; and historical data on production, use, and trade in the sector.

Periodic, Scheduled Outputs
Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook, a monthly report that provides supply and use projections for U.S. livestock, dairy and poultry markets based on the most current World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE).
WASDE at a Glance, a monthly interactive visualization that provides key data and highlights from USDA's World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates on livestock and dairy as well as field crops.
Livestock and Meat Domestic Data, a monthly data product that contains current and historical data on beef, veal, poultry, and pork including production, supply, utilization, and farm prices.
Livestock and Meat International Trade Data, which contains monthly and annual data for imports and exports of live cattle, hogs, sheep, and goats, as well as beef and veal, pork, lamb and mutton, chicken meat, turkey meat, and eggs. The tables report physical quantities, not dollar values or unit prices. Data on beef and veal, pork, and lamb and mutton are on a carcass-weight-equivalent basis. Breakdowns by country are included.
Meat Price Spreads, a monthly data set that provides average price values, and the differences among those values, at the farm, wholesale, and retail stages of the production and marketing chain for selected cuts of beef, pork, and broilers. In addition, retail prices are provided for beef and pork cuts, turkey, whole chickens, eggs, and dairy products.
Commodity Costs and Returns, a data product that provides annual estimates of production costs and returns for major field crops, milk, hogs, and cow-calf.
USDA's Agricultural Baseline Projections, an annual report published in February that offers 10-year projections from USDA's annual long-term projections analysis. The associated database covers projections for the four major feed grains (corn, sorghum, barley, and oats) in addition to the other major feed crops and livestock.
Recent ERS Publications Relating to Poultry and Eggs
ERS also produces reports covering domestic and global conditions, trends, and policies that affect poultry supply, demand, prices, and trade in the egg and poultry sector. Recent ERS reports relating to poultry and eggs include:

Impacts of the 2014-2015 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreak on the U.S. Poultry Sector Between December 2014 and June 2015, more than 50 million chickens and turkeys in the United States died of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) or were destroyed to stop the spread of the disease. This report provides an overview of the HPAI outbreak with a focus on the impacts on U.S. poultry production, trade, and prices. (LDPM-282-02, December 2017).
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and Tariff-Rate Quotas for U.S. Meat Exports to the European Union The United States is the world’s second largest broiler meat exporter, and exports are a valuable source of income for the industry. ERS examines factors affecting the growth in broiler meat exports, focusing on several major markets.(LDPM-245-01, December 2014)
Assessing the Growth of U.S. Broiler and Poultry Meat Exports The United States is the world’s second-largest broiler meat exporter, and exports are a valuable source of income for the industry. ERS examines factors affecting the growth in broiler meat exports, focusing on several major markets.(LDPM-231-01, November 2013)
Local Meat and Poultry Processing: The Importance of Business Commitments for Long-Term Viability Consumer demand for local meat has risen in recent years. Farmers contend that limited processing capacity restricts supply, while processors often lack the consistent business required to make a profit.(ERR-150, June 2013)
Food Safety Audits, Plant Characteristics, and Food Safety Technology Use in Meat and Poultry Plants ERS documents the extent of food safety audits in meat and poultry processing plants and examines the association between the use of audits and the plants’ size, business structure, and application of food safety technology.(EIB-82, October 2011).


Big Chicken” describes the emergence of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and the environmental impact of this industrial-scale production. The process creates massive amounts of broiler litter, the mix of manure and bedding taken out of the CAFO. Growers typically dispose of litter by spreading it on open fields or cropland, but when it is over-applied or poorly managed, rain washes it into streams and rivers, causing significant water-quality problems.

A case in point is the Chesapeake Bay, which is infused with excess nutrients generated by broiler litter from the adjacent Delmarva Peninsula. Maryland and Delaware alone produce roughly 523 million chickens a year, along with an estimated 42 million cubic feet of litter—enough to fill the U.S. Capitol dome nearly 50 times annually, or almost once a week.

“The environmental consequences of the broiler business's explosive growth are especially profound in the Chesapeake Bay, one of the nation's most important, scenic and threatened bodies of water,” said Robert Martin, an expert on industrial animal agriculture reform at the Pew Environment Group. “Instead of working to limit the effects of all this chicken waste, the industry has fought to avoid responsibility for cleaning up one of our national treasures.”

To address the environmental toll of industrialized poultry production, the Pew Environment Group recommends:

Limits on the density of animal production based on the capacity of crops to absorb nutrients in a given area, especially in areas without alternatives to managing the animal waste.
Shared financial and legal responsibility between poultry growers and corporate integrators (the large corporations that contract with growers) for managing waste.
Monitoring and regulation of waste transported off CAFO sites.
Requirements for all medium and large CAFOs to obtain Clean Water Act permits.


A new Fowl Cholera vaccine should reach the market in the first quarter of 2010.

The live Pasteurella multocida candidate vaccine, PMP1 or Vaxsafe® PM, has been shown to be a safe and efficacious in the control of Fowl Cholera.

According to Poultry CRC Project Leader and Senior Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne Veterinary School, Dr. Peter Scott, “Vaxsafe PM is the first attenuated live Fowl Cholera vaccine of its type in the world and it will provide the various poultry industry sectors with a means to control a disease that is re-emerging in prevalence and which has serious impacts on the productivity and welfare of poultry.”

The increasing restrictions on the use of antibiotics and the limited efficaciousness of killed autogenous vaccines has limited the ability to control Fowl Cholera in the increasing numbers of birds that are being maintained under barn or free range conditions.

During the development of the vaccine, the CRC has used Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) to satisfy the requirements of the regulator, the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA).

To leverage the knowledge acquired, the CRC will run workshops for researchers, moving beyond ‘proof-of-concept’ into the regulatory approval phase in developing health products, such as vaccines.

There has also been a significant development with a project aimed at creating a vaccine for Avibacterium paragallinarum, the cause of Infectious Coryza, an upper respiratory tract infection which reduces egg production in layers and may result in the death of meat chickens.

Avibacterium paragallinarum is one of the most difficult of all organisms to work with in the laboratory and after trying every method they could think of, Project Leader Mike Jennings and his team at the University of Queensland were unable to produce a marked vaccine candidate organism.

The CRC gave the team an extended period of three months to try one last time, but again, there was no success and the CRC cut its losses, cancelling the project in December 2005.

However, the project team refused to accept defeat and doggedly continued work, until a ‘green-fingered’ PhD student, John Lancaster, succeeded in creating a marked candidate vaccine.

The Poultry CRC is now setting up an animal trial to establish whether the marked vaccine effectively controls coryza in chickens.


Fowl cholera is a contagious, bacterial disease of birds caused by Pasteurella multocida. Acutely, it causes elevated mortality. Chronically, it causes lameness, swollen wattles (in chickens), pneumonia (in turkeys), and torticollis, but it can also be asymptomatic. Both attenuated live vaccines and adjuvanted bacterins are available to aid in prevention, and it is sensitive to some antibiotics.
Fowl cholera is a contagious, bacterial disease that affects domestic and wild birds worldwide. It usually occurs as a septicemia of sudden onset with high morbidity and mortality, but chronic and asymptomatic infections also occur.

Etiology and Transmission
Pasteurella multocida, the causal agent of fowl cholera, is a small, gram-negative, nonmotile rod with a capsule that may exhibit pleomorphism after repeated subculture. P multocida is considered a single species although it includes three subspecies: multocida, septica, and gallicida. Subspecies multocida is the most common cause of disease, but septica and gallicida may also cause cholera-like disease.

In freshly isolated cultures or in tissues, the bacteria have a bipolar appearance when stained with Wright’s stain. Although P multocida may infect a wide variety of animals, strains isolated from nonavian hosts generally do not produce fowl cholera. Strains that cause fowl cholera represent a number of immunotypes (or serotypes). P multocida can be subgrouped by capsule serogroup antigens into five capsular types (A, B, C, D, and F) and into 16 somatic serotypes. Turkeys and waterfowl are more susceptible than chickens, older chickens are more susceptible than young ones, and some breeds of chickens are more susceptible than others.

Chronically infected birds and asymptomatic carriers are considered to be major sources of infection. Wild birds may introduce the organism into a poultry flock, but mammals (including rodents, pigs, dogs, and cats) may also carry the infection. However, the role of these as a reservoir has not been thoroughly investigated. Dissemination of P multocida within a flock and between houses is primarily by excretions from the mouth, nose, and conjunctiva of diseased birds that contaminate their environment. In addition, P multocida survives long enough to be spread by contaminated crates, feed bags, shoes, and other equipment. The infection does not seem to be egg-transmitted.

Clinical Findings
Fowl cholera, consolidated lung, turkey
Fowl cholera, consolidated lung, turkey

Fowl cholera, swollen wattles, broiler
Fowl cholera, swollen wattles, broiler

Clinical findings from fowl cholera vary greatly depending on the course of disease. In acute fowl cholera, finding a large number of dead birds without previous signs is usually the first indication of disease. Mortality often increases rapidly. In more protracted cases, depression, anorexia, mucoid discharge from the mouth, ruffled feathers, diarrhea, and increased respiratory rate are usually seen. Pneumonia is particularly common in turkeys.

In chronic fowl cholera, signs and lesions are generally related to localized infections of the sternal bursae, wattles, joints, tendon sheaths, and footpads, which often are swollen because of accumulated fibrinosuppurative exudate. There may be lameness, as well as exudative conjunctivitis and pharyngitis. Torticollis may result when the meninges, middle ear, or cranial bones are infected.

Lesions observed in peracute and acute forms of the disease are primarily vascular disturbances. These include general passive hyperemia and congestion throughout the carcass, accompanied by enlargement of the liver and spleen. Petechial and ecchymotic hemorrhages are common, particularly in subepicardial and subserosal locations. Increased amounts of peritoneal and pericardial fluids are frequently seen. In addition, acute oophoritis with hyperemic follicles may be observed. In subacute cases, multiple, small, necrotic foci may be disseminated throughout the liver and spleen.

In chronic forms of fowl cholera, suppurative lesions may be widely distributed, often involving the respiratory tract, the conjunctiva, and adjacent tissues of the head. Caseous arthritis and productive inflammation of the peritoneal cavity and the oviduct are common in chronic infections. A fibrinonecrotic dermatitis that includes caudal parts of the dorsum, abdomen, and breast and involves the cutis, subcutis, and underlying muscle has been observed in turkeys and broilers. Sequestered necrotic lung lesions in poultry should always raise suspicion of cholera.

Confirmed by bacterial culture
Although the history, signs, and lesions may aid field diagnosis, P multocida should be isolated, characterized, and identified for confirmation. Primary isolation can be accomplished using media such as blood agar, dextrose starch agar, or trypticase soy agar. Isolation may be improved by the addition of 5% heat-inactivated serum. P multocida can be readily isolated from viscera of birds dying from peracute/acute fowl cholera, whereas isolation from suppurative lesions of chronic cholera may be more difficult. At necropsy, bipolar microorganisms may be demonstrated by the use of Wright’s or Giemsa stain of impression smears obtained from the liver in the case of acute cholera. In addition, immunofluorescent microscopy and in situ hybridization have been used to identify P multocida in infected tissues and exudates.

PCR has been used for the detection of P multocida in pure and mixed cultures and clinical samples. This method may help identify carrier animals within flocks. However, the specificity and sensitivity of the PCR must be improved. Conventional serotyping suffers from problems with reproducibility and reliability, and the methods are quite laborious. A multiplex PCR has been developed that can differentiate between different somatic serotypes and may enable more efficient vaccine development.

Serologic testing can be done by rapid whole blood agglutination, serum plate agglutination, agar diffusion tests, and ELISA. Serology may be used to evaluate vaccine responses but has very limited value for diagnostic purposes.

Several bacterial infections may be confused with fowl cholera based solely on the gross lesions. Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale, gram-positive cocci, and Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae (erysipelas) may all produce lesions indistinguishable from those caused by P multocida.

Good management practices, including a high level of biosecurity, are essential to prevention.
Rodents, wild birds, pets, and other animals that may be carriers of P multocida must be excluded from poultry houses. The organism is susceptible to ordinary disinfectants, sunlight, drying, and heat.

Adjuvant bacterins are widely used and generally effective. Because bacterins are only effective in preventing disease caused by the same serotypes included in the vaccine, somatic serotyping is important. Thus, it is important to know the most prevalent serotypes within an area. Autogenous bacterins are recommended when polyvalent bacterins are found to be ineffective.

Attenuated live vaccines are available for administration in drinking water to turkeys and by wing-web inoculation to chickens. These live vaccines can effectively induce immunity against different serotypes of P multocida. They are recommended for use in healthy flocks only.

Eradication of infection requires depopulation, followed by thorough cleaning and disinfection
Antibiotics may reduce mortality but won't eliminate P multocida from a flock
A number of drugs will lower mortality from fowl cholera; however, deaths may resume when treatment is discontinued, showing that treatment does not eliminate P multocida from a flock. Eradication of infection requires depopulation and cleaning and disinfection of buildings and equipment. The premise should then be kept free of poultry for a few weeks.

When antibiotics are used, early treatment and adequate dosages are important. Sensitivity testing often aids in drug selection and is important because of the emergence of multiresistant strains. Sulfamethazine or sulfadimethoxine in feed or water usually controls mortality. Sulfas should be used with caution in breeders because of potential toxicity and cannot be used in hens laying eggs for human consumption. High levels of tetracycline antibiotics in the feed (0.04%), drinking water, or administered parenterally may be useful. Penicillin in turkeys is often effective for sulfa-resistant infections. In ducks, a combined injection of streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin can be effective.

Key Points
Fowl cholera is a bacterial disease of chickens, turkeys, and other birds.
It causes acute mortality and chronic suppurative necrosis.
It is controlled through good biosecurity, vaccination, and antibiotics.




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