You may wonder who is behind EARS Ethiopian Animal Rescue & Sanctuary
My name is Michaela Engst, I am fashion/textile designer, trainer and consultant but mostly a passionate animal lover.
Since 2016 I have worked in Ethiopia in the private fashion and textile industry and have held workshops around creativity in Addis Ababa and YoundΓ©, Cameroun.
In Ethiopia I have seen many injured animals since the beginning of my stay.
An abandoned horse broke my heart. The horse was visibly sick and was left on the road to be hit by a car, left to die.
I felt the pain of this horse in my heart and called a vet to see what we could do to help this horse. Unfortunately as things are, there was nothing we could do. "You have to buy the horse but we most likely cannot save it. You need a place to keep it safe or a place to put it down and bury it. As soon as you will go and treat it, someone will come and claim ownership, be prepared!"
I had just arrived in Ethiopia and all this was overwhelming.
On my way to work I would pass the horse and one day it was laying on the side of the road and lifted it's head a last time. It still makes me tear up until this day to think of all this suffering this beautiful creature must have gone through. The horse was dead in the afternoon.
This moment and helplessness has haunted me since. How many injured dogs, sick horses and donkeys I have passed without the ability to help. It makes you sick!
One day I met Coco on my way to work. I stopped at a bakery and saw a dog laying beside the road, in the dirt, with such badly injured back paws, skin and bones.
I will tell you her full story!
Years have passed and I got involved with AAP Addis Animal Project, a group of volunteers who rescue cats and dogs.
Through this work and still passing too many animals we cannot help, not only cats and dogs but also so many horses and donkey, mistreated and abused animals, I have decided to either walk away or to make efforts to change things.
We need a proper structure, we need a place and a team - we need a sanctuary!
We can help all this suffering animals.
We have to work at the core of the issue, which is an absolute ignorance for the well-being of animals.
Part of our efforts will be raising awareness for animals welfare, creating campaigns, run workshops for people working with animals and bring people closer to animals in general.
We can do this!
Please help us setting up the sanctuary!
I have found amazing people supporting my efforts but we need funds to bring this to reality and to built something sustainable.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more about me, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for supporting us in any way you can!