Northern Meow Cattery

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Northern Meow Cattery Cattery in Finland. WCF registered British Shorthair & British Longhair. Health tested breeding cats.

Finally we were able to set up a new place for them where they are not bothered by others. Even though they are no longe...

Finally we were able to set up a new place for them where they are not bothered by others. Even though they are no longer with us in their physical forms, they are forever in our hearts and minds! 💗

🍖Last time we talked about which type of food is the best for cats. ⏰Today, we would like to talk about free feeding or ...

🍖Last time we talked about which type of food is the best for cats. ⏰Today, we would like to talk about free feeding or scheduled feeding!
😊To us, scheduled feeding with the right amount of food each time is the best. With scheduled feeding, kittens until one year old should be fed 5-6 times a day; and adult cats should be fed 3 times a day. However, not every owner can do it because of our work and busy life. 👉Therefore, in our opinion, we can combine free feeding with scheduled feeding for kittens, and scheduled feeding for cats (unless your cat is underweight, then you need to combine with free feeding). ✨When choosing a feeding model for them, you should keep in mind that each of them is different; and you should be the person that understands what they need, how and when they like their food. Even kittens from the same parents, living in the same house, eating the same diets from the beginning, can completely have different liking for their food and how they want their food to be served when they grow up. With British breed, they can be a bit chonkier than others, however, we think their body scores can be at 6 or max 7. We would not want to encourage owners to free feed when their body score is equal or greater than 6 because it isn't good for their joints (if you have a different opinion, we respect that - your cats - your responsibility!). 🤔Another thing to keep in mind, that weight alone means nothing, you need to look at your cat and feel their body. In the same breed, some cats can be bigger and longer in build than others (some look chubby with only 4kgs while others look ideal with 7kgs). 📟When you want to make your cats lose weight, give food with high meat content (barf is best) with scheduled feeding that has less calories than their body requires, no kibbles.
😸1st pic: Sif is scheduled fed with 100% BARF due to her body score is 6, she wants more food and always tries to access other's bowls.
📊2nd pic: cat body scores chart.
📟3rd pic: how much complete raw to feed per day based on their body weight. (ex: cat/kitten weigh 5kg: 100-150g for cat depends on cat activity level; 250-300g for kitten).

🦴💧Bone broth is not only good for humans but also beneficial for our fur babies. Therefore, we have been making homemade...

🦴💧Bone broth is not only good for humans but also beneficial for our fur babies. Therefore, we have been making homemade bone broth for us and our fur babies at the same time. 😊You can use any of these or combine: chicken feet, knuckle bones, joint bones, marrow bones and tail bones. 🚫No added spices or veggies. 🚰With 7l of water, 🥄add 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar to extract all collagen & nutrients from the bones. 🍲We pressure cooked for 2 hours then slow cooked for 4 hours more. Let the broth totally cool down and separate all the fat. Then we put their portion into cute ice cube moulds so it will be easier to give them later. 🍽️When giving them, we dilute one ice cube with 2 tbsp of water then mix with their food. I know I have said this before but I will say it again, 🚫NO cooked bones for cats and dogs! ⚠️ If your cats have certain medical conditions like kidney disease or pancreatitis, you should consult with your vet first.

✨Benefits of bone broth for cats:
• Increase water intake.
• Coat health.
• Joint health.
• Anti-inflammation.
• Immune support.

🤔Barf or wet or kibble? Free feeding or scheduled feeding?👉Let's discuss the first question in this post first!🍖To us, t...

🤔Barf or wet or kibble? Free feeding or scheduled feeding?
👉Let's discuss the first question in this post first!
🍖To us, the best food for them is biologically appropriate food which in the form of balanced & complete raw. Usually you will see people talking about BARF food which stands for "biologically appropriate raw food" or "bone and raw food". Why is it biologically appropriate? Because they are carnivores, meaning their body get the most nutrition from raw muscle meat, bones and organs. Unlike dogs, cats don't have thirst drive when they will drink enough water alone. Thus, most of their water intake will be from high moisture diets like BARF or complete wet food. Some vets do not recommend BARF because they are afraid that some owners don't know how to feed raw correctly, leading to nutritional deficiency - which is the most dangerous to pets! We have noticed that BARF choices for cats are so limited in Finland, and it is hard to completely feeding with this model! But we try our best to rotate commercial BARF that we can find with homemade BARF.
🥫For owners that are not comfortable with feeding BARF, you can rotate different complete wet brands (recommending single protein for each wet so you can know if your cat is allergic to which protein in case it happens). The best complete wet food should be high in meat content without fillers, added sugar, carrageenan and thickeners. Which is very hard to find also in my opinion! 🫣 But.. we try to do all the best for our cats, right!?! So a high meat content, without fillers, sugar & carrageenan is ok! Thickeners is in 9/10 commercial products.
🍪Now let's talk about the most popular food type - kibbles! To be bluntly honest, it is the most convenient for us humans, but not appropriate for cats. However, let's be more understanding and less judgmental here. We, humans are busy with our everyday activities (work, life, hobby etc). So giving kibbles is the most convenient. But we would like to remind you that, the best kibbles aka grain-free dry food, still have legumes and very low moisture. ‼️Therefore, we encourage all cat owners that are busy to feed your cats 50/50 model (either kibble/wet or kibble/BARF).

This is why we are registered under Fennica Cattus club despite the fact that we are from different countries, cultures ...

This is why we are registered under Fennica Cattus club despite the fact that we are from different countries, cultures & have different opinions. 💗

Ajattelin, että tänään puhuisin aiheesta, josta ei usein keskustella. Mitä ovat rotukissayhdistykset, eli klubit? Sanon heti, että Suomessa toimii monia yhdistyksiä, joista useimmat kuuluvat eri kattojärjestöihin. Siksi klubien välillä on eroja, m***a yleinen odotus voisi olla melko samanlainen kaikkien kohdalla. Tänään kerron, millainen on klubimme, WCF-järjestelmään kuuluva Fennica Cattus Ry.

Mitkä ovat klubin päätehtävät?
● Kasvattajien kouluttaminen, mentorointi ja neuvonta kaikissa jalostukseen liittyvissä kysymyksissä.
● Näyttelyiden järjestäminen.
● Jalostukseen liittyvä dokumentointi – pentueiden rekisteröinti, titteleiden ja muiden asiakirjojen myöntäminen. Halutessa sopimusten laatiminen ja tarkastaminen.
● Potentiaalisten kissanostajien neuvonta ja tarvittaessa kasvattajia koskeviin kyselyihin vastaaminen.
● Ostajien ja kasvattajien välisten riitojen ratkaiseminen. Klubi tukee aina oikeassa olevaa kasvattajaa!
● Kissojen hyvinvointiin perustuvien sääntöjen laatiminen ja niiden sääntöjen noudattamisen tiukka valvonta.

Mitkä ovat klubin päämäärät?
● Tärkein – kissojen hyvinvointi! Jalostuslaadun korkein taso!
● Ammattimaiset, alalle koulutetut ja vastuulliset kasvattajat!
● Luoda ympäristö, jossa sekä kasvattajat että potentiaaliset kissanostajat tuntevat olonsa turvalliseksi. Antaa molemmille osapuolille varmuus siitä, että heidän etunsa ovat turvattu!

Mitä tapahtuu, jos kasvattaja rikkoo sääntöjä?
Olemme kaikki ihmisiä ja teemme ajoittain virheitä. Ymmärrämme sen. Jos rikkomukset eivät ole tahallisia, klubi rajoittuu yleensä varoitukseen tai määräykseen, vakavammissa tapauksissa tai jos rikkomus ei ole riittävästi perusteltu, kasvattajaa odottaa rahallinen sakko. Tilanne muuttuu vakavammaksi yleensä useiden rikkomusten jälkeen, kun kaikki aiemmat toimenpiteet ovat olleet tuloksettomia. Klubissamme on tällaisia tilanteita varten kurinpitolautakunta. Jos ongelma on edennyt siihen pisteeseen, hallitus siirtää päätösvallan kasvattajan toimista lautakunnalle. Pahimmassa tapauksessa, jos ei ole merkkejä siitä, että kasvattaja katuisi tekoaan tai haluaisi parantaa toimintatapojaan, hänet erotetaan klubin jäsenyydestä.

Mitä klubi EI tee?
Emme koskaan käännä selkää kasvattajalle, joka tekee parhaansa. Klubin etuna ei ole mustamaalata ketään kasvattajaa ilman syytä, vielä vähemmän erottaa ketään jäsenyydestä ilman perusteltua syytä. Emme myöskään tee poikkeuksia jalostusvaatimuksissa. Tavoitteenamme ei ole saada mahdollisimman paljon jäseniä tai jäseniä, jotka tuovat mahdollisimman paljon rahaa klubille, vaan mahdollisimman vastuullisia kasvattajia! Klubi pysyy aina puolueettomana, kun on kyse eläinten hyvinvoinnista! Henkilökohtaisia suhteita ei koskaan sekoiteta jalostukseen liittyviin kysymyksiin. Ilman tällaista asennetta jalostuslaadun ylläpitäminen korkeimmalla tasolla ei ole mahdollista!

Miksi teemme tätä?
Olemme itse intohimoisia kasvattajia ja ymmärrämme tämän työn syvälliset taustat. Tavoitteenamme on luoda yhteisö, joka pyrkii poikkeuksetta paremmuuteen. Haluamme antaa kaikille jäsenillemme parhaat työkalut, jotta he eivät jäisi jumiin dynastioidensa rakentamisessa. Ennen kaikkea huolehdimme kissojen hyvinvoinnista, jotta ketään ei kohdeltaisi väärin (ts. jalostusmenetelmät ovat eettisiä ja perustuvat eläimen terveyteen). Tällä varmistamme myös lisäturvan potentiaalisille kissanostajille, jotka voivat olla varmoja siitä, että heidän kissanpennun kasvattaja toimii tiukan valvonnan alaisena.
Välitämme jäsenistämme ja olemme heille mahdollisuuksien mukaan saatavilla 24/7 hätätilanteissa. Panostamme heidän elämäntyöhönsä koko intohimolla ja omalla vapaa-ajallamme. Muuten, teemme kaiken tämän ilman palkkaa. Koko klubin tulo menee klubin toiminnan kehittämiseen, näyttelyiden ja koulutusten järjestämiseen jne.

Yhteenvetona suosittelen kaikille, jotka etsivät perheeseensä yhtä (tai jopa useampaa) kehräävää ystävää. Aloittakaa etsintänne klubeista! Tiukan valvonnan alaisista klubeista saatte maksimaalisen varmuuden siitä, että kissanne on peräisin paikasta, jossa sen saapumiseen on tehty paras mahdollinen ennakkotyö.

Freyja 💜 One of the most independent ladies in our house that has a mysterious vibe. She can secretly get jealous when w...

Freyja 💜 One of the most independent ladies in our house that has a mysterious vibe. She can secretly get jealous when we pampering others, but she never approaches & demands me-time while others are around, she only stares with a grumpy face! 😅 That does not mean we never pamper her or she never demand pampering! When she feels like it, she will come to us (while others are somewhere else), lie in our arms for 30 mins to an hour then go somewhere else. She never picks a fight with anyone but will show the others who is the boss if needed! 😆


Meillä on teille mahtavia uutisia!
Olemme solmineet yhteistyösopimuksen Farminan kanssa, joka on myös tulossa meidän seuraavaan näyttelyyn ruokapalkintojen kanssa.

Sen kunniaksi tarjoamme teille nyt mahtavia hintoja! PELKÄSTÄÄN SISÄÄNOSTO HINTA maahantuojalta!!

Hinnasto on voimassa 24.05.2024 saakkaan. Haku 01.-02.06.2024 Nousiainenista, meidän näyttelystä.


Tilaukset [email protected]

Miss "Trouble Maker" 🙈💖"British don't jump or climb high!" - OK! 😑🐾🐈‍⬛🐾🐾🐈‍⬛🐾

Miss "Trouble Maker" 🙈💖
"British don't jump or climb high!" - OK! 😑


🫀Chicken/pork heart, chicken gizzard are perfect and healthy treats for cats and kittens. Chicken wing (wingette, tip), chicken neck, chicken toes or meat chunk are natural cleaning "toothbrush" for your cats & kittens.
‼️When you buy chicken wings that come with drummette, cut the drummette out and debone it. Bones from drummette (inside the light blue circle) can be too hard and break your cats teeth if they try to chew on it. The reason I deboned the drummette is because I will give them the meat from that part & save the bone in the freezer for their home-made bone broth. 🥣
🚫 DO NOT give them only bones to chew on (meaning DO NOT debone the meaty bones), all parts that are listed above need to be given WITH MEAT ON.👈 The motion of them chewing on the meat from meaty bone or meat chunks is how they get their teeth cleaned (mimicking the brushing motion). 🪥🦷
🚫 DO NOT give them cooked bones!

✨ If your cats/kittens are not familiar with meaty bones or meat chunks, start with 2mm of chunks meat or heart first, then increase the thickness or move to slices of gizzards. Then move to chicken wing tips, chicken feet, and then neck. Then the last would be wingette if you feel comfortable. If not, stay with the previous step. Be patient & take it slow!

ℹ️These are only treats. Not complete & balanced food for them! Please do not give treats more than 10% of their daily diet (these cannot replace their complete & balanced meals). Otherwise, you will risk their health. And no need to give them these everyday.


Tutkimusryhmämme kehittämä kaikille avoin verkkokurssi “Minä ja kissani” on nyt tarjolla kaikille kissoista kiinnostuneille. Kurssilla pääset kiehtovalle opintomatkalle omaan ja kissasi persoonallisuuteen ja käyttäytymiseen erilaisten interaktiivisten kyselyiden ja uusimman tieteellisen tiedon valossa. Osallistuminen kurssille on täysin maksutonta.

Kurssi auttaa ymmärtämään omaa ja kissan käyttäytymistä, käytösongelmia ja persoonallisuuspiirteitä ja niihin vaikuttavia erilaisia ympäristötekijöitä. Matkalla villikissojen ajasta nykyhetkeen saat uusia näkökulmia myös omaan persoonallisuuteesi ja teet oivalluksia ihmisen ja kissan välisestä suhteesta.

Kurssin aikana täytät kyselyitä muun muassa kissasi käyttäytymisestä, taustasta ja itsestäsi kissanomistajana. Saat henkilökohtaiset raportit esimerkiksi kissasi persoonallisuuspiirteistä, ja voit vertailla niitä muiden ja samanrotuisten kissojen kanssa. Samalla tuotat uutta ja arvokasta tutkimusmateriaalia, jonka avulla voidaan edistää ihmisen ja kissan fyysistä ja henkistä terveyttä ja hyvinvointia.

Ensimmäisille 200 kurssin suorittaneelle tarjoamme mahdollisuuden saada ilmainen, markkinoiden kattavin geenitesti kissallesi. Seuraaville tarjoamme huomattavan alennuskoodin. Vielä voit ehtiä ilmaisen geenitestin saajien joukkoon!

Kurssille löydät tästä osoitteesta:

So, it is official that Sif is neutered! It has been a few days over 2 weeks since her neutering, and we are glad that s...

So, it is official that Sif is neutered! It has been a few days over 2 weeks since her neutering, and we are glad that she recovered quite well! The first few days were tough since she was stressed, eating less & went to the bathroom more often than normal. We suspected that her urinary tract was irritated because of the stress, so we contacted our regular vet, observed & been giving her cystaid (supplement to reduce the urinary tract symptoms), no kibbles but recovery wet food with probiotics (to support the gut health during stress period), and zylkene (calming supplement to help her relax). 💊 Sif's weight has been well maintained (4,88kg). So now, we will be focusing on keeping her healthy & regaining her beautiful fur coat & tail. Sif is a wonderful mother, and we think that she deserves her retirement from breeding now (she will be 3 years old at the end of this month). 💗 Our thanks to Desi 👩‍⚕️, our wonderful vet & her colleagues at for always be kind, attentive & caring for our babies! 🙏

Pics above: Sif & her annoyed face when smelling carrot 🥕 😅
Supplements mentioned above are not sponsored. We mentioned in hope if it can help someone who needs. But please contact & consult with your vet before using.

We love this girl so much! Fate is cruel to her (in a sense of finding her the right loving home, many people asked, dep...

We love this girl so much! Fate is cruel to her (in a sense of finding her the right loving home, many people asked, deposit paid then returned because it was not suitable) so we decided her right loving home is with us! 💗 Breeding should not be for money, it's for the breed, their health and for the love of animals!

Let's continue with another question I sometimes got from people who were interested in our kitten: "Do they shed lots o...

Let's continue with another question I sometimes got from people who were interested in our kitten: "Do they shed lots of hair?" My answer is even me - I mean, a human that has not much hair compared to them, sheds every freaking morning 🥹 - do you think they shed less than me or human? The amount of hair they shed depends on different times of the year, however, on the time that they shed the least, you will still see their hair flying or on furniture and your clothes. When the coat changes or stress, they shed more! So brushing them everyday, having an air purifier, wiping surfaces and floors daily helps to keep your house cleaner! If you don't like that fact, you can consider a hairless cat (for example a Sphynx). But keep in mind that litter from the litter box that they use can be spread around the house through their cute little paws too. And if it bothers you, I am sorry to say it directly that cats are not the right pet for you! 😊
I have been thinking of sharing facts, knowledge & what I have been through during my breeding journey here. Not sure how long or how often I will share it. But definitely something I am very passionate about beside our little fur babies! Just a side note: I am very straight forward & down to the facts, hate bullying, say no to kissing anyone's ass for personal gains & always raise my voice when needed, you might find me irritating! 😬
The pic above is my cutest Simba - the baby that was born in our cattery and stole my heart completely! 💗

🤔 "She has the rare color, why don't you keep her?" - that was one of the interesting/good questions that I received dur...

🤔 "She has the rare color, why don't you keep her?" - that was one of the interesting/good questions that I received during my breeding journey.
✅ And I encourage everyone who is interested in having a pet from an ethical breeder to question as many questions as they can to gain more understandings about the breed, their health & how the breeder raise their cats & kittens.
❌ I have received lots of questions about price which I understand why you want to know about it, but if it is the only thing you need to know - you are in a wrong path of seeking your long-term fur family member!! And you should know that the price is a really small investment that you will have to invest at the beginning, the other investments are insurance, quality food, your care, time & being responsible for your fur baby for the rest of his/her life! So before getting any fur friend, spend a big amount of time to think about that!
😊 Now let's get back to the question stated above! WHY didn't I keep that rare color. My answer: color is not the only thing a breeder needs to consider while deciding whom will be kept for the breeding program! If the whole litter of kittens look good and equal in most of their features, the breeder will have to observe longer & chose the one that has most features that are closet to the breed standard! Sometimes, the difference is VERY small! Besides, I still have the parents with the genes that can create that rare colors - so to me it's not that rare anymore because I already have it. And the one that I keep, will have the possibility to create that rare color(s) too! It does not mean the one I keep is more beautiful than the ones that rehomed as pets. It only means that he/she fits to my breeding program more. To me (us), they are equally beautiful with amazing unique characters! And WE ARE PROUD OF THEM ALL! 💗
Pictures above: Ciri at 3,5 months - she won 1st place in kitten ring at WCF European Cat Show in Finland 2023 & Ciri at 8 months old. It was so hard to decide whom I should keep from that litter.

L.O.V.E 💗🐾🐈‍⬛🐾🐾🐈‍⬛🐾

L.O.V.E 💗

"British is not a lap cat!" - That is what we usually hear, and our response to that saying is - it depends! 😊⭐Every ind...

"British is not a lap cat!" - That is what we usually hear, and our response to that saying is - it depends! 😊
⭐Every individual cat has his/her own personality, and how he/she reacts reflects the environment he/she was raised in. A kitten that is loved, well taken care of and handled a lot by humans during his/her first 3-4 months of age will be comfortable in human arms and always seeks for human's touch.
⭐However, each of them prefer different ways to express their love to you (same as us humans). Some will immediately jump to your lap & purrs; some will rub their body to you, sit next to you and play; some will only play with you when you have toys at first; some take time to get familiar with you before they express their love to you. What you need to do is to build trust, to show them your gentle touch & your endless love towards them. 🚫Forcing them to sit on your lap immediately, grabbing & not letting them go when they want to will unfortunately make them not wanting to be near you. I usually joke that they act like our boyfriend/girlfriend before the official dating stage! 😂So you want them badly? You let them come to you and stop chasing them! 😉
💡If they are not fan of your lap but you want them to get on your lap, take their favourite toy/treat and put it there or wear pants that has strings to activate their playfulness, they will eagerly climb there & play (this is called positive reinforcement).
💡Neutering your cats also helps them to be more affectionate!
We hope this helps you understand more about your future kitten/cat! 💗
Picture above is our affectionate Eros and his human father! 🧸💗

Ciri Northern Meow 💜 is the cat that was born at our cattery and stays at our cattery. She has extremely good temperamen...

Ciri Northern Meow 💜 is the cat that was born at our cattery and stays at our cattery. She has extremely good temperament, lively characters & kind to everyone! She loves being near and pampered by humans but requires her own time every now and then. I kinda feel like she is a perfect "person" for every healthy relationship that we humans always seek for! 💗 N.F.S. 🚫






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