Give your horse the chance to experience joy and moments of success without human guidance.
#heica #fluffyfeeder #minifluffy #haypillow #heukissen #hooikussen #hökudden #hayfeeder #slowfeeder #enrichmentforhorses #horseenrichment #horsebehaviour #paddockparadisehorse #horsewellbeing #equinewelfare
On New Year's Eve, when the world is full of flashes and explosions, a horse's experience is likely unpleasant but something it simply has to endure.
However, we can influence how the horse experiences it. By taking various measures to calm the environment and emphasize routines, we can help ease the horse’s anxiety. While I don’t believe we can completely eliminate the horse’s tension, even a small amount of relief is better than none.
Chewing hay is a calming and stress-relieving activity for horses. It’s a good idea to ensure hay is available late into the night. On New Year’s Eve, many people likely check on the horses late in the evening or at night and perhaps offer extra hay.
Fluffy Feeder's enrichment value helps calm the horse and aids in recovering from stress. You can use the feeder during the evening to create a calming atmosphere and the next day to help the horse recover from the previous night’s excitement.
After New Year’s, it can be used regularly as part of everyday life, depending on the situation. The Fluffy Feeder isn’t a one-time item—it provides long-term benefits.
Oh, how I wish there were fewer fireworks and more starry skies this year.
#heica #haypillow #heukissen #hökudden #hooikussen #slowfeeder #hayfeeder #enrichmentforhorses #equineenrichment #horsewellbeing #calmhorse #equinewelfare #horsementalhealth #horsebehaviour #paddockparadisehorse
In addition, it will support your horse's digestion and stomach by shortening the time between meals.
Furthermore, as Fluffy Feeder acts as enrichment for most horses, it can help your horse recover from stress.
#heica #fluffyfeeder #hayfeeder #haypillow #heukissen #hökudden #hooikussen #enrichmentforhorses #slowfeeder #horsewelfare #horsestables
The story behind Fluffy Feeders is quite typical. It all got started from our own need to enrich days of our horses. And it turned out to be a product horses do enjoy playing with. 🙏💗
The available colours are limited since we are using Rescue textiles®. Go and check out the colours available, link in bio!
#heica #fluffyfeeder #enrichmentforhorses #haypillow #slowfeeding #hökudden #heukissen #hooikussen #horsewellbeing #boredhorse #hayfeeder #finnhorse #winterhorse
While # 6cm might sound large mesh size for Fluffy Feeder compared to typical hay nets, we've found that our # 4cm mesh can sometimes be too tricky, depending on your horse's individual characteristics and the hay's texture.
For smaller ponies, the Mini Fluffy with a # 4cm mesh size is often a great fit—but again, hay texture matters!
Our feeders are designed to be easy and enjoyable for your horse to use, so no frustration—just enrichment.
If you're not sure which mesh size would be best in your case, DM us. We are happy to help. 😊
#heica #fluffyfeeder #haynet #haypillow #hökudden #heukissen #hayfeeder #hooikussen #horsewellbeing #enrichmentforhorses #paddockparadisehorse #slowfeeding
We saw the Heica feeders first time in horse fair and they seemed to be really interesting. We decided to try them for the whole stable (horses and ponies).
#heica #haypillow #heukissen #hökudden #hooikussen #hayfeeder #enrichmentforhorses #fluffyfeeder #slowfeeder #horsewellbeing #hästvälfärd #pferdegesundheit #paardenwelzijn
It's easy to fill Fluffy Feeder. Just open the buttons and hay in and close the buttons.
It takes 2 minutes to fill it and your horse can enjoy it for 2 hours. 🥰
#heica #fluffyfeeder #haypillow #hayfeeder #heukissen #hökudden #hooikussen #slowfeeder #enrichmentforhorses #horsewellbeing #hästvälfärd #pferdegesundheit #paardwelzijn
Our latest insight has been realizing how profoundly our haypillows change a horse's eating behavior throughout the entire day—not just during the time it spends eating from the Fluffy Feeder. A horse’s daily rhythm and temperament can reshape when the haypillow is used regularly.
Of course, the effects are always individual, and I believe we’re only beginning to understand the full extent of the well-being benefits of our feeders.
#heica #fluffyfeeder #enrichmentforhorses #haypillow #hooikussen #hökudden #heukissen #slowfeeder #horsewellbeing #hayfeeder
Spreading hay around the paddock or using Fluffy Feeder?
We recommend both! 😍
#heica #haypillow #hökudden #hooikussen #heukissen #slowfeeder #enrichmentforhorses #horsewelfare #hästvälfärd #pferdegesundheit #paardenwelzijn
A horse isn't always hungry - sometimes it just needs to chew or keep its muzzle busy.
When a horse doesn’t have enough opportunities to use its mouth, it may start showing behaviors that seem like hunger but are actually a result of frustration or an unmet need for chewing. This can also lead to stereotypical behaviors like cribbing or wind-sucking, which are signs of stress in horses.
Fluffy Feeder is a great enrichment for an active horse. The haypillow isn't designed to be tied down, allowing the horse to move around with the feeder.
#heica #haypillow #heukissen #hayfeeder #enrichmentforhorses #hökudden #slowfeeder #hooikussen #shettie #islandichorse #islandpferde #islandhäst #shetlandponny #finnishwarmblood #finnhäst #coldbloodhorse #poniesponiesponies